Jews and the New Left
Posted by Socrates in anti-fascists/antifas, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftists, Lenin, liberalism, liberals, Marcuse, Marxism, New Left, Sixties, Vietnam, Vietnam War at 2:24 pm | 
Newbies, keep in mind that, when people talk about Jews being “X percent of the leftist radicals at Berkeley” they are talking about the biggest and most important radicals. Not just the “average” radicals. Ditto communism and feminism. In other words, the leaders were Jews. The spear point, if you will, was Jewish. And they were of course following a Jewish ideology (Marxism).
The New Left began circa 1964, and it was more radical than the Old Left. While the latter focused mostly on class and labor issues, the New Left focused on race, homosexuality, feminism, and the Vietnam War (which the leftists didn’t care about per se; they didn’t care about American boys dying, they were merely opposing it for political or racial reasons; some leftists saw the war as “imperialism” while others saw it as White imperialism, i.e., “White men exploiting Asia” — apparently most were unaware of the Jew, Walt Rostow and his creation of the war; Rostow was a close pal of JFK).
The New Left was entirely a Jewish creation except for a couple of gentiles, e.g., Tom Hayden, who was Irish. The godfather of the New Left is undoubtedly Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979), who was a Jewish communist; he invented the concept of “intolerance against movements from the Right, and toleration of movements from the Left.” In other words, “no enemies will exist on the Left, regardless of who they are.”
“Jews were disproportionately involved in the 1960s student movement known as the New Left. Drawing on research data from primarily the USA and Australia, we explore some of the key factors that contributed to this prominence including the significant number of Jewish students at key universities, the impact of left-wing family backgrounds on many Jewish students, and the general influence of Jewish cultural values and experiences. We argue that Jewish student radicals incorporated the whole spectrum of Jewish identity from those who either rejected or expressed ambivalence about their Jewishness to those whose radical and Jewish commitments were closely aligned. We also explain why the Jewish contribution to the New Left had so little impact on mainstream Jewish political culture.”