The Godfather of Queer Culture, Magnus Hirschfeld
Posted by Socrates in homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed language, jewed politics, Jewed workplaces, jewhad, Magnus Hirschfeld at 3:03 pm | 
If you are getting the sinking feeling that modern Western culture has been thoroughly wrecked by Jews, guess what: you’re right! Without Jews, “trannies” wouldn’t exist.
“Having written an essay on Jewish ‘sexology’ in 2015, it came as no surprise that the Scientific American opened the piece by celebrating the fact this clinic, Institut füer Sexualwissenschaft (the Institute for Sexual Research), “was headed by a gay Jewish man” — Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935). Hirschfeld was probably the most influential pervert of the twentieth century, and his legacy is so extensive in the present that I would go so far as to suggest that we are truly living in an age of his design. Our contemporary culture is molded and shaped by the homosexuality, promiscuity, transsexuality, and transvestism that this subversive degenerate devoted his entire life to promoting. If he were alive today, one imagines that Hirschfeld would be overjoyed and profoundly delighted; filled with glee at the sight of drag queen story hours and transsexuals running for state governor. We truly live in a pervert’s paradise.”