2 June, 2007

A Limited Draft Coming?

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', AmeriKwa, Israel, jewed foreign policy, New World Order, Socrates at 3:47 pm | Permanent Link

Big Jew: “More soldiers are needed to fight for Jewish interests in the Middle East. In fact, a draft may be necessary.”

America: “Yes, master.”


  • 17 Responses to “A Limited Draft Coming?”

    1. NT Says:

      If they go into Iran or there is another successful attack inside the US like the JFK Airport thing that was stopped I think we will have a draft. It is right on the edge of it now I think. Maybe it is a good thing. At least some of the smart mouthed Urban “educated” types will have to go and not just the white rural people and working class people. The Upper classes start having a problem when their own family is dying.

    2. honkey tonk man Says:

      (labor camp) – (sometime in the near future)

      BIG JEW: “Please Aryan Master….I’m very hungry… I’ve been working so hard all day…can I please have another bowl of bacon soup?”

      White American guard:…. “Get back to work you stinking JEW or you’ll be shot!”

    3. Der Arbeiter Says:

      Socrates, your dialogues seem undeveloped…

    4. Lutjens Says:

      “honkey tonk man Says:

      2 June, 2007 at 8:21 pm

      (labor camp) – (sometime in the near future)

      BIG JEW: “Please Aryan Master….I’m very hungry… I’ve been working so hard all day…can I please have another bowl of bacon soup?”

      White American guard:…. “Get back to work you stinking JEW or you’ll be shot!” ”

      The labor camps didn’t work the last time.

    5. Lutjens Says:

      “NT Says:

      2 June, 2007 at 4:25 pm

      If they go into Iran or there is another successful attack inside the US like the JFK Airport thing that was stopped I think we will have a draft. It is right on the edge of it now I think. Maybe it is a good thing. At least some of the smart mouthed Urban “educated” types will have to go and not just the white rural people and working class people. The Upper classes start having a problem when their own family is dying.”

      The upper classes will always find a way to avoid it. No one will make them go. The solution is war right here on US soil.

    6. Celtic Warrior Says:

      There were some good riots in New York when the draft was introduced in 1863. The only reason why there wasn’t rioting in 1917 and 1942 is because of media control.

      We we have the internet now, so let’s hope the globalists in their ivory towers feel Aryan wrath.

    7. ManOfWAR Says:

      Darker days are looming on the horizon and will soon be upon us Oh White Men. Our leaders of the future feel a rumbling inside which they recognize not yet as the pull of destiny. They will rise to the occasion and we will know who they are and follow their command. Mark my words the day of the rising is very soon.

    8. Americafirst. Says:

      There are and were many retired military that do not favor the alien regime who has taken control of our media, from Douglas MacArthur, David Hackworth, http://www.richardearley.net and many retired ex-enlisted who have a brain do not want their children going in either.

    9. Nick Says:

      Thanks for that link, Americafirst. Sounds like a book worth reading!

    10. Lutjens Says:

      “Americafirst. Says:

      3 June, 2007 at 10:13 am

      There are and were many retired military that do not favor the alien regime who has taken control of our media, from Douglas MacArthur, David Hackworth, http://www.richardearley.net and many retired ex-enlisted who have a brain do not want their children going in either.”

      And they did what about it? Nothing. They just talk smack on “conservative” news shows like Faux News, write books, and get rich in the process.

    11. cliff Says:

      I have a dream.

      The when our national government is powerful enough to start the vetting process that will involve sending all exporting all the fake jews back to where they should be living: The new fake jewish state of Khazaria in Southern Russia.

    12. Lutjens Says:

      Cliff, that would upset the Ukranian people greatly. There are better ways of dealing with these rat-cunning cockroaches.

    13. cliff Says:

      Is that a few million niggers swimming back to africa with a jew under each arm?

    14. cliff Says:

      You are right Lutjens.

      We should not upset the Ukranians, as they have suffered enough having to put up with the ultimate irony of having millions of their people killed by the very people who ignore them and fake their own phony holohoax.

    15. MrBlond78 Says:

      You have no obligation to fight an illegal war, draft or no draft. Law breaking en masse is impossible to contain, just look at border hoppers and software pirates. At the anti-war demonstrations, I could imagine a brigade of strong military looking types holding signs saying “No war for the Jew” amongst the slobbish hippies to be quite news worthy. And if they send you to jail for the duration, just do as the nigs – train and organize for the comming Race War – now that is a war worth fighting!

    16. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      My question is, a draft to fight for what? Not this country, because countries have borders and we dont have any, at least not on the southern half. That’s the same point I’d make to anyone who would question my patriotism. If they’re gung-ho patriots as they claim to be, then they’re probably voting and about 98% of the idiots voting vote for political parties that refuse to secure the borders, so they need to GTF outta my face. Beyond that, we need to remind them that this war, these troop shortages, were all caused by the jew lobbies. Of course, pointing out to the fucktards that countries have borders will cause most of them to get that dazed look on their stupid faces, adding the jew angle into the mix will probably cause their tiny little brains to overload and send smoke pouring out of their ears.

    17. Americafirst. Says:

      Lutjens Says:

      3 June, 2007 at 6:31 pm

      “Americafirst. Says:

      3 June, 2007 at 10:13 am

      General Douglas Mac Arthur ” Patriot, and hated to this day by enemy aliens.

      What did this man do? Dear friend you I will suggest need to do a study to understand who this man was. Who brother was, and that the Korean war was launched to keep him from resigning as General of the Army in 1950 and run for president and clean out the FDR cabal that got US in the war and started it, not to mention their treaso of having supported Uncle Joe Stalin as FDR called him constantly. FDR and his cabal enabled Mao to come to power and forced/sucker punched Japan to attact on Dec. 7 1941.

      The general was 70 years old when the enemy aliens launched the Korean war to keep him from getting eleacted, and he kept tens of thousands of young White men from dieing Korea, by the Inchon Landing and by having kept it 100% secret, from the traitor aliens in D.C.

      See the book”The Eleventh Hour” by Lewis W. Walt 1979, General USMCR