25 July, 2009

Black Cop Supports Gates’ Arrest

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black culture, black icons, race, racism accusations, Socrates at 12:16 am | Permanent Link

So much for “racism” being the reason for the White cop’s action against Black professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.:


  • 33 Responses to “Black Cop Supports Gates’ Arrest”

    1. Irma Grese Says:

      OK – sorry for shouting but WTF IS A NIGGER DOING AS A PROFESSOR AT FUCKING HARVARD?!?!?!?? The baboons at my school could barely put two and two together even in their Senior year and I’m supposed to believe this evolutionary throwback is PROFESSOR material??? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

    2. Mega Therion Says:

      JEWniversities hire nothing but niggers like this. Another example of how the rot in this “society” is basically beyond repair. The Frankfurt School and Gramsci’s approach was more effective than Marx.

    3. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Given some of the statements this cop’s made, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to believe he’s one of these Masshole voters who’ve been sending Ted Kennedy back to the Senate over and over again, all because they didn’t like the way they were treated when their ancestors came to this country in the 19th and early 20th centuries. They need to grow a pair and get the fuck over it and stop their suicidal voting patterns, but it doesn’t look like that’s ever going to happen, and it’s too late to look at the ballot box as a solution anyway. The country would have been a lot better off if earlier efforts to limit immigration from this group would had been more successful.

    4. 2050 Says:

      So, do you think that Obongo will apologize to the white cops?

    5. Parsifal Says:

      Obongo let his uppity nigger temprament get the better of him when he said the police acted “stupidly”. He won’t apologize, though, because he’s too uppity and arrogant to do a decent thing like that. Yup, Obongo and his hero “Skip” Gates are real White-haters, even though millions of Whites voted for Obongo and even though it was Whites who founded Harvard. As I’ve said before, giving a nigger even a modicum of authority is like giving a submachine gun to a 4 year-old. They can’t handle it and they certainly don’t deserve it.

    6. Blackshirt Says:

      Well, first off, to hell with the White cop in this situation. In the course of his duties he trains other officers how not to use racial profiling. So fuck him.

      Second, yes this monkey is a professor at Harvard and a loud, proud, “black” man. What I find amusing and ironic, is this guy is only a quarter black at the most. It is obvious he has a lot of white blood in him. Not that that makes him a white man, but he certainly isn’t much of a black man. Same thing with the “Rev.” Wright, Obama’s preacher, who is probably only a 16th coon. This fits in with what I have said before about the danger of mulattoes. They are always more dangerous than the full-blood coons, and they have the added resentment of being half-caste.

    7. Parsifal Says:

      The cops’ main duties are to protect the property and authority of the ruling class. They are the rulers’ muscle, their enforcers, their goon squad. They also have the responsibility of keeping the poor in their place, which usually means sending them off to prison or the city morgue. So you’re right, Blackshirt, fuck the cops. These are the same “law enforcement professionals” who would gladly shoot you dead for participating in a pro-White rally (if they thought they could get away with it) or ruin some White kid’s life for spray-painting “KKK” on the door of a Black church. Still, I imagine some of those White cops must resent all the political correctness they have to put up with and those mandatory ADL lectures they have to attend.

      And you’re right about the dangers posed by mulattoes and quadroons. Think of Malcom X and Frederick Douglass, whose intelligence came from their White side (something they reluctantly had to admit to) and whose hatred for Whitey knew no bounds. Julian Bond, Colin Powell, Vanessa Williams…………they’re all part of the so-called “Black Elite”, even though they are only part Black and only associate with Jews and rich White folks.

    8. Mega Therion Says:

      Gates role model is WEB DuBois. And of course DuBois was the developer of the “talented tenth”, which basically put light skinned niggers at the top of the nigger food chain…while the rest of the niggers,that “nigger ninety” I guess, were viewed as nothing more than propaganda tools. Gates uses poor niggers the way any slavemaster did

      The irony of this cop being a “racial profiling expert” is too fuckin funny. Definitely seems like a toe the line,ADL guide reading goon with a weapon being nothing more than a tax collector handing out parking tickets and other “malum prohibitum” bullshit that’s called “law enforcement”.

      And absolutely…Obongo showed his TRUE color the other night-HE HATES WHITES TO THE CORE. Take the teleprompter away and this mulatto monster makes the moron Bush seem like an ace wordsmith.


    9. Luek Says:

      If the “Magic Negro” in the White House had not opened his big mouth and began flapping his banjo lips about this non-incident it would never have come to light and caused such an uproar.

      Gosh, America used to be one hell of a great country. Too bad, too bad.

    10. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Welcome to jewish America where the flame of the Statue of Liberty welcomes the illicit underground criminals (jews and their illuminati organization).

      Hey folks, don’t ya know? This is a remake of the movie, Planet of the Apes, where the negroes are the leaders and the Whites are imprisoned. The only thing that is missing are the snorkle-nose jews who are behind this and are the primary directors in this topsy-turvy world.

      For the Pres. of the Unitied States to berrate a White police officer for doing his job and verbally express his racial hatred toward Whites and the so-called racial profiling while the Whites in this country are going broke, losing their jobs on an astronomical scale, and losing their homes, needs to be removed from office ASAP. Someone needs to tell this Obongo monkey born in South Africa that the U.S. was originally organized by Whites who made the Constitution excluding negroes, mexicans, jews, and asians of all sorts cannot be contradicted by laws made up by a jew named Emanuel Celler, and the Whites will not be disrespected any longer.

      The non-whites have to go including Obongo who is illegally holding the presidential seat in the White House.

      We obviously have intruders in this country who are determined to overthrow this country with their contradictory laws, taxing us to death, while increasing numbers of Whites are becoming homeless. Forming a militia is a right we have.

    11. Parsifal Says:

      “OK – sorry for shouting but WTF IS A NIGGER DOING AS A PROFESSOR AT FUCKING HARVARD?!?!?!?? The baboons at my school could barely put two and two together even in their Senior year and I’m supposed to believe this evolutionary throwback is PROFESSOR material??? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!”


      It really is hillarious that some spade has been magically turned into a “professor” by his Jewish masters at Harvard. But since the old colored fella can’t do White mans’ math too good and since he sho’ ain’t no redneck cracka scientist (and dat’s fo’ sho’), the Jews had to do something with him. So, they invented a Black Studies Program and put him in charge of it, although a Black lawn jockey could have probably done a better job. And cheaper, too.

    12. lawrence dennis Says:

      I was exactly right when I said this nigger went apeshit when confronted by a civil-behaving police officer. From the original article:


      Police said he [Gates] flew into a verbal rage after Sgt. James Crowley, who is white, asked him to show identification to prove he should be in the home. Police say Gates accused Crowley of racial bias, refused to calm down and was arrested.

      QED. You can take the nigger out of Africa, but you can’t take Africa out of the nigger.

    13. Z.O.G. Says:

      This mulatto professor Henry Louis Gates looks a little light in the loafers. Hmm, another nigger on the “downlow”? :-D


    14. Lutjens Says:

      Police report:


      Reporting officer is a spic.

    15. Parsifal Says:

      Deval Patrick and Henry Gates are a pair of colored swishes.

    16. Mega Therion Says:

      And Obama makes three…I completely believe Larry Sinclair.

    17. Mega Therion Says:

      Not only do I believe Larry Sinclair,but also am convinced that Michelle “Put her face in batter and make gorilla cookies” is a beard. She’s very manly…well she’s more of a darker “Zira” from Planet of the Apes.

    18. Parsifal Says:

      Negresses are not known to be very feminine. They are easily provoked, extremely noisy, have the strength of an adult chimp and will mate without expecting or recieving any courtship from the numerous male partners they take on beginning around the age of 9.

    19. Parsifal Says:

      They also tend towards morbid obesity and are generally un-hygenic in nature.

    20. Parsifal Says:

      And they produce a disagreeable odor.

    21. Irma Grese Says:

      Blackshirt and Mega Therion (that is an….ass-kicking name), you are both so very right about the half-caste bongos. They seem to have just enough intelligence to actually be dangerous, whereas your full-on, blue gummed bubble-lipped nigger has the IQ of a turnip and so is only dangerous on account of it’s short temper and physical strength. When I used to lurk on sites like niggermania I had thought that it was these bestiality mischlings who were responsible for the NAACP, the Civil Rights movement and all the rest, but that was before I cottoned on to the role of the jew. Now I see they are nothing but 2nd-tier middle management, following Big Jew’s commands. Still dangerous though, and need to be among the first against the wall – behind the kikes and the white race-traitors – when the Revolution comes. After those three lethal infections are gone, mopping up the rest should be like treating a mild head cold.

    22. Mega Therion Says:

      Irma Grese,

      The “Geechies”,lor ike you said “blue gummed bubble lipped nigger” are literally direct slave line descendants,NO MIXING there, and they are easiest to manipulate. Very superstitious(religious) and probably have an IQ closer to 50 than 100.

      It’s the lighter skinned ones who are the bigger headache. Because of the mixing with Euros they may have a modicum of intellect,they certainly see themselves as the hierarchy of the nigger chain.

      And I’ve always believed that mulatto hatred towards whites is simply hatred towards their white ancestors. Obongo is an obvious case..I think he wakes up EVERY day thinking “why did you fuck a nigger,mom?? HE’S ALMOST HUMAN and knows it. Light skinned niggers live a horrible existence, they are aware of the fact that they are mutants. The offspring of demented Caucasians who had sexual relations with BEASTS.

    23. Howdy Doody Says:

      And I’ve always believed that mulatto hatred towards whites is simply hatred towards their white ancestors. Obongo is an obvious case..I think he wakes up EVERY day thinking “why did you fuck a nigger,mom?? HE’S ALMOST HUMAN and knows it. Light skinned niggers live a horrible existence, they are aware of the fact that they are mutants. The offspring of demented Caucasians who had sexual relations with BEASTS.


      Haiti 1804 proves what these Franksteins feel and Act out their physical violence and murder is just a fact.

    24. Adam Says:

      Mega Therion Says:

      Gates role model is WEB DuBois. And of course DuBois was the developer of the “talented tenth”, which basically put light skinned niggers at the top of the nigger food chain…while the rest of the niggers,that “nigger ninety” I guess, were viewed as nothing more than propaganda tools. Gates uses poor niggers the way any slavemaster did

      Dubois was such a light-skinned nigger with so much white blood that some sources report that he had blue eyes. I haven’t been able to verify this. Although it seems it ought to be possible in theory for a nigger to have blue eyes if two niggers with the recessive gene for blue eyes mate, DuBois himself in his autobiographical book The Souls of Black Folk says, speaking of the baby ape he spawned with some white whore back then:

      Why had not the brown of his eyes crushed out and killed the blue?–for brown were his father’s eyes, and his father’s father’s.

      He goes on to say, in his florid style, that the little monstrosity died after having lived only a few days. But there never were any shortage of white women willing to bed down with apes and breed with them, even back then, when it was still culturally forbidden. The race traitor whores just keep pumping them out. There is apparently something deeply defective in many white women that makes them actually prefer having a niglet to having a human baby. Were it not so, we wouldn’t have Obama.

      Like Obama, Dubois was graduated from Harvard, which has been a center of anti-white activity for more than a century. After having gone on to “co-found” the NAACP with some Jews, Dubois later in life joined the Communist Party USA and emigrated to Ghana, where he died, and (eventually) quit stinking. That sho nuff was one valuable, edumacated nigger alright! Ironically, it is his famous remark about “the talented tenth” that is holding him back from being even more famous than he already is, since the powers that be are attempting to brainwash the morons that all niggers are equal, except to whites, to whom they are all superior.

    25. Adam Says:

      Adam Says:

      Although it seems it ought to be possible in theory for a nigger to have blue eyes if two niggers with the recessive gene for blue eyes mate, …

      There’s something wrong here though. If the average American nigger has about 20% white blood, as geneticists tell us, then blue eyes among niggers ought to be something we ought to see at least occasionally, and we don’t. Specifically, according to the standard BB/bb Mendelian model, about 1% of niggers ought to have European-looking blue eyes (20%x20%x25%), with percentages rising quickly for niggers with higher percentages of white blood. But in fact, the bright blue eyes common in Europeans are entirely absent from niggers, as far as I know or have ever seen. Perhaps someone might argue that any niggers who had enough white blood to pass as white – DuBois, for example, looks white in some of his photos – wouldn’t be counted as niggers, and so the rule is flawed. However, there is always a certain quantum of niggeriness obvious even in light-skinned ones, and I’ve never seen European-like blue eyes in any of them either.

      When you think about it, it’s clear that eye color just doesn’t seem to follow the simplified Mendelian pattern we all learned in school. Just as with skin color, there is actually a wide range of eye colors – from various shades of blue to gray and green, and all the way to nigger brown. Contamination with nigger blood apparently makes the blue-eyed phenotype common in Europeans all but impossible to recover, once lost. Evidently it is polygenetically determined, just like IQ or other white mental characteristics where the profound difference between the races is clearly manifested. The extinction of the white phenotype of blue eyes will portend the extinction of white genius as well.

    26. Adam Says:

      Okay, here’s a baby ape with blue eyes. This is not quite the same as European blue eyes, on account of the dark ring around the iris, but it’s shocking that it’s allegedly the offspring of two niggers.


      Still, it’s rare though, even if this hasn’t been faked somehow. Certainly way more rare than 1%, if it happens at all.

    27. Z.O.G. Says:

      Ew, gross! :-)

    28. Z.O.G. Says:

      Quick, somebody get a leash for that thing!


    29. Parsifal Says:

      The genes for blue eyes are recessive, whereas the genes for brown eyes are dominant. One certainly does not see many Negroes with blue eyes, if any at all. However, one does see many Negroes with light yellow or gold eyes. I guess that’s how the White parent’s genes for green, grey or blue-colored eyes are manifested in the mixed-race offspring.

    30. Adam Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      The genes for blue eyes are recessive, whereas the genes for brown eyes are dominant. One certainly does not see many Negroes with blue eyes, if any at all. However, one does see many Negroes with light yellow or gold eyes. I guess that’s how the White parent’s genes for green, grey or blue-colored eyes are manifested in the mixed-race offspring.

      That sounds plausible. But because research into the genetics of race has more or less been banned in academia, the topic is incompletely understood and will probably remain so for the foreseeable future. The simple dominant/recessive Mendelian model doesn’t work very well for polygenetic traits like IQ or eye color, at least in racially-mixed offspring. The only thing that seems clear from experience is more like the one drop rule. One drop of nigger blood contaminates the rest, and is enough to make you a nigger. If you still want to put this in terms of dominant and recessive genes, it’s as though there is a master control gene for niggeriness which is always dominant. Or as Celine put it:

      “Colored blood, all colored blood is ‘dominant,’ yellow, red, or indigo…white blood is dominated…always! black, red, never again white…Presto change-o! with all the blessings of the Church….The white man with his mongrelizing religion!…The white man is dead!”
      -Celine, Rigadoon

    31. Parsifal Says:

      Those living in the NYC area may remember Congresswoman Susan Molinari. She could have been considered an attractive White woman, except that she had a Chinese grandfather, something that resulted in her eyes being noticeably “chinked up”. But everything else about her, including the blonde hair, looked Caucasian. Hopefully, that Chinaman gene will eventually get “washed out” by succeeding generations of Molinaris.

      Another former politician who passes for White is the (suspected) octoroon Bill Clinton. The Blacks always accepted him as one of their own and he sure acts Black. His hair has sort of a waviness to it as well, as if there might be some nappy-headed ancestry lurking inside him.

    32. -jc Says:

      “Fuck them all.”

      Okay, we don’t particularly like non-Whites in positions of authority, sucking-up taxpayer’s money, despoiling living space, what have you. I’m going to try to adopt Alex Linder’s usage of White with a capital “W” only when describing one who acts White rather than appears white.

      I want to relate a few experiences those who read this far might find interesting if not helpful. I spent a few years as a government employee before becoming a government hater. Something in those days called the United Givers Fund, later the United Way, was rammed down our throats and I objected to having to do something to prevent having money deducted from my paycheck and I was appointed the “coordinator” for the office, attending an “orientation,” including how to sell the program. A lesser man might have come around after the intense indoctrination including the obligatory movies of infants with flies drinking from their eyes, etc. I became hardened and ineffective at extorting “giving.” It was about the last straw in my brief government career. The top brass was one of the usual suspects, who tried to humiliate me with the assisnment, and I regularly worked for traitors to their men who should have been fragged.

      The sergeant who made the decision about Gates looks like a prick to me however. Ask yourself why people go into law enforcement and why they feel the need to “get respect” or punish those flunking the “attitude test,” busting a man’s balls because he won’t submit to being pushed around. That is what Gates was arrested over: He was indignant and the cop had no empathy, something Obama thinks Sotomayor needs to bring to the bench.

      Like Chris Rock, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65zXlytv01c , I’ve always tried to be realistic about police. However, I have my limits and am now, thanks to encounters with a succession of stupid white cops, well on my way to being a police hater. The last time I was arrested for something ridiculous, it was by a sawed-off, female, Mestizo city copy, assisted by two white cops. It is white cops that put non-white cops in their positions. And it was/will be whites that put Sotomayor on the bench. I’m an equal opportunity hater, including stupid whites who pour gasoline onto smoldering fires that would go out by themselves.

      I’m also willing to give the devil his due: Obama may use a teleprompter but he handles himself well with such questions as the one about the arrest of Gates. I believe the Cambridge cops acted stupidly, given what I think I know about what happened. This is not the time in history to not just let this sort of thing just slide. Obama is probably trying to avoid angering what he was told by his Chief of Staff a large number of public service “hero” voters.

      This Harvard Professor Gates vs. the Cambridge Police Department “incident,” like so many more you’re going to see in the coming months/years, is going to continue to spin out of control due to the official, political line that blood and soil are not the foundation, if not the end-all basis, of nations. Frankly, I suspect it was a titanic battle of assholes that America should have simply ignored, as it is neither a clear case of racial profiling that would benefit blacks, nor is it a clear case of police state stupidity that hastens the day when a critical mass will have had enough.

      To me, all this simply shows is the bankruptcy of Democracy in America, now that those who manipulate elections and government benefit recipients have realized they can vote themselves subsidies from the public treasury. Expect this to escalate apace toward mass bloodshed rather than repentance. I’m glad I’m over the hill enough to be coasting down the other side toward not having to worry about this sort of thing much longer. You have my best wishes in dealing with it.

    33. Irma Grese Says:

      -jc, I’m young enough that I’ll likely see the “mass bloodshed” part commence, eventually. I hope the result is a full scale extermination of all the jews and muds, but I would consider it a win even if all we get is just a small, defensible racially-aware White community somewhere which our descendants can build upon.