3 June, 2007

Another Gun-Control Bill

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, California, guns & goy controllers, jews, Socrates at 3:52 pm | Permanent Link
This one is from a Jewish lawmaker in California [1] [2].


[1] Feuer mentioned as Jewish: [Here]

[2] more about Jews and gun control: [Here]

  • 9 Responses to “Another Gun-Control Bill”

    1. jigaboos j. jigabooze Says:

      (from AMREN)

      “I’m a police officer in Southern California and I can tell you that it is totally out of control here when it comes to the latino and black gangs.

      The numbers of Latino gangbangers from ages 12 to 45 is increasing at an almost exponential rate in our region. Even though this has been going on for some time last year our dept sent us to training sponsored by the ADL which is an organization that I consider to be very anti white. It was information and training on gangs. We were given a booklet and sat through lectures that concentrated on what they called the number one gang problem in the US, White Skinhead Gangs. The black and latino officers could barely keep straight faces never mind the white officers. I still have the book they gave us. It is almost embarrassing to read because the black and latino gangs aren’t mentioned but they are 99.9% of the problem.

      We were required to go through this training which was really nothing more than an attempt at brainwashing. This is happening more and more with our department and others in the region. White people are portrayed by officials and organizations as being some kind of grave danger to the US. I should tell you that we are also undergoing more and more training that is called terrorist training but is really training for urban street unrest. Civil war conditions are what they are training us for.

      I advise everyone here to stay away from blacks and latinos. That may seem obvious but many people still feel that they are safe in most public places. That is no longer true. These people are brazen and are what they themselves consider brave. Their bravery is actually just violence that they admire because they are so stupid and wrapped up in very primitive cultures. They will do things without thinking that you will not believe. The incidents I refer to do not make the papers unless details are left out when forwarded to the media or the media chooses to leave them out. In our cities we have the equivalent of wild African and Central and South American jungle tribes running loose. They are even more dangerous here than in their native lands because there is no fear of punishment in the US. Going to jail to these people is like going to a top of the line hotel. Think about it and you’ll see what I mean.

      The local governments here in Southern California are pumping out stories that say crime is down, that gang killings are down. This is not true at all. Ask any police officer. You are being lied to and we police officers are being lied to by the people who run our departments. Off the record I have had officials tell me this but they were too scared to say who was forcing them to do things that run counter to common sense. They made it clear they would be ruined if they tried to take things in the right direction.”

      Posted by Sgt in Cali at 6:34 PM on June 2

    2. Lutjens Says:

      Great post. Something tells me most cops and military (white or non-white) won’t be on the sheenies’ side when shit hits the fan here on this soil. The ADL’s neck has been positioned in the guillotine.

    3. Steve Says:

      That’s why I think rallies should have, as a secondary goal, to get cops and police even more sympathetic. They deal with the problems we only hear filtered through the media. They know better than any of us that blacks and mexicans are criminal. What they DON’T know, that could bring a lot more of them to our side is how Jews intentionally conceal their crime rates to help destroy white society. It can be assumed that if revolution happens, not an insignificant amount of police and military will side with us.

    4. WN Web Surfer Says:

      jigaboos j. jigabooze – I had just seen that post and Amren and was going to post it here. It was awesome! I’d heard the same things from a couple of guys I know who are Sheriffs in LA County. Believe me, a lot of white cops do know the deal. That guy’s ass will probably be put through the wringer if they find out who he is, just because he mentioned the ADL.

    5. -JC Says:

      In defending myself from a concealed weapons charge, when I was working as a criminal defense PI, something short-sighted cops hate, I read all the court decisions purporting to disarm citizens. I went back to reconstruction and too many of the names of the Southern judges were obviously the usual suspects. Try it in your state.

    6. -JC Says:

      The problem with the ADL, Southern California, and wherever Whites would like to be left alone:



    7. -JC Says:

      From the bunch that brought you Ruby Ridge and Waco

      City to get dose of Justice
      Federal [BATF] agents coming to fight increase in violent crime
      Stacia Glenn, Sun Staff Writer
      [www.sbsun.com The breathtaking murder statistics are updated and posted here daily]
      Article Launched: 06/02/2007 12:22:34 AM PDT

      San Bernardino [A relatively nice “All America City,” when we lived there] – The U.S. Justice Department is sending a team of federal agents to this city’s gritty streets to combat a surge in guns, gangs and murder.
      The action was announced Friday in Washington, D.C., by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who said he was also sending teams to Mesa, Ariz.; Orlando, Fla.; and San Juan, Puerto Rico, which have seen a similar spike in violent crime.
      The four-city push comes as the FBI is expected to report a 1.3 percent rise in violent crime nationwide in 2006 – an increase for the second straight year.
      “Each of these cities has seen an unacceptable increase in homicides or other violent crimes,” Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told employees at the Washington headquarters of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. “Authorities in each have come forward and asked for our help.”
      Defying critics who have demanded his resignation over the firings of nine U.S. attorneys, Gonzales said he would spend the final 18 months of his tenure “in a sprint” to curb violent crime.
      Mayor Pat Morris applauded his efforts Friday, adding that partnerships are instrumental in combating crime. He said he is hopeful that taking guns off the streets will make a noticeable difference in the city’s crime rate.
      “Illegally possessed handguns and the violence they bring to our streets is the curse of our time,” he said.
      No additional money is expected to be funneled to communities to bolster their own law-enforcement efforts, Justice officials said.
      ATF Director Michael J. Sullivan said each of his Violent Crime Impact Teams, which are proposed for the four cities, cost an estimated $1.5 million in personnel, equipment and other expenses.
      Federal assistance is just what the city needs because agents will bring innovative ideas and broader resources to fight crime, police said.
      Although violent crime is down slightly in San Bernardino, there have already been 23 homicides this year.
      “We are utilizing anybody we can to impact our crime rate here. Any help is much needed and very welcomed,” said Lt. Scott Paterson. “It’s lifestyle issues that greatly increase people’s chances of being involved in violent crime. But does anybody deserve to be a victim? No.”
      Six to eight ATF agents will arrive in about 30 days and start figuring out which high-crime areas to focus on.
      The influx of agents brings the number of ATF Violent Crime Impact Teams, which first deployed three years ago, to 29 cities.
      It’s an effective initiative that will solve violent crime rather than just move it elsewhere, said ATF spokeswoman Susan Raichel.
      “This will target the worst of the worst, but it doesn’t drive crime elsewhere,” she said. “It solves crime and puts people behind bars where they belong.”
      A crackdown on gangs in Los Angeles in recent years made San Bernardino a draw for gang members, officials have said.
      Surrounding areas are not expected to experience similar problems when the federal task force comes to San Bernardino.
      A report released Friday by Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine warned of problems with federal crime-fighting task forces. It concluded the teams duplicate efforts and compete for help from local authorities while failing to communicate among themselves. The poor communication, in particular, resulted in three so-called “blue-on-blue” cases in which federal agents mistook one another for criminals.
      Between 2003 and 2006, Fine’s report showed, 210 Justice Department task forces were working in 256 cities nationwide.
      The Associated Press contributed to this report.
      Contact writer Stacia Glenn at (909) 386-3887 or via e-mail at [email protected].

    8. shabbos shabazz Says:

      Corruption of America’s Police by the ADL
      by Dr. William Pierce


    9. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      This whole idea that gun laws are necessary crime fighting tools is ridiculous. Well, let me amend that, gun laws that apply to White people, that is. There used to be a black talk radio host in St. Louis, a real anti-White POS, who nonetheless was honest enough to admit that there should be gun control laws aimed just at nigras. We’ve got to get this anti-gun jew bs out of the minds of our people. We used to hang horse thieves in this country and adding on a charge of possession of spurs in the commission of a horse theft wouldn’t have made them any deader, the punishment for the crime itself was quite sufficient. In a stable White society, the only possibly necessary gun control efforts wouldn’t require any laws, just the kind of street-wise cops we used to have that would confiscate guns from career criminals, give them a kick in the ass, and send them on their way. Of course, in a well-managed White society you wouldn’t have a lot of career criminals on the streets so that wouldn’t be that much of a problem.