8 December, 2021

The Lesson of Haiti

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 12:58 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“This sort of thing has happened over and over again in Haiti. It seems
that we would have learned something from it. In the 18th century Haiti,
then called Saint-Domingue and ruled by the French, was the most
prosperous colony in the New World. Its enormously fertile soil produced
a great abundance of crops and drew thousands of White French settlers.
Unfortunately, Black slaves from Africa were imported to help with the
work. In the late 1700’s the madness of the French Revolution, with its
truly nutty doctrine of racial equality, infected many Frenchmen and the
Black plantation workers were encouraged to revolt. When they did they
brutally murdered every White man, woman, and child in the colony and
declared Haiti a republic. What had been the richest and most productive
part of the New World promptly sank back to an African level of squalor,
misery, and poverty. The roads and cities built by the French fell into
ruin. A peculiarly African mixture of anarchy and despotism took the
place of French law and order.”


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