13 May, 2009

Of Homelands Lost and Found

Posted by Socrates in Eric Thomson, nationalism, Socrates at 3:58 am | Permanent Link

“Nations exist because they include certain people & exclude others.”


  • 26 Responses to “Of Homelands Lost and Found”

    1. -jc Says:

      “Without the Nation, as a concept & code of behavior, there can be no homeland.”

    2. Ein Says:

      A homeland is to a nation, what a home is to a family. A place to gather, a place of refuge, a place to relax and be with one another, a secure place they can call their own.

    3. Junghans Says:

      Eric is incisively spot on, as usual. Note especially his observation that “Jeffersonian cults of individuality [read white liberalism/’conservatism’] take a white social context for granted, even if they offer no support for the [racial] community required to sustain them.” That’s the clueless white milk herd that we are stonewalled with every day, and that is so gullible and frustratingly race-stupid.

      The white bunnies lack racial moxie and savvy, which the Jews and Negroes have in spades. Die Frage ist: how can the dormant white racial soul be awakened?

    4. Waldo Starr Says:

      The white bunnies lack racial moxie and savvy, which the Jews and Negroes have in spades. Die Frage ist: how can the dormant white racial soul be awakened?

      I’m betting the dormant pale sheeple will be “bitch slapped” awake and then it may be too late.

    5. gw Says:

      “I’m betting the dormant pale sheeple will be “bitch slapped” awake and then it may be too late.”

      I was thinking of something like that too. Sort of like giving an electric shock to a heart attack victim, whatever that’s called. Something needed to jolt him back to life. But as you say, then it may be too late. In other words, an economic crash, a natural disaster (something like Katrina multipled), collapse of the dollar maybe…. I don’t know. But most people are too timid to stand up against The System because they feel they have too much to lose. Only when they have nothing left to loose will they finally turn and fight. It’s like cornering a rat against a wall, sad analogy but true.

    6. Blightblingdouche Says:

      “The current state of Covingtonia or The NW Great White Hopeland is a clear example of land without Nation…No change of place can save Our Race. Only change of mind can save Our Kind.” – Eric Thomson

      Brilliant sophistry! Piss poor tactical advice. But I guess that will convince those Covington-cultists, the PLE klan, and microcommunity-dimwits to shut the fuck up.

      So why isn’t Eric in LA shooting Spicanos, re-conquering the natural desert that is Atzlan, and preserving its “valuable” infrastructure (real estate investments)? Could it be that he can hold out longer near Yakima, Washington – near fresh water free of Spicano shit? Hey Eric, set the example and come on down!

    7. Blightblingdouche Says:

      “Only when they have nothing left to loose will they finally turn and fight. It’s like cornering a rat against a wall, sad analogy but true.”

      Yeah. Like the South Africans.

    8. Ein Says:

      So why isn’t Eric in LA shooting Spicanos?
      Hey Eric, set the example and come on down!

      Eric must be in his eighties, maybe near 90. What do you want from him?

      Yeah. Like the South Africans.

      Well, at least a rat will turn and fight.
      (Of course, a rat doesn’t have the whole world aligned against him. Rhodesia tried, and So.Af. saw what happened to them.)

    9. Ein Says:

      I thought it was a brilliant piece, from a brilliant mind. Eric Thomson has been a great asset to the race and the movement. I always enjoy anything he writes.

      I understand he’s living in poverty in his old age. I wish there were some way to help him.

    10. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “The System because they feel they have too much to lose. Only when they have nothing left to loose”

      There seems to be no spelling skills left to loose. . .

      I’m going to kill some joos the next time someone confuses lose with loose.

    11. Blightblingdouche Says:

      “Eric must be in his eighties, maybe near 90. What do you want from him?” – Ein

      So advanced age prevents him from providing sound tactical advice? And you accept poor advice as gospel? Give me a break.

      “Well, at least a rat will turn and fight. (Of course, a rat doesn’t have the whole world aligned against him. Rhodesia tried, and So.Af. saw what happened to them.)

      And we shall face the same situation unless means are found which allow us to survive and grow outside the mainstream judeoeconomy.

    12. The Red Skull Says:

      I enjoy anything Mr.Thompson writes.The jews have lulled the “White Racial Soul” to sleep with large doses of sports,consumerism,mindless TV,and years of multi-culti Marxist propaganda.Only a few of us are Awake and we are divided over mighty stupid things.Even the brutal murders of our people at the hands of our racial enemies aren’t enough,it seems,when the jewsmedia does their best to cover these up or the ones it will admit to are never “racially motivated”.
      Brutal Shock Therapy,unfortunately,seems to be the only answer.What form this will take is open to speculation.Until we regain our Racial Identity,which the jews work overtime to prevent,we will continue our downward slide into oblivion.Most people are shocked however,when I tell them the White Race is only 10% or less of the overall world population.Even more shocking is that White females of child-bearing age are only 2-3% of the world population.These facts start the ball rolling anyway.Light bulbs start to go off.Many disbelieve,not wishing to wrap their conditioned minds around these forbidding and ominous facts.
      There are 2 laws of nature;Survive and Reproduce.We whites aren’t doing a very good job of either,and are actually paying(thanks jews) for other people like nigs and beans,to reproduce and get benefits that rightfully belong to,and were earned by our people.National Socialism could save our people,and is the cure for the Jew disease infecting the West even now.That is why,IMO,the jews work relentlessly and tirelessly to villify it in our peoples eyes.That is why they fear “nationalist” movements where ever they are,as the jews know that their Frankenstein can be overthrown only by racially aware Whites,and thats why they flood our homelands with Mud peoples,and insist that “multiculturalism” is a good thing.No Racially Aware Homogenous Whites equals no threat to the Jew Empire of Satanic World Order.

    13. Ein Says:

      Well said, Red SKull. Very astute comments. I agree absolutely.

      That Jewish World Empire cannot tolerate any pockets of racially aware whites who remain homogeneous, as they constitute an eternal threat to its existence. So that potential threat has to be neutralized, eliminated in advance. We see that very process under way right now, under our noses, with the immigration that is all around us, with the debates in the newspapers about amnesty (as if there should be any debate about illegality!), with the TV sobstories about tragic “immigrant” families being torn apart by cruel imigration laws, with brazen aliens marching in the streets waving their foreign flags on US territory and defying us.

      The evidence is everywhere around us, for anyone with open eyes to see. But it’s forbidden to discuss in the media or public forum, and anyone who tries to call attention to it is denounced as a hater, a Xenophobe, a lunatic, and “extremist”. And now, they will be threatened with laws against “hate speech”. There is no free and open debate possible, in this supposedly free and open country. Nor anywhere else in the white, western countries. We are the last. Fifty-four other countries have already gone under, passing laws against “hate crimes”.

      Meanwhile, the well-paid media talkers swoon and coo about the cultural enrichment being brought to us by all this wonderful diversity, which is “making us stronger”. Well, that’s they’re scripted to say. And in the background, The Jew looks on and smiles with approval. He’s worked very hard for this, and it’s taken him a century. (Who says Jews don’t work? They work hard at controlling gentiles.) It’s at last going very nicely, exactly according to plan — although in the middle of the 20th century, for a time, it was touch and go. But those obstacles were overcome.

      Another hundred years, and there won’t be any more white gentiles to worry about, no one to get in his way, except a few tiny, isolated pockets that will be insignificant, but which will provide some blonde mistresses and trophy wives that a Jewish plutocrat can wear on his arm and flaunt in front of the sullen, dusky masses (and which only a Jew can afford).

    14. Curt O'brian Says:

      “Another hundred years, and there won’t be any more white gentiles to worry about, no one to get in his way, except a few tiny, isolated pockets that will be insignificant, but which will provide some blonde mistresses and trophy wives that a Jewish plutocrat can wear on his arm and flaunt in front of the sullen, dusky masses (and which only a Jew can afford).”

      This is a profound observation. I’ve seen this in the real world and that’s exactly what it looked like.

    15. Ein Says:

      “a few tiny, isolated pockets of whites that will be insignificant, but which will provide some blonde mistresses and trophy wives that a Jewish plutocrat can wear on his arm and flaunt in front of the sullen, dusky masses”
      – – – – – – –
      Those rare blondes (redheads even more) will be the Jew’s sex slaves — exotic specimens like some rare breed of horse or dog, a prize specimen kept by rich collectors. Like the Obama’s new Portuguese Water Dog … an exotic novelty.

      But like all pets, they will serve their purpose and will be kept in their place. We see previews of this even now. Just look at that old Jewish letcher Hugh Hefner, with his disposable, ever-changing stable of goyish “bunnies” younger than his daughter. Not humans, not people, just bunnies. Animals to him.

    16. The Red Skull Says:

      To Herr Ein-Exellent comments yourself sir!The image of the last remaining blond and red-haired women being kept as exotic sex slaves or trophies for the overlord jew,is as unsettling as it gets.That,however,is the jewplan for our people.Alas,although its nice to be praised by our peers,the struggle for our racial survival must be kept in the forefront of our minds.As the only racially aware Whites,out of our brainwashed Brothers and Sisters,it is OUR DUTY to show the way and “witness” to others whenever and wherever possible,and not tear each other down over religion or grammer or other slights.Whittling us down in number,and silencing our voice,is the goal they live for.The Undying Hatred they have for our People,goes back to the sack of Jerusalem by the Romans,if not further.
      Hugh Hefners White Bunnie Collection is just a preview of whats in store,but should be frequently sited as an example of what is to come-exellent analogy Herr Ein.”Let us draw strength and inspiration from one another-and not hide in fear” is the way a friend of mine put it.UNITE OR DIE-is another way to put it.God help the White Race.

    17. Junghans Says:

      Great insight fellows, now you know why I call ’em “white bunnies” (both genders). To speculate further, die Oberjuden will probably keep the white remnants in cages, like a ‘planet of the apes’ style human zoo, and breed us like cattle for ‘mind altering experiments’ and white trophy bitches. Just what they have accused and demonized the “Nazis” of; do we sense Freudian projection here, Volksgenoßen? Since the self chosen will control the Zogbuck$, the guns and badges, and the latest in gene altering technology, they will be the only ones permitted to live – for possibly centuries, if and when the ageing gene is neutered. They could then starve or genetically destroy the (no longer useful) dark hordes, and have the world to themselves. Rather Orwellian sounding, but, in fact possible.

    18. Ein Says:

      Junghans says:
      The Jewish overlords “will probably keep the white remnants in cages, like a ‘planet of the apes’ style human zoo, and breed us like cattle for ‘mind altering experiments’ and white trophy bitches. Just what they have accused and demonized the “Nazis” of; do we sense Freudian projection here?”

      Exactly. White trophy bitches. Like the song: “She’s Just a Bird in a Gilded Cage.” Projection and psycho-pathology have been discussed here before. Very apposite. Very typical. The psychopath projects his thoughts and behavior onto others, and tries to beat you to the punch by accusing YOU first, of trying to do to him what HE’s planning to do to you.

      I have known a psychopath or two, to my grief. They are cunning, devious, sneaky, unprincipled, without a shred of conscience, often highly intelligent, and are nightmares to deal with. (And impossible to co-exist with.) There is nothing too vicious or too low for them to stoop to, and they will make your life hell. All the time, they will be smiley and charming and will make you think they are your best friend — while they’re stabbing you in the back. You may only learn it much later. You may never know all the harm they’ve done. Imagine a whole tribe of cunning psychos, all plotting and conniving while smiling in your face …. and that’s what we’re up against!

      As for keeping stables of exotic specimens and breeding them, that’s not anything novel. It’s no fantasy. It’s been done before. I had in mind the Circassians (a good-looking, warlike people who lived on the north side of the Black Sea, in the Caucasus, until that territory was conquered by Russia in the 1860s; many of them refused to surrender but left instead and were scattered). Circassian women were reputed to be the most beautiful women in the world, and for centuries were greatly prized as slaves and concubines for the rich. They were bred for their beauty and were sold to the harems of the Turkish sultans and pashas. Apparently that was their families’ principal source of income: selling their daughters. Needless to say, a Circassian slave was very expensive and was a rich man’s toy. A connoisseur item, a Ferrari among Fords. Circassian men were also noted for their virility and bravery, and found careers in the Ottoman and Persian military service. There was even an uprising in Egypt, about 1200, because of the gift of a beautiful Circassian slave girl to a certain favored general (he was black and that caused outrage among the white troops, doubtless many of whom were Circassians). It resulted in the overthrow of the government, the pasha fled, and a massacre of the blacks in Cairo.

      Is that picture a preview of our own future? Selling our children into harems and armies? It’s not too different even from the present, when you think of it. Our women can become “bunnies” and our men can become soldiers… all in the service of ZOG. And with the creeping progress of affirmative action, in the future there won’t be many other options left open to them.

      Yes, breeding sex slaves is what the Jews have accused the Nazis of doing. There’s an example of “projection” for you! Some years ago, when I was just starting to get curious about all of this, I bought a trashy paperback book called, “Hitler’s Bitches” or “Hitler’s Harem”. It was a lurid, sex-filled, tale of a top-secret Nazi breeding camp where beautiful sex slaves were being bred for the amusement and delectation of high Nazi officials. It was sheer fantasy, close to porn , meant to appeal to the mass mentality and simultaneously scare the wits out of us about those evil Nazis. It revealed what the Jews were already thinking. But they were covering their thoughts by accusing us first.

    19. Parsifal Says:

      Herr Junghans, the Jews are truly insane if what you suspect about them is true. Maybe someday they will kill off most Whites through abortions, war and race-mixing, but they will NEVER survive in this world without a White gentile host to feed off of. Yes, they would have armies of docile, peanut butter-colored slaves to perform the menial labor, but who would build the Jews’ bridges and cities? Who would do the farming? Who would invent the new technologies? Who would generate the real wealth and prosperity through hard work and ingenuity? Within a few years, the Jews would again be living like they did back in Canaan thousands of years ago, ie, starving in filthy hovels and wearing shit-stained rags.

      Let the Jews and coloreds kill off the weak, cowardly and decadent Whites among us, I say. That will make it easier for the strong, healthy ones to survive and ultimately win.

    20. Ein Says:

      they will NEVER survive without a White gentile host to feed off of. Yes, they would have armies of docile, peanut butter-colored slaves to perform the menial labor, but who would build the Jews’ bridges and cities? Who would do the farming? Who would invent the new technologies? Who would generate the real wealth and prosperity through hard work and ingenuity?

      I don’t think they’ve considered that. Obviously, they don’t see it that way. I don’t know what they think, but it’s clear they don’t take that possibility seriously. They must figure they can get along without [most of] us quite well. But we DO know, from history, that they have a way of painting themselves into a corner, don’t we? Repeatedly, they dig themselves into a pit, and then wonder how to get out of it. Then they yell for someone to come and save them. They’re very over-confident, but not so clever as they think.

      And they don’t have to get rid of ALL of us, just most of us — enough that we’ll never be a threat to their hegemony again. That’s all. They’ll keep a few of us around to serve their needs. But they’ll make sure that we’re kept separated so we don’t compare notes and team up together. As they say, “Never again!”

      As for who would run things, they’re already bringing in Asians to form a new managerial class and training them them to do that function right now. Asians (at least East Asians) have high IQs and are very hard-working, but are also docile and submissive and do not question authority. They are also not too inventive, so they just accept whatever is in place and do not question it. Ideal managers for a Jew-owned company employing a horde of mud-skinned wage slaves.

      As for the cities and bridges, consumer products, etc., they wouldn’t be made very well, but who cares where the wage-slaves live? They’ll be in favelas and hovels. You have the same thing in Mexico and Brazil now. The Jews would still live in their mansions and gated communities, built by the few competent whites remaining — or maybe by Asians. And inevitably there will always be some talented individuals to be found among the muds.

      Sure, building and bridges will collapse now and then. But as long as things are “good for the Jews”, they won’t worry about anybody else. The goyim will be expendable.

    21. Karen Says:

      Eric Thomson should be read in all schools and universities. His honesty is profound.

    22. CW-2 Says:

      Some great postings! Our attention is rightly focused on the jews and their 3000 year old plan to exterminate the White race, but what of their facilitators. They couldn’t do much if it weren’t for rich race traitors and diseased liberals.

      My own wrath is increasingly directed at the churches, all of whom appear to have made a doomed alliance with the evils of zionism and communism.

    23. Ein Says:

      As for those churches and churchmen: a lot of them are very twisted, emotionally deformed individuals. Well, how could they be otherwise? And such individuals would naturally be drawn to such a career. The church(es) over the centuries has been a haven for them. At the very best, if not mentally warped, they are at least divorced from reality and from the hard facts of real life for most people. They can be good people and well meaning people, but still completely out of touch with reality.

      Incidentally, I am not one who believe the Jews want to completely exterminate the white race. They just want to keep it under control and limit its numbers. And analogies to keeping whites in cages and breeding us like “Planet of the Apes” are pretty extreme. I don’t foresee that. Obviously, whites are very useful to have around, for multiple purposes, and have value to the Jews. Whites have to be emilimated as any possible threat to Jewish world domination. But they don’t have to be eliminited as a race. Not totally. Jews don’t want to eliminate us, they just want to rule us.

      Whites, concentrated in too great numbers, could present a challenge to Jewish hegemony. So whites must be kept apart and diluted among a “diverse” society in which the Jews can hide and feel safe. In short, whites in limited numbers are valuable, but whites in too great numbers become dangerous. They might get out of control.

    24. Ein Says:

      Disregard the above. I wrote a corrected version, but somehow the changes didn’t get picked up! Here it is:

      As for those churches and churchmen: a lot of them are very twisted, emotionally deformed individuals. Well, how could they be otherwise, living such unnatural lives? And such individuals would obviously be drawn to such a career. The church over the centuries has been a haven for them. All the churches. At the very best, when not mentally warped, they are at least divorced from reality and from the hard facts of real life that exist for most people. Yes, clergymen can be good people and well meaning people, I’ll grant that, but generally speaking they are completely out of touch with reality.

      Incidentally, I am not one who believes the Jews want to exterminate the white race. Not completely. They just want to keep it under control and severely limit its numbers. Analogies to keeping whites in cages and breeding us like “Planet of the Apes” are pretty extreme. I don’t foresee anything like that. Obviously, whites are very useful to have around, for multiple purposes, and have value to the Jews. Whites just have to be removed as any possible threat to Jewish world domination. But we don’t have to be eliminated entirely as a race. Jews don’t want to exterminate us, they just want to RULE US. Does an aristocarat want to exterminate his serfs? Does a farmer want to get rid of his cows? Their great obsession is keeping us under control. (Admittedly, some more fanatical Jews might want to see complete extermination and nothing less.)

      Whites, concentrated in too great numbers, present a potential but forever-present challenge to Jewish hegemony. Whites are not only intelligent (as Orientals are too), but unlike Orientals, whites are also independent, ornery, and difficult to control. So whites must be kept apart from each other and diluted among a “diverse”, “pluralistic” society in which Jews can hide and feel safe. In a Tower of Babel consisting of many different ethnicities (the more the better), Jews are just one among the many and attract no special notice. That’s why they’re so determined to promote Diversity. However bad Diversity is for the rest of us, it’s “good for the Jews.” That’s all that matters to them — even if it destroys us. In short, whites in limited numbers can be valuable to have , but history shows that whites concentrated in too great numbers become dangerous. They might get out of control. And that can’t be allowed . Never again!

    25. Parsifal Says:

      I’m not so willing to cut those Christian do-gooders any slack. They are always raising money to buy food for the starving Blacks in Africa so that they can breed new generations of Starvin’ Marvins. If not that, then it’s “Pray for our Jewish friends in Israel” time, or they’re trying to get more Somali savages to re-settle in Maine. And when none of that shit is going on, the pastor can usually be found chasing some 14 year old boy around the altar, or spending church money on hookers.

      I have no use for religious types. I don’t trust them and I don’t like their motives, either. Stalin was right to send them off to Siberian labor camps.

    26. Tom McReen Says:

      “I have no use for religious types. I don’t trust them and I don’t like their motives, either. Stalin was right to send them off to Siberian labor camps.”
