7 October, 2008

NY – Jew Organization Urges Candidates to Keep Jewish Issues quiet

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 8:13 am | Permanent Link

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Oct. 6 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Jewish Response, an organization founded to help defuse anti-Semitism, is alarmed about the high frequency of references to Jews in the current election campaign. Candidates seem to feel that they are helping the Jewish people by promising to further what they believe to be the Jews’ interests at every opportunity. However, the exact opposite is the truth.

When only the Jews, out of all the nationalities and ethnic groups among American voters, are mentioned numerous times, it lends credence to the old anti-Semitic canard that Jews have their own agenda at heart and are disloyal to their country,” said Leo Greenbaum of Jewish Response. “The candidates would do us the biggest service by simply not mentioning Jews at all. Then people would get the message that Jews are just like all Americans and want whatever is best for America.

“In times past,” he continued, “anti-Semitic politicians used the scapegoating of the Jews as a tool to boost their popularity. Today’s candidates are pro-Jewish, and they use their special attention to the Jews as a tool to boost their popularity. But, ironically, their over-emphasis on Jews is bad for the Jews. Jews are very loyal American citizens and don’t deserve to be singled out like this.”

Jewish Response contends that although the dark ages of hatred and persecution are gone, the idea of using the Jews has unfortunately remained a standard feature of politics. It’s time for the world to move on and realize that singling out Jews for any reason, good or bad, brings back to life the old accusations from which Jews have always suffered.

For more information go to www.jewishresponse.com.

Email: [email protected]

About Jewish Response:

Jewish response is a global Jewish organization with the goal of undermining the foundations of anti-Semitism that have led to so many tragedies in the past.

 forbes story   Here

  • 25 Responses to “NY – Jew Organization Urges Candidates to Keep Jewish Issues quiet”

    1. Hans Schneider Says:

      Antisemitism is generated by jewish crimes, jewish bad behaviour and jewish arrogance !

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      The Jews love using that word “canard” whenever the truth of their crimes is exposed. Sneaky, sneaky Jews!

    3. Rudolf Steiner Says:

      Subversion from within is difficult to accomplish when your disguise gets blown.

    4. Bolg Says:

      And yet such organizations bring even more attention to kikes. Sweet, isn’t it? Nowhere to run, zvi.

    5. 2050 Says:

      Us goys and our canards.
      Funny, you never hear the word canard anymore at all unless it’s about those dang anti-semites.
      What’s funny is how they’re afraid that some of the regular goyim are going to notice the blatant jew ass kissing by the politicians, and go, “Hmmm.”

    6. Cpt. Candor Says:

      What’s especially funny is that Leo essentially gave away the game with that statement, but hey, we ARE the people that drove Mencken nuts, spent the last century trading our sovereignty and culture for beer, pussy and niggerball, and have a median perceptive ability that would embarrass the average tree sloth. I’m suprised that he’s worried at all about the American goys, who keep getting themselves suckered into one disasterous war after another, waking up to jew-supremacy. Hell, even if they did, would they act on it outside of some silly protests where they throw piss-filled water balloons? God wouldn’t have made them cattle if they didn’t want to be herded.

    7. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      White mans’ canard (small wing up front):


      “suprised” s/b surprised
      “disasterous” s/b disastrous

    8. Wolf Says:

      I’m curious. Do Jews have a copyright on the word “canard”?

      It always seems to be mentioned in conjunction with “anti-semitic”.

      I’ve noticed Abe Foxman uses it liberally in most every speech he gives.

      Any insight would be helpful.

    9. trackrabbit Says:

      Antisemitism is a disease.
      You catch it from Jews.

    10. jim donaldson Says:

      “Jews are very loyal American citizens and don’t deserve to be singled out like this.”

      Now THAT’S funny. Those jews are such comedians!

    11. DMS Says:

      This suggests an interesting way to undermine “hate speech / holocaust denial” laws such as are found in Europe and Canada (or if they’re ever implemented in the United States). Can you be the type of friend described in the phrase “With friends like these…?”

    12. Jon Says:

      “Jewish Response, an organization founded to help defuse anti-Semitism”

      (Big yawn….) What’s this now, their six-millionth ad hoc organization?

      “it lends credence to the old anti-Semitic canard that Jews have their own agenda at heart and are disloyal to their country,” ”

      It lends further proof to the pro-Gentile claim that Jews do indeed have their own agenda, i.e., “is it good for Jews?” mentality; and act upon it collectively, either conciously or subconciously, at the expense of the host nation’s interests. It’s an historical fact! Anyone ever hear of the ADL? How about AIPAC? Or countless other pro-Jewish and pro-Israel groups? When questioned, I’m sure they’ll answer that American and Jewish interests have a commonality (more chutzpah!). Yeah sure, Sol…we have lots and lots in common! See what we’re dealing with here, folks?

      “Candidates seem to feel that they are helping the Jewish people by promising to further what they believe to be the Jews’ interests at every opportunity.”

      See, the “anti-Semites” are right! What chutzpah these Jews have! Plain as day and they still deny it! Unbelievable!

      “In times past,” he continued, “anti-Semitic politicians used the scapegoating of the Jews as a tool to boost their popularity.”

      Where’s your historical proof to back up this Jewish “canard”? Hmmm? In what year and what country or countries did this take place?? I want to know!

      “It’s time for the world to move on and realize that singling out Jews for any reason, good or bad,”

      What did that Jewish, lesbian, communist Susan Sontag once say? It’s okay for nation-wrecking Jews to single out the White race and blame us for the world’s ills, though!

      “…brings back to life the old accusations from which Jews have always suffered.”

      Yeah, real innocent victims. Always through no fault of their own!Supremely arrogant, these Jews. We’re supposed to be good, little, compliant goyim and pay no mind to Jewish overrepresentation and resulting domination! For to do this is bad, very bad. Why, it’s anti-Semitic! Jews are individualists just like the host nation’s goyim! No need to worry! No “is it good for Jews?” mentality here!


    13. Zarathustra Says:

      Jews want everyone to think they are exceptionally brilliant, but when you listen closely to them, you quickly realize they all pretty much think and talk the same way. They like using certain words over and over again, ad nauseum, such as “canard”, “scapegoat” and “anti semitic”. BTW, isn’t a “canard” a British steamship line? (yuk, yuk). And I guess when the Jews call some hapless Goy an “anti Semite”, that means the Jews are somehow exempt from criticism or ridicule? Why is that, Jews?

    14. gw Says:

      Zarathustra Says:
      “The Jews love using that word “canard” whenever the truth of their crimes is exposed. Sneaky, sneaky Jews!”

      Yes, isn’t that true!
      That’s the only time I ever hear that word. Do they have a copyright on it?

    15. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Jews are very loyal American citizens and don’t deserve to be singled out like this.”


    16. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Jewish response is a global Jewish organization with the goal of undermining the foundations of anti-Semitism that have led to so many tragedies in the past.”

      “There is … no danger … that anti-semitism will disappear, for it is the Jews themselves who add fuel to its flames and see that it is kept well stoked. Before the opposition to it can disappear, the malady itself must disappear. And from that point of view, you can rely on the Jews: as long as they survive, anti-semitism will never fade.” –Adolf Hitler

    17. Igor Alexander Says:

      Note: the Hitler quotation above comes from Wikiquote, which is about as reliable a source as Wikipedia. But even if it’s not authentic, the statement is true.

    18. Igor Alexander Says:

      “What’s funny is how they’re afraid that some of the regular goyim are going to notice the blatant jew ass kissing by the politicians, and go, ‘Hmmm.'”

      Jews have gotten totally out of hand. They are drunk on power. A lot of them don’t even bother hiding their power or their contempt for the goyim anymore. They just obscenely flaunt it, as if to say, “what’re you going to do about it?” This arrogance will be their downfall, and I doubt that the more reserved, public relations-oriented Jews like Norman Finkelstein and “Jewish Response” will be able to restrain their more obnoxious fellow tribesmen.

    19. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Subversion from within is difficult to accomplish when your disguise gets blown.”

      So true. What Jews fear more than anything in the world is to be openly identified as Jews.

      Fortunately, that keeps happening more and more these days.

    20. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      About Jews being smart: they are within a very limited range of expression. They know how to make money, how to manipulate others. But when it comes to actual accomplishments, they always have to leach off others. No genius scientists (save the sacred cow Einstein who was an intellectual thief), no high culture, nothing but bluster. Look at how well their global NWO scheme is turning out now…its running into shit. It always will with them at the helm. And still they pose as being the noble, altruistic but oppressed people.

      People on this board always seem to be such pessimists. But I see more and more people everyday waking up to this commie criminal racket bullshit that they are pulling. I think the ZOG systems days are numbered.

    21. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Krystian K. Kowalczyk said: “Look at how well their global NWO scheme is turning out now…its running into shit. It always will with them at the helm. And still they pose as being the noble, altruistic but oppressed people.”

      I do believe someone once remarked that “their fatal tri-racial makeup compels them to kill the golden goose.” Whitey is the golden goose.

      Krystian K. Kowalczyk also said: “People on this board always seem to be such pessimists. But I see more and more people everyday waking up to this commie criminal racket bullshit that they are pulling. I think the ZOG systems days are numbered.”

      More taxes to support “foreign aid” (be it the kind that keeps the shitskins breeding more hungry mouths or the kind that blows some of them up and then sends lots of over-equipped policemen to shepherd the rest into democracy at gunpoint), the ongoing Babelization of White countries, the mutilation of their economies, and the subsequent failure of ZOG to keep key components of it’s multiracial garbage dump of an empire in working order will no doubt engender lots of hatred in the hated Honkey, who, I am convinced, is already a minority in the Jew-Ess and well on his way to that status in parts of Europe. All kinds of “movements” will declare victory of their “revolutions” once ZOG kicks the bucket, but I don’t think that it will be taken down by anything but itself.

    22. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      Capt. Candor: “All kinds of “movements” will declare victory of their “revolutions” once ZOG kicks the bucket, but I don’t think that it will be taken down by anything but itself.”

      Yeah, when I said its days are numbered I meant it would probably destroy itself (and the cracks are already starting to show), but I was being positive because there will be people with the will to put it back to right.

    23. Cpt. Candor Says:

      I like your optimism, Kowalczyk. Reminds me of a quote from the late Robert Frenz of FAEM: “I say we live in a multi-racial garbage dump, and I say it’s collapsing. Where’s the bad news in that?”

    24. The Red Skull Says:

      The Jews and their Chutzpah!Oy Vey!Someone is Noticing all the jewish ass-kissing!Oy!We need to come up with a great retort to that “canard” bullshit.So far,alls i’ve been able to come up with is-“how can it be a canard when its the truth?”Anyone?I look every day at the decay around me,and i see the jew’s filthy hand everywhere,this Cunt-tree is due for a cleansing encounter of the Fourth Reich kind.As with most Empires,hubris,arrogance,and overconfidence are their downfall,it will be this way with the Jew-S.This Cunt-tree is ready to unravel,we must be ready for it when it does.The ZOG has taken several nut shots lately,the worst from Russia,lets hope the blows keep raining down.Most Goyim are breainwashed beyond recall that the joos are the Chosen of God,even if they wake up to whats going on,there will always be that hurdle to hop.Us evil nazis,Oy!

    25. Brian Says:

      Just like a jew to keep pushing that old jewish canard about jewish divided loyalties.

      Of COURSE jews are loyal…to ISRAEL.