America’s Court Historians Deny that America Shares Blame for WWII
Posted by Socrates in Baruch, court historians, Felix Frankfurter, genocide, genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, Germany, historical factualism, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Horsejews of the Apocalypse, Japan, Jew World Order, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Jewish cruelty, Jewish Tyranny, Jr., Nazi era, Nazis, Roosevelt, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, William V. Cohen, World War II at 2:24 pm | 
(Above: Albrecht Dürer’s “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” circa 1497)
The truth is, if Roosevelt’s Jewish cabal had not pushed for war, it’s likely that England would not have declared war on Germany. That cabal was urging Europe to make Poland “a line in the sand that couldn’t be crossed” by Hitler. Furthermore, America’s war with Japan was intended to be a “back door” to war with Germany, and it worked. Yes, America’s Jews (who make up most of the Horsejews of the Apocalypse) instigated WWII and Pearl Harbor – in other words, they instigated death on a horrific scale [1].
[1] the term “Horsejews of the Apocalypse” came to me while looking at that Albrecht Dürer painting above and it refers to the Jews who instigated WWII, a war which was, or will be, apocalyptic for the White race in more ways than one
31 March, 2014 at 5:45 pm
Actually, it was the Great War of 1914-1918 that was responsible for all the calamities that followed in the 20th century. And guess who funded and fomented that conflict?
31 March, 2014 at 5:50 pm
P.S…..Go play with yourself, Caleb Howe. What kind of name is that, anyway? You some kind of Amish blacksmith? Mindless right-wing idiot.
1 April, 2014 at 5:31 am
As jews themselves admit, “wars are the jew’s harvests”. Bloody harvests of body bags, tears, and unrepayable debt.
Some of our finest blood-stock was lost in those senseless and entirely avoidable conflicts.
1 April, 2014 at 8:32 am
Hitler said Churchill ran all over Europe like a madman looking for a country to start a war with Germany. Poland was it.
1 April, 2014 at 1:27 pm
How come England and France didn’t declare war on the Soviet Union as well as Germany? After all, the Red Army invaded the eastern half of Poland, as well as the Baltic States and Finland. Hitler was wrong to focus his hostility on the USSR instead of on England and France. Hitler should have known that Stalin didn’t like the French or the British and could have used that hostility to Germany’s advantage. Damn it, Hitler! You really messed things up big time.
1 April, 2014 at 2:28 pm
I would also point out that neither WWI nor II became world wars until the Jew-S-A got involved in them. If that Jew from Princeton Woodrow Wolfsohn minded his own business the Great War would have ended as a draw or a stalemate and would not have led to WWII, the Cold War, the Iraq War, etc. But Wolfsohn lied to the foolish goy American public while campaigning for re-election in 1916. And they believed him. And so now we live with the inevitable results, viz., a nation ruled by the likes of Jerry Springer/Maury Povich/Barry Soetero and Hillary Clinton. Yuck.
1 April, 2014 at 2:41 pm
Tim McGreen Says:
1 April, 2014 at 2:28 pm
I would also point out that neither WWI nor II became world wars until the Jew-S-A got involved in them. If that Jew from Princeton Woodrow Wolfsohn minded his own business the Great War would have ended as a draw or a stalemate and would not have led to WWII, the Cold War, the Iraq War, etc. But Wolfsohn lied to the foolish goy American public while campaigning for re-election in 1916. And they believed him. And so now we live with the inevitable results, viz., a nation ruled by the likes of Jerry Springer/Maury Povich/Barry Soetero and Hillary Clinton. Yuck.
As many know here, the Whites across the Nation who objected were put in jail to shut resistance to this crime called WW1. FDR got his criminal start in the central as an assistant secretary of the Navy and robbed US blind etc.
Read the when the governor of Montana left off in the 1920’s the POS pardoned criminals, but he did not pardon a single one of the farmers who were objectors sent to prison for opposing to the criminal Wall Street kike destroying so called WW 1 led the puppet moron Wilson.
1 April, 2014 at 2:44 pm
German had actually won WW1, but the federals didn’t like the victor so they invaded Europe and upstarted the war on and exhausted Europe.
Hitler focused on Russia because the Germans were the only people willing to check the advance of communism into the heart of Europe.
1 April, 2014 at 2:52 pm
In those days (the 1910s) America was a predominantly Germanic nation. Yet we allowed the Jews to lie to us about the “Huns”, we allowed the establishment of a Jew central bank with nary a single peep, we allowed Jews with names like Wolfsohn and Rosenfeld to occupy the Black House. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were not vigilant. They were too god damn naive and trusting. They let themselves be manipulated by Jewish lies and tricks, the same lies and tricks the Jews have used over and over again for centuries. There’s no excuse.
1 April, 2014 at 3:02 pm
Hitler focused on Russia because the Germans were the only people willing to check the advance of communism into the heart of Europe.
But fd, Stalin didn’t care about exporting communism abroad. He was only interested in consolidating his internal power and in liquidating his enemies, both real and potential. “S******* in one country”, Stalin used to say.
1 April, 2014 at 4:11 pm
This is true, Tim McGreen. But at least the Germans were aware of the dangers of communism. The rest of Europe was in La La Land, behaving as though communism was a fad like the pet rock or hoola hoop.
1 April, 2014 at 5:01 pm
Stalin out out-smarted Churchill, Roosevelt and Hitler. He ended up as the victor of WW2 and half of Europe.
You’re right,Tim McGreen. Rather than communism being a threat to central Europe, the money powers in America who financed the Communists were the true enemies.
2 April, 2014 at 5:26 am
By mid-1916 after the insanity of the Somme offensive and the appalling tragedy of Verdun, both Britain and France were effectively defeated in generalship, manpower and materiel.
Of course the jew controllers of that sanctimonious pos Wilson had other ideas.
4 April, 2014 at 4:03 pm
After a 100 years of war and corrupted selected leaders this is what we have to show for it.
Any Straight White reading this, how could you not see the light.