More Trouble for Joe Rogan
Posted by Socrates in 'nigger' as a word, Joe Rogan, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, racism accusations at 12:59 pm | 
Now Rogan is accused of racism for quoting other, mostly-Black people saying the word “nigger” (by the way, “nigger” is merely an alternate way of saying “niger” which is Latin for “black”; in the old days, some White people couldn’t pronounce “niger” correctly and began saying “nigger” instead; it simply means “African”). Regardless, your country is in bad shape when you can’t even quote someone saying a word! My god. It can’t even be quoted anymore?? What a joke!
Quoting Rogan: “I know that to most people, there is no context where a white person is ever allowed to say that word, nevermind publicly on a podcast, and I agree with that now. I haven’t said it in years. Instead of saying ‘the N-word,’ I would just say the word. I thought as long as it was in context, people would understand what I was doing.”