Irving Klaw
Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, pornography, rock music, Socrates at 4:33 am | 
Most of you have probably never heard of the Jewish photographer and businessman Irving Klaw. He died in 1966.
But you probably have heard of the young woman he molded into the first star of erotic bondage, Bettie Page. Isn’t it just like a Jew to pioneer the bondage industry? Jews also pioneered the general porno industry. There is also a rock group named after Klaw.
22 March, 2009 at 5:22 pm
Be all that as it may Zarathustra, the kike-led Leftist, Feminist and Marxist Movements are promoting porn with the death of the White race in mind.
22 March, 2009 at 11:30 pm
Gentlemen, you all make very good points against pornography. But unless those “adult entertainers” are being forced to do things on camera that are against their will, then I must continue to believe that viewing or possessing pornography is a personal matter. The obvious exceptions would be for anything involving minors, animals or the dead.
Consenting adults are going to do what they are going to do, regardless of what society thinks. We must be realistic here; banning pornographic material will only cause it to go further “underground” and encourage organized crime to take it over.
22 March, 2009 at 11:32 pm
One more thing, if I may….Pornography, prostitution, homosexuality and gambling were all banned in Bolshevik Russia, too.
22 March, 2009 at 11:32 pm
“Did you know that actors on the ancient Greek stage wore outfits that featured long leather phalluses they used to swing aroung for comic effect?”
Yes, I know that, but women did not attend Greek plays. Like athletics (performed in the nude), they were entertainments strictly for men only. The sanctity of the home and the family were kept apart from entertainment and were carefully respected.
I also think that Mediterraneans and Meterranean cultures have always been rather lusty, by contrast with the more discrete, modest Northern peoples. At this abnormal moment in history, though, this traditional contrast has been utterly reversed, so that the exact opposite prevails. Probably Italians or Greeks would be scandalised at the perversions that go on in Sweden or Holland (bordellos for animal sex, for instance). This shows how corrupt and unnatural the present situation has become. A healthy interest in other humans is normal, but the Jews find a way to commercialize everything and turn it into a money-making operation. That is not normal. They would charge us for breathing, if they could.
I have to agree with Royal that, “When you buy pornography you are giving your money to a jew.” I think at least that much cannot be debated.
22 March, 2009 at 11:45 pm
“We must be realistic here; banning pornographic material will only cause it to go further “underground”
I did not realize that we were talking about “banning” anything. Suddenly, that word has come into the discussion. While I disapprove of some things, I am also very leery about all forms of censorship.
But disapproval of something, anything, may not necessarily extend to banning. Certainly, alcohol, sugar and chocolate are not good for you, and you’d be better off without them, but I don’t know about banning them! Shall we ban potato chips too?
While uncomfortable with some things, probably, in the balance, I disapprove of censorship more. Maybe we should ban censorship? Maybe we should ban banning!
22 March, 2009 at 11:47 pm
True, there are an inordinate number of Jews involved with the porn industry, but the Gentiles Larry Flint and Bob Guccione were much more successful in the skin trade than the Jew Al Goldstein was. Now with the Internet, many Gentile couples and entrepeneurs are simply making their own stuff and putting it online for little or no charge.
I’m not making excuses for the Jew, I know he controls the White Slave trade and worse. I just don’t want us to get sucked down into any fever-swamps about what the Jews are and aren’t responsible for. Sometimes us Goyim do enough damage to ourselves without any help from Shylock, you know.
22 March, 2009 at 11:55 pm
Sorry, Herr Ein, I should have realized that you were not advocating censorship. But many well-meaning WNs do think we need to be protected through Law from anything objectionable or unseemly. I have always hated censorship of any kind. Let White adults decide what they like or don’t like for themselves, don’t let’s leave it up to bureaucrats, popes, priests, politicians and social activists.
23 March, 2009 at 6:46 am
“Consenting adults are going to do what they are going to do, regardless of what society thinks.”
This is exactly the sort of moral libertarianism that got us in the mess we are today.
23 March, 2009 at 11:43 am
“One more thing, if I may….Pornography, prostitution, homosexuality and gambling were all banned in Bolshevik Russia, too.”
I find this perplexing. Even the Jew-Commie USSR had its plusses I guess.
Another funny thing is that the Judaic USSR maintained White cohesion.
Reichian sexual liberalism (which you seem to broadly agree with Z) was proposed as a response to the non-growth of Communism in Europe. European culture was deemed too conservative and authoritarian.
Then, as now, the Jew Commie-Anarchists are waging war through culture.
23 March, 2009 at 11:48 am
If you break the culture, you break the people, you break the nation, you break the race.
23 March, 2009 at 4:06 pm
“One more thing, if I may….Pornography, prostitution, homosexuality and gambling were all banned in Bolshevik Russia, too.”
As I understand it, Bolshevik Russia was, at first, wide open. But then, when they had to get to work and build the country and fight a war, they clamped down quite severely. They re-directed the masses’ attention from pleasure to work.
Reichian sexual liberalism (which you seem to broadly agree with Z) was proposed as a response to the non-growth of Communism in Europe. European culture was deemed too conservative and authoritarian.
Some of us can remember a time (not really so long ago) when the trendy set [largely composed of you know whos] would sneer with contempt at the USA as being “a puritanical society” and would compare us with Europe which was supposedly so much more “mature” and “liberated”. (In other words, we were childish.) We were endlessly told how backward and uptight Americans are. We were given Freudian explanations that we were “anal” (a favorite Jewish word), repressed, sick, and other such flattering psycho-babble! We were chided, ridiculed, and shamed into dropping our inhibitions. and “letting it all hang out”.
Eventually, they broke us down. Now, the pendulum has swung to the opposite direction. Anything goes. Young foreigners (Moslems , for instance) come here and are shocked (though fascinated too, I suspect). They consider us a depraved, hedonistic, sex-mad culture, deserving of destruction. Well, that wasn’t always the case. But anyone under thirty or forty wouldn’t remember that. All they know is what they see in front of them. America the Wicked! LOL
23 March, 2009 at 7:02 pm
Quite, Ein, quite.
Some of that liberal trendy set still complain about America being a “puritanical society”.
24 March, 2009 at 12:21 am
Many Europeans used to make fun of White America back in the 1920s to 1960s for our segregationist attempts to keep our Negroes under control. How unenlightened and unfair we were! But it was easy for the Euros to talk, since the non-White population of their countries was still extremely low. To the average Frenchie or Dutchman, Negroes were charming, “exotic” creatures. So what if a few Black GIs or West Indian immigrant workers or some colored Jazz musician wanted to grab a Dutch girl’s ass during a slow dance or something? How often were White people in Europe “lucky” enough to even see a Negro?
Now I guess the Europeans know from firsthand experience what it’s like to have to live with tens of millions of unwanted hominids leaping about, because I don’t hear the Europeans ridiculing America much any more for our “racism”.
24 March, 2009 at 8:07 pm
It’s always easy to advise others on what you don’t have to do yourself. As my parents always said, “Talk is cheap.”
Now, the joke is on those better-than-thou Europeans. But it’s a sad joke; I can’t say I’m laughing. It’s really a shame.
That goes for our Canadian neighbors too. If only they had learned something from our mistakes instead of preaching and presuming to give advice. They had to learn the hard way.
25 March, 2009 at 5:09 am
Jews are the leading traffickers in White females for prostitution, sex slavery, pornography, etc., around the world.
Israel is a major center of sex slavery, with many White girls, particularly Slavic women from Eastern Europe, being lured and eventually trapped or enslaved by these Jewish human traffickers.
Jews have a long history with the sex trade…it goes back a long time.
Jews are sick on so many levels – the only solution is total separation of Jews from non-Jews.
25 March, 2009 at 6:52 am
“Many Europeans used to make fun of White America back in the 1920s to 1960s for our segregationist attempts to keep our Negroes under control. How unenlightened and unfair we were! But it was easy for the Euros to talk …”
I could imagine a liberal elite Establishment in Europe making such statements, but Europe at large? I don’t think so.
25 March, 2009 at 8:39 am
“Europe at large? I don’t think so.”
Most people, anywhere, will just parrot whatever the elite group says. Whatever it’s fashionable and “correct” to think.
26 March, 2009 at 1:30 am
Speaking of pornography (and thus automatically of Jews), I went to to have a peek at what they’re saying. I have never posted anything there (too stuffy for me), but I like to check them now and then. What I got was a porn site showing white women being mass-violated by a gang of sex-crazed Negroes. Huh? I guess this is somebody’s idea of a sick joke. Very sick indeed.
It doesn’t take too much effort to guess whose idea this is, as he blacks would not likely be capable of taking over a site and rigging something like this. But the Jews? Well, who else? Kinky inter-racial sex? It’s right up their alley.
24 May, 2009 at 5:57 pm
Some of us can remember a time (not really so long ago) when the trendy set [largely composed of you know whos] would sneer with contempt at the USA as being “a puritanical society”
The USA was never a Puritannical society, that’s a total myth. It’s a myth inflated enough that “Puritanism” (read: moral conservativism) can be more effectively undermined.
1 December, 2009 at 4:38 pm
HEY WHITEY! stop wasting your time blabbing about this crap! We all realize the Jew runs porno… And just like they’re cousins in Hollywood each decade they ratchet up the multiculturalism in it… Over the decades its gone from solo white women in simple erotic poses in the 50s – to solo white women doing degrading poses with legs fully spread showing all genitalia in the 60s – to white women and white men fornicating in the 70s – then they adding in raunchy shit like Anal, money shots, homosexuality, etc in the 80s – then they added interracial in the 90s – and now they have damn near phased out white men completely + adding all the usual raunchy degrading shit! to where the vast majority of porn you see now is blacks gang banging a white woman and nutting all over her… sick sadistic shit aimed at white women!
Its not a question about whether porn is bad or not, Its the simple fact that the Jews have taken simple pornography, and over the decades elevated it from simple pinups to sick sadistic filth! The white man’s porno can only be seen now a days in playboy where they don’t show genitalia, as they always cover the poontang with a decorative prop… It shows you what real white men want to see the beauty of our women, the old paintings and mosaics from past never showed genitalia/or intercourse! because that was not what white men intended plain and simple…
For all of you that get off to watching the actual intercourse or any of the sick so called “erotic” shit you have passed the boundary of pornography, and entered the realm of filthy smut!
Make no mistake the Jews that run 75% of pornography have an agenda! It is obvious they’re goal is to desensitize us to regular sex, in an effort to ensure we do not procreate! While at the same time they intend to make non-whites lust after our women!
So stop wasting your time on this thread! We all know what the problem is! so why don’t you all spend you time addressing the solution! the posts on this thread alone are proof that whites are not united in they’re goals and thus we are not accomplishing anything by bickering about the morals of porno!
9 January, 2010 at 3:53 am
Pornography is a vice best avoided, but the natural curiosity and sexual/visual drive of males compels them to seek the female physique in all it’s beauty and function. A good tome on this subject was written by Matthew Fitzgerald, and entitled: “Sexploytation: How Women Use Their Bodies to Exploit Money from Men”. In this small volume, Fitzgerald thoroughly debunks the feminist myth that women are self-sufficient, and not in need of males. He discusses the physical characteristics men respond to as they seek a mate. (One passage includes the hardline, radical feminist as having a butch haircut, a figure like a packing crate, and a disposition which repels both wimps and Alpha Males). In my personal opinion, women are DABTF (Designed and Built to F*ck). Their very existence revolves around attracting men, mating, becoming pregnant, and nurturing their offspring. Any variation on that fundamental theme renders females as out of their element. Of course, Jews are there to ensure they can infiltrate into any situation they desire, including high level government office, but the truth is, without the efforts of liberals/Jews to stir-up gender strife, and hence to empower themselves to control everything between men and women (they control everything else…) the so-called “Old Fashioned Values” would inevitably reappear. Any woman who is opposed to pornography should recognize that Jews play both ends of the Pied Piper flute; They encourage feminism, and at the same time, they exploit their flesh for big money.