26 November, 2008

White Ethnocentrism: Can Americans Really Be Brainwashed?

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, race, racial differences, Socrates, White identity at 6:09 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald: [Here].

  • 21 Responses to “White Ethnocentrism: Can Americans Really Be Brainwashed?”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      Blacks certainly make no bones about their wish to be only with other Blacks, neither do Mestizos or the Zipperheads. Only Whitey is villifed for wishing to stick to his own kind. White PC Liberals live in a constant state of denying reality and their own racial instincts.

    2. Terrorsaurus Says:

      An excellent article which should be required reading for all college students nationwide, and indeed in all (currently) white majority nations.

      Chalk another one up for the good guys.

    3. Mark Says:

      And that’s what anti-white activists like Noel Ignatiev want to see, the death of implicit whiteness, effectively genocide. While explicit tyranny over white minds works to a degree, the only way to stamp out white “racism” for good is to get rid of the white race as a genetic entity.

    4. Stu Gavin Says:

      That Whites can be trained to abandon explicit Whiteness is already an admission of being defeated by tyranny.

    5. The Red Skull Says:

      This Article was very insightful and nicely answers the question that has gone begging in my mind for quite some time.Why do Liberals say and preach one thing,but act in a completely contrary manner-ie,”we just love our coffee colored friends”.But for some reason little johnny or susie Liberal goes to a private school,or the Liberal equality parents live in a Nice White(read safe) area of town.HMMM,guess the Rainbow Commies aren’t as far along in their program as they thought, as even Liberals have a primitive reptile part of their brain telling them-Niggers=Bad News.

    6. Howdy Doody Says:

      White working class have been threatened, murdered and harrassed full throttle since 1965 !

      Any who don’t know are not White and if they are they did not grow having to fight living in a shit city !


    7. Howdy Doody Says:

      Whites have suffered humilation, beatings, rape, and muggings full not to mention property destruction, car thefts and attacking folk in their cars.

      Any POS who get on this forum and says other wise is a liar and NKVD Enemy SOB !

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      Mark Says:

      26 November, 2008 at 7:25 pm

      And that’s what anti-white activists like Noel Ignatiev want to see, the death of implicit whiteness, effectively genocide. While explicit tyranny over white minds works to a degree, the only way to stamp out white “racism” for good is to get rid of the white race as a genetic entity.

      Thoss fudge packing SOB sicko’s at the SPLC?ADL, never harrassed him like they have Dr. Kevin MacDonald. No suprised of course

      All POS.

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      Moggy, a young cynical pilot, quoted the phrase, “broad sunlit uplands”, many, many times. I have used these words to Americans who believe in the inevitability of man’s progress. If man is to progress, the savages must be confronted and defeated.


    10. ANGL0-CELT Says:

      An adequate explanation to explain the current malaise. It certainly helps to understand why liberals talk the talk but won’t walk the walk. I wonder if these brainwashed whites are capable of understanding that this is their civilization , and that a constant inundation of non-whites will only serve to erode it. The current state of society serves to show just how much whites have bought into Jewish propaganda.
      The non-whites are used much like a battering ram by the Jew to destroy white civilization.

    11. gw Says:

      As Mr. Doody says, those warped fanatics at the ADL & SPLC have never harassed Ignatief the way they have McDonald.
      Can you imagine the howls of rage if someone proposed the elimination of “blackness” or all “people of color”? The jewspapers and TV would be full of it, the president would be giving a speech, and the FBI would be on the case.

    12. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      The liberals are clearly the most brute-brained, treacherous, hypocritical scum imaginable. The thing we must remember is that beneath the bourgeois veneers are leprous and fanatical minds. When the liberal brownshirts are whipped into a frenzy, they are the most vile, vengeful savages alive.

      Whenever I hear one of those self-absorbed, sanctimonious shits spout off, I never respond. I just act amazed at how one’s mind could be so systematically poisoned and subverted. Liberal whites are clearly the most dysgenic and least useful of our people.

      The time for debating these swine has long passed…

    13. xeres Says:

      The average street zug has a total hatred for whitey and is in a state of constant war against us. For every Ward Connerly, Thomas Sowell etc; there are 1000 Wille Hortons. White men took this nation from the wilderness to the moon in 200 years but the jew and his fellow travelers have set the natural progression of the white race back at least 100 years and we now teeter on extinction. Watching TV I have concluded the massive Jewish brainwashing campaign is aimed at white females, the fountainhead of our race. The jew and his non white battering ram are pressing us relentlessly…. I ask ……. Which was western man ?

    14. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:

      Cash to name babies for Mussolini piss’s off the European Union, social-Marxists & the self-chosen ones

      by Andrei Yustschinsky, Senior BBC Corospondent
      BBC News, Rome

      An Italian nationalist party is offering 1,500 euros ($1,900) to parents who name their children after the late WW2 anti-communist leader Mussolini &/or his wife.

      The small Movimento Sociale-Fiamma Tricolore (MS-FT) party denies its gesture is racist and says the names Benito and Rachele are merely nice Italian names.

      The party also wants parents to buy cribs, clothes and food with the money for real Italian children living in Italy.

      The cash incentive is available in five areas of southern Italy and is designed to help the region’s very low birth rate.

      Together the names Benito and Rachele mean only one thing to Italians – they signify their former anti-communist leader and his wife.

      But the party says the choice of names is what it called purely casual.

      It says the move has no fascist or racist undertones, although it insists at least one parent is Italian.

      However Rabbi Benjamin (Benny) Ben-David of Palermo has other reservations concerning “names” and other “offences.” “First, these nazis want to mug-photograph and fingerprint Gypsies who they make false claims saying Gypsies are thieves and swindlers. Second, these nazis are encouraging their fellow Italians to produce more of their own offsprings, thus robbing Italian women of careers in the World Market Place. Third, these lousy nazis punks want to encourage fellow Italians to name their newborns after a dispictable character we Jews highly disapprove of. What makes these nazis so dangerous is they are attempting to brainwash naive Italian children into believing that Italy is only for native Italians. It’s a toxic nazi mindset such as these examples that could lead to another “holocaust” of six million above-godly-souls.” said Rabbi Benny Ben-David.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Rome, Italy..

    15. blightblingdouche Says:

      Got functional family and friends? Explicit in the personal, implicit in public. The alternative is unemployment.

    16. Stu Gavin Says:

      You will have to become Explicit to remove the Jews from power.

    17. sgruber Says:

      Some people can’t maintain a “split personality” (lie in public, truth in private) and go insane. Look at the crazy dude who shot up the Unitarian Church in Knoxville. The confused SOB picked the wrong target.

    18. Howdy Doody Says:

      sgruber Says:

      28 November, 2008 at 12:38 am

      Some people can’t maintain a “split personality” (lie in public, truth in private) and go insane. Look at the crazy dude who shot up the Unitarian Church in Knoxville. The confused SOB picked the wrong target.


      Grub, I don’t watch TV, and rarely hear idiot Talk radio, but the Unitarian shit hole assaulted I had not heard of that one, on any Web site I check.

    19. Zarathustra Says:

      Isn’t that the church which advocated homosexuality and race-mixing? If so, then they deserved to be attecked.

    20. Junghans Says:

      Explicitly speaking, most clueless whites are willing accomplices in their own genetic demise. Now they are breathlessly awaiting the 24/7, MSM promoted arrival of the Negro ‘Camelot’ (that they just cheer-led) into the executive mansion. A supreme act of racial and political self-destruction.

    21. LoveWhite Says:

      Whites have been already brainwashed and what’s more we suffer from this tendency to believe that the loudest voice ie. the mass media of news and entertainment – is the one that should be listened to. The internet is slowly waking people up but there’s still a lot of mindless lemmings who will buy into mulitcultural ideology because they won’t read or trust alternative WN viewpoints online, prefering instead to watch television which is an intellectually easier exercise.