5 January, 2022

Ugly Cities: Not an Accident

Posted by Socrates in architecture, Bauhaus, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 2:20 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Post Office, Duluth, Minnesota, circa 1900. They don’t build things like this anymore).

Why are today’s buildings so ugly? Really, they are merely rectangles with lots of glass in them. Period. Yuck.

In the old days, architecture was art. Today it’s crap. That’s not an accident. The Jews and leftists who hate Western culture have planned it that way. They don’t want you to experience joy when you look across the skyline of your city. They want you to experience depression. And you do [1].

In fact, Donald Trump tried to fix America’s ugly-building problem, but as soon as the, ahem, “Biden Administration” stole power (literally), it reversed Trump’s decision. Yes. Just one month after taking power, Biden voided Trump’s wise order on architecture. Proof that Ugly Building Syndrome is planned, not accidental.

Related: the Bauhaus movement (i.e., Marxist, anti-White architecture).


[1] Previously on this blog (Feb. 2020), re: ugly architecture:

“There’s a reason why men lust after pretty women but ignore ugly women; why people travel hundreds of miles to see the Redwood Forest, or the Grand Canyon, or Yellowstone National Park or Niagara Falls; why they visit (traditional, not modern) art galleries. The reason is: people need beauty in their lives. It makes them feel good; it inspires them, gives them a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

And the opposite is also true: ugliness depresses people and makes them feel gloomy. Depressed people have less energy and vigor.

Today’s architecture is pure ugliness. It’s depressing to look at: boxes with windows, nothing more than that. Yet every city in America is filled with that ugliness.”

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