Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, Big Lie, communism, democracy, egalitarianism, equalocracy, jewed culture, Marxism, New Deal, Roosevelt, Socrates at 6:27 pm | 
This is a good topic for new readers, especially with a presidential election coming up in November.
America wasn’t regularly called a “democracy” until F.D. Roosevelt – with help from his heavily-Jewish staff – began tossing the word around in the 1930s [1]. Before that time, democracy was generally considered to be a bad thing [2][3]. Democracy and communism share a central feature, i.e., both have a leveling effect on society, i.e., both make all of the citizens “equal” [4]. Equality has been harmful to our White society since it has removed naturally-existing social and vocational “pecking orders.” The transformation of America from a “White republic” into a “multicultural, liberal democracy” was one of the worst things to happen in the history of Western civilization:
[1] F. Roosevelt used the word “democracy” eight times in his second inaugural address – which was co-written by Jewish staffer Samuel Rosenman – in January 1937. He used the word nine times in his 1941 inaugural address
[2] “‘Democracy’ is simply another name for ‘a money-lenders’ Paradise'” — from the book “The Rulers of Russia” by Rev. Denis Fahey, p. 56
[3] democracy = mob rule, i.e., whatever “the people” want or seem to want. Almost anything can happen in a democracy. The constitution is routinely ignored or deliberately misinterpreted, e.g., the Roe v. Wade court ruling and federal gun control laws. All adult citizens are allowed to vote, no matter how stupid they might be. A republic = the constitution is strictly obeyed, regardless of the circumstances. Mob rule has no sway in a republic. Voting rights may vary – for example, in the early years of America, only White, male landowners could vote. Some countries are called “republics” even though they aren’t republics
[4] that’s what U.S. General George Moseley referred to when he said, late in his career: “Democracy, hell! It’s nothing but communism. We don’t want the mob rule of democracy”
24 May, 2008 at 6:41 pm
Democracy has been a tool to control society. It has destroyed the great Roman empire. Modern nations like western countries are mostly control through media and entertainment industry, nevertheless it democracy plays an inpormant roles of controling its leaders by those who own govern masses through media and entertainment industry.
24 May, 2008 at 7:14 pm
here in Brazil
many niggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brazil = interracial mixing
See – videos from Brazil
sorry for my bad english
The White Man’s Debt to the Negro (Portuguese)
Violents niggers
***** 21.05.07 Report Record – Sobre Hip-hop e funk Proibidao [05
***** Gil do andaraí – Toque da Cadeia. (PROIBIDÃO – CVRL PCC)
Comando Vermelho Gang members
JN cobra atitude de governador durante ataques do PCC em SP
24 May, 2008 at 7:52 pm
I used to get in so much trouble when I was in school and would argue the point that America was founded as a Republic. I didn’t know then what it meant racially, just from a political definition standpoint. But now that I know race IS politics, I wish I could go back in time and hand the teachers some ‘what-for’.
24 May, 2008 at 10:25 pm
“Roosevelt used the word “democracy” eight times in his second inaugural address – which was co-written by Jewish staffer Samuel Rosenman – in January 1937. He used the word nine times in his 1941 inaugural address.”
Fascinating information. Wiser men rightfully feared democracy. I use to puzzle, prior to connecting-the-dots on the jewish menace and their complete control of our media, why even the supposed educated newspaper reporters and EVERY politician would mangle a commonly known truth about our country, and wondered how and why this disinformation came to be so pervasive. Now I understand from whence it came.
I know I’d love to see Bush horse-whipped for every time he’s deceitfully uttered it prior to his well-deserved hanging, but he’d likely not survive the beating.
24 May, 2008 at 11:11 pm
The informative links accompanying the articles are very useful and much appreciated. I save local copies and have the info available to provide to newcomers when questions arise on these topics.
25 May, 2008 at 12:00 am
In an Aryan society, only the strongest and most intelligent men should rule. Democracy always leads to degeneracy. In the “Kwa” people are brainwashed to believe that they live in a “democracy” when in reality they are totally under the spell of the Jewish Money Power, that is leading them to destruction.
25 May, 2008 at 12:43 am
Democracy is pushed onto the world by Bush and his handlers because it is an ideal form of government for the jew to control. Wealthy jews give more than half the total donations to both the Democratic and the Republician parties. By using vast sums of money to bribe, influence and control elected officials, they dominate both sides of every issue. By controlling the mainstream media, they decide which issues are placed on the agenda. They are masters of the leveraged buyout. 20 or 30 mostly Jewish Neo-cons managed to get us into an unending war against the enemies of Israel. It matters little to them if America goes bankrupt. What matters, to them, Is it good for the Jews?
25 May, 2008 at 1:05 am
Jews give us the illusion of democracy by supplying us with seemingly different candidates who appear to have opposing views, from which we may choose to elect. We are presented with a Black man, a woman and a tired old White man, battling cancer, with a Jew as his probable VP. Truly different candidates, such as Ron Paul and Ralph Nader, who may actually place American interests above Israel, are smeared and ignored by the Jewish media. Therefore, we think we are participating in a free election, when, in fact, the outcome has already been decided. Democracy has broken down, thanks to the Jews. Now, only the most corrupt can even enter the race. Anyone who truly wants to help the American people, is automatically disqualified.
25 May, 2008 at 5:42 am
Prior to the Civil War, Mississippi was one of the few States of the United States that had universal White male sufferage. So, that made Mississippi more of a democracy than most other States.
Btw, FDR was the Governor of New York—so you would expect some jews in his administration wouldn’t you?
In my humble opinion, FDR was our last White President!
25 May, 2008 at 7:54 am
AmeriKwan democracy is a sham and dangerous, but a republic is just as bad. A government is made up of men and men can be easily corrupted and do harm against their own families and friends when they don’t have a clear view of the big picture or when they are self-centered, greedy assholes. An organization as envisioned by Paine and others that has representative politicians supposedly worried about the damage their causing in their old neighborhoods because they have to live there when their term is over is grossly inadequate for White societies to survive and prosper. The natural leaders should be in charge and we shouldn’t allow a form of government, even a republic, that allows for career politicians. We need patriotic statesmen, not brainwashed, greedy, jew-loving swill running our countries. And this will only happen after the deprogramming of the jewish lies from that hypnotic, evil big screen TV begins and Whites are no longer confused and demoralized.
25 May, 2008 at 11:01 am
Of course we should fear democracy, AKA rabble rule, because it simply means that blacks will vote en masse for another black or liberal simpleton who will ensure their upkeep through welfare payments, food stamps and Section 8 housing. And we all know who will pay for this folly. The White man!
And at some point, parasites and other bloodsuckers will outnumber whites which will make peaceable change impossible, and guarantee a racial war amongst the muttt mixture that is America.
25 May, 2008 at 12:26 pm
C’mon Carp, what are you advocating jewish dictatorship or jewish monachry. Or maybe a jewish communist setup like a dictatorship of the proletariat. LOL.
Btw, the Founding Fathers were White nationalists.
25 May, 2008 at 1:34 pm
Hillary Clinton for President
Official Website:
Arlington, VA
Name Occupation Birth Death Known for
Floyd Abrams Attorney 9-Jul-1936 First Amendment lawyer
Lou Adler Business 13-Dec-1933 Dunhill and Ode Records
Arthur Agatston Doctor 1947 The South Beach Diet
Chris Albrecht Business c. 1951 Former HBO Chairman and CEO
Madeleine Albright Diplomat 15-May-1937 Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State
Paul Allaire Business 21-Jul-1938 Twice CEO of Xerox
Byron Allen TV Personality 22-Apr-1961 Real People, The Byron Allen Show
Paul Allen Business 21-Jan-1953 Co-Founder of Microsoft
Gloria Allred Attorney 3-Jul-1941 Feminist lawyer
Herb Alpert Musician 31-Mar-1935 Tijuana Brass and the “A” in A&M Records
Emily Altman Business 1955 Morgan Stanley
Linda G. Alvarado Business 1952 Alvarado Construction, Inc.
Aida M. Alvarez Business 1950 SBA Administrator, 1997-2001
Daniel P. Amos Business c. 1951 CEO of Aflac
Phil Angelides Politician 11-Jun-1953 California State Treasurer
Harriet C. Babbitt Diplomat 1947 US Ambassador to OAS, 1993-97
James Bacchus Politician 21-Jun-1949 Congressman from Florida, 1991-95
Diedrich Bader Actor 24-Dec-1966 The Drew Carey Show
Elizabeth F. Bagley Diplomat 13-Feb-1952 US Ambassador to Portugal, 1994-97
Elizabeth A. Ballantine Attorney c. 1948 EBA Associates
David Baltimore Biologist 7-Mar-1938 Co-discoverer, reverse transcriptase
Donald K. Bandler Diplomat 1947 US Ambassador to Cyprus, 1999-2002
Juanita P. Baranco Business 19-Mar-1949 Baranco Automotive Group
Michael D. Barnes Politician 3-Sep-1943 Congressman from Maryland, 1979-87
David J. Barram Government c. 1943 GSA Administrator, 1996-2001
Charlene Barshefsky Diplomat c. 1950 US Trade Representative, 1997-2001
Willard L. Beaulac Diplomat 25-Jul-1899 Aug-1990 US Ambassador to Argentina, 1956-60
Mike Beebe Politician 28-Dec-1946 Governor of Arkansas
Paul Begala Government 12-May-1961 Helped get Clinton elected
Howard P. Behar Business c. 1947 Starbucks President North America, 2001-02
Brian Behlendorf Computer Programmer 30-Mar-1973 Author of Apache web server
Candace K. Beinecke Attorney 26-Nov-1946 Chair of Hughes Hubbard & Reed
Richard E. Belluzzo Business c. 1954 CEO of Quantum
Richard Ben-Veniste Attorney 3-Jan-1943 9-11 Commission member
Robert H. Benmosche Business 29-May-1944 CEO of MetLife, 1998-2006
Candice Bergen Actor 9-May-1946 Murphy Brown
Berl Bernhard Attorney 7-Sep-1929 Co-Founder, Verner Liipfert
John H. Biggs Business 19-Jul-1936 CEO of TIAA-CREF, 1993-2002
Mike Binder Actor 1958 The Upside of Anger
Steve Bing Film Director 31-Mar-1965 Film producer and massive political donor
James J. Blanchard Politician 8-Aug-1942 Governor of Michigan, 1983-91
Arthur Blank Business 27-Sep-1942 Co-Founder of Home Depot
Lloyd C. Blankfein Business 20-Sep-1954 CEO of Goldman Sachs
Steven Bochco Film/TV Producer 16-Dec-1943 Responsible for Cop Rock
Ivan Boesky Business 6-Mar-1937 Investment banker did insider trades
Thomas Hale Boggs, Jr. Attorney 18-Sep-1940 Patton Boggs
Roy J. Bostock Business c. 1940 CEO of D’Arcy Masius, 1988-96
Crandall C. Bowles Business c. 1947 CEO of Springs Global
John Brademas Politician 2-Mar-1927 Congressman from Indiana, 1959-81
Sarah Brady Activist 6-Feb-1942 Handgun control advocate
John Breaux Politician 1-Mar-1944 US Senator from Louisiana, 1987-2005
Christie Brinkley Model 2-Feb-1954 Supermodel
Dolph Briscoe Politician 23-Apr-1923 Governor of Texas, 1973-79
Eli Broad Business 6-Jun-1933 Billionaire
Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Business 16-May-1955 CEO of Seagram, Warner Music, etc
James L. Brooks Film/TV Producer 9-May-1940 Producer of The Simpsons
Jeffrey H. Brotman Business c. 1943 Chairman of Costco
Helen Gurley Brown Author 18-Feb-1922 Former editor, Cosmopolitan magazine
Carol M. Browner Government 16-Dec-1955 Clinton’s EPA Administrator
Ruth E. Bruch Business 27-Jun-1953 CIO, Kellogg Company
John H. Bryan Business 5-Oct-1936 CEO of Sara Lee, 1975-2000
Warren Buffett Business 30-Aug-1930 Billionaire in Omaha
Ronald W. Burkle Business c. 1953 Supermarket Billionaire
Ursula M. Burns Business 20-Sep-1958 President of Xerox
August Busch III Business 6-Jun-1937 Anheuser-Busch CEO, 1975-2002
Brook Byers Business c. 1946 Co-Founder, Kleiner-Perkins
Louis Caldera Government 1-Apr-1956 US Secretary of the Army, 1998-2001
Roel C. Campos Government 1949 Securities and Exchange Commission
Mitchell Caplan Business c. 1957 CEO of E-Trade
Kate Capshaw Actor 3-Nov-1953 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Lynda Carter Actor 24-Jul-1951 Wonder Woman
Sarah Carter Actor 30-Oct-1980 DOA: Dead or Alive
James Carville Government 25-Oct-1944 Candidate advisor
Gilbert F. Casellas Attorney c. 1952 Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo
Gerald Cassidy Government c. 1940 Cassidy & Associates
Robert B. Catell Business 1-Feb-1937 CEO of KeySpan, 1998-2007
Paul L. Cejas Business 1943 US Ambassador to Belgium, 1998-2001
Nicholas D. Chabraja Business 6-Nov-1942 CEO of General Dynamics
Jim Chapman Politician 8-Mar-1945 Congressman from Texas, 1985-97
Paul R. Charron Business c. 1942 CEO of Liz Claiborne, 1996-2006
Chevy Chase Comic 8-Oct-1943 He is, you’re not
Peter Chernin Business 29-May-1951 President and COO of News Corporation
Deepak Chopra Author 22-Oct-1946 Ageless Body, Timeless Mind
Warren Christopher Government 27-Oct-1925 US Secretary of State, 1993-97
David N. Cicilline Politician 15-Jul-1961 Mayor of Providence
Hillary Clinton First Lady 26-Oct-1947 US Senator from New York
Glenn Close Actor 19-Mar-1947 Fatal Attraction
Tony Coelho Politician 15-Jun-1942 Congressman from California, 1979-89
Andrew B. Cogan Business c. 1963 CEO of Knoll
Gary D. Cohn Business c. 1960 Co-COO of Goldman Sachs
Steven Cojocaru Critic 5-Jan-1965 Entertainment Tonight fashion critic
Virgis W. Colbert Business 1939 EVP at Miller Brewing, 1997-2005
Jeffrey Connaughton Attorney ? Lobbyist, Quinn Gillespie
Andrew Conru Business 3-Feb-1968 Creator of Friendfinder
Bradley Cooper Actor 5-Jan-1975 Will Tippin on Alias
Jon Corzine Politician 1-Jan-1947 Governor of New Jersey
Molly J. Coye Business c. 1946 Founder, Health Technology Center
Henry Cuellar Politician 19-Sep-1955 Congressman, Texas 28th
Jamie Lee Curtis Actor 22-Nov-1958 True Lies
Philippe P. Dauman Business c. 1952 CEO of Viacom
Lanny J. Davis Government c. 1946 White House Counsel, 1996-98
Mark Dayton Politician 26-Jan-1947 US Senator from Minnesota
Susan Decker Business c. 1963 President of Yahoo
Ruby Dee Actor 27-Oct-1924 The Jackie Robinson Story
Robert E. Denham Attorney 27-Aug-1945 Partner, Munger, Tolles & Olson
Alan Dershowitz Attorney 1-Sep-1938 Lawyer, represented Klaus von Bulow
John Deutch Government 27-Jul-1938 CIA Director, 1995-96
Danny DeVito Actor 17-Nov-1944 Short loudmouth from Taxi
David F. DeVoe Business c. 1947 CFO of News Corporation
Barry Diller Business 2-Feb-1942 CEO of USA Interactive Corp.
James Dimon Business 13-Mar-1956 CEO of JP Morgan Chase
John Doerr Business 29-Jun-1951 Silicon Valley venture capitalist
Jim Donald Business ? President and CEO of Starbucks
Thomas E. Donilon Attorney c. 1955 O’Melvany and Myers
Craig S. Donohue Business c. 1961 CEO of Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Cal Dooley Politician 11-Jan-1954 Congressman from California, 1991-2005
Michael Douglas Actor 25-Sep-1944 Wall Street, The Game
Patti Solis Doyle Government ? Hillary Clinton campaign strategist
Fran Drescher Actor 30-Sep-1957 The Nanny
Millard Drexler Business c. 1944 CEO of J. Crew
Dina Dublon Business 1953 CFO of JP Morgan Chase, 1998-2004
Patricia Duff Socialite Apr-1954 Ron Perelman’s ex-wife
Dick Ebersol Journalist 28-Jul-1947 Chairman of NBC Sports
Marc Ecko Fashion Designer 1972 Founder, Ecko line of menswear
Carol B. Einiger Business c. 1948 Post Rock Advisors LLC
Stuart Eizenstat Diplomat 15-Jan-1943 US Ambassador to the EU, 1993-96
Susan E. Engel Business c. 1946 CEO of Lenox Group, 1996-2007
Debrah Farentino Actor 30-Sep-1959 Devon Adair on Earth 2
Peter Farrelly Film Director 17-Dec-1956 A Farrelly Brother
Vic Fazio Politician 11-Oct-1942 Congressman from California, 1979-99
Dianne Feinstein Politician 22-Jun-1933 US Senator from California
Tovah Feldshuh Actor 27-Dec-1952 Kissing Jessica Stein
Geraldine Ferraro Politician 26-Aug-1935 Walter Mondale’s VP candidate in 1984
Sally Field Actor 6-Nov-1946 Steel Magnolias
Cleo Fields Politician 22-Nov-1962 Congressman from Louisiana, 1993-97
Thom Filicia TV Personality 17-May-1968 Interior Design Queer Eye guy
Lawrence K. Fish Business ? CEO of Citizens Financial Group
Joely Fisher Actor 29-Oct-1967 Nostradamus
James B. Flaws Business c. 1949 CFO of Corning
James Florio Politician 29-Aug-1937 Governor of New Jersey, 1990-94
Michael Forbes Politician 16-Jul-1952 Congressman from New York, 1995-2001
Donald Fowler Government 12-Sep-1935 DNC chairman, 1995-97
Vivica Fox Actor 30-Jul-1964 Booty Call
J. Richard Fredericks Business 1945 US Ambassador to Switzerland, 1999-2001
Martin Frost Politician 1-Jan-1942 Congressman from Texas, 1979-2005
Susan Fuhrman Educator c. 1943 President, Teachers College, Columbia
Richard S. Fuld, Jr. Business 26-Apr-1946 CEO of Lehman Brothers
Edward M. Gabriel Diplomat 1950 US Ambassador to Morocco, 1998-2001
Kim Gandy Activist 25-Jan-1954 President of NOW
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Author 16-Sep-1950 The Signifying Monkey
Mimi Gardner Gates Administrator c. 1953 Director, Seattle Art Museum
Mark Gearan Government 16-Sep-1956 Peace Corps Director, 1995-99
Dick Gephardt Politician 31-Jan-1941 Congressman from Missouri, 1977-2005
Jami Gertz Actor 28-Oct-1965 Muffy on Square Pegs
Chuck Geschke Business 11-Sep-1939 Co-Founder of Adobe
Gordon D. Giffin Diplomat c. 1949 US Ambassador to Canada, 1997-2001
Kirsten Gillibrand Politician 9-Dec-1966 Congresswoman, New York 20th
Allan D. Gilmour Business 1934 Twice Vice Chairman of Ford
Donald A. Glaser Physicist 21-Sep-1926 Inventor of the bubble chamber
Sharon Gless Actor 31-May-1943 Cagney on Cagney and Lacey
Dan Glickman Politician 24-Nov-1944 Former Congressman, President of the MPAA
Linda A. Goldstein Business 25-Jun-1954 Electronic Retailing Association
Berry Gordy Business 28-Nov-1929 Founder of Motown Records
Jamie S. Gorelick Attorney 6-May-1950 9-11 Commission member
Lyle Gramley Economist 14-Jan-1927 Former Federal Reserve governor
Brian Grazer Film/TV Producer 12-Jul-1951 Co-Founder, Imagine Entertainment
Patrick J. Griffin Government c. 1948 Lobbyist
John Grisham Novelist 8-Feb-1955 A Time To Kill and The Firm
Ioan Gruffudd Actor 6-Oct-1973 Horatio Hornblower
Christopher Guest Actor 5-Feb-1948 This Is Spinal Tap
Davis Guggenheim Film Director c. 1964 An Inconvenient Truth
William R. Hambrecht Business c. 1935 W.R. Hambrecht & Co.
Lloyd N. Hand Attorney 31-Jan-1929 Chief of Protocol for Johnson
Tom Hanks Actor 9-Jul-1956 Forrest Gump
Ruth R. Harkin Business c. 1944 United Technologies VP, 1997-2005
Jane Harman Politician 28-Jun-1945 Congresswoman, California 36th
E. Lynn Harris Novelist 20-Jun-1955 Invisible Life
Janet Gray Hayes Politician 12-Jul-1926 Mayor of San Jose, 1975-83
Paul Hazen Business 1941 CEO of Wells Fargo Bank, 1995-98
Hugh Hefner Business 9-Apr-1926 Founder of Playboy magazine
David W. Heleniak Business c. 1946 Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley
Ed Helms Comic 24-Jan-1974 The Daily Show
Don Henley Musician 22-Jul-1947 The Eagles
C. Robert Henrikson Business c. 1947 CEO of MetLife
Robin E. Hernreich Business 1945 Co-Owner, Sacramento Kings
Eric Hippeau Business ? CEO of Ziff-Davis, 1993-2000
Joseph Hoeffel Politician 3-Sep-1950 Congressman from Pensylvania, 1999-2005
Richard C. Holbrooke Diplomat 24-Apr-1941 US Ambassador to UN, 1998-2001
Eddie Holland Musician 30-Oct-1939 R&B songwriter, producer and performer
Janet L. Holmgren Educator c. 1946 President, Mills College
Elizabeth Holtzman Politician 11-Aug-1941 Congresswoman from New York, 1973-81
Marilyn Horne Singer 16-Jan-1934 Operatic mezzo soprano
Donna Hrinak Diplomat c. 1950 US Ambassador, Latin America
Norman Hsu Philanthropist Oct-1951 Notorious Democratic donor
William J. Hughes Politician 17-Oct-1932 Congressman from New Jersey, 1975-95
Frederick S. Humphries Business c. 1935 Former President, Florida A&M University
Reed E. Hundt Business 3-Mar-1948 FCC Chairman, 1993-97
Robert E. Hunter Diplomat c. 1940 US Ambassador to NATO, 1993-98
Jeffrey R. Immelt Business 19-Feb-1956 CEO of General Electric
Martin Indyk Diplomat c. 1951 US Ambassador to Israel, 1995-97, 2000-01
Shirley A. Jackson Physicist 5-Aug-1946 NRC Chairman, 1995-99
Jerry Jasinowski Business 4-Jan-1939 National Association of Manufacturers
Richard Jenrette Business 5-Apr-1929 Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
James A. Johnson Business 24-Dec-1943 CEO of Fannie Mae, 1991-98
Lonnie Johnson Inventor 6-Oct-1949 Revolutionized the squirt gun industry
Robert L. Johnson Business 8-Apr-1946 CEO of BET
J. Bennett Johnston Politician 10-Jun-1932 US Senator from Louisiana, 1972-97
Quincy Jones Music Producer 14-Mar-1933 Musician, Composer, Producer
Star Jones TV Personality 24-Mar-1962 Played herself on The View
Vernon Jordan Business 15-Aug-1935 Advisor to Bill Clinton
Harry P. Kamen Business c. 1932 CEO of Metropolitan Life, 1993-98
Helene L. Kaplan Attorney 19-Jun-1933 Of Counsel, Skadden Arps
Bruce Karatz Business 1945 CEO of KB Home, 1986-2006
Pamela S. Karlan Scholar c. 1958 Constitutional and legal scholar
Jeffrey Katzenberg Business 21-Dec-1950 Produced Shrek
Marta Kauffman Film/TV Producer 1956 Co-creator of Friends
Richard Kelly Screenwriter 28-Mar-1975 Wrote and directed Donnie Darko
Caroline Kennedy Relative 27-Nov-1957 Daughter of John F. Kennedy
David L. Kennedy Business c. 1947 CEO of Revlon
Kathleen Kennedy Film/TV Producer 1953 Co-Founder of Amblin Entertainment
Joanna Kerns Actor 12-Feb-1953 Maggie Seaver on Growing Pains
Bob Kerrey Politician 27-Aug-1943 Governor and Senator from Nebraska
Vinod Khosla Business 28-Jan-1955 Venture capitalist
James Kimsey Business 1939 AOL’s founding CEO
Calvin Klein Fashion Designer 19-Nov-1942 Fashion designer
Herbert G. Klein Journalist 1-Apr-1918 White House Communications Director, 1969-73
Hans Kobler Business ? CEO of ICx Technologies
Bernie Kosar Football 25-Nov-1963 Former Cleveland Browns QB
Peter H. Kostmayer Politician 27-Sep-1946 Congressman from Pennsylvania, 1983-93
Michael J. Kowalski Business c. 1952 CEO of Tiffany & Co.
Madeleine M. Kunin Politician 28-Sep-1933 Governor of Vermont, 1985-91
Philip Lader Government 1946 US Ambassador to the UK, 1997-2001
Christine Lahti Actor 4-Apr-1950 Dr. Kate Austin on Chicago Hope
Bill Laimbeer Basketball 19-May-1957 Detroit Pistons #40, retired
Sherry Lansing Business 31-Jul-1944 Former Paramount executive
Leonard Lauder Business c. 1933 Chairman of Estee Lauder
William Lauder Business c. 1961 CEO, Estée Lauder
Sharon Lawrence Actor 29-Jun-1961 NYPD Blue
Gerry Laybourne Business 19-May-1947 CEO of Oxygen Media
George M. Leader Politician 17-Jan-1918 Governor of Pennsylvania, 1955-59
Norman Lear Film/TV Producer 27-Jul-1922 Creator of All in the Family
Debra L. Lee Business 1955 CEO of BET Networks
Sandra Lee TV Personality 3-Jul-1966 Semi-Homemade Cooking
Annie Leibovitz Photographer 2-Oct-1949 Celebrity photographer
William M. Lewis, Jr. Business 30-Apr-1956 Co-Chair Investment Banking at Lazard
Ann Lewis Activist ? Clinton advisor
Richard A. Licht Politician 25-Mar-1948 Lt. Governor of Rhode Island, 1985-89
Edward H. Linde Business c. 1940 CEO of Boston Properties
Robert I. Lipp Business c. 1938 CEO of Travelers Property Casualty, 2001-04
Christopher Lloyd Actor 22-Oct-1938 Jim Ignatowski on Taxi
Joe Lockhart Government 13-Jul-1959 White House Press Secretary under Bill Clinton
Bill Lockyer Politician 8-May-1941 Attorney General of California
Nita Lowey Politician 5-Jul-1937 Congresswoman, New York 18th
William H. Luers Diplomat 15-May-1929 US Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, 1983-86
Thomas A. Luken Politician 9-Jul-1925 Congressman from Ohio, 1977-91
Howard W. Lutnick Business c. 1961 CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald
Jane Lynch Actor 14-Jul-1960 A Mighty Wind
Amy Madigan Actor 11-Sep-1950 Places in the Heart
Ira Magaziner Government 8-Nov-1947 Internet advisor under Bill Clinton
Marjorie Magner Business 1949 Former Citibank executive
Tobey Maguire Actor 27-Jun-1975 Spider-Man
Robert Malley Government ? Ex-National Security Council
Gavin Maloof Business 9-Oct-1956 Las Vegas entrepreneur
Joe Maloof Business 15-Nov-1955 Las Vegas entrepreneur
Charles T. Manatt Attorney 9-Jun-1936 DNC Chairman, 1981-85
Barry Manilow Singer/Songwriter 17-Jun-1943 I Write The Songs
Michael Mann Film Director 5-Feb-1943 Manhunter, Heat, and Collateral
Marla Maples Relative 27-Oct-1963 One of Donald Trump’s ex-wives
Thurgood Marshall, Jr. Attorney c. 1956 Partner, Bingham McCutchen
Theodore A. Mathas Business c. 1967 President of New York Life
Sylvia M. Mathews Administrator 1965 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Karen J. Mathis Attorney c. 1950 President of the ABA, 2006-07
Peter Max Artist 19-Oct-1937 Psychedelic art has featured Statues of Liberty
Terry McAuliffe Politician 1957 Clinton’s Chairman of the DNC
Mike McCurry Government 21-Dec-1954 White House Press Secretary 1994-98
Henry McGee Business c. 1954 President of HBO Video
Gerald S. McGowan Attorney 3-Sep-1946 US Ambassador to Portugal, 1998-2001
Raymond J. McGuire Business 1957 Citigroup M&A executive
Mike Medavoy Business 21-Jan-1941 TriStar, Orion, Phoenix Pictures chairman
Carrie P. Meek Politician 29-Apr-1926 Congresswoman from Florida, 1993-2003
Thomas J. Meredith Business c. 1950 CFO of Dell, 1992-2000
Bette Midler Singer 1-Dec-1945 Ol’ Red Hair
Eric Millegan Actor 25-Aug-1974 Zack Addy on Bones
Ira M. Millstein Attorney c. 1925 Weil, Gotshal & Manges
Patricia E. Mitchell Business c. 1943 CEO of PBS, 2000-06
Steven T. Mnuchin Business c. 1963 Dune Capital Management
Jorge P. Montoya Business 1946 Procter & Gamble Executive
Bruce A. Morrison Politician 8-Oct-1944 Congressman from Connecticut, 1983-91
Bruce E. Mosler Business c. 1958 CEO of Cushman & Wakefield
Walter Mosley Author 12-Jan-1952 Ezekiel “Easy” Rawlins mysteries
Donny Most Actor 8-Aug-1953 Ralph Malph on Happy Days
Alonzo Mourning Basketball 8-Feb-1970 Zo
Anne M. Mulcahy Business 21-Oct-1952 CEO of Xerox
Alicia H. Munnell Economist 12-Jun-1942 Council of Economic Advisers, 1996-97
James Murdoch Business 13-Dec-1972 Rupert Murdoch’s heir-apparent
Thomas S. Murphy Business 31-May-1925 CEO of Capital Cities/ABC, 1966-90
Kathy Najimy Actor 6-Feb-1957 Voice of Peggy on King of the Hill
Hassan Nemazee Business 27-Jan-1950 Nemazee Capital Corporation
Susan Ness Government ? FCC Commissioner, 1994-2001
Paul Newman Actor 26-Jan-1925 Salad dressing magnate
George Nigh Politician 9-Jun-1927 Governor of Oklahoma, 1979-87
Beth Nolan Attorney 1951 White House Counsel, 1999-2001
Jessye Norman Singer 15-Sep-1945 Operatic soprano
Bernard W. Nussbaum Attorney 23-Mar-1937 White House Counsel for Bill Clinton
Joseph Nye Government 19-Jan-1937 Chairman, National Intelligence Council, 1993-94
Gavin O’Connor Film Director 1964 Tumbleweeds
Michael O’Hanlon Scholar c. 1958 Brookings Institution
Hazel O’Leary Government 17-May-1937 US Secretary of Energy 1993-97
Ken Olin Actor 30-Jul-1954 Michael Steadman on thirtysomething
Lyndon L. Olson Diplomat 1947 US Ambassador to Sweden, 1998-2001
Douglas D. Osheroff Physicist 1-Aug-1945 Superfluidity of helium-3
Leon Panetta Government 28-Jun-1938 Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff, 1994-96
Alan Patricof Business c. 1935 Apax Partners
Lewis F. Payne, Jr. Politician 9-Jul-1945 Congressman from Virginia, 1988-97
Norman Pearlstine Journalist 4-Oct-1942 Former Time Inc. Editor in Chief
Holly Robinson Peete Actor 18-Sep-1964 For Your Love
Mark Penn Government c. 1954 Hillary Clinton campaign strategist
John E. Pepper, Jr. Business c. 1938 Chairman of Disney
Ron Perelman Business 1-Jan-1943 Billionaire owns 60% of Revlon
Rhea Perlman Actor 31-Mar-1948 Cheers
William J. Perry Government 11-Oct-1927 US Secretary of Defense, 1994-97
Charles E. Phillips, Jr. Business c. 1960 President of Oracle
Warren H. Phillips Publisher 1926 Chairman of Dow Jones, 1975-91
Nicholas Platt Diplomat 10-Mar-1936 US Ambassador to Pakistan, 1991-92
John Podesta Government c. 1949 Ex-Clinton Deputy Chief of Staff
Markie Post Actor 4-Nov-1950 Christine on Night Court
Robert Pozen Business 1946 Fidelity Investments
Kathryn L. H. Proffitt Diplomat 1951 US Ambassador to Malta, 1998-2001
Vikki L. Pryor Business c. 1953 CEO of SBLI Mutual Life
Linda Purl Actor 2-Sep-1955 Charlene on Matlock
Emily K. Rafferty Administrator ? President, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Brett Ratner Film Director 28-Mar-1969 Red Dragon
Steve Rattner Business c. 1955 Quadrangle Group
Diane Ravitch Government 1-Jul-1938 Education reformer
Prem Reddy Doctor 1949 Prime Healthcare Services, Inc.
Lynn Redgrave Actor 8-Mar-1943 The Happy Hooker
Sumner Redstone Business 27-May-1923 Chairman and CEO of Viacom
Rex Reed Critic 2-Oct-1938 At the Movies
Catherine A. Rein Business 7-Feb-1943 Senior EVP at MetLife
Rob Reiner Actor 6-Mar-1947 Meathead
Toni Rembe Attorney c. 1938 Partner at Pillsbury Winthrop, 1971-2004
Ed Rendell Politician 5-Jan-1944 Governor of Pennsylvania
Oscar de la Renta Fashion Designer 22-Jul-1932 Colorful and flirty fashion designer
Stewart A. Resnick Business c. 1938 Roll International
Nicholas A. Rey Business 1938 US Ambassador to Poland, 1993-97
Catherine B. Reynolds Philanthropist c. 1957 Prominent benefactor
Anne Rice Novelist 4-Oct-1941 Vampire novelist
Richard W. Riley Politician 2-Jan-1933 Governor of South Carolina, 1979-87
Alice Rivlin Economist 4-Mar-1931 Founding director, Congressional Budget Office
Brian Roberts Business 28-Jun-1959 CEO of Comcast
James D. Robinson III Business 19-Nov-1935 CEO of American Express, 1977-93
Robert A. Roe Politician 28-Feb-1924 Congressman from New Jersey, 1969-93
Felix Rohatyn Business 29-May-1928 Financier, Lazard Frères
James C. Rosapepe Diplomat 20-May-1951 US Ambassador to Romania, 1998-2001
Hilary Rosen Business 22-Oct-1958 RIAA CEO from 1998-2003
Sheli Z. Rosenberg Business 2-Feb-1942 Equity Group Investments
Peter R. Rosenblatt Diplomat 4-Sep-1933 Washington attorney
Stephen A. Ross Economist ? Professor of Financial Economics, MIT
Steven Roth Business c. 1941 CEO of Vornado Realty Trust
Howard J. Rubenstein Business c. 1932 Rubenstein Associates
James P. Rubin Government 1960 State Department Spokesman, 1997-2000
William C. Rudin Business c. 1957 Rudin Management Company
Haim Saban Business 1944 Billionaire
Paul Sagan Business c. 1959 CEO of Akamai
Karim Samii Business c. 1963 Pardus Capital Management
Paul Samuelson Economist 15-May-1915 1970 Nobel Prize in Economics
Charles A. Sanders Business c. 1932 CEO of Glaxo, 1989-95
John F. Sandner Business 3-Nov-1941 Past Chairman, Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Roger W. Sant Business c. 1930 Billionaire, AES
Vidal Sassoon Business 17-Jan-1928 Celebrity hairstylist
Glen Sather Hockey 2-Sep-1943 Longtime Head Coach, Edmonton Oilers
Frank Savage Business c. 1940 VP at Equitable Life, 1987-96
Orville Schell Author 20-May-1940 Prominent sinologist
Lynn Schenk Politician 5-Jan-1945 US Congresswoman from California, 1993-95
Adam Schiff Politician 22-Jun-1960 Congressman, California 29th
Neal E. Schmale Business c. 1947 President and COO of Sempra Energy
Cynthia P. Schneider Scholar 16-Aug-1953 US Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1998-2001
Pat Schroeder Politician 30-Jul-1940 Congresswoman from Colorado, 1973-97
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Politician 27-Sep-1966 Congresswoman, Florida 20th
William F. Schulz Activist 14-Nov-1949 Director, Amnesty International, 1994-2006
Bernard L. Schwartz Business 12-Dec-1926 CEO of Loral Corporation, 1972-2006
John Sculley Business 6-Apr-1939 CEO of Apple, 1983-93
Ivan G. Seidenberg Business 10-Dec-1946 Chairman and CEO of Verizon
Naomi O. Seligman Business c. 1939 The Research Board
Nicole K. Seligman Attorney 1957 General Counsel of Sony
Terry Semel Business 24-Feb-1943 CEO of Yahoo, 2001-07
Donna Shalala Government 14-Feb-1941 Secretary of HHS, 1993-2001
Judith Shapiro Educator 24-Jan-1942 President, Barnard College
Kevin W. Sharer Business 2-Mar-1948 CEO of Amgen
John Shattuck Attorney 1943 CEO, JFK Library Foundation
Ruth G. Shaw Business 19-Feb-1948 CEO of Duke Power, 2003-06
Robert Shaye Business 3-Mar-1949 Co-CEO of New Line Cinema
David L. Shedlarz Business c. 1948 Vice Chairman of Pfizer
Sid Sheinberg Business 14-Jan-1935 President and COO of MCA, 1973-95
Sally Shelton-Colby Diplomat 1944 US Ambassador to Barbados, 1979-81
Karen Shepherd Politician 5-Jul-1940 Congresswoman from Utah, 1993-95
Rondell Sheridan Actor 15-Aug-1958 Victor Baxter on That’s So Raven
Pauly Shore Comic 1-Feb-1968 Encino Man
Elaine Showalter Critic 21-Jan-1941 Lead alpha Gynocritic
Ronnie Shows Politician 26-Jan-1947 Congressman from Mississippi, 1999-2003
Stanley S. Shuman Business c. 1934 Allen & Company
M. Night Shyamalan Film Director 6-Aug-1970 The Sixth Sense
Gerry Sikorski Politician 26-Apr-1948 Congressman from Minnesota, 1983-93
James Simons Mathematician c. 1938 Renaissance Technologies hedge fund
Bryan Singer Film Director 17-Sep-1965 X-Men
Arthur M. Siskind Business c. 1938 Former News Corporation executive
Rodney Slater Government 23-Feb-1955 US Secretary of Transportation, 1997-2001
Jim Slattery Politician 4-Aug-1948 Congressman from Kansas, 1983-95
Anne-Marie Slaughter Educator 27-Sep-1958 Dean, Woodrow Wilson School
Eleanor Smeal Activist 30-Jul-1939 Founder, Feminist Majority Foundation
Jeffery Smisek Business c. 1954 President of Continental Airlines
Jimmy Smits Actor 9-Jul-1955 L.A. Law, Switch
Jay Snyder Business c. 1961 HBJ Investments
Joan Spero Diplomat c. 1944 Under Secretary of State, 1993-97
Jerry I. Speyer Business 23-Jun-1940 Tishman Speyer Properties
Steven Spielberg Film Director 18-Dec-1946 E.T., 1941
Carl Spielvogel Business c. 1930 Advertising executive, Bates Worldwide
Jerry Springer Talk Show Host 13-Feb-1944 The Jerry Springer Show
Jerry Stahl Author 1953 Permanent Midnight
John T. Standley Business c. 1964 CEO of Pathmark Stores
Mary Steenburgen Actor 8-Feb-1953 Goin’ South
George Steinbrenner Baseball 4-Jul-1930 Owner, New York Yankees
Charlie Stenholm Politician 26-Oct-1938 Congressman from Texas, 1979-2005
David J. Stern Basketball 22-Sep-1942 Commissioner of the NBA
Sy Sternberg Business 24-Jun-1943 CEO of New York Life
Alana Stewart Actor 18-May-1945 Ex-Wife of George Hamilton, Rod Stewart
Martha Stewart Business 3-Aug-1941 Professional housekeeper, insider trader
Gary Stiffelman Attorney c. 1952 Music industry attorney
Ben Stiller Actor 30-Nov-1965 There’s Something About Mary
Patty Stonesifer Business c. 1956 Co-Chair of Gates Foundation
Robert S. Strauss Diplomat 19-Oct-1918 US Ambassador to Russia, 1991-92
Barbra Streisand Singer 24-Apr-1942 You Don’t Bring Me Flowers
Bruce Sundlun Politician 19-Jan-1920 Governor of Rhode Island, 1991-95
George Takei Actor 20-Apr-1937 Sulu on original Star Trek
Strobe Talbott Government 25-Apr-1946 Time journalist, Deputy Secy. of State
Amy Tan Author 19-Feb-1952 The Joy Luck Club
Deborah Tannen Linguist 7-Jun-1951 You Just Don’t Understand
Ellen Tauscher Politician 15-Nov-1951 Congresswoman, California 10th
Jon Tenney Actor 16-Dec-1961 Brooklyn South
Franklin A. Thomas Business 27-May-1934 President of the Ford Foundation, 1979-96
Heather Thomas Actor 8-Sep-1957 Jody Banks on The Fall Guy
Marlo Thomas Actor 21-Nov-1937 That Girl
John W. Thompson Business 24-Apr-1949 CEO of Symantec
Maura Tierney Actor 3-Feb-1965 Lisa from Newsradio
Lily Tomlin Actor 1-Sep-1939 Laugh-In
Robert Torricelli Politician 27-Aug-1951 US Senator from New Jersey, 1997-2002
Marie J. Toulantis Business c. 1959 CEO of Barnes & Noble Website
Donald Trump Business 14-Jun-1946 The Donald
Ivanka Trump Relative 30-Oct-1981 Daughter of Donald Trump
Peter F. Tufo Diplomat ? US Ambassador to Hungary, 1997-2001
Don Tyson Business 1930 Tyson Foods
Leonard S. Unger Diplomat 17-Dec-1917 US Ambassador to Taiwan, 1974-79
Harold E. Varmus Scientist 18-Dec-1939 Genetic causes of cancer
Lillian Vernon Business 1927 Mail-order maven of America
Bob Vila TV Personality 20-Jun-1946 Host of carpentry show This Old House
Thomas Vilsack Politician 13-Dec-1950 Governor of Iowa
Peter F. Volanakis Business c. 1956 COO of Corning
Diane von Furstenberg Fashion Designer 31-Dec-1946 Fashion designer
Vera Wang Fashion Designer 27-Jun-1949 Loves to design wedding dresses
Carl Ware Business c. 1944 Former Coca-Cola executive
Bruce Wasserstein Business c. 1948 Wall Street dealmaker
Alice Waters Chef 28-Apr-1944 Chez Panisse
James Watson Scientist 6-Apr-1928 Co-discoverer of DNA
Seth P. Waxman Government 28-Nov-1951 US Solicitor General 1997-2001
Wendell P. Weeks Business c. 1960 CEO of Corning
Harvey Weinstein Film/TV Producer 19-Mar-1952 Miramax and The Weinstein Co.
Ted Wells Attorney 28-Apr-1950 Washington lawyer
Togo West Government 21-Jun-1942 US Secretary of the Army, Veterans Affairs
Patricia Wettig Actor 4-Dec-1951 thirtysomething
George M. Whitesides Chemist 3-Aug-1939 Harvard chemist, highest H-Index
Bradley Whitford Actor 10-Oct-1959 The West Wing
Marna C. Whittington Business c. 1947 COO of Allianz Global Investors
Anson Williams Actor 25-Sep-1949 Potsie on Happy Days
Rita Wilson Actor 26-Oct-1956 Runaway Bride
Jay S. Wintrob Business 1958 CEO, AIG Retirement Services
Frank G. Wisner Diplomat 1938 US Ambassador to India, 1994-97
Robert Wolf Business c. 1962 Chairman of UBS Group Americas
James Wolfensohn Business 1-Dec-1933 World Bank president, 1995-2005
Howard Wolfson Government c. 1967 Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman
Joanne Woodward Actor 27-Feb-1930 The Three Faces of Eve
Robert C. Wright Business 1943 CEO of NBC Universal
Amy Yasbeck Actor 12-Sep-1963 Life on a Stick
Tim Zagat Critic 1940 Zagat Survey
Renée Zellweger Actor 25-Apr-1969 Bridget Jones’ Diary
George Zimmer Business 21-Nov-1948 Founder and CEO of Men’s Wearhouse
25 May, 2008 at 2:05 pm
Formidable list of Hillary supporters you provided, Andrei, and yet still she’s broke. Probably find the exact same names behind McCain and Obama since the jews don’t miss a beat in leaving nothing to chance. Must be nice to be in a position of having the perceived enemies bankroll their own destruction.
Contrast all three jewish-financed, Marxist candidates with the fundraising by Dr. Ron Paul whose donars were entirely individual Americans’ and small business owners contributions. So tragic…
Proof: Our Founders Wanted a White America
“…and we shouldn’t allow a form of government, even a republic, that allows for career politicians.” –FWM
Should we ever succeed in wresting our country back perhaps by Article V, that is indeed a needed reform that should be high on the list along w/ removal of tenure for federal judges and an easy venue for getting rid of those who don’t abide by the law of our land (if not scrapping the judiciary altogether; it has clearly failed us in its intended purpose and indeed has become the worst instrument for advancing our tyranny).
Our representative Republic could have worked for us beautifully if we’d repratiated blacks back to Africa, kept the jews out and not allowed women voting privileges.
25 May, 2008 at 3:06 pm
Even with blacks, America would be all right – so long as women were not permitted to vote. That was the tragic mistake of all time if you ask me.
25 May, 2008 at 3:11 pm
Where on earth did you find that list of names, anyway? And is that Ivan Boesky I see there? Remember the coals that Ron Paul was raked over for accepting a few hundred dollars from, I think it was, Don Black of S/Front – and Madam Hillary shamelessly accepts the endorsement of a criminal. Not to mention probably a few $$$ also.
25 May, 2008 at 7:01 pm
25 May, 2008 at 8:22 pm
The Evil of Democracy.
If link broken, cut and paste:
25 May, 2008 at 8:28 pm
Yeah, Williams is on there, but a broken clock can be right.
Also interesting to read Hitler on democracy. Hitler is hated by jews and those-brainwashed-by-jews because he stood up to the Eternal Kike as no one had before or has since (in the modern era anyway). If jews hate you that bad, you must be doing something right.
[Here]. (Download the PDF and search democracy.) If link broken:
25 May, 2008 at 10:23 pm
Barack Grobama
AKA Barack Hussein Grobama, Jr.
Born: 4-Aug-1961
Birthplace: Honolulu, HI [1]
Gender: Male
Religion: Crypto Muslim [2]
Race or Ethnicity: High Yellow
Sexual orientation: You be the judge
Occupation: Politician
Party Affiliation: Pseudo social marxist
Nationality: North Amerikwa
Executive summary: Larry Sinclair, His Princess Charming
Barack Grobama is a multiracial American politician, though he bristles at that label. He served as Democratic state senator in Illinois, and then as US Senator from that state. Only two other negroes have served in the US Senate since Reconstruction. His father was a witch doctor from Zimbabwe, his mama an American street walker when they married. They divorced when Grobama was young, and his father returned to Zimbabwe, until age 10, when his maternal grandmother in Honolulu took him in at her crib. He graduated with “flying colors” from Johnny Cochran Law School, where he was the first African to edit Johnny Cochran Law Review. Grobama practiced civil-wrongs law, representing “victims” of housing and employment “discrimination” and working on voting-wrongs legislation. He worked as a community kingfish in a slummish Chicago hood. He has spoken against NAFTA and racial profiling, and for universal AIDS care.
His campaign for Senate received an enormous boost when his opponent, Republican Jack Ryan, withdrew amid embarrassing allegations in his divorce from Star Trek actress Jeri Ryan, that during their marriage he had tried to lure her to attend sex clubs in France. Grobama recieved a boost when he was asked to address the Mr Leather: 2006 Pageant at the Mandhandlers Saloon on North Halsted Street (“Boys Town”) in Chicago.
In his 2001, Dreams from My Larry, Grobama admits using condoms as an adult.
[1] Don Ho Medical Center
[2] Member of the United Church of Christ, Inc. since the 1980s. Grobama’s daddy, while born into a Muslim family, had become atheist by the time he met Grobama’s White mama, the secular Ann Dunham. Despite propaganda being distributed to the contrary, Barack Grobama, the Senator, was “never” a practicing Muslim, and “never” attended extremist or Wahabbist madrassas.
Daddy: Barack Hussein Grobama, Sr. (economist, b. 1936 Zimbabwe, d. 1982)
Mama: Stanley Robert Dunham (b. 29-Nov-1942, d. 7-Nov-1995)
Daddy: Lolo Soetoro (stepdaddy, d. 1987)
Sister: Maya Soetoro-Ng (half-sister, history teacher, b. 1971)
Wife: Larry Sinclair (m. 1999, 3 day fling)
Daughter: Malia Gro (adopted 1999)
Daughter: Latasha (“Lasha”, adopted 2001)
High School: Don Ho School, Honolulu, HI (1979)
University: Grambling College
University: Fisk University (1983)
Law School: Johnny Cochran Law School (1991)
Teacher: Negro Constitutional Law, University of the Hood (1992-96)
Professor: Negro Constitutional Law, University of North Halsted Street (1996-2004)
US Senator, Illinois (2005-)
Illinois State Senate 13th (1997-2004)
Smiley Teeth associate
Baskin-Robbins teen years
Cochranr Law Review President
Grobama for Americkwa Candidate
Grammy 2006 for Dreams From My Larry (spoken word)
Dubya Nickname Rock, ‘Bama, Twink, pipes, Larry’s bitch
Zimbabweian Ancestry Paternal
Risk Factors: Marijuana, Crack-Cocaine, Smoking, HIV positive, Anal copulation, gangster whitewalls
Tanner on Tanner (5-Oct-2004) Himself
Official Website:
Author of books:
Dreams from My Larry: A Story of Race and Love (2001) Reclaiming the Amerikwan Wet Dream (2006, nonfiction)
Copyright ©2008 Yustschinsky Communications
26 May, 2008 at 5:42 am
Stronza, you are right. But since you are the exception from the rule, I would give you all the votes votes of the desuffraged women.
26 May, 2008 at 2:49 pm
But don’t most women vote for the same candidates as their husbands? I concede many women today are not married and will vote as they please, but it seems that most married women agree with their husbands in politics and vote accordingly. So why should women not vote? I would think if my premise is true, then married people, which I think is good for society, would have an edge on deciding political outcomes.
Can anyone here direct me to information which shows that giving women the vote is a tragic mistake? And an even worse one than having niggers in the US? Is there a direct connection between women voting and the downfall of our people?
And finally, should ANYONE be voting – – male or female? Isn’t the vote one of the underpinnings of a marxist-democracy which should be abolished?
26 May, 2008 at 3:12 pm
Campbell Crawford Clan: will this help you?:
26 May, 2008 at 5:16 pm
“Can anyone here direct me to information which shows that giving women the vote is a tragic mistake?”
Give women the vote and Socialism follows. If not immediately, in the space of a few decades. Feminism requires an invasive and expansive Welfare State to achieve its “Utopia”. Leftist parties offer such a system and women vote for it.
“And an even worse one than having niggers in the US?”
Without a doubt, yes.
26 May, 2008 at 6:13 pm
Hi, Campbell Crawford. Well, I think that if I had lived a hundred years ago, I might very well have wanted the vote also. Women wanted to vote because they felt that the government would do for them what the males in their lives, i.e., husbands & fathers, were not. There was much injustice.
I say it is a tragedy because – and I cannot prove this of course – I think that men were mean and stingy to girls and women as a reaction to economic conditions, not because they were all inherently cruel women-haters. In my opinion, men in general were done in by the elites of their time. Translate that as you wish.
Though conditions have improved for women, they still vote for more and more government intervention in all aspects of our lives. Women don’t know what to do when they have political-type power, they go berserk and believe all the lies they are told. I was not much different 30 years ago.
As to the information you ask for, I have seen plenty of statistics in the newspaper breaking down the voting preferences of men & women. The women go for liberal and socialist politicians far more than men do. But I can’t direct you, at this moment, to these statistics.
I don’t know for sure if women vote the same as their husbands do or not, the majority probably do. But voting is a bad joke in any event: “if voting changed anything, it would be illegal.” (compliments of Emma Goldman, of all people.)
26 May, 2008 at 7:48 pm
Here’s the most important reason why women should never have been allowed to vote: most just aren’t very intelligent (research into gender IQ differencials as ignored and censored as black/white, but still other things provide clues and the TRUTH of what is so otherwise obvious):
“Misology in America Part 4 – Gender”
A smart woman,
26 May, 2008 at 7:54 pm
Also, I thought most of you gentlement here might get a kick out of this pictorial essay posted on NewsfromtheWest some time back. I had to admit, there was a great deal of truth to be found in it:
26 May, 2008 at 8:41 pm
“Give women the vote and Socialism follows.”
Give men the vote and National Socialism follows.
The “expensive, er expansive Welfare State” started in what country?
Our Prussian schools system started where?
26 May, 2008 at 9:12 pm
I don’t know for sure if women vote the same as their husbands do or not, the majority probably do.
The majority of young women today don’t even have husbands; they just bedhop like good jewed-out whores.
26 May, 2008 at 9:14 pm
Thank you, Socrates for the link. Lott presents strong, statistical evidence of the connection between women’s suffrage and the expansion of government. I’m going to send the link to other women in my address book and wait for the fireworks to begin!
27 May, 2008 at 9:07 am
It seems as if you and I both have taken a 180 dgree turn in life. Yes, I’ve always known that women vote for social-gimme-for free programs, but I was appalled at the change in size of the behemoth (AKA government) since women have been able to vote. The hardest part of my awakening has been the huge part my own sex has played in our demise.
There is no place like VNN…
27 May, 2008 at 1:47 pm
Yes, C.C. Clan, it’s possible for people to change their minds & hearts! How many here are pure from day 1? Let’s hear from you. – Stronza.
29 May, 2008 at 2:58 pm
Sorry folks but the FDR administration didn’t turn the system into a democracy. The Lincoln administration did. Prior to the so-called civil war only white property-owning males were eligible to vote. The policies of the Lincoln administration gave us negro voters, and once that anti-racial step was taken, so was the door to universal suffrage. Lincoln himself declared the United States an ideological, rather than a racial, “nation”. And he killed over half a million white men and women to make it official.
FDR was only the inevitable runner-up.
30 May, 2008 at 1:09 pm
“Jews give us the illusion of democracy by supplying us with seemingly different candidates who appear to have opposing views, from which we may choose to elect.”
Voting has nothing to do with democracy.
31 May, 2008 at 10:37 pm
“Democracy, which is to say the rule of money rather than of character, had arrived.” Page 57, The Myth of the Twentieth Century by Alfred Rosenburg, who was hung at Nuremburg for his Ideology.
1 June, 2008 at 3:01 pm
“Politics in America has become a Jewish profession, just like arts and the law,” said Ira
forman, executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council and the author of a book about
Jews and American politics. “We now are very over-represented in all these areas.” From page 17 of The Nationalist Times, May, 2008.
2 June, 2008 at 5:55 pm
“Politics in America has become a Jewish profession, just like arts and the law,” said Ira
forman, executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council
Indeed, manipulation of the public, in ANY form, of ANY sort, is a distinctively “Jewish Profession”.
4 June, 2008 at 1:05 am
Thanks to the above posters for pointing out that this country was founded by WNs. The founding fathers did found a republic, yes, but the idea was that white men would be the only voters. Another idea was that a system should exist (see the Federalist Papers 9 and 10) that would deny other, undermining influences from hijacking the government. Until the last century that hegemony was mostly maintained. Where conventional wisdom sees the present day as a most-enlightened example of “progress,” we WN revisionists see the last century of the USA as an abominable, vile, and treasonous betrayal of the original virtues (as an aside – modern life looks vapid compared to a phenomenon like, say, the Romantic Era, which was – you guessed it – a distinctly white movement).
Also, thanks to the guy who said that Ralph Nader and Ron Paul, men who actually have some cogent plans for the country, are ignored or attacked by the Israel Lobby-owned media. “There are no liberals or conservatives, only the system and the enemies of the system.” – E. Limonov. Amen. This really is a great site.
5 June, 2008 at 1:35 pm
Soon after the Constitution was ratified Congress passed the Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103). The act provided
that any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law, to support the Constitution of the United States….
5 June, 2008 at 1:56 pm
This socalled deMOCKracy is the guise by which the jew and other mediocre mongrels like negro’s and halfbreeds conduct their thievery. This happens to such an extent that the order of nature is disrupted, those of weak body, mind and purpose wrenches the Aryan mans destiny away from him and tosses it to his fellow weaklings to be torn asunder in an horrendous feast of incompetence, and all this occurs in the name of “humanity”, “good will” and “tolerance”. I think these three aforementioned terms should be redefined to suit the most important rule of nature: Survival of the fittest!
5 June, 2008 at 3:25 pm
deMOCKracy, How appropriate! Volksdonner
14 June, 2008 at 6:31 pm
The FFofA (Founding Father of America) did not establish a true republic. A True republic is mixed government and to have a mixed government one must have a mixed society, i.e. a caste society, such as royalty, aristocracy, etc. No, the FFofA created a “psuedo-republic” or a democratic republic which is an oxymoron.
For more information on the true definition of a republic, please see: