Posted by Socrates in black behavior, Black Cities, black crime, Detroit, Knoxville, Socrates at 1:27 pm |

Two White people, male and female, dead/burned. This time it was in Detroit. [Article].
Two White people, male and female, dead/burned. This time it was in Detroit. [Article].
One more negro has been found guilty of killing a White couple: [Article].
Your White tax dollars will keep Cobbins well-fed for decades. AmeriKwan justice is great, huh? [1]: [Article]. [1] the jury was nearly 60% Black in a city with a 16% Black population, although the jury was selected in another city (Nashville)
Letalvis Cobbins, a negro, has been found guilty of murder and other crimes in the Christian-Newsom murder case. He faces a possible death sentence. Three more trials, for three more negroes, remain in this case: [Article].
There is apparently little or no “national” media coverage of the trial. Interestingly, the jury is almost 70% Black; only 3 Whites are on the jury, excluding alternates: [Article].
His prison sentence is the maximum: 18 years: [Article].
Eric Boyd has been found guilty after a 7-day federal trial. Four more people are awaiting state trials: [Article].
A 21-year-old University of Tennessee student was gang-raped, choked and bound in January 2007 before being stuffed inside a trash can while still alive, a federal prosecutor told jurors in opening court statements today. “The evidence will be when she went into that trash can, she was alive,” Assistant U.S. Attorney David Jennings said this […]
The trial location is unchanged for a man charged in the Christian/Newsom case: [Article].