Race, Not Love or Jesus, Makes the World Go ‘Round
Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, immigration, mestizos, Mexican mentality, Mexico, Mexinvasion, politics, race, racial differences, racial preferences, Socrates at 4:52 pm | 
21 February, 2012 at 7:01 pm
Mormonism is one of the more wacky offshoots of the cult of Christinsanity. They have been trying to pick up more souls in Africa during the recent decades. Like all of Christinsanity, they need to be watched and purged from our people when the time comes.
If you want to howl with laughter, check out some of Mormonism’s founding myths like the golden plates buried in the ground, only to be read by Joseph Smith with his magic reading stone.
21 February, 2012 at 7:33 pm
I’m not outraged, and I doubt that Linder is either, that Paddy O’ Blowhard Buchanan got shown the door by MSNBC.
I doubt, that Buchanan even with his millions, and 40 some years of top level connections will even put up a fight with MSNBC. He may bluster, but, I doubt he will do anything concrete. He surely will not organize, or even spend a few dollars of his more than ample fortune.
By the same token, Edgar Steele sits held incommunicado in a Federal Prison in southern California administerd by a Hispanic surnamed warden—and probably a Roman Catholic just like Paddy O’ Buchanan.
21 February, 2012 at 8:07 pm
Mormonism is totally wacky, but how will the established Mormon congregations, most of them greater than 90% White, react to this influx of Beaner ‘conversos’? Will they be susceptible to the WN message? Not that we want wackos in our ranks but anything that gets Whites to look at the world coldly and objectively through racial eyes is a good development.
21 February, 2012 at 8:27 pm
“Not that we want wackos in our ranks but anything that gets Whites to look at the world coldly and objectively through racial eyes is a good development.”
Well, Moronism certainly doesn’t do that. They spend millions of their Church’s tax-free fortune going to shit-hole places in Africa trying to “convert” the darkies. The result is that the savages agree to convert after a free meal or a nice story about golden plates buried in the ground, but quickly lapse back into their ju-ju voodoo after the White devils leave. So the Morons have to spend millions to go back to Timbuktu to make sure the moon crickets haven’t changed their ways again.
Religion is organized mass-insanity. And a tax-free racket.
22 February, 2012 at 2:38 am
CW-2 Says:
21 February, 2012 at 8:07 pm
Well, I suspect the Mormon congregations will accept the mestizos with open hearts and open arms, eyes glazed over in happiness. After all, race means nothing to these people, just as to most Christards. The name of the game is to get more souls to Jewsus. Praise the lard!
22 February, 2012 at 7:35 am
The Mormons must be offering free shit to encourage mestizos to become latter day saints. I also wonder if this is a cynical ploy to help Twit Romney garner more mestizo votes at the polls.
22 February, 2012 at 1:50 pm
Only an ungrateful and impious creature will abhor the Creator to such a degree as to blaspheme the Son of God and Son of Man Lord Jesus Christ, due to Whom this world exists for two thousand years more and will exist in the future.
Such blasphemy is satanic to the core, and counter productive to Our Cause. A true White Nationalist is not hostile to Christianity and often a Christian himself, as Christianity is the cornerstone of the European civilization.
22 February, 2012 at 2:28 pm
Only an ungrateful and impious creature will abhor the Creator to such a degree as to blaspheme the Son of God and Son of Man Lord Jesus Christ, due to Whom this world exists for two thousand years more and will exist in the future.
Such blasphemy is satanic to the core, and counter productive to Our Cause. A true White Nationalist is not hostile to Christianity and often a Christian himself, as Christianity is the cornerstone of the European civilization.
*Whew!* You really had me going there for a second, Lenz. To think an intelligent White man would actually believe all that Biblical mumbo-jumbo and hocus-pocus. Yessir, that would be really funny.
22 February, 2012 at 2:39 pm
Some will never learn the fact that they actually profane their ‘religions’ by fussing over them.
22 February, 2012 at 5:30 pm
George Lenz Says:
22 February, 2012 at 1:50 pm
“…as Christianity is the cornerstone of the European civilization.”
I STRONGLY beg to differ. The “cornerstone” of European civilization was/is the PAGAN societies of Greece and Rome. The fact that Western Civilization survived and eventually sent a man to the moon has nothing to do with Christinsanity. Imagine if we didn’t have a thousand years of Christian tyranny holding back the achievements of the White race in Science and Technology? Without the Dark Ages we may have actually been colonizing other galaxies by now.
No, Christinsanity isn’t the cornerstone of European civilization. The White race didn’t advance because of Christinsanity, but DESPITE it.
22 February, 2012 at 8:59 pm
Wasn’t Christianity the cornerstone of pagan grease?
23 February, 2012 at 11:31 pm
McGreen, you live in an ahistorical Jewtopia… You have shown yourself to be little more than a shabbos goy.
23 February, 2012 at 11:41 pm
Bullshit, Blackshirt…You have NO grasp of history. Secularism is the DEATH of the WHITE RACE and has provided zero advances for it.
Unless you posit that the White Race has flourished under Communism, you are spouting nonsense.
Neo-Paganism, even in a pluralistic society that permits it, has in no way challenged the racial onslaught against Whites.
Armchair White Nationalism is Jewish.
24 February, 2012 at 2:16 am
“Miller”, or is it Glenn Miller, the FBI informant?
Who are you to lecture me on history or religion, you Jewsus-loving old coot? What’s a matter, upset that more and more White people are turning away from your precious Jew on a stick? I’m not going to get into an argument with you over what you said because you aren’t worth mine or any other White Racist’s time. Too bad the Order didn’t take care of you back in the day. Bob Mathews was a better man than you, too bad he gave his life and you didn’t.
24 February, 2012 at 10:36 pm
No, It’s not Glenn Miller, you bald faggot.
In any case, I will make a soup bowl out of your low IQ negoid skull. you got me?
28 February, 2012 at 2:17 pm
Watching how the Taliban are behaving ATM over ‘insults” to the koran in AfPak
provides a perfect glimpse into what it must’ve been like for the Romans trying to keep order in Palestine at the time of Jewsus.
28 February, 2012 at 2:20 pm
So maybe the zoglets should try crucifying some of the ringleaders. lol