Posted by Socrates in "gay", "gender theory", "gender", General Decline, grammar, homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, sex, sex differences, Socrates at 3:46 pm | 
Look at this, found in the list of “LGBTQ” terms: “gender fluid” (it means that your gender “fluctuates.” How can a person’s sex fluctuate? By the way, the correct term is “sex,” not “gender,” which only applies to grammar, not to human biology).
More LGBTQ fun [Here].
21 February, 2015 at 7:19 pm
This is why the 3d Reich dismissed Jewish science as a perversion. Even Freud would dismiss the current popular science as make-believe. The teachers are criminals.
21 February, 2015 at 8:28 pm
And what are binary and non-binary men? Is that cissexist?
21 February, 2015 at 9:02 pm
All publicly funded universities should be closed, except for the engineering and medical schools. There is no room for Culture Communist faggotry in either of those two fields. Young Whites should stop wasting their time and their parents’ money going to college unless they have a specific and legitimate reason for being there. If not then get your ass to work!
21 February, 2015 at 9:22 pm
This is why the 3d Reich dismissed Jewish science as a perversion. Even Freud would scoff at todays popular science as make-believe.
Tim McGreen is on point. The brick and mortar universities are largely a waste of money and time except for involved professional training. As soon as White youth receive the equivalent of a high school education, they should begin their life as an adult. The GED book has a wealth of information and offers a better education than public high schools. It also frees the White student from the mongrel public school and militant education commissars.
22 February, 2015 at 9:21 am
Just when you think it couldn’t get much worse along comes Bruce Jenner who wants to transition publicly.
22 February, 2015 at 11:55 am
Tim McGreen Says:
21 February, 2015 at 9:02 pm
All publicly funded universities should be closed, except for the engineering and medical schools. There is no room for Culture Communist faggotry in either of those two fields. Young Whites should stop wasting their time and their parents’ money going to college unless they have a specific and legitimate reason for being there. If not then get your ass to work!
22 February, 2015 at 12:05 pm
Douse these people with gender fluid and then throw a match! Burning fags!
22 February, 2015 at 12:29 pm
Off topic
Management & Training Corp., the private contractor that operates the center for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.
I mentioned awhile back that the majority of prisons are operated by private contractors for profit. The contracts require prisons to operate near full capacity to insure company profit. This means the courthouses are pressured to maintain a steady flow of convicted criminals to the prisons.
The so called land of the free is the biggest criminal country in the world. It begins with the creature on the Potomac–trickle down.
22 February, 2015 at 3:43 pm
People cannot “transition” from male to female or vice-versa as if by magic. There are drugs and cosmetic surgical procedures available that promote the illusion of being able to do so, but what they actually wind up doing is throwing the victim into an even deeper state of confusion and depression.
The best treatment for being a girlie-man is to get a manly job, like driving a tractor-trailer or working in a lumber yard, then going to a sports bar or strip club after work. No therapy, no drugs, no creepy liberals trying to make you feel comfortable about being a freak. Nature made you a man, so act like one!
22 February, 2015 at 3:52 pm
fd is right about those mandatory incarceration quotas. It’s also a fact that many police departments expect their officers to issue a certain number of fines, tickets and citations every month or face disciplinary charges. These outrages illustrate the inherent problems with professional “law enforcement”. We need to go back to a situation where residents and communities police themselves. Enough with overcrowded jails and courthouses, enough with corrupt, incompetent judges and their big pensions, enough with cops being paid double and triple overtime. Get rid of the Kikes, kweers, kommies and koons, get rid of the hogs feeding at the taxpayers’ trough and then we’ll be free.