8 July, 2007

The Endless Quest for Sex Equality, or, Betty Friedan Lives On

Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, Jew World Order, Socrates at 4:06 pm | Permanent Link

“Girls? Boys? There’s no difference,” says lesbian/feminist activist Ruth Weinbergfeldwitz. “Anyone who suggests otherwise is mired in the politics of Hitlerian gender fascism.”


Friedan: [Here]

  • 18 Responses to “The Endless Quest for Sex Equality, or, Betty Friedan Lives On”

    1. Lutjens Says:

      “Statistics show that women are significantly underrepresented in both the study and practice of science, technology and engineering.”

      They are also underrepresented as decent wives and mothers these days.

    2. Lutjens Says:

      “”For the longest time, women were told they should just be homemakers,” Lindie said. “But we’re just as smart as men.””

      Wow, a 13-year-old claiming to be as smart as men already. Quite the little cunt she has become. Probably an expert muff diver already. She’s been groomed well. Any bets she knows how to make a bed or cook a roast? Doubt it. Most young men will do well to keep away from these little twats, they are completely worthless.

    3. Bumblefish Says:

      Careful, now. This blog post and the above comments will be very offensive to Ms. Elisha Strom, new VNN Forum administrator and feminist.

    4. Mark Says:

      It’s always these ugly women that are bitter and hateful towards men. They can’t exercise sexual power like attractive women, so they must seek their power elsewhere, instead of a positive force it becomes something negative that has to ruin male-female relationships since these ugly women can’t have it. If they can’t be happy no one will.

      A similar bitterness exists with black women, who because of their unfortunate genetics possess “bad hair”, and so they try to emulate a white female’s hair with chemical relaxers and extensions.

    5. DQ Says:

      What is Elisha Strom’s role in VNN.

    6. Lutjens Says:

      “Bumblefish Says:

      8 July, 2007 at 6:49 pm

      Careful, now. This blog post and the above comments will be very offensive to Ms. Elisha Strom, new VNN Forum administrator and feminist.”

      I don’t care.


      Good comments. So true.


    7. John Smith Says:

      My dread Lords,
      Forget all that. Don’t you know these little strumpets are being raised to think it a commonplace to corn cob something that looks like Snoopy Doggy Dog, and like it?

    8. frostflower Says:

      I know plenty of “unattractive” women who are happily married… often to unattractive men… sometimes even to attractive ones. Not all fat ugly women are bitter. I know some very jolly happy plump gals who are loving wives.

      I’ve put on weight so would be considered “unattractive” by porn-schooled males. I was brainwashed into feminism in college when I was a traffic-stopper. I have since rejected feminism over the past 15 years.

    9. America First Says:

      Fat ugly feminists are put in to government jobs such as a septic and drain field inspector, andshe likes to cause folk to spend and build much than is actually needed factually and even when proven wrong she is protected and nothing happener to here.

      She likes to talk about construction and truly an idiot with a power trip to hassle men.

      White women are protected like Congoids when it comes to dealing with White men.

    10. Der Verbannt Says:

      Most young men will do well to keep away from these little twats, they are completely worthless.

      But…….what about the fourteen wordz?

    11. sfg Says:

      It’s amazing….you write English words… and yet I don’t understand a thing you are saying. Can you guys just talk in plain ‘ole English instead of your uber malespeak? You almost seem to do it just to separate yourselves from us.

      For the record, and if you don’t care, then you don’t care, I don’t like for white men to refer to little white girls as “cunts” or “twats”. I don’t think it’s worthy of you, or befitting a white male. Aren’t you better than some nigger whose vocabulary isn’t any better than that?

      And to frostflower: I’m sure you look just fine. Most of the women who look like they’re still sixteen lead very abnormal lives. The rest of us just live as normal people. For me, it’s all about what makes me feel better. And yes, I do feel better when I’m slimmer, and I’m always trying to look better so that I’ll feel better about myself. But I do it for me, not anyone else. That’s the difference with a lot of women.

      You guys talk about women being bitter. Some of you need to look at yourselves occasionally. I’m not bitter. I’m neither ugly nor a raving beauty. I’ve just changed because that’s what growing older does to someone. And actually, most females I’ve known for a long time haven’t changed that much. We’ve put on a little weight. But it’s the guys who have really changed such that it is hard to even recognize them. They’re bald, fatter, and almost unrecognizeable sometimes. But, I don’t BLAME them for this.

      It’s called LIFE.

      And for the men on this website who park women into two categories: one for screwing, and one for having babies, you are a sorry lot indeed. Women have always forgiven men bad behavior, women have always put up with much more bad behavior than vice versa. Women have always endured more unhappiness than men have. But we always did it in silence before.

      There is “some’ truth in the feminist movement. Most of it is garbage, of course. But there is some truth and validity in trying to promote meaningful relationships between men and women. Some of you guys act as if you are not in the least interested in a meaningful relationship, just all about power and control and oneupsmanship. That’s not a recipe for a happy marriage or a happy life.

      I wrote a lot more and then erased it. I’m not in the mood to get lambasted by you guys. Some of you are very nice and pleasant and some of you are just not.

      We white folks need to learn to like each other all over again.

    12. Tim Pennington Says:

      It seems to me jews aren’t the only people that attack white beauty. Jealous whites attack beauty as well, and are apparently some of the jews greatest allies. Referring to slender, attractive women as appealing only to ‘porn-schooled’ males is part of this. All males, normal and perverted find fitness attractive, and gasp, so do women.

      Demanding that people accept fat as beautiful is utterly dysgenic. Don’t like it? Lose the fucking weight. Its not that hard.

    13. Bumblefish Says:

      “Lutjens Says:
      8 July, 2007 at 7:55 pm

      I don’t care.”

      Lutjens, I was being sarcastic.

    14. Torch Says:

      Regardless of whom it may offend, women, like children, should be seen and not heard. Politics is a subject too important to trust to those ruled by their emotions.

    15. sfg Says:

      Torch: Does that “seen and not heard” apply to all aspects of life, or just politics?

    16. Lutjens Says:

      “It’s amazing….you write English words… and yet I don’t understand a thing you are saying. Can you guys just talk in plain ‘ole English instead of your uber malespeak? You almost seem to do it just to separate yourselves from us.

      For the record, and if you don’t care, then you don’t care, I don’t like for white men to refer to little white girls as “cunts” or “twats”. I don’t think it’s worthy of you, or befitting a white male. Aren’t you better than some nigger whose vocabulary isn’t any better than that?”

      sfg… thanks for the lecture. If the little girl would speak and behave like a little girl we wouldn’t have these issues. The spewage from the mouths of these brats these days is appalling. Can you imagine what she says to her father (if she even has one, doesn’t sound like it) on a daily basis? I can. What else should I call her? She needs to be brought back in line with reality. She isn’t a woman yet. She needs to leave the word “men” out of her vocabulary. She has no high ground to stand on because she has accomplished absolutely nothing at this point in her life except run her disrespectful, politically-correct yaphole… in the press no less. Dreaming about NASA and becoming a zoid is more important than falling in love with a white man and bringing up a white family. You know damn well she isn’t headed there.

    17. Lutjens Says:

      ““Lutjens Says:
      8 July, 2007 at 7:55 pm

      I don’t care.”

      Lutjens, I was being sarcastic.”

      Yes of course, bumblefish :D

    18. Lutjens Says:

      “Der Verbannt Says:

      9 July, 2007 at 7:33 am

      Most young men will do well to keep away from these little twats, they are completely worthless.

      But…….what about the fourteen wordz?”

      There are many good girls out there, not anything like this one. These types stop at nothing to cut down the male population and the one they will eventually supposedly “love” in anyway possible. You think girls with behaviour and attitude like this at 13 will become good wives and mothers? She is obviously learning this disrespectful behaviour at home and in school (surprise, surprise). What is going to turn her back in the right direction? She’ll be in “college” in a few years. The Bolsheviks there will fuck her confused mind up even more. Chalk up another casualty.