Controlling Anti-Jewish Stereotypes: The Case of the “Hook-Nosed Jew”
Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Jewish 'stereotypes', Jewish power, jews, Socrates at 10:10 pm | 
by Dr. Lasha Darkmoon.
“One of my interests in life is the bizarre phenomenon of anti-Jewish propaganda manufactured by elite and well-organized cadres of Jews.
Israel Shamir, in his controversial book Cabbala of Power, makes an interesting point about ‘hook-nosed Jews.’ It seems that many Jews, far from shrinking from mention of their noses, never lose an opportunity to reinforce this particular stereotype by referring to their own noses negatively if there is no one else around to do so. When Jewish cemeteries are vandalized or swastikas are found defacing walls, the culprits on numerous occasions have turned out to be Jews. (See, e.g., here and here.) So it is with the legendary ‘Jewish nose’: a protected species of stereotype deliberately nurtured and kept alive by organized Jewry for propaganda purposes.”
20 July, 2009 at 10:56 pm
The Jews have an insane Persecution Complex, something which fuels their exalted opinion of themselves. Not even Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels probably spent much time thinking about the Kikes. But Shylock never stops thinking up ways to villify Whites, including the spray painting of swazis on synagogues and morbid, farfectched Holohoax fantasies. They are absolutely infatuated with themselves and expect everyone else to be as well.
21 July, 2009 at 12:15 pm
What about the JAP Syndrome? They are so against it yet every week a new shitcom is vomited from jewwood pandering to said stereotype. And let’s not forget those month-long serials about inexistent gas chambers heheh!