Joe McCarthy and the Jews: Comments on Jewish Organizations’ Response to Communism and Senator McCarthy, by Aviva Weingarten (2008)
Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, McCarthy, Socrates at 10:17 pm | 
by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.
“Beginning in the 19th century, liberal/leftist politics has been a hallmark of the Jewish community in America and elsewhere. The attraction of Jews to the success of the Bolshevik Revolution was an entirely mainstream among large numbers of Jews in America and led to one of several anti-Jewish stereotypes during the 1920s and 1930s — stereotypes that were aided and abetted by people like Henry Ford and Father Charles Coughlin. Into the 1930s the American Communist Party (CPUSA) had a Yiddish-speaking Jewish section and Jews around the world had positive attitudes toward the USSR, at least partly because Jews had achieved elite status there.”
14 July, 2009 at 1:24 pm
You dodged the “rat” question.
I’ll take that as a yes,you OLD FAGGOT.
14 July, 2009 at 1:28 pm
Mega, was your dad a pope-sucker too?
14 July, 2009 at 1:32 pm
Rounder and Old Dutch sitting a tree…
You want my clear,printed address,too? You rat
14 July, 2009 at 1:52 pm
Old Dutch, please give the whole thing up. Seriously. I used to think you had an intelligent thing to say once and awhile, but now you are sounding insane. Your obsession with Catholicism is like an endless playing broken record.
And now we have “Curt O’brian” in the mix. I guess his handlers said it was time to reassert himself after his alter egos “Tom McReen””Jack O’toole” and “Seamus Goldstein” had been banned. Funny, now “Curt” says most of us are one guy posting under many names. LOL
14 July, 2009 at 2:23 pm
You Roman Catholics are putting this Sotomayor on the Supreme Court—and yes Sotomayor sounds like a jew. Even down to the jewish throat clearing.
Cry all you want, but, Sotomayor is a product of the Jew & Roman Catholic political alliance in the US Senate.
Why would I want to know any Roman Catholics—you are working against the interests of White Americans.
14 July, 2009 at 6:38 pm
You guys just don’t realise the come-back of the white & black robes since 1935. They have been a good team for a long long time now, prior too Americas founding. In the early years of America they were apart for awhile but getting fully back together. They can do no bad just good… Poor Joe he had no overwhelming support when he thought he would .
A male dog humping another male still doesn’t look right to me. & sticking ones object in the wrong orifice, a most simple I.Q. test, it’s just sadly wrong even too get employment.
14 July, 2009 at 6:38 pm
You guys just don’t realise the come-back of the white & black robes since 1935. They have been a good team for a long long time now, prior too Americas founding. In the early years of America they were apart for awhile but getting fully back together. They can do no bad just good… Poor Joe he had no overwhelming support when he thought he would .
A male dog humping another male still doesn’t look right to me. & sticking ones object in the wrong orifice, a most simple I.Q. test, it’s just sadly wrong even too get employment.
14 July, 2009 at 7:37 pm
“Why would I want to know any Roman Catholics—you are working against the interests of White Americans.”
That’s right, gramps, there are no White Catholics in the US……..None at all. Now, let me see if the nut-house you wandered away from pinned your name and address to your coat.
14 July, 2009 at 8:22 pm
Parsi, I guess you Roman Catholic guys like those black hairy snappers on wise Latino women. LOL.
14 July, 2009 at 11:08 pm
Al Zheimer is a thread-killer. Not coincidentally,any thread attacking JEWS seems to lead to the OLD FAG doing his best diversionary tactics to deflect criticism from JEWS onto Catholics.
15 July, 2009 at 6:58 am
Read this quote from the spic commi bitch sodomyer:
Read below the 2004 direct statement and quote from this mongrel Socialist/Marxist Communist as to what she said should happen to all White Males in the United States. And you want this political Socialist Marxist bitch sitting on the Supreme Court?
Dr. James P. Wickstrom, D. Litt.
Out of Context???
Has “taken out of context” taken on a whole new meaning with the current party in the White House? Here is the exact quote. Is it out of context? I Would say that it is a perfect quote.
Obama Says Sotomayor’s “Castrate White Males”
Comment Taken Out of Context
WASHINGTON – President Obama said that comments by Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor in a 2004 speech in which she called for the”castration of all white males until they are no longer dominant,” have been “taken out of context” by right wing ideologues. In the speech delivered to the San Juan chapter of NOW, Sotomayor said;
“I want to be perfectly clear about this next comment so that there is no mistaking my words to mean something other than what they plainly say: the time has come to end white male oppression by castrating every white male until they are no longer dominant in Western culture. That means forcible removal of their testicles. I realize the brutality of my comment, and I don’t know how to say it more clearly.”
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs agreed with President Obama that the statement “has been taken out of context,” and added that Sotomayor “certainly did not mean” that white males should be castrated.” Judge Sotomayor was simply saying that there should be room at the American table for diverse cultures, that’s all. It is astounding that people are reading ‘castration’ into it.”
15 July, 2009 at 9:26 am
So, I guess this EXTREMELY UGLY LITTLE SQUAT BROWN MONSTER Sotomayor can say any insulting thing she wants to about White males, because if she’s called on it, all she has to say is that the remark “was taken out of context”. That meaningless phrase fixes everything. Ugly little token spic commie bitch. Thank you for the info, Vaultner.
15 July, 2009 at 12:56 pm
Not defending the “wise Latina”, but I did read up on that “quote” and it was from a satire website, something like the Onion. In other words, it is a hoax, like many things on the Internet. I’d be careful before spreading around un-verified quotes and innuendo, it makes us look stupid.
I hate Obongo as much as any other White racist, but some of the stuff going around about him is pure fantasy. You defeat your enemy by spreading truth, not lies.
15 July, 2009 at 1:53 pm
Truth is these muds in control will be our final nail in the coffin.
As far as I know the quote is true too.
15 July, 2009 at 3:24 pm
Sotamayor is HIDEOUS. Like Parsifal said, it should be cleaning a hotel room…but on the bright side,something that FAT can’t have a particularly long lifespan. That taco diet will hopefully kill her in the next decade.
15 July, 2009 at 4:08 pm
That castrating White males comment sounds exactly like something the Brown Squat Monster would say. Maybe she didn’t say it in front of the Puerto Rican Lesbian Convention known as NOW (would it be a surprise if she did?), but I’m sure she’s made similar comments on many occaisions to her Jewish law professors and colleagues.
16 July, 2009 at 6:25 pm
What a horror show…yesterday the sheeny Al Franken was making jokes about “Perry Mason”, today the very “Raymond Burr” like(closeted fag), Lindsey Graham was playing good cop/bad cop with the bloated Latina cunt. What a joke…fuck Amerikwa.
17 July, 2009 at 8:28 am
Thank the soon to be dead Chappaquiddick Kidd Teddy Kennedy and his Jewish friends for the 1965 immigration act.
Sotamayor? This is nothing more than a flat-heel, carpet munching, Marxist communist, Spanish speaking, brown skinned, disease ridden spic bitch clothed in the candy wrapper of diversity and multiculturalism! She or IT is going to be nothing but a facilitator for the dark meat left in their quest to turn the White People of America into a minority! What they are trying to do to us should be alarming to anyone who is White! Just ask any White fleeing South Africa and they will tell you just exactly what is headed in our direction!
17 July, 2009 at 8:49 am
Parsifal/Zarathustra denigrates Italians all the time, but I don’t see any of you guys criticizing him for doing that like you are criticizing Old_Dutch.
I wonder why? ;-)
17 July, 2009 at 10:13 am
B.S. Hollywood racial distortions of White Southerners, Italian’s and other Whites rule the minds of sophist posters, not to mention the not so slick NKVD posters who do know the truth.
17 July, 2009 at 11:21 am
Because Old Dutch is a snake handling Jesus freak,Jew loving asshole who refuses to attack JEWS. That’s why.
And “ZOG” is a obvious FAKE handle. It’s beneath stupid…are YOU the Zionist Occupied Government.
17 July, 2009 at 1:29 pm
“ZOG”….What a handle. Why not just call yourself “Jew Lover” or “Government Supporter”?
17 July, 2009 at 2:14 pm
Well if ZOG really is who he says he is we can track him down with this picture:
Probably not far off.
18 July, 2009 at 1:23 pm
Old Douche is a JEW.
21 July, 2009 at 2:17 am
The jewish conspiracy explained easy
There is nothing complicated about the jewish conspiracy, there are 200 nations, 200 states in the whole world and the jews want to control every single 200 states and once in control the jews starts to destroy your country. This is the jewish conspiracy in essence.
What every single jewish ”intellectual” do their entire life is thinking about how the jews can take control of you state and then destroy your nation, your country. No nation is alike so what the jews do is that they adopt the takeover of the state to that nations circumstance.
Zionism and communism are twins and they are both judaism. The whole communist (con)cept is straight out of the jewish Talmud. Con = persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception.
The jewish fraud communism has shaped the last century and communism impact on the whole world is unparalleled. So to understand what happened and what is happening you must understand what communism really is and how communism works and what the goal of communism is. Communism is about one thing and one thing only – Jews taking control of the state.
You must understand this so think hard about it. What can you do if you control the state? You can do anything you like.
Once you control the state you can do anything you like. To control the state is the ultimate power you can get in your life and that is what the jews wants – ultimate power – and that is what the jewish conspiracy is all about, taking control of the state.
Communism is all about how the jews can take control of the state and to do that in a dictatorship is very easy, you take control of the secret police and that jews did in Russia 1917. Once you control the secret police in a dictatorship you can do anything you like, now you have the ultimate power and that is what the jews wants.
Russia 1917 was 150 million and six million jews. Why the jews wanted Russia is because she was the biggest country in the world. lf you want the world you go for the biggest countries, not the small ones, them you take later. Russia, one sixth of the world landmass, twelve time zones, twice the size of America. So how can six million jews take over the state and 150 million russians?
They can’t – unless they can con stupid and ignorant non-jews to help the jews taking control of the state and that is what communism really is all about – con non-jews to help the jews taking control of the state.
Anyone who remotely knows anything about communism knows that when the lips of a communist is moving they are lying. Every single thing all communists has ever said or written is a lie. Communism is one big lie and it’s a jewish lie.
The jewish communist will tell all the non-jews anything, they will promise all the non-jews they can have hell or heaven, that they will be the new masters, that they can have anything they want. The jewish communist will lie and use every trick in the book to get the stupid and ignorant non-jews help the jews take control of the state and that is why the jews could take over Russia 1917, because non-jews helped the jews take control of Russia and rename her Sovjet.
All non-jewish communist will tell you that the secret police in Sovjet was 80 percent jews but that it had nothing to do with them being jews. The jews just ”happens” to be 80 percent of the secret police. Who controls the secret police in a dictatorship IS the state. lf you was a jew and was the head of the secret police would you want the non-jews know that you are the state?
Of course not. So what you do is you appoint some non-jewish NoBody like Lenin and tell the world that Lenin is controlling the state, when in fact you are the true ruler of the Sovjet state.
The jewish Talmud is a manual to all the jews what they shall do to take control of all the states in the world — communism is only an updated version of Talmud. The jewish Talmud tells the jews that they must use every trick in the book to con the non-jews and that is what communism says, too.
What the stupid and ignorant non-jewish communist don’t understand is that the jews do exactly that to all the non-jewish communist. The jews take control of the state and then they tell the stupid non-jewish communist that it dosen’t matter that 80 percent of the secret police are jews, and they believe the lying jews.
What the jews do once they are in control of the state is to get rid of their Useful Idiots, that is, the stupid non-jewish communists that helped the jews take control of the state. The only non-jews that remains in the state is stupid and ignorant people that don’t have a clue that communism is all about jews controlling the state.
All the marxist-leninist mumbo-jumbo is all about to con all the non-jews to not understand that jews are in control of the state. Marxism-Leninism is complete meaningless bullshit for stupid (m)asses, the people. Communism is all about jews taking control of the state, everything else about communism is to con the non-jews from understanding that jews controls the state in every communist dictatorship.
That the secret police in Sovjet was 80 percent jews can be confirmed by many jewish-only sources that none can debunk. The fact that jews were the secret police in Sovjet from 1917 to 1991 can’t be refuted by any thinking person. This fact is simply irrefutable.
The question is: Can you understand that communism is all about jews taking control of the state? lf you can you understand by now that the jews was in total control of the Sovjet state. Sovjet was run lock, stock and barrel by jews. Lenin, Stalin and all the non-jews in the Sovjet state was just jewish puppets the jew posted up to con the whole world from understanding that jews was in total control of the Sovjet state 1917 to 1991.
Now we have established the fact that jews was in total control of the Sovjet state so what now? One down and 199 states to go, so what would you do now as a jew that want control all the 200 states of the world?
What l would do, and what the jews did, was that they turned Sovjet into one big weapon factory. lf you are going to conquer the world you must have guns and ammo. lf you look at the weapons that was made in Sovjet they all had one thing in common, they were all designed to work under the harshest conditions used by uneducated and untrained people. The kind of weapon you need in the 3-world.
Sovjet 1917 to 1991 was nothing but jewish imperialism. Whatever the jews that controlled the Sovjet state did, it was all about expanding the Sovjet state and take control of all the other 199 states. To take control of the Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (the size of the State Main, USA) was very easy. All you have to do is show up with some few tanks. But you want Africa and South-America, too, and than you need easy to use light weapons like Kalashnikov.
Everything that you ever was told about Sovjet is a lie and one of the major lies is that Sovjet communism was a classless society. Sovjet had five distinct classes.
On top was the new elite, the jews that was members of the communist party, the card-carrying jews. Under that you have the jews that was not members in the communist party. Next was the religious jews. They were accepted but just. Then came the non-jews that were members of the communist party, and then on the bottom came the non-jews that was not a member of the communist party.
The elite in any country at any time and no matter the condition for the people will always have good living standards. The jews that were in control of the Sovjet state couldn’t care less if the Russian people were starving, had no home and had no shoes. All the Sovjet jews cared about was expanding their empire and for that they needed guns and ammo, hence they turned Sovjet into one big weapons factory.
The Bolshevik-Menshevik ”conflict” is just more jewish Marxist-Leninist bullshit. What it was all about was jewish gang wars. But whatever the jews disagree on, they all have one thing in common: How do we take control of the state? Zionism and communism is jewish gang war.
The Communist jew gang said: We take control of the Russian state, rename it Sovjet and from there we take control of all the 200 states. The zionist jew gang said: We take control of the American state and from there we counqer the 200 states of the world.
Zionism and Communism are twins and they are both jewish frauds. Zionism is exactly the same con as communism: How do we get the stupid and ignorant non-jews to help us take control of the state?
If you want to control the 200 states of the world you start with taking control of the biggest countries, the smaller ones you take later. There are two major jewish gangs, zionist and communist jew gang and the jew zionist gang took control of the American state starting at the same time as the communist gang started to work on taking control of the russian state.
The American state is the year 2009 totally controlled by the zionist jew gang. The jews are in total control of the American state and what the jews Always do when they take control of the state is that they start kicking out their useful Idiots that helped them take control of the state, the stupid and ignorant zionist-communist non-jews. Communist or zionist non-jew = Useful Idiot to take control of the state. will explain it all and how the jews do it.
America and Sovjet is in fact the same thing – jewish imperialism. The communist jew gang didn’t make it, but it doesn’t matter because the zionist jew gang is still working on to conquer the 200 states of the world, and what the communist jew gang will do is exactly the same thing as the Menshevik jew gang did in Sovjet, they just go over to the winning jew gang. Then it was the Bolshevik jew gang that was on top, now it’s the zionist jew gang.
You can call it whatever you want, all the jews care about is to control your state – without you understanding that jews control your state. The jewish conspiracy is about taking control of the biggest states there are and make them fight the jews proxy wars to take control of all the 200 states in the world.
What is American imperialism all about? Taking control of all the states in the world and who is controlling the American state? The jews and what did l tell you the jews want? America is just what Sovjet was, a jewish proxy war machine.
How the jews destroy your country? The jews promote racemixing, jewish codeword ”Multiculti”. The more the jews control your state, the more racemixing-propaganda, in essence the more you hear the jewish codewords, MULTICULTI, DIVERSITY, HOMO-SEX IS NATURAL, WE MUST HAVE MASS INVASION FROM ALL THE 3-WORLD COUNTRIES etc a day, the more your state is controlled by the jews.
Every single paper, TV and radio in the whole western world is promoting MULTICULTI etc 24-7.
What did the jews in Sovjet do? Mixing people. Chinese to Tibet, Russians into Estonia, Ukrainians to Siberia and so on. What is mass invasion from all 3-world countries doing to your state?