Martin Luther King Day 2016: January 18
Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", communism, communism in America, Martin Luther King Jr., Marxism, MLK, Socrates, Soviet Union, Stanley Levison at 12:04 pm | 
Get out yer party favors! The hooker-humping Black Jesus has another “day” coming up: Monday, January 18, 2016. And also don’t forget to remember King’s Jewish/communist/Soviet-bagman sidekick, Stanley Levison [1].
[1] Levison mentioned as being a Soviet agent and distributing Soviet money to American communists: [Here].
9 January, 2016 at 1:40 pm
In Texas, Confederate Heroes Day is January 19 (Lee’s birthday). Because MLK Day is celebrated on the 3d Monday of January, the two holidays occasionally fall on the same day.