6 March, 2008

“God as Gould”

Posted by Socrates in Luke O'Farrell, Socrates at 9:09 pm | Permanent Link

by Luke O’Farrell: [Here].

  • 6 Responses to ““God as Gould””

    1. au natural Says:

      luke is rabidly anti-fremasonry/caballa……typical honest IRISHMAN..

    2. boy, unimpressed Says:

      I once thought it a virtue that WN could claim its own Irish wit à la Shaw, something to redeem the “scene”. In fact, his intelligence – if not his wit – is significantly curtailed by the specialization of being a white nationalist.

    3. alex Says:

      That comment makes no sense. O’Farrell doesn’t call himself anything, as far as I know. He’s just a smart, witty guy who writes straight up on jews and race. There’s not a thing in the world stopping the Guardian or BBC from hiring him, or anybody from reading him.

    4. abe foxman Says:

      Sorry Alex but there is! His politically incorrect topic! If he were railing against whites and anti liberal causes, he’d have his own syndication with the Guardian, BBC and a host of other enslaved publications.

    5. Muckraker Says:

      What an incredible writer whose caustic wit and barely contained anger just suffuses his writing (LOVE it!).

      Thank you, as always Alex, for providing a home for so many important writers.

      May the shackles continue to be shorn by our brilliant, creative white male writers hell-bent on vengeance with a keyboard.

      An awakened and fooled no more female,

    6. Sue Says:

      O’Farrell is a brilliant writer. That he isn’t published in the mainstream shows just how damn good he is! Linder and Sheppard do a great job by giving O’Farrell a platform, and I point as many people to his work, heretical.com and VNN as possible.

      One friend of mine, who is hitting 75 sat and read O’Farrells work avidly for 3 hours and when she finished she said he had put into words random thoughts she’d had over the years and that he had clarified many points for her.