Pat Buchanan on Darwin
Posted by Socrates in Buchanan, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 11:24 pm | 
by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.
“In a very real sense, the demise of Darwinism has led to the death of the West that Buchanan deplores. Without an intellectually compelling and scientifically based ideology of ethnic defense, it was not possible to erect barriers against the invasion of other peoples.”
6 July, 2009 at 7:50 pm
Father John, that “white Christ” stuff is wierd! There is something odd about it, something that must keep in the shadows. It has the same squirelly feel to it as the stuff by the Black Muslims, about how Christ was black and Dr. Whozit created White people.
New America, “absent the leavening of Christianity, Western Civilization would not be”? Well, (and welcome back, by the way) it existed before Christianity, and some say in a better form. Yes, some have said so.
The Germans of Hermann de Cheruscer’s time had: family loyalty, chastity, honor, courage, respect for elders, etc. Sounds good to me. Also, other European pagans had these things.
Have you read, “Celsus on the True Doctrine”? A Graeco-Roman philosoper takes apart Christiainity circa AD 174. A MUST READ!
(The text has been reconstructed from other writings, due to the fact that Christians destroyed the originals, as they did to the writings of other philosophers who questioned Christianity.)
Listen: When I was in Boppard, Germany in April of this year, I went to a cathedral as the Easter service was letting out. Next door to the Church, a young German blasted the worshippers with “Sympathy for the Devil” by Mick Jagger, turned way up!
All the nuns I saw were brown, like Filipinos.
All the services I saw were conducted by WOMEN PRIESTS.
Conclusion: Church is no place for men, White men. White men have sympathy for the Devil, because White men are now the Devil. So be it.
6 July, 2009 at 8:17 pm
in reply to Antagonistes:
you wrote:
in reply:
My position on Christianity and the development of Western Civilization is based on The Gospel of John 1 v 1:
“In the Beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God.”
Various translations have have translations even of this, but – to me – it describes Christ, a God, who was with God “from the Beginning,” and was One with God IN PURPOSE.
He only took on human Form for the three years of the Incarnation, and works, spiritually, to continue His Father’s Work.
“Duty, honor, respect for elders,” are all well and good as Foundational Models; sounds like a good bit of the ten Commandments!
But, we MUST move forwards, and we MUST return to our true Home, “Among The Stars.”
I maintain that, in the working of the foremost example of human development known as Western Civilization, we no less witness the Outworking of Christ in guiding us forward, and upwards, supporting our Transformation from Humanity – of the soil, pretty much – to Mankind, the spiritual Forces that will walk Among The Stars.
I might be wrong, but I see in what I call The Deed of Christ the best model for us in dealing with our Enemies, both personally, and Racially:
The deed of Christ was the transformation of the ultimate Evil – the murder of God as Messiah – into the ultimate Good – a Way to Eternal Peace.
In short, rather than moan and complain about the deeds of the Jewish, let’s make the demons into our servant angels by LEARNING from them, and then, applying that Learning to Do Better.
you wrote:
in reply:
I read Celsus years ago.
I found Pastor Herrell’s “History of the Bible” to be eye-opening in his succinct analysis of where the Bible came from, and why.
From this, I realized the people who worshiped the Bible were engaged in the equivalent of idolatry, with a Mindset that, all too often, looked to the past, and blindly following what they saw there.
you wrote:
in reply:
Women Priests are a sign, not of theological correctness or spiritual validity, that the Church has so invalidated Men for so long that Men have decided to return the favor.
Subtly, of course, we can see that, as Christianity became JUDEO-Christianity, the Men who refused to be gelded – the potential Warrior Caste – simply chose to not go where they were not wanted.
What is needed is a recapturing of the Spiritual Masculine in Christianity.
I can assure you, Martel would look at the men wearing dresses that were heading up the Church and say to himself, “I can kick them out, or I can start anew.”
Given the number of churches in Europe that are being converted to mosques, it is obvious that JUDEO-Christianity – Feminine Christianity – simply falls before the Masculine Force of Islam.
Of those two religions, which one actively develops their Warrior Caste?
They know what WORKS!
you wrote:
in reply:
Given what Church has become, I could not agree more.
This presents us with an opportunity to Do Better.
6 July, 2009 at 9:07 pm
in reply to Parsifal:
you wrote:
in reply:
I suspect you have been reading Dr. Oliver!
One option you might want to consider:
Go to the christianseparatist dot org website, which has a Bible that is pretty much within the framework you described.
Then, form a Church yourself, starting with lectures to, say, self-help organizations, like the Twelve Step organizations.
Or, just start lecturing from the Anointed Standard Version offered by the fine men at christianseparatist dot org in, say, the local library.
THEN, expand the discussion to include, say, Nietzsche, and tie him in with what your are preaching.
Develop those lectures, and refine them.
Then, when you’ve become good at this, include a flyer with your lectures that you will be speaking at this place, at this time – each and every Sunday.
Do Better!
7 July, 2009 at 7:08 pm
About a year ago I walked by a catholic church here in Denmark…
One of those lavishly adorned with sculptures of saints etc.
I rememeber vividly how scores of asiatic-only worshippers poured out of it, teeming like ants… they looked filipino, maybe some of them vietnamese.
Another time I passed a protestant non-ornamental modern church. Surprised that loud music was emanating from it, I succumbed to curiosity and looked through the window to learn who was so extraordinarily filling the otherwise ever emptier danish pews. It was a vociferous all-negroid gospel choir from sub-saharan Africa…
I could mention example after example of how Xianity precipitates the genocide of Aryans in my homeland by encouraging and actively assisting third world immigration.
The point is however, New America, that this Xian behaviour IS logically the NATURE of the church. Church activities similar to those described above take place daily, with perfect predictability, all over the western world and constitute the ACTUAL, FUNCTIONAL REALITY of contemporary, self-defined and observer-defined Xianity.
From this follows logically that such behaviour simply IS Xianity.
So you will probably argue: “but that’s not the REAL Xianity; that’s a FALSE form; a misinterpretation; that’s JUDEO-Xianity”…BULL SHIT!!! – that’s simply not how reality works.
When a majority of active participants AND disinterested observers simultaneously describe and define a certain phenomenon with a certain title, namely XIANITY in this particular case, then that’s our working hypothesis. Otherwise language ceases to function.
It’s as meaningless to describe the dysgenic influence of present day Xianity with subterfuge like “archaic forms”, “Judeo-Xianity” or “what Xianity has become” as it would be to describe a rotten apple as “this is not my REAL apple, as GOD would have wanted it”; “when the bad spirits leave my apple, It will taste great again” or: “If only people would understand the TRUE nature of my apple instead of this FALSE state it is in now, THEN I could eat it, and it would be nourishing and healthy again”.
Just face it: Xianity may have worked once…Now it doesn’t work anymore; it’s rotten. Maybe because some bacteria or hostile organism attacked and subverted it – nevertheless – it’s still rotten.
Wake up! Move on! Party is over! -Xianity is not the first religion to
go extinct – neither will it be the last.
7 July, 2009 at 7:38 pm
I must agree with the well-said post of O*R*I*O*N.
New America, you write very well, but my experience is that of O*R*I*O*N. However, I WISH you were right, New America. But truth compels me to the side of O*R*I*O*N.
Just look at the way the the Church is now embracing the “civil rights” movement, quoting ML King in sermons, etc., accepting inter-racial dating and marriages (there is neither Greek nor Jew!).
Years ago, they opposed “civil rights”. So why do they now applaud it? Why can’t they be consistent?
Celsus remarks on the way that Christians would re-write the gospels, when a pagan philosopher pointed out the contradictions and inconsistencies. In other words, they saw which way the wind was blowing, and adjusted accordingly (and dishonestly).
Ditto for their response to the “civil rights” Marxism-comes-to-America movement.
Don’t look for granite in the character of Christians–all you will find is flaky flint. Fear, foolishness, and flaky flint.
They put Celsus and the Graeco-Roman philosophers on the side of the Devil (although they accepted their philosophical methodology as a tool for interpreting their confusing and inconsistent scriptures).
Now they have accepted, without so much as a feeble protest, the putting of White Men on the side of the Devil (although they take full advantage of all the technological and philosophical contributions of the White Man).
So be it.
7 July, 2009 at 9:16 pm
A White country, turning its back on the “wretched refuse”, would defy fundamental tenets. It would be unvarnished selfishness. It would go against the basic notion that THE NEEDS OF OTHERS COME BEFORE SELF.
8 July, 2009 at 12:26 am
Isn’t it kind of strange how the world’s first Xian Bible wasn’t written until the late 4th Century? There are no extant copies of the NT from before the year 380, some 350 years after Hay-soos supposedly lived and died. The historical origins of Xianity have always been very murky, as if the early Roman Church had something to hide.
8 July, 2009 at 2:22 pm
Orion, I had a similar experience when visiting my home town after many years absence. The congregation of the local church were mostly oriental.
The only country where I haven’t observed this happening is in Greece. I attribute this resistance to be due to the fact that the Orthodox Churches are by definition ‘national’ churches.
Many Christian denominations have embraced Marxism, albeit in a watered-down form, how long will it take the trendy vicars and humanist bishops to support abortion and homosexuality as a means to be ‘unselfish’ and not raise families! Crackpot logic, but some tele-holyroller is bound to preach something like that.
22 July, 2009 at 2:59 pm
“The only country where I haven’t observed this happening is in Greece. I attribute this resistance to be due to the fact that the Orthodox Churches are by definition ‘national’ churches.”
Greece is now starting to flood with immigrants too. Usual stories about Greeks having to learn to adjust their definition of national identity, etc., that you can find if you search for it.
Any white/western country that achieves any kind of economic progress is going to be flooded with immigrants, especially if it is part of the larger NWO structure (ie, EU, NATO, etc).