13 August, 2008

The Pill

Posted by Socrates in birth control, feminism, jewed culture, Jewed science, Socrates at 3:05 pm | Permanent Link

Uh-oh. This isn’t good news for the liberated woman. By the way, the father of “the pill” is a Jewish biologist/endocrinologist named Pincus:


  • 8 Responses to “The Pill”

    1. Marwinsing Says:

      Remember the thalidomide victims of the early sixties (or thereabouts) in Germany, of all places? That was The Pill. It all adds up, dovetails nicely. Pincus. Jew. Thalidomide. Birth control. Abortion. Madness. Real white men need to take control of white societies again – not jews, non-whites – or white women for that matter.

    2. Marwinsing Says:

      Remember the thalidomide victims of the early sixties (or thereabouts) in Germany, of all places? That was The Pill. It all adds up, dovetails nicely. Pincus. Jew. Thalidomide. Birth control. Abortion. Madness. Real white men need to take control of white societies again – not jews, non-whites – or white women for that matter.

    3. Arch Stanton Says:

      Wait just a minute, could this be why so many white women have been attracted to Negroes since the sixties!? Could the pill make white women lust for the smell of Negroes or other minority males? Obviously there is something more at work than intellect in these matters. Tell me a clever jew like Pincus didn’t know what he was doing by altering the olfactory senses of white women to accommodate Negro oder, it fits! The Marrano Jew of history will look like an outed closet queen compared to what will happen if the modern white male ever wakes up to the jewish fuck job he has been subjected to over the last 100 years. I haven’t watched TV and don’t intend to, but is there perhaps an upswing of public denial by jews for culpability in everything from Abortion to Zundel’s persecution? I suspect at some point there will be great relief among non-Jewish people that they are not identifiable embers of the Jewish race.

    4. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Arch, that is a VERY interesting thought; could the balance of estrogen and progesterone in a women’s body affect the olfactory neural network that leads to the more primitive regions of the brain.

      It makes sense.

    5. Heinrich Himmler Jr. Says:

      Shylock strikes again!

    6. lawrence dennis Says:

      From the article:

      A study by British scientists suggests that taking the Pill can change a woman’s taste in men — to those who are genetically less compatible.

      I wonder if the researchers identified the effects by race.

      Conjecture: White women who take the pill are more screwed up by it than the women of other races who take it. This would then have an “equalizing” effect, lowering our women’s natural capacities to that of the darker races.

    7. Heinrich Himmler Jr. Says:

      I think White women are the only females who really take The Pill in appreciable numbers. After all, according to Ivy-League educated Feminists and intellectual Jewesses, White women need to focus on their careers and personal satisfaction more than on raising children, right? Women from the lower races, however, will breed like mice in hopes that at least several dozen of their litter will eventually survive just long enough to breed some more. Us White folks have the responsibility to make sure that happens, so we created UNICEF, Save the Nigglets and CARE. I mean, who are we to deprive them of that joy?

    8. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Yep, we feed, they breed. Thanks jewNICEF.