New Senate Bill Coming Soon: No Gun Rights If Your Politics are Wrong
Posted by Socrates in "war on terror", guns & goy controllers, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Lautenberg, Socrates at 3:17 am | 
“The names of the people on the watch list are secret.” Really? Why? Anybody with strong anti-Israel views can end up on a “terrorism watch list,” and some people are on such lists erroneously. By the way, Jewish senator Lautenberg is the same fellow who gave America the infamous 1996 law which takes away your gun rights if you’ve been convicted of a certain misdemeanor offense:
21 June, 2009 at 4:21 am
Time to stock up on hardware before the restrictions are enforced.
21 June, 2009 at 5:46 am
The heavily armed Black and Mestizo street-gangs in the US don’t give a damn about any federal, state or local gun-control laws, so why should Whites care, either?
21 June, 2009 at 10:09 am
Why not keep a list of everyone who posts here by some kind of tracking system probably already working in Virginia somewhere for 9/11? Just add one right taken away after another and not many will post and problem of rebellion solved. I’m sure hyper aggressive SEN not mam’m Boxer and Feinstein would be happy to do that for everyone.
21 June, 2009 at 12:00 pm
I suppose anytime they find the identity of anyone who hangs out on WN type websites may be on that list.
21 June, 2009 at 12:27 pm
Like Parsifal said…why should we care. The “laws” of this corptocracy mean less than nothing to me. Niggers/spics don’t have permits for their arsenals, why should I?
21 June, 2009 at 2:05 pm
It is the same in the jewK, only Jamaican drug dealers and Albanian pimps are ‘permitted’ to have guns, and the ragheads openly boast that they are stocking gear inside their mosques.
22 June, 2009 at 12:51 am
This sort of law would be a double-edged sword, depending on whether people in the anti-abortion movement and the hard line Evangelicals are included on the “terrorist” list. The Christians are scared to death of having these sort of laws aimed at them, just like the “hate crimes” laws could be. Of course if this law were to pass, the government would have one hell of a time enforcing it. There aren’t enough law enforcement officers in the whole country to go around and confiscate all the “terrorist’s” guns. Not to mention the kind of resistance they might face…
If this sort of legislation does get through, don’t expect the other groups (Islamic extremists, Christian extremists, “Patriot” militias, etc.) who are labeled “terrorist” to cry over the government taking our weapons- we are on our own.
22 June, 2009 at 1:25 am
i don’t effin’ “get it”!
how come ALL gun laws in the ‘Kwa are not challenged in the SCotUS by the NRA & the other numerous pro-gun orgs like the SAF ?!?
considering their multi-million membership & wide-spread support, it couldn’t be for lack of money!
could it possibly be because of lack of will-power?
i smell the foul odure of kike infiltration!
22 June, 2009 at 3:11 am
22 June, 2009 at 3:13 am
No problemo, just sent in the Job Corps and with back up by the Haitian Blue helmets LOL.
22 June, 2009 at 2:57 pm
Blackshirt Says:
There aren’t enough law enforcement officers in the whole country to go around and confiscate all the “terrorist’s” guns. Not to mention the kind of resistance they might face…
When President Barry Sotero gets around to enlisting all the ghetto trash and black thugs into his special military unit, I’m sure these legalized criminals will be all too very happy to bust down some doors to get weapons and anything else they can steal, and don’t count out rape of your wife and daughters. Where’s da wite pussy? If you resist they will be very happy to pop a cap in your ass for being a white raycist muhfugga. Change, it bees a cumin’ and we can thank all the brain dead self-hating white people who voted for the Niggercrats.
22 June, 2009 at 4:16 pm
Have you guys forgotten Waco Massacre. In 1993 Government killed David Koresh, and his followers, along with their family. This led to a Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma City.
22 June, 2009 at 5:34 pm
Waldo says:
“Change, it bees a cumin’ and we can thank all the brain dead self-hating white people who voted for the Niggercrats.”
You mean that everything would have been alright if we all voted for McCain?
Democrats and Republicans are ALL criminals. Anyway, let them bring on the oppression. Maybe when the sheeple get their asses kicked and their women raped by roving gangs of government-funded negroes, we’ll get some revolutionary activity out of White people.
22 June, 2009 at 5:47 pm
Blackshirt, you don’t have to put works in my mouth, there were other canidates running besides McCrazy. Anyway, my DNA precludes me from voting for non-Aryans.
22 June, 2009 at 6:43 pm
Wasn’t trying to put words in your mouth, Waldo. I just thought your words were insinuating that the sheeple had a better alternative to vote for. Yeah, there were other candidates running, but why vote for anyone?- when you vote you are buying into the system.
23 June, 2009 at 5:11 pm
Waldo, the scenario you describe is vividly drawn by Robert Crumb in his cartoon ‘When Niggers Takeover America’, still available in