Protecting Bushy From Protesters
Posted by alex in Letters, N.B. Forrest at 10:11 am | 
By Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 22, 2007; Page
“Not that they’re worried or anything. But the White House evidently leaves little to chance when it comes to protests within eyesight of the president. As in, it doesn’t want any.
A White House manual that came to light recently gives presidential advance staffers extensive instructions in the art of “deterring potential protestors” from President Bush’s public appearances around the country.
Among other things, any event must be open only to those with tickets tightly controlled by organizers. Those entering must be screened in case they are hiding secret signs. Any anti-Bush demonstrators who manage to get in anyway should be shouted down by “rally squads” stationed in strategic locations. And if that does not work, they should be thrown out.”
Criticism-allergic Boosh made safe from all truth infiltration by his volunteer mobs of enabling turd-suckers; an endless succession of ass-ache boring dog ‘n’ pony shows in front of cheer-or-else troops; free speech cages in Barrow, Alaska for the non-hydrocephalic…..that a goddam chimp cunt like that is able to piss on us all while sporting that maddening smirk on its pox-mucked face-labia…..
N.B. Forrest
24 August, 2007 at 10:18 am
Even monkeys despise women: