Why the 1960s Were Unique
Posted by Socrates in Abbie Hoffman, counterculture, Paul Krassner, Sixties at 1:47 pm | 
The 1960s were unique in many ways. It was the first era in our history in which the gulf between parents and children widened dramatically. Suddenly, the kids had their own culture: their own music (“counterculture” music), their own language (“groovy, man!”), their own ideas (e.g., boys having long hair). And that was almost completely brought about by Jews. Certainly, Jews impacted the 1940s and 1950s, but not nearly to the extent that Jews impacted the 1960s. Every key player in the 1960s counterculture movement (except Tom Hayden) was a Jew. Indeed, the list of those Jews is so long that I will only bother listing a few of them [1].
[1] Paul Krassner, Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Todd Gitlin, Herbert Aptheker, Allen Ginsberg, Phil Ochs, Ted Gold, Saul Alinsky, Stew Albert, Paul Goodman, Ram Dass, Al Haber, and a large number of SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) members. The whole list would number 100 people — and I mean the key people, the leaders.