Remembering Graham’s Words
Posted by Socrates in elections, jewed culture, Jewish Tyranny, jews, jews in America, media, media control, Socrates at 6:13 pm | ![](/wp-content/themes/zigzag/images/post.gif)
Now that the media has “pre-elected” Obama by favoring him for weeks (isn’t that election tampering?), it’s time to revisit Rev. Billy Graham’s comments about Jews and America:
2 November, 2008 at 7:25 pm
Graham was “faithful in a few things”, as his friend Johnny Cash used to say of himself. He was a White man with a sense of self-worth and dignity, but also not overly puffed up about himself. I always thought he had some level of class most of the rest of the televangelicals didn’t and don’t. I don’t agree with his religious views fundamentally, but I respected the way he conducted himself.
2 November, 2008 at 8:51 pm
“The true POWER of the enemy is their control of the media… Beyond that, HOW did they get control of the media?”
‘That would include forums like American Renaissance, especially.’
Posted by at 6:40 PM on November 2 (AMREN)
2 November, 2008 at 10:20 pm
I believe that Nixon’s comments, and his penchant for recording his every word, led to his demise via Watergate – a minor mishap which pales in comparison to what politicians do regularly these days.
The Deepthroat character turned out to be a Jew who confessed only a few years ago that he was in fact a Jew. Nixon’s administration, like so many before and after, was crawling with kikes.
When the Jews found out Nixon wasn’t 100% on board with them, and that he had expressed his worries to Billy Graham, they set out to get him impeached. They didn’t get that, but they got the next best thing, his resignation.
I’m not defending Nixon. I know very little about him, for he was before my time. But consider it yet another accusation leveled against The Tribe. Jews did Watergate, and thereby nixed Nixon.
2 November, 2008 at 11:54 pm
Terrorsaurus Says:
The Deepthroat character turned out to be a Jew who confessed only a few years ago that he was in fact a Jew. Nixon’s administration, like so many before and after, was crawling with kikes.
When the Jews found out Nixon wasn’t 100% on board with them, and that he had expressed his worries to Billy Graham, they set out to get him impeached. They didn’t get that, but they got the next best thing, his resignation.
I’m not defending Nixon. I know very little about him, for he was before my time. But consider it yet another accusation leveled against The Tribe. Jews did Watergate, and thereby nixed Nixon.
Yes, he had deep suspicious about them, and those doubts turned out to be well justified, as the truth eventually came out that it was a Jew who did him in. [Mark Felt (probably Feldman)] This fact came out a decade after Nixon’s death, so he never knew that his suspicions were vindicated. I do recall that the Jews back then – certainly all that I knew – absolutely HATED him! They couldn’t quite explain why, but they detested Nixon with a passion. He did say in the tape that perhaps in his second term he could do something about their media monopoly. Well, he never got to finish his second term, of course! They saw to that.
According to Wikipedia: “In 1972, Nixon was re-elected in one of the biggest landslide election victories in US political history, defeating Senator George McGovern and garnering over 60% of the popular vote. He carried 49 of the 50 states, losing only in Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.”
How do you reconcile the above with the fact that by the time he was forced out of office, after much media hysteria, “Nixon’s approval rating had fallen to 23%.” ?
The crowning hypocrisy was when, at the end of his presidency, reviled by the media and about to be impeached, a rabbi attached himself to Nixon and became his constant friend and virtual “confessor”. Yeah, sure he was! He was probably ASSIGNED to keep a watch on Nixon to see that he didn’t get suspicious or say any wrong things. He sort of became a go-between for Nixon and the press. It always struck me as very strange — even back then, when I was very naive — that one of the group who hated him so much (and a rabbi no less) would suddenly appear and ingratiate himself with Nixon, at a time when Nixon was deeply despondent; and this person from out of the blue become his friend, his protector, and his confidant!!!
2 November, 2008 at 11:57 pm
Regarding “Nixon’s Rabbi” (Rabbi Baruch Korff):
Nixon’s Source of Strength,9171,911439,00.html
When the Watergate scandal broke in 1973, Korff staunchly defended Nixon, founding the President Nixon Justice Fund and the National Citizens Committee for Fairness for the Presidency.
Last month, in what many have called a death-bed publicity gambit, Korff alleged that television journalist Diane Sawyer was “Deep Throat,” the inside source that leaked information about Watergate to the Washington Post. Sawyer, who scoffed at the claim, was an assistant in the Nixon press office at the time.
Rabbi Baruch M. Korff [launched the] National Citizens Committee for Fairness to the Presidency, set up on behalf of Richard M. Nixon.
Rabbi Korff launched the fund on his own in the fall of 1973, but in a short while he began to enjoy the Nixon Administration’s full cooperation. Cabinet members and members of the First Family appeared at his fund-raising events, and he himself became a welcome visitor to the White House and Oval Office.
3 November, 2008 at 1:32 am
Billy Graham is not a White Man. Billy ‘Graham’ was born a jew, billy ‘frank’. 20/20 did a story on it. Billy ‘Frank’ is a tare among the wheat.
As for the nixon scandal, believe it or not, Dr. William Pierce named the jew back in ’74, while everyone else was wondering who deepthroat was.
Watergate’s Deep Throat:
William Pierce Broke Felt Story in 1974
Mark Felt in 1973
Dr. Pierce’s prescient analysis of the Watergate affair included revelations of government intrigue found nowhere else.
12 June 2006
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE CORPORATE MEDIA DIDN’T break the story until last year, but an article by Dr. William L. Pierce — National Vanguard’s founder — published in September 1974 revealed that Jewish FBI official Mark Felt (pictured) was the Watergate informant who funneled information damaging to the Nixon administration to the media. Pierce’s piece also brought together all the strands of information showing that it was a “Jewish network,” recognized by Nixon himself, that worked to bring down the Nixon White House.
Dr. Pierce’s incisive and accurate article gave credit to an “insider” Jewish publication, Commentary, for first publishing the speculation (now available online) that Felt was “Deep Throat,” but Commentary left open the possibility that the informant was a “composite figure” of which Felt was just a part. Only Dr. Pierce brought together the disparate threads of information showing: 1) that Felt was “settling a score” with Nixon for failing to appoint him head of the FBI over non-Jew L. Patrick Gray; and 2) that unreleased Nixon tapes indicated that the President himself suspected Felt was part of a Jewish media-government cabal determined to bring down his administration.
Interestingly, Gray himself, shortly before his death in July 2005, confirmed Dr. Pierce’s analysis. Gray said that he initially believed Felt’s repeated assurances that he was not the leak, and that he therefore refused five separate demands from the Nixon White House to fire Felt. When Felt admitted that he was “Deep Throat” in May, 2005, Gray stated that Felt’s anger at being passed over must have been the cause of his decision to leak Watergate details to the Post — exactly what Dr. Pierce had stated 31 years earlier.
It’s also worth noting that Nixon’s Vice President Spiro Agnew had to be maneuvered out of office (and was so maneuvered in 1973) before the engineered Nixon resignation, to eliminate the possibility that Agnew — an American of Greek ancestry with strong anti-Zionist views — might assume office. Agnew later wrote a novel, The Canfield Decision, in which Jewish-Zionist influence over the American political process is portrayed in a negative light.
Transcripts of other Nixon conversations which made the news in 2002, in which the then-President candidly discussed the dangers of Jewish power with evangelist Billy Graham, also confirmed parts of Pierce’s analysis.
The original article by William Pierce, in text and as an image of the original newspaper, follows.
* * *
Nixon Suspicions about Watergate Leaks Confirmed
‘Deep Throat’ Identity Bared
by Dr. William L. Pierce
from Attack! newspaper, Issue 30, September 1974
THE TWO Washington Post reporters, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, who played as active a role as anyone in the mass-media campaign to publicize the Watergate affair and drive former President Nixon from office, received their leaks, surreptitiously copied documents, and other inside information from a number of sources inside the Federal bureaucracy in Washington. One high government official, however, previously unidentified, provided by far the most important and damaging information which the Washington Post used in its anti-Nixon campaign. In their recently published book on Watergate, All the President’s Men, Bernstein and Woodward refer to this single most important source only by the code name “Deep Throat.”
According to Bernstein and Woodward, “Deep Throat” was familiar with all the details of the Watergate investigation and met with the two reporters on a number of occasions, furnishing them with the latest inside information — including copies of FBI “302” reports, which contain raw data obtained from FBI interrogations.
“Deep Throat” took elaborate precautions to prevent anyone other than the two Washington Post reporters from learning his identity. When he had information for them he would situate a flowerpot on his windowsill in a certain way so that they could see it as they drove by. Then the three would rendezvous secretly at a prearranged location.
After the publication of All the President’s Men, there was a great deal of speculation in Washington, both among newsmen and government officials, as to who “Deep Throat” might be. The mystery was cleared up when Commentary, in its July issue, revealed that former Deputy Associate Director of the FBI, Mark W. Felt, Jr., was the secret informer. Commentary is the publication of the American Jewish Committee, the most powerful Jewish organization in America.
Felt, who. has since resigned from the FBI, was mightily miffed when Nixon passed over him and appointed L. Patrick Gray instead to head the Bureau after the death of J. Edgar Hoover. He exacted a sweet revenge by providing the news media with the information which led eventually to Nixon’s forced resignation.
In the midst of his mounting difficulties, President Nixon made a shrewd guess as to who was responsible for his agony, but he confided this information only to his counsel, John Dean. In a memorable meeting with Dean in the Oval Office on February 28, 1973, Nixon warned him against having any dealings with Mark Felt.
The Jews in the government and in the media, Nixon explained to Dean, form a network. They work together and pass information to one another. Thus, confidential information would be leaked from Jewish officials in the government to Jews in the media whenever it suited Jewish interests. Nixon knew that someone high in the FBI hierarchy was collaborating with the Washington Post against him, and he suspected it was the FBI’s Jewish deputy associate director, Mark Felt.
Before he released to the public the transcripts of the White House tapes, President Nixon carefully deleted all but one reference to Felt from the transcript of the February 28 meeting with John Dean, but the House Judiciary Committee later obtained the original tape of that meeting and made a complete transcript.
Commentary’s exposure of Mark Felt as “Deep Throat” adds one more piece to the fascinating pattern of Jewish responsibility for America’s traumatic change of leaders this summer. Playing the leading roles in this drama, of course, were the media masters — the men whose unrelenting campaign of abuse against Nixon finally turned the tide of public opinion.
In key supporting roles, in addition to Felt, were Earl Silbert, the Jewish prosecutor in the Justice Department who had the overall responsibility for the prosecution of the Watergate defendants, and Samuel Dash, the Jewish chief of staff and grand strategist of the Senate Select Committee which turned the Watergate investigation into a non-stop television extravaganza.
When the curtain came up on the finale, two other Jewish actors appeared on the stage. One was Henry Kissinger, who, through his former aide, General Alexander M. Haig, told Nixon the time had finally come to go. On September 16, Haig was rewarded for his faithful execution of Kissinger’s nasty errand by being named supreme commander of NATO and commander of all U.S. forces in Europe.
The other Jew was Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger, who, a few days before the end, quietly passed the word to military commanders in the Pentagon that any orders which they might receive from the White House were to be disregarded. Schlesinger took into his own hands the President’s prerogatives as commander-in-chief of America’s armed forces, thus forestalling any possibility that the worm might turn at the last moment and surround the Washington Post with tanks or make some other military move to upset the plans of the clique which was forcing him from office.
(Editor’s note, the original article came from the September 1974 issue, No. 30, of Attack!, published by William Pierce.)
3 November, 2008 at 12:54 pm
Once again, the kikes prove their worthy selves to be king-makers, and if they choose, king-breakers.
How long will we the people let it persist?
3 November, 2008 at 3:28 pm
Dr William Pierce was a learned prophet who understood the Jewish mind, all too well. It is a huge pity that we cannot listen in to his underground shortwave broadcasts as he rants about our first Negro President. I have no doubt that his words could cause a riot or even a revolution, had they been broadcast to the world at large.
3 November, 2008 at 4:06 pm
What’s really ironic is that even though Nixon was Jew-wise, he nevertheless had a Jew running the State Dept. and dictating foreign policy to Nixon during his entire time in the White House!
Henry Kissinger
3 November, 2008 at 7:00 pm
the media has “pre-elected” Obama
We should keep in mind that McCain, despite his numerous flaws as a candidate, is handily winning the election among White voters. The last Fox poll has Obama losing by eight points among White women and five points among White men. I’ve seen higher numbers elsewhere.,2933,446288,00.html
As Brimelow pointed out years ago, Third World immigration increasingly makes it difficult for Republicans to win elections. The permanent loss of California is a case in point. Other states may follow if the illegals are legalized.
3 November, 2008 at 7:55 pm
An increasingly amazing story. Thank you, Matt.
It seems that Nixon, who was hardly naive about them, was surrounded by Jews even so — even despite his own misgivings and suspicions! Their influence and penetration were more thorough than he ever imagined. And who knows what Sword of Damocles they held over his head, as they doubtless do with every administration?
3 November, 2008 at 8:25 pm
Why change Dicks
in the middle of
a screw?
Vote for Nixon
in ’72
4 November, 2008 at 2:48 am
Reverend Billy is almost dead and gone, so he ought to make a heroic last stand and tell the damn jews to f*ck off. What are they going to do, throw him in one of their Federal Gulags?
Now we know why the Jews and their Jew Media Establishment are still going after Tricky Dick. Yet he still did the Jews’ bidding, just like every other President since at least Wilson. The GOYIM will get no thanks from the Jews, no matter how much they do for the Chosen Ones.
4 November, 2008 at 5:39 pm
…”the Jews are irreligious, atheistic, immoral bunch of bastards.”
Famous infinite words.
5 November, 2008 at 9:28 pm
Rnl Says:
— the media has “pre-elected” Obama —
We should keep in mind that McCain, despite his numerous flaws as a candidate, is handily winning the election among White voters. The last Fox poll has Obama losing by eight points
What was that you said?
As of Nov. 5th, do you still disbelieve in the power of the media?