19 August, 2007

VNN Broadcasting interviews April Gaede

Posted by Dietrich in Prussian Blue at 10:55 pm | Permanent Link

Prussian Blue are back from Europe. VNN Broadcasting goes live with Panzerfaust and Bud White.


Forum Thread

  • 3 Responses to “VNN Broadcasting interviews April Gaede”

    1. New America Says:

      Everyone HAS upgraded to the latest version of SKYPE, correct?

      WONDERFUL to hear April Gaede has returned; if she came on as a regular on VNN FTL, so much the better.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    2. America First Says:

      Will some post what the heck is wrong. It seems that VNNF has been under a cyber attack all rainy day!.

      Whats up?

    3. outside proposphere Says:

      VNNF really slow, sorry for the multiple postings. I can’t delete them.