13 February, 2009

Irish Trade Unionists Launch Boycott of Israeli Goods

Posted by Socrates in boycotts, Ireland, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed Congress, jewed law, jewed politics, Socrates at 10:35 pm | Permanent Link

It’s a good thing they don’t live in America, because, thanks to the Jews, it’s illegal to boycott Israel [1]:


[1] a mention of U.S. anti-boycott laws: [Here]

  • 34 Responses to “Irish Trade Unionists Launch Boycott of Israeli Goods”

    1. old_dutch Says:

      Maybe this will catch on among the Irish American labor union politicians—but—I wouldn’t bet on it. LOL. Well, you can always hope.

    2. zoomcopter Says:

      It is forbidden to criticize anyone having Jewish blood. Punishable by death.

    3. Coup d'Etat Says:

      # zoomcopter Says:
      13 February, 2009 at 11:35 pm

      It is forbidden to criticize anyone having Jewish blood. Punishable by death.

      Well, then, that calls for a militia. I believe there are some sneaky people out there that can do some real damage to the jewish cabal and not get caught. :)

    4. Coup d'Etat Says:

      I admire the Irish doing what is necessary to rid of the scabies infecting every country. I like to see the law being enforced. It’s time the jews know the serious ramifications messing with peoples’ lives if the law is actually enforced.

      It will take time, but more people will be angry and fed up with jews and start tearing down ADL and other jewish organizations in their neighborhoods. It’s getting there; the boiling point has not been reached yet, but it will, and the jews will lose and many will die. :)

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      I’m glad those Irish trade-unionists are standing up to the Zionist gangsters, but what’s really going to happen as a result of it, besides King Obongo, the Jewsmedia and the EU leadership getting all upset? The Arabs will simply wind up immigrating to Ireland, along with millions of other non-Whites. I support the Arab/Mohammedan struggle against the Zionist Entity, but please stay in your own part of the world. And keep away from our White women!

    6. zoomcopter Says:

      Saying that 5,999,999 jews died in German concentration camps, instead of 6,000,000, will get you charged with the hate crime of holocaust denial in countries you’ve never even been in.

    7. gollywog Says:

      It is not illegal to denounce a government or country on general or political grounds..as long as your cause is factual. I am speaking in layman terms as I understand defamation/racial and or anti-religious law.
      I have many anti-Israeli slgans/ pictures (and the highlight) a Boycott Israeli Products with barcode adorning my tradesman trailer. This trailer is towed everywhere by me for work. You would be surprised by the numbers that agree. I never use the label Jew otherwise the bastards can get you into the courts. If a Jew does question you about your anti-Israel slogans just ask the person if they are Israeli. If they answer no then ask them what is their concern do they support mass killings etc. I bet you my last dollar they will come back at you with the anti-semetic line. Then you have them. They have instigated the debate you can continue it. Believe me I have had the pleasure of this debate in the street and the Jew could not get past his religion.
      Mine is but a small gesture. However if just 1% of the world displayed an Anti – Israeli bumper sticker that would be 10 times the illegal state of Israels population. The word would get out the ground swell would grow.

    8. gollywog Says:

      What you are saying about you do not want them near our white women is/has happened.
      It has been the invasion of the Jew into our lands then their funding of wars in the Mideast that is driving the camel jockeys our way. Stop the Jews by exposing their ways and their money laundering you will stop the wars and the sand niggers will stay at home. Why the hell do you think the Jews continue. Their policy is to divide and conquer. If that means driving them elsewhere all very well. Nothing new in warfare.
      We need to do the same. Side with the camel jockeys/sand niggers to fullfil our needs of ridding the Jewish domination of our lives.
      To sit back and just say we do not want them to come is pointless.

    9. Zarathustra Says:

      “It has been the invasion of the Jew into our lands then their funding of wars in the Mideast that is driving the camel jockeys our way. Stop the Jews by exposing their ways and their money laundering you will stop the wars and the sand niggers will stay at home.”

      Non-White, non-humans are invading the West for many reasons, like overpopulation of the Turd World, the devastation wrought by global capitalism, the easy accessability to modern long-distance transportation and idiotic White liberal guilt, not just Jewish machinations. You’re one of those people who ascribes superhuman status to the Jew. I strongly disagree with that characterization of them.


      “Side with the camel jockeys/sand niggers to fullfil our needs of ridding the Jewish domination of our lives.”

      What? Become allies with the sand niggers and wogs against the Jews? Then we’re stuck with the sand niggers and the wogs, aren’t we? Those critters are no better than the Jews and maybe even worse in some ways.

      I think that ultimately, the only solution to our race problems will be MINDLESS VIOLENCE. Us White folks can put up with a lot, but when our backs are against the wall, it will be curtains for Sambo, Pedro, Mustafa and Hymie.

    10. Luek Says:

      Now what are they going to do about all the African nigger immigrants infesting Ireland?

    11. gollywog Says:

      Us White folks can put up with a lot………
      What horse shit.
      More than 60 years have past since we were sold on protecting the Jew and we have been kissing their arse ever since. Check the birth rates and you will find we are already a dying race. The white race is so high in debt for the porno dvd’s, the fast car, the flash clothes etc we don’t give a shit. There is not one state in the USA that is not seeing a decline in the “WHITE” population base. Hell even California one of the worlds largest economies is over 50% Hispanic. How quickly we are loosing the blonde blue eyed surfer to the Bratz doll.
      I for one would side up with the sand nigger to meet my goals than to continue with the death spell of those that inhabit the illegal state of Israel, who own New York and carry guns outside the small Private Jewish school on Narbonne Ave Lomita California.

    12. Krystian Kazimierzowicz Kowalczyk Says:

      “Now what are they going to do about all the African nigger immigrants infesting Ireland?” Luek

      Good question since they always breed like rabbits. I don’t want to see a mulatto-ized Ireland (or any European land).

      Repatriation of all wogs is what we must do in all cases, from the US to Australia to the Homelands.

      “I think that ultimately, the only solution to our race problems will be MINDLESS VIOLENCE. Us White folks can put up with a lot, but when our backs are against the wall, it will be curtains for Sambo, Pedro, Mustafa and Hymie.” Zara

      Hopefully that happens before the NAACP-La Raza Obamaton militias start rounding up White men for extermination camps and White women for personal harems (though they’d hardly need to with a.) the emasculation of many White men and b.) the willingness of many White women to extend their “sexual revolution” to the browner, more genetically-challenged Homo species.)

    13. Tina Carter Says:


      You’re right, and we should never have sided with Jews! However, our problem are much bigger then you’d imagine. Israel’s support wouldn’t never have happened if Christianity wasn’t our religion — remember the crusade & knight’s wars? We killed Arabs, and destoryed best members of our own race in the process — and that’s where it started it.

      Our race likes to meddle into everyone’s business. That’s how we ended up giving Jews our technology & which in return they’ve been using it against entire humanity along with media & entertainment industry.

      Our best hopes lies in the destruction of our technology — that’s the only way we’re going to be freed. It’s sad, but that’s the truth. No TV, Media, and less power for the Jews.

    14. zoomcopter Says:

      “I for one would side up with the sand nigger to meet my goals than to continue with the death spell of those that inhabit the illegal state of Israel, who own New York and carry guns outside the small Private Jewish school on Narbonne Ave Lomita California.”

      I agree.

      Jews invented daily compound interest with no money down on adjustable rate mortgages sold to muds, on welfare, right down the street from your house. Muslim’s view usury as a crime. Which group does more damage to us?

    15. Tina Carter Says:


      I was raised as catholic, some where down the road I ended up realizing that this is not a religion for me. I studied all the religion “Judaism, Islam, different sects of Christ, Buddhism, and Hinduism”.

      Which religion is better? None – including Paganism. We need to look at the world realistically. And none of these religion — stated above provide us.

      By far the worst is Christianity. I mean it prevented best of our race having children – forced them to live as nuns & monks, and of course priest. We lost best members of our race. Some of them were killed because they didn’t believe that earth is the center of the universe. Some of will remember that this pathetic idea was born because everyone thought that since son of god Jesus was born on earth so entire universe worship us. For this reason best of our scientist were slaughter, killed, and worst weren’t allowed to have children! Remember we are talking about scientist who used proto-calculus, with sky observation to calculate why certain object stays in skies (stars), why some wonders away (satellites). Imagine where would we be if these scientist were not killed by allow to have children, and were allowed to teach in our school, and university. How much better off we would be if most disciplined of our race had children rather then sent to killed Turks, and Arabs as knights, and crusaders. Ironically today most sagacious member of our race are being sent to jail because they don’t believe in holocaust (makes you wonder how far down we are as a race!)

      You gotta hand to Jews, they created a weapon, masked it as a religion which not only will we embraced even though it means our own destruction. But ½ of race will kill their own children rather then see what Christianity stands for. Jews are our misfortunes, just as they were six thousands years ago, and will be until the end of time & beyond.

    16. Zarathustra Says:

      Would you people want your daughter to mary a sand nigger or a wog? Would you want mosques in your town, where the imam is calling the faithful to prayer 5 times a day over a crackling loudspeaker? Do you want those people filling up local schools that your kids attend, gradually forcing their alien ways on your community?

      Haven’t you ever heard of the old saying that the cure can sometimes be worse than the disease? All those swarhy non-whites are bad news for us. Don’t let your hatred of Hymie get the better of you.

      Golliwog, you have no idea what you’re advocating. Let the Mohammedans fight their own battles against the Jews. They certainly don’t need the likes of YOU to help them.

    17. Zarathustra Says:

      “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is NOT the philosophy that should be followed here. In real life, the enemy of your enemy soon becomes YOUR enemy, too.

      I’m afraid you all now have two weeks’ detention.

    18. zoomcopter Says:

      @tina carter. You obviously did not attend Catholic school as they teach correct grammar and coherent thought. Religion is a personal thing, to each his own. I hope you were able to glean the best from all the religions you studied. Most religions seem to say, we’re the chosen ones, the elect, the 144,000 going to heaven…..and everyone else is going to hell. Jews place a high value on intelligence and they have learned to breed themselves higher on the evolutionary ladder, but they are a sickly race, filled with genetic defects.

    19. zoomcopter Says:

      @zarathustra, why the fear of Arabs? I would much rather see a Mosque in my town than a synagogue. The Arabs are not producing porn, opening the borders, robbing trillions, starting wars for Israel, controlling our government, charging 30% credit card rates, etc, etc, ad nauseum. Jews are our mortal enemies and will soon be the death of us. Arabs are merely another nuisance.

    20. Ein Says:

      “I believe there are some sneaky people out there that can do some real damage to the jewish cabal and not get caught. :)”

      Obviously not you! It they’re really sneaky, they wouldn’t be blabbing about it here.

    21. Ein Says:

      zoomcopter Says:
      @tina carter. You obviously did not attend Catholic school as they teach correct grammar and coherent thought.
      I was wondering if she attended school at all. Certainly not in this country, anyway.

    22. gollywog Says:

      Well I suppose in that case if we are not to use the way of the Jew ie divide and conquer, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, then we may as well shut the fuck up and die.
      Well not for me. The good old US of A is up shit creek and all you are worried about is some black that has a bigger dick than you making out with some low life white trash that will not look at you in the local 2 bit beer pit.
      Well not in the circles I hang out in.
      My sisters get the shit kicked out of them if they look at the dark flesh. I have said it before know who you associate with, who you do business with. Not one true Muslim has got on the soap box and asked for equal rights for all. It is not their way. Hell I am not saying I will be moving next door to the Jew or the Mozzie, but I will voice my support for the Mozzie to go after the Jew.

    23. Tina Carter Says:


      English is not my native language — nor catholicism is exclusively english speaking sect.

      Considering Jews produce 80% of their filthy propaganda in English language, doesn’t motivates me to speak English properly. Beside what I do at work is mostly number crunching. So why bother?

    24. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Tina Carter Says:

      “Which religion is better? None – including Paganism.”
      Our Christian Zionist garbage we have has softened the people. At least with Paganism, people knew how to fight and didn’t hesitate to rid of the enemy. Remember the Vikings? The Vikings didn’t take any crap. If people kept this same spirit, the jews would have been decimated a long time ago.

    25. Celt Says:


      What to do with all the Africans ? I’m sure there are numerous Irish “Nationalists” who could accomodate them all.
      You’ve got to wonder what this Gerry Adams actually stands for.

      The focus of even the BNP appears to have shifted from immigration and its causative agenteurs, to the evil ‘Islamist’, who are only a problem derived of immigration. For this reason the BNP is suspect as to its motives. Why fight the Arab, when all that is needed is to deport them to their point of ancestral origin. The Fitna Dude is about to be flagellated by the Self Chosen for vilifying the Chosen’s Islamist Pets. Has Wilders mentioned the BnaiBrith Jew as the the author of the “Hate” Laws that proscribe his speech ? Why not ?

      The European is being goaded to fight the Arab, and fight he will because the White Man is stupid enough and wounded enough to need the approvals of the Jew. We habitually imbibe and feast on the Shit of the Jew.

      Any who believe the Shit of the Jew do not deserve to exist. This is our Test, and we are failing with each tick of the clock and thrust of the Jews cock. We have become its Bitch and it is shameful. The Celts do not wittingly answer to JEWS.

    26. Ein Says:

      Celt says:
      The Fitna Dude is about to be flagellated by the Self Chosen for vilifying the Chosen’s Islamist Pets. Has Wilders mentioned the BnaiBrith Jew as the the author of the “Hate” Laws that proscribe his speech ? Why not ?
      – – – – – – – – – – –
      Good question! I have noticed that ALL he does is attack Islam, nothing else. He seems to have no concern about issues of race or immigration at all. Never a word! Just Islam. Bring in all the African Negroes you want – just as long as they’re not Muslims. That’s OK with him. I also notice that he appears to be well financed. Hmmm. Frankly, I am suspicious of him … and of who’s behind him.

      I notice too that Amren regularly promotes his agenda, but permits no criticism of him. (I’ve tried, but my posts have been censored.)

      To give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he doesn’t quite realize what he’s doing or how he’s being used, but he appears to be a tool of Israel and the Zionists. Just like Amren! He’s trying to set us against the Arabs and Islam to suit Israel’s purpose. He’s not really any good for us; he’s just good for Israel.

    27. Zarathustra Says:

      Tina Carter is just another ill-bred, ill-mannered skank, like her Sapphic lover Cooze D’Etat.

    28. Zarathustra Says:

      No, wait…….Tina Carter is not an ill-bred, ill mannered skank. That dubious distinction goes to none other than Miss Cooze D’Etat. Miss Tina is simply a nit-wit who cannot write a single cohererent sentence in English. I sincerely appologize for the mischaracterization.

    29. Ein Says:

      Don’t be silly, Zarathustra! You’re wasting your time. Cooze won’t understand anything about Sapphic. You have to come down to her level. Four letter words are about the max in her vocalbulary.

    30. Krystian Kazimierzowicz Kowalczyk Says:

      Would you people want your daughter to mary a sand nigger or a wog? Would you want mosques in your town, where the imam is calling the faithful to prayer 5 times a day over a crackling loudspeaker? Do you want those people filling up local schools that your kids attend, gradually forcing their alien ways on your community? (-Zarathushtra)

      No, of course I don’t. But Mohammedans are not necessarily different to all other interlopers in this regard – every day at college I see some White hussy flirting with some garishly-outfitted black bastard. How many alien values have we already absorbed that this state of affairs is “normal”? How much worse could it really get?

    31. gw Says:

      “Cooze won’t understand anything about Sapphic. You have to come down to her level. Four letter words are about the max.”

      Well, how about sapp then? That should keep within the four letter limit, and it fits her well.

    32. gw Says:

      “But Mohammedans are not necessarily different to all other interlopers in this regard “

      They are different in that they have a zealous ideology reinforcing them. It gives them a supreme self-confidence in the unwavering conviction that they are always right because Allah is on their side.

    33. Zarathustra Says:

      The Mohammedans’ zealous, unwavering ideology has served them well. They captured Christian lands in the Balkans, Near East and North Africa and have made them firmly Mohammedan ever since. True, they lost Tours in 731 and Spain in 1492, but they’re quickly recolonizing those places.

    34. Ein Says:

      “True, they lost Tours in 731 and Spain in 1492, but they’re quickly recolonizing those places.”

      WE thought they lost, but THEY didn´t. In their minds, it was just a temporary setback. To them, they never gave it up and always intended to get it back. To Moslems, any land that´s been taken by Islam is ALWAYS Islamic forever after. It can never revert. That´s something that´s important for us to understand about Islam, and we don´t.

      We (foolishly) thought the matter was settled. They didn´t see it that way. They were just awaiting another day when they could catch us with our guard down.