Have You Heard This Joke? Two Jewish Advisors Walk Into a Bar, and
Posted by Socrates in jewed politics, Judeo-insanity, Judeo-Left, Judeo-Soviet holocaust, Soviet holocaust, Soviet officials with Jewish wives, Soviet Union at 2:26 pm | 
…they ask for some water. Why? Because it’s free! (rimshot). Where do you send Jewish kids with Attention Deficit Disorder? To a concentration camp! (rimshot). How was copper wire invented? Two Jews were fighting over a penny! (rimshot).
When you’re talking about the Left, you’re really talking about the Judeo-Left, since so many powerful leftists are either Jews, or half-Jews, or married to Jews (that was common in the Soviet Union: powerful gentiles — such as Viacheslav Molotov — were married to Jews; so was Khrushchev) [1].
In this case, it has come to light that the globalist Klaus Schwab — the executive chairman and founder of the World Economic Forum — has an Israeli, Yuval Noah Harari, as his top advisor.
[1] “Half the members of the Presidium have Jewish wives” — Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, quoted in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency bulletin, April 23, 1958. The Soviet Union was built by Jews, beginning in 1917.