19 March, 2008

KAMINSKI: The Last Sermon of Martin Luther

Posted by Socrates in John Kaminski, Socrates at 6:31 pm | Permanent Link

by John Kaminski: [Here].

  • 6 Responses to “KAMINSKI: The Last Sermon of Martin Luther”

    1. alex Says:

      Andrei: don’t post general stories. We only want posts on the specific topic in question.

    2. New America Says:

      A quick observation concerning Kaminski:

      It seem his pursuit of The Truth – particularly concerning the issues of RACE, and the demons-known-as-JEWS, has cost him virtually everything he held dear.

      It might be a useful exercise for Kaminski to, in effect, write a prospective autobiography for himself, using it as a tool to provide advice for a younger man much like himself.

      I suspect his emotional response was like Dr. Revilo Oliver’s, when Dr. Oliver realized that all he had allied himself with was simply a controlled false flag – Hell, a SERIES of false flag organizations, ALL which has one controlling Mind, and one controlling Purpose.

      I suspect Oliver was literally, psychologically, overwhelmed, as if suddenly realizing all he had held dear was, literally, the EXACT opposite of what it seemed to be.

      So, too, I suspect, with Kaminski.

      Perhaps – and this is a modest suggestion – Kaminski might want to download a copy of Covington’s “A Distant Thunder,” and use it to help develop a possible conceptual framework for this project.

      If it seems I am promoting Covington’s Vision, well, you are correct.

      I am doing this because (1) he is RIGHT about The Big Issues of RACIAL Organization at the sate level, and (2) he is RIGHT about the many reasons why what should be the most popular “Movement” in America has been, historically, little more than a “Cause,” and, for all practical purposes, a “Lost Cause,” at that.

      Too many of us have looked to pasts that never were, to solve the unique situations of the future.

      Yet, our ANCESTORS who formed these organizations did so with a disciplined, focused eye on The Future, and realized the best way to change the Future was to actively CREATE the Future as they wanted it to be.

      That is why I find Kaminski’s summary of Luther hopeful, but not particularly useful; it looks to Luther’s Insights, and does not address HOW these Insights might be used in developing a better Future for our Family, as the microcosm of our RACE, our RACE, as a macrocosm of our Family, and RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

      As long as we choose to see ourselves as victims, we shall NEVER have any power.

      Incidentally, while Mein Kampf might be very useful as intellectual inspiration for Kaminski, it is useful to look at the example of our Evangelical Christian brethren , who are doing for their FAMILIES – hence, their RACE – what the demonic Goddamn Satanic JEWS are doing for THEIR Families, in service to the Dominant Principle of their RACE, which is Satanic Domination of the World.

      The INTELLIGENT Christians are creating a parallel nation within the American social order, with homeschooling, and growing parallel institutions to the extant social order.

      THEY are the ones whose daughters are reading books on Courtship, which is a far more important institution than we casually realize.

      Perhaps Kaminski can tie their Ideas into Covington’s “A Distant Thunder,” and develop useful Ideas – perhaps told in story form – that can reach more of our people, more effectively.

      Perhaps he can even do a five minute commentary for Radio Free Whitelandia…

      While he can.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    3. Marwinsing Says:

      OMG that article was very revealing… Jeesus shucks just to think that I was brought up a Catholic OMF… GIMME MY FORESKIN BACK!!!

      (thank heck for atheism)


      Dittie: as a kid I had a jewish dentist and my old lady would never believe us whenever I told her how Dr. Blumberg would hurt me ‘cos at age nine like a fucking idiot I dived into the side of the swimming pool and permanently knocked out the newly-grown set of front teeth that we get as kids. To this day the old girl still thinks that jews are nice folks. Heh-heh ol’ skool white-chicks are sooo… naive.

    4. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      New America wrote: “Incidentally, while Mein Kampf might be very useful as intellectual inspiration for Kaminski, it is useful to look at the example of our Evangelical Christian brethren…”

      This is ambiguous and unclear. Mein Kampf is much more than intellectual inspiration not just for Herr Kaminski but anyone. The evangelical Christians are serious mental cases. Their philosemitism is their greatest trait, and also the most damnable. I wish Chuck Carlson all the luck in converting those fools, but I wouldn’t mind sending them all off to their beloved Israel when we regain power.

      Later you state: “The INTELLIGENT Christians are creating a parallel nation within the American social order, with homeschooling…”

      Homeschooling is good, but the only thing “Christian homeschooling” does (except for Christian Identity, Nazis and White Nationalist Christians, which are rare) is replace the anti-Christian crap with pro-Christian ideologies. It is still Marxist and Jewish in that they teach that; all races are equal, Hitler was the most evil tyrannical dictator, killed 6 million kikes, WW2 was a good war, racism — esp. pro-White racism — is the most evil thing that can be overcome by Christian love, Mississippi burning is a great film, blah-blah-blah. The same old jewish mindfuck that keeps them from fighting the real enemy, the jews, and solving the reason we need homeschooling in the first goddamn place. Spare me.

    5. New America Says:

      in reply to FeralWhiteMale:

      you wrote:
      New America wrote: “Incidentally, while Mein Kampf might be very useful as intellectual inspiration for Kaminski, it is useful to look at the example of our Evangelical Christian brethren…”

      This is ambiguous and unclear. Mein Kampf is much more than intellectual inspiration not just for Herr Kaminski but anyone. The evangelical Christians are serious mental cases. Their philosemitism is their greatest trait, and also the most damnable. I wish Chuck Carlson all the luck in converting those fools, but I wouldn’t mind sending them all off to their beloved Israel when we regain power.

      in reply:
      We can certainly agree that Mein Kampf is “much more then intellectual stimulation.” Much more, indeed.

      I agree that evangelical Christians are, to a remarkable degree, “mental cases,” but this is from their experience of being – literally – institutionalized, by the current Forms of Institutional Christianity.

      I suspect that, as the truth about the demonic Jews comes forward, and they see how high a price they have paid for their blind support for the demonic Zionist entity, they will turn against the demons, first by reframing certain issues, and then accepting new values – because the new wine would not fit in the old, rotted bottles.

      Once they accept Family as the appropriate framework for the foundation of the organization of society, RACE, inevitably follows. All we have to do is make this idea remotely acceptable to them, and it will flourish quite nicely.

      you wrote:

      Later you state: “The INTELLIGENT Christians are creating a parallel nation within the American social order, with homeschooling…”

      Homeschooling is good, but the only thing “Christian homeschooling” does (except for Christian Identity, Nazis and White Nationalist Christians, which are rare) is replace the anti-Christian crap with pro-Christian ideologies. It is still Marxist and Jewish in that they teach that; all races are equal, Hitler was the most evil tyrannical dictator, killed 6 million kikes, WW2 was a good war, racism — esp. pro-White racism — is the most evil thing that can be overcome by Christian love, Mississippi burning is a great film, blah-blah-blah. The same old jewish mindfuck that keeps them from fighting the real enemy, the jews, and solving the reason we need homeschooling in the first goddamn place. Spare me.

      in reply:
      Actually the Christian home-schooling curricula of my acquaintance makes little to no mention whatsoever on the Jewish Hoax of the Holocaust.

      It DOES lay the foundation for the Reformation of America That Is To Come, with a strong focus on the “inalienable, God-given Rights” in the Bill of Rights.

      That is part and parcel of the Ron Paul Movement, which could be to a future White President what the Goldwater Movement was to President Reagan.

      And, remember, in the real world of politics, “You can’t beat something with nothing.”

      The idea – the incredibly Childish, Romantic notion, that somehow, “everything will fall apart, and THEN, ‘AS IF BY MAGIC,” the People will turn to White Nationalism, and National Socialism,” is simply the height of folly, and the triumph of Wishful Thinking over painfully gained experience.


      We must start where we are, by taking full advantage of the opportunities before us in the System as it is; this means, for example, going to Ron Paul Meet-Ups, and learning to handle ourselves in public political discourse, while working to develop the parallel Institutions our Families, our People, our RACE will need, to fill in the gaps created by a collapsed State.

      Trust me on this: only the political leaders of the Evangelicals are in the hip pockets of the demonic Jews.

      The People in the pews are seeing their economy fade away, and their lives fall apart.

      They need a New Foundation that can organically build on the collapse of the for FORMS of the Institutional Christian churches, with the SUBSTANCE of a Family – RACE! – based social order.

      For more details about that Order, see “A Distant Thunder,” by Harold Covington.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    6. Amy Aremia Says:

      The expression Judeo-Christianity is greatly misused…..Christianity did not derive out of Judaism—Christianity was the birh of a new Covenant..with the coming of Jesus. When the Pharisees realized His kingdom was not to be the restoration of Israel to its former grandeur the mobs cried for his death.

      Church history points out that the savage persecutions of the Christians by the Romans did not begin until Jewish influence was brought to bear on the Romans.

      The Jew is not the descendant of Abraham but of the Pharisees whom Christ called “child of the Devil.”

      The Jewish controlled news media make the Christians appear to be the
      criminals, that is, accuse your enemy of your crimes. The Bible is filled with accounts of Jewish persecutions of Christians.

      “Anti-Semitism is a smear word to neutralize the opposition by the Jews. General Goerge S. Brown was called an “anti-Semite” when he stated that more than 50% of the top echelon cabinet and admininstrative positions in Washington were occupied by Jews…the minority accuses the majority of oppression and suppression while the minority imposes abortion, atheism and sex education, in classes; bussing and forced race mixing but preach purity of race for themselves… Yet the Church heirarchy stands by like a bought lacky or seemingly mystified.

      One of the basic principles of the United Nations Charter is the dignity and equality inherent in all human beings.

      No Chritian or other public affairs group have ever made criminal charges against Menacheim Begin when he said in a speech made in the Knesset:
      “Our race is the master race. We are divine gods on this earth. We are
      ddifferent from the inferior races as they are from insects—other races
      compare to us as human excrement.” ([published in the “New Statesman”
      June 25, 1982

      Anti-Semitism is one of the most peristent forms of human irrationality.