The Media-Caused “Great Coronavirus Scare”: When Will the Arrests (and Lawsuits) Happen?
Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, Coronavirus media hysteria, jewed media, law, laws, lawsuits, media, media control, media crimes, media hysteria, Socrates at 12:13 pm | 
Regarding the media-caused “Great Coronavirus Scare of 2020” (which has been full of lies, or half-truths, so far), when will the big media company owners/managers be arrested? For what, you ask? How about:
— Here’s a real crime: knowingly interfering with commerce via deception (a violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914: “deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce”; 15 U.S.C. Section 45) [1].
— Endangering the public by knowingly causing widespread and sustained panic (how many heart attacks, strokes and suicides were caused by the Scare? Thousands, probably).
— Endangering the public by knowingly causing hoarding conditions (e.g., the hoarding of N95 medical masks, medicines, milk [for babies], etc. There are several federal laws against hoarding. Donald Trump just signed one in March).
— Endangering the public by knowingly disrupting the food-supply and material-supply chains (related to above paragraph).
— Disturbing the peace (a common, everyday crime).
— Last, but not least: with the Scare, the media committed an economic tort (a civil, not a criminal, wrong; in this case “negligent misrepresentation”); the media caused widespread and sustained economic damage; under the “foreseeability” legal doctrine, the media should have foreseen that the “Great Coronavirus Scare of 2020” would cause massive economic damage. Let the lawsuits begin! How about some nice class-action lawsuits? One in each state? Each county? Each city? Oy vehhhh.
[1] Section 45 reads: “Whenever the Commission shall have reason to believe that any such person, partnership, or corporation has been or is using any unfair method of competition or unfair or deceptive act or practice in or affecting commerce, and if it shall appear to the Commission that a proceeding by it in respect thereof would be to the interest of the public, it shall issue and serve upon such person, partnership, or corporation a complaint stating its charges in that respect and containing a notice of a hearing upon a day and at a place therein fixed at least thirty days after the service of said complaint.”