The Death of the White Race
Posted by Socrates in birth control, Buchanan, Europe, feminism, jewed culture, Socrates, Western culture, White future, White race at 2:23 pm | 
Our culture – the greatest in human history – is dying off, largely due to feminism and birth control. Young women are choosing careers over kids [1]. But another problem is that men are failing to lead. They have become sissies. In too many families, women “wear the pants.” Of course, the feminist movement is largely a Jewish construct, as is the birth control movement. In fact, the father of “the pill,” Gregory Pincus, was a Jew:
[1] fun fact: when working women have access to government-provided day-care, such as in Scandinavia, they have more kids
4 May, 2008 at 2:42 pm
“…Hopefully, the peoples of Asia, Africa and the Middle East, who are about to inherit the earth as we pass away, will treat us better than our ancestors treated them in the five centuries that Western Man ruled the world.”
Good article except for the above paragraph I have quoted. How bad exactly did Western man treat these people, when in this article they point out that their numbers are growing immensely? After all, it is the White man who has fed them, cured their diseases and given them the kind of 1st world life where they prosper. It is Western man’s compassion that seems to be the problem.
4 May, 2008 at 3:41 pm
Lets not panic or get too emotional because whites are not going anywhere down the memory hole anytime soon. There is still almost a billion of us and we do control alot of land mass.
….we are just begining to fight and have not pulled out the para-military option just yet.
… Onlly a small group of white freedom fighters in each white country hitting our enemies ruthlessly would make a HUGE imapct on our situation.
…not every white man or women is a coward. Our enemies foolishly believe that there will not be an armed resistance to their genocide aginst us.
Let them believe we won’t fight….let them lower their guard…..let them think we are not watching them and keeping notes…let them believe that our guns and bombs will remain silent….let them believe that when we get our hands on them that we won’t torture them like they have tortured the white race….
..Whites will fight and will kill to survive. Our whole history right or wrong has been nothing but blood and guts. Our history is soaked in blood and so soon enough our future will be blood and guts! Our enemies blood and guts.
In the future they will make epic films about the white freedom fighters who saved the great white race.
…..soon the enemies of the white race will know what real fear is.
…the war is not far off……
4 May, 2008 at 6:22 pm
Women impowered a by Jooducecial system have wrecked hovoc on US and all the West. Women sell their bodies to non Whites at will especially in East Europe.
Look at at date and see a majority of the profile rant on about wanting Non Judgemental men, liberial, and basically Opra opionions. Perhaps 20% of the sick un stable ignorant child likeWhite women on date sites rant on about being Native American and at the same time will spout out how edumucated they are. Kennewickman, unknown and this and much more can not be pondered by the Brain Washed White females.
Its really pathedic to hear White women that are in their 60’s rant on about White supremist non sense, and these women are proof that Communist media worked well, as they slam Joseph P. MacCarthy.These arrrogant moron White women are are as a bad a Black baboon for their voting and media induced views.
White feminist are truly sick in the head, but are married to the state. I have listened these idiots at a state univeristy, talk about Black rape as being a pay back because of mis treatment by White males,and how they can understand it!
4 May, 2008 at 6:31 pm
4 May, 2008 at 6:34 pm
“fun fact: when working women have access to government-provided day-care, such as in Scandinavia, they have more kids”
Yeah, but it’s a sin to upset the Holy Free Enterprise System (unless you’re a mestizo – then we’ll give you billions).
According to Kahnservatives, the FLDS are bad people because they are “welfare moochers.” Each White person on earth should isolate himself from all communities, and pull himself up by his bootstraps – else communism looms!! (While the jew hive acts collectively and is successfully killing us…)
Putin gives subsidies to Russian (i.e. mostly White) women to pump up the birthrate. It has worked and will continue to work better and better.
But we can’t have that here! That’s COMMUNISM (run for the hills).
The time has come to lose the Free Market Globalism mentality. Crash programs to breed Whites by any means are necessary yesterday, today, tomorrow.
And the time has come to get rid of the jew.
4 May, 2008 at 6:44 pm
4 May, 2008 at 9:09 pm
The healthiest society that ever existed on this planet was Germany in the Nineteen Thirties, and early Forties. Both the people and the Governmen t were united in the great plan to expand the territory of the White Race and to improve it thru eugenics. Had the jews not destroyed Germany, The White Race would have been basking in a Golden Age today. How cruel are the gods of Fate.
4 May, 2008 at 11:41 pm
Face it! White women have become fat slovenly unkempt pigs. Take a look around, most dress like men and are very sloppy. They talk like sailors and a good meal from them is her decision what the man can pick up from some fast food joint on his way home from work. Most do not even own a dress but an array of sweatpants and sweatshirts. That is why the White race is dwindling, men have no sexual appeal to real men.
5 May, 2008 at 2:21 am
Ideological Subversion: The Four Stages
1) DEMORALIZATION (15-20 years to instill lack of morals/apathy)
2) DESTABILIZATION (Economy & Foreign Relations breakdown)
3) CRISIS (The Greater Depression coming soon)
4) NORMALIZATION (Violent Change of Power Structure, or North American Union)
Enjoy the ride because it’s going to get way bumpier. Dubya’s managed to set White America on 2) and he wants to get you up to 3) A.S.A.P. – then hold you up there for as long as he can.
5 May, 2008 at 2:30 am
…men have no sexual appeal to real men.
“Aw c’mon doll yer’s teazin’ – yer mean ah’s-a don’t do it fer ya no more??
5 May, 2008 at 8:03 am
Also the jew media is targeting young fertile White women and brain washing them into thinking that it is cool to be raped by an ape.
For that alone ad agency executives deserve to be hauled out of their ivory towers and hanged.
5 May, 2008 at 12:44 pm
I believe in two things my WHITE FIST and my WHITE COCK. White Men are the master race because we FIGHT and FUCK better than any and all muds. When WE come to power, women between 14 – 34 will be pregnant every other year and women under 14 or over 34 will be communal domestic servants. Women will not be able to read, write, access the Internet or even open their mouths without a WHITE MAN telling them to. It’s that simple. Just like jews have to be marginalised and banned from all dangerous or potentially influential professions, so too must women be kept in their natural role of incubators of White semen and child-rearers. Give women an inch and they will take several miles.
No jews means that cunts will learn their place. Jews will submit to my WHITE FIST just like cunts will submit to my WHITE COCK. That’s the law of nature.
5 May, 2008 at 2:30 pm
Real White men and White women need not be civilized with non-Whites and butt-kissing White idiots. Period. Whites can be decent, honest , etc.. with eachother all they like, but this whole “be humane to all ‘peoples’ ” crap needs to stop PDQ.
I believe it’s possible that a certain % of white women subconsciously date interracially in order to piss white males off- to get us to react in NORMAL fashion. That is, we need to slap the hell out of them -our women- for their disobedient behavior and to crush the hell out of the mud their faking ograsms with and risking contracting an STD from.
A certain % of WF, even though they won’t admit it nowadays-LOVE being dominated-it’s a masculine trait that can only be found in White men. Some people talk about blacks being “masculine” like professional athletes. OMG, get real!!! Blacks are the LIMPEST of the bunch and also the biggest ass-kissers in chasing after white females, these are some of the reasons why they’ve allowed themselves to be SLAVES for thousands of years.
A certain % of white females love having their asses kissed, but deep inside they also hate those who kiss ass. Blacks fit this bill perfectly.
So, I believe it’s imperative when the situation arises to bitch-slap White females who interracial date, then laugh in their ignorant faces; these acts will greatly help in their reeducation. [Real White women can also take part by calling “Tyrone” an AIDS-infected, serial rapist/murderer].
And the same tactics can be applied to White males -yeah, the loser wimps who were born without balls-who date interracially. You see a White male with an Asian female, feel free to tattoo your handprint across his face. [White women, feel free to scratch the Asian bitch’s face off].
Some may find these tactics harsh, but think about it. It’s similar to how the Jews “re-educated” America, and other countries, by way of shaming, mocking, criticizing, threatening, beating, etc… and it’s worked.
It’s time to start using these tactics on certain segments of our own population and on non-Whites, as well.
5 May, 2008 at 3:47 pm
Carpenter, thank you for your intelligent comments. It’s men like you who’ll make things happen.
5 May, 2008 at 4:28 pm
There’s nothing wrong with birth control when it’s used selectively to reduce the number of people who are born with congenital defects.
Non-selective birth control, however, poses a threat to our race and should be banned.
5 May, 2008 at 9:55 pm
It is quality postings from those like “Arch Stanton” and many, many others that keeps this white, female patriot returning to this website, and examples like those illustrated above that makes me vow never to return again.
5 May, 2008 at 10:24 pm
Which examples are you talking about Voir Dire?
5 May, 2008 at 11:52 pm
…men have no sexual appeal to real men.
“Aw c’mon doll yer’s teazin’ – yer mean ah’s-a don’t do it fer ya no more??
No sweety, you never enticed me. Since you accepted the feminist doctrine by the bella abzugs and gloria stienams to be equal to men and not superior. The tatoo on your neck is not attractive and your behavior is appalling, you cannot spit farther than me so why try?
White women have been subjected to attitudes influenced by jews to make them homely and masculine to where they turn to niggers for love and sex and have accepted it.
Gamer 786 has some good points but I question his use of the term “bitch-slap” That is nigger lingo so I doubt his post is sincere.
And though you are probably some jew guy marwinsing you fucking idiot, to toss a kiss is MUAH, not MAUH.
6 May, 2008 at 12:01 am
I think the “MILF” meme is not such a bad idea, since it glorifies women who have had at least one kid and keeps them trying to stay in shape and look good, even though it harms husband/wife relationship in some cases. A number of attractive, healthy girls might have a child who didn’t before, if only to be a part of the MILF meme. MILF = Mother I’d love to F*ck.
6 May, 2008 at 1:25 am
“. . .submit to my WHITE COCK. That’s the law of nature. . .”
Well, he believes in natural law- the basis of true civilization.
6 May, 2008 at 3:43 am
Topkea Says:
5 May, 2008 at 12:44 pm
“I believe in two things my WHITE FIST and my WHITE COCK.”
Topkea’s got a point.
Another two things for that list – my WHITE BRAIN and my WHITE HEART. There, the sacred quadrangle complete (well, sort of) – the 4 Ls – LIGHT, LIFE, LOVE and LUCK (someone please ban us from this thread I’ve become too soppy and philosophical damnit).
6 May, 2008 at 3:59 am
I like VNN because VNN’s got to be the one of the last bastions of Free Speech on this fucking planet. At least we can be honest with ourselves, even if we do come off looking like complete and total morons occasionally. Here’s why I like it here. I can call you a cunt and nobody gives a toss ‘cos we’re all white men, we’re all angry and most of all we’re ALL fucked off with our nigger-fucking kike-cock-sucking drug-becrazed baby-murdering ambition-bedriven materialistic money-worshipping AMAZONIAN WHITE WOMEN!!!
Fucking sluts. If they only knew how ugly they look to us sometimes heh. At least our mothers are still beautiful.
6 May, 2008 at 4:08 am
@ Joe B: Fuck you. I’m as white as they come.
6 May, 2008 at 6:53 am
“Which examples are you talking about Voir Dire?”
Anybody with half a brain wouldn’t need an explanation. An amoeba could figure that out.
6 May, 2008 at 7:52 am
Hopefully everyone here has some kind of weapon. Even if it’s a baseball bat, a nice 4ft hunk of pipe, or a good knife. The animals will be comming for you. Hopefully you have an upstairs, or an inside room for you and your family. You need to be where they can only come from one direction, one at a time. This may start to happen with the Democratic Primary. Let’s not argue amongst ourselves.
6 May, 2008 at 8:37 am
Topkea: Talk about oversimplifying! GD! Men aren’t just walking hardons and women aren’t just walking vaginas. ‘Nuff said.
Carpenter wrote: “We don’t need to pop out children like animals, there are more Whites alive today than ever before in the history of the earth.”
That’s the moral equivalent of “There’s nothing to see here folks, just move along” which is not only wrong but dangerous.
Whites are dying out. Buchanan just brought it up again. Yet idiots like Carpenter pretend it ain’t happening. The fools that say “look at all the white people there are today” are like those who say “the sky is blue today”. Sure, it is blue today. But the fucking tornado is coming tomorrow and is going to wipe out half your family so you better plan for it.
Marwinsing: The DEMORALIZATION that Yuri Bezmenov spoke of was not just lack of morals as much as it was lack of morale. Troops fight based on their morale. No morale = no fighting, or in this case fighting back. Whites aren’t fighting back because they’re demoralized. Self-hate. White guilt. etc.
6 May, 2008 at 8:42 am
Mike Quigley: Hopefully everyone here has some kind of weapon. Even if it’s a baseball bat, a nice 4ft hunk of pipe, or a good knife. The animals will be comming for you.
Good point. Personally, I have extra rifles and ammunition to hand out free of charge to fellow White men if that day ever comes. With the lack of real media and GD common sense among Aryans, I don’t think it’s gonna happen in my generation regardless of the slow train wreck of an economic depression and inflation going on as we speak.
6 May, 2008 at 1:27 pm
NO! Fuck you Marwinsing.
You are so White?
What are you? A fuckin albino
6 May, 2008 at 3:48 pm
No Joe B. I’m a WHITE KAFFIR now please pretty please GET THE FUCK out my face china YOU started with with us with your silly snide comment over a stupid spellling error (see? 3 llls! – now bash me again ;) – AND calling me a jew – WTF??? NOW I END WITH YOU – go DO SOMETHING POSITIVE for your people AND your country (or what’s left of it).
Back to the Post Topic:
When male animals fight, they usually fight for territory. They may fight virtually, and only posture and threaten, but it is still a struggle for dominance. The loser retreats, surrendering his claim on the territory. The point is that in nature, females come WITH the territory. A male that dominates a territory also dominates, controls and mates with the females within it. In human society, the fact that females have language and intelligence only enables them to employ specious or superficial arguments to justify their actions, as in the case of the alien (niggers muds spics) takeover of territory.
Being humans, we are capable of acting against our instincts, but following our natural drives is our “default mode.” To defy them requires effort, which we will prefer to avoid. Happiness generally results from following our instincts, almost by definition, and the pursuit of happiness must certainly be the leading human activity.
It gives me no satisfaction to say this, but there is not much wrong with females that CONTROLLED, RESTRAINED PHYSICAL FORCE would not correct. The female has evolved numerous mechanisms to compensate for her physical weakness relative to the male. If the male is denied the ability to respond with force (or at least, the tangible threat of force) he is at a disadvantage and simply cannot counter females’ natural manipulative skill or, more apposite to this discussion, retaliate for the supreme insult he is delivered. Thus we have the situation where a white female can flaunt her relationship with a Negro or other immigrant male – spics, etc – in a public or semi-public place (such as a pub or bar) with the male prohibited BY LAW from responding. The INSTITUTIONALISED FAVOURING (via affirmative action, ideological subversion and all the ‘anti-racist’ rest) of immigrants/minorities AND legal protection of females from a natural masculine response to their excesses, is indicative of the Super Feminine State or, as it may otherwise be known, ‘Big Sister.’
And you all know who Big Sister is now don’t you?
It’s a JEW called GEORGE W. BUSH (and that’s a bio-genetic fact, skull shape, and look at momma Barbara’s nose, trace her lineage) who was preceded by a beatnik-traitor called Bill Clinton who was in turn preceded by another crypto-jew-traitor called George H. Bush (poppa) – all puppets, of course, set up by the international jew bankers in their age-old ideological war to annihilate the Aryan – or noble European – genotype.
Our traitorous leaders have used us as tax-generating slaves and cannon-fodder AND the average white bimbo don’t give two hoots for the plight of our species (and I can indicate empirical evidence of this – tomorrow count how many white female miscegenaters you can spot, especially if you live down South, East, West or South West) – however – I will concede that there are still many, racially-aware, loyal white women (and this blogger’s lucky to have one).
6 May, 2008 at 4:09 pm
To FeralWhiteMale who said: “The DEMORALIZATION that Yuri Bezmenov spoke of was not just lack of morals as much as it was lack of morale. Troops fight based on their morale. No morale = no fighting, or in this case fighting back. Whites aren’t fighting back because they’re demoralized. Self-hate. White guilt. etc.”
Fully, brother.
We’re living through a genocide here in South Africa, we’re basically disarmed and have no allies (8% white pop.) in fact, I flee this place in two months time as I’m legally barred from working in the land of my birth because I’m a white male, so, yeah, I know all about lack of morale – and worse, I shall probably never see my family again. However, at least I leave with the satisfaction of having killed some of the enemy – kaffirs – and THAT gives me great pleasure – but of that vulgar thing called White Guilt, I bear none.
6 May, 2008 at 6:13 pm
# Topkea Says:
I believe in two things my WHITE FIST and my WHITE COCK.
Whatever you say, cornutto.
7 May, 2008 at 1:54 am
Something to ponder, Marwinsing, if one remembers how our forefathers in early times fought for survival- before two things changed that completely:
Money and Religion.
The marriage of religion and money created the jewish tribal priesthood (one is impossible without the other), which has spoilt and devastated not only all human races, but also the whole nature and the globe as well.
Our present misery is not “indicative of the Super Feminine State”, it is the result of that alien jewish-religious-money- force imposed on our minds and instincts.
7 May, 2008 at 2:15 pm
to Arminius: Bingo brother!! – ten outta ten!!!
Now we take our Lotto cardz to stand in the queu.
Oops! – queue (sorry Joe B.)
8 May, 2008 at 2:41 am
“The marriage of religion and money created the jewish tribal priesthood (one is impossible without the other), which has spoilt and devastated not only all human races, but also the whole nature and the globe as well.”
Very well. What correction or substitute do you recommend?
10 May, 2008 at 8:15 pm
Look into the archive at right: Ezra Pound.
The debate may be somewhat tedious, conclusions incomplete, theories superceded but it leads you on the way.
11 May, 2008 at 11:06 pm
were all hypnotised like cattle shuffling down the branding chute….
white males(myself included) could be alot more fit. also we need areas where no non-white dare to go…there are some but we need to expand that…animals control a territory so they can mate…
blood and soil….that’s a nation…we’re losing both..some say we have already lost both…
2 billion people in the world have no water, lights,gas, ect…ii
they are no threat to us…the fraction of that non-white number hunkered down in our space can and will destroy us…
all the problems we have with women will dissappear when we secure our own living space. period.
also…My mother and sister and niece are not fucking breeding machines who should be kept in the back room. fuck off….
feminists can rot in hell as well as the fucking little kings who want to treat white women like livestock…fuck that!!!!
I don’t think any job a man has traditionally done should be open to a woman…and women’s jobs should be off limits to men as well…
women should be barred from politics…they are not the natural party to coercive social force(guarding territory and enforcing laws)
so they deserve no say in the application of that force.
we can make child raising very attractive to women….1. better men
and 2. financial insentive…
I’m not a socialist but I am a nationalist….adolf had some catchy ideas….
rant over…
14 May, 2008 at 12:35 am
tennyson Says:
11 May, 2008 at 11:06 pm
were all hypnotised like cattle shuffling down the branding chute….
white males(myself included) could be alot more fit. also we need areas where no non-white dare to go…there are some but we need to expand that…animals control a territory so they can mate…
blood and soil….that’s a nation…we’re losing both..some say we have already lost both…
2 billion people in the world have no water, lights,gas, ect…ii
they are no threat to us…the fraction of that non-white number hunkered down in our space can and will destroy us…
all the problems we have with women will dissappear when we secure our own living space. period.
also…My mother and sister and niece are not fucking breeding machines who should be kept in the back room. fuck off….
feminists can rot in hell as well as the fucking little kings who want to treat white women like livestock…fuck that!!!!
I don’t think any job a man has traditionally done should be open to a woman…and women’s jobs should be off limits to men as well…
women should be barred from politics…they are not the natural party to coercive social force(guarding territory and enforcing laws)
so they deserve no say in the application of that force.
we can make child raising very attractive to women….1. better men
and 2. financial insentive…
I’m not a socialist but I am a nationalist….adolf had some catchy ideas….
rant over…
Excellent summation posting!
Joos have empowed many fruit loops, but the Bull Dykes set upon US is another supreme crime.
5 May, 2011 at 2:21 pm
Good luck getting any woman in her right mind to sleep with your “white cock”. Although as a woman I have no hope of understanding your superior intellect, God did give me enough of a brain to realize that any “man” who gets his kicks by belittling others is not a real man, and is most definitely not welcome anywhere near my vagina.
Although one of you had the decency to stand up to his own mother, at least to say that she shouldn’t be a “breeding machine”, we still would have been better off if she had just used the pill.