26 August, 2009

Capitalism and Equality

Posted by Socrates in capitalism, Socrates, William Pierce at 11:08 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“I was amused last week when America’s top baseball commissars ordered that Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker undergo psychiatric testing because he said that he finds New York City a depressing place, filled with queers and non-Whites.

What does that remind you of? What other country can you think of that, within recent memory, used to pack dissidents off to mental hospitals to silence them? What other regime claimed that anyone who deviated from the party line obviously must be crazy and needed treatment?”


  • 10 Responses to “Capitalism and Equality”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      Two excellent observations by Dr. Pierce:

      “What’s rotten is the breed of capitalists we have in America today. They didn’t used to be such a rotten bunch. Henry Ford, one of America’s great capitalists, was a man of principle who stood up to the Jews. And generally there was the conviction that success and wealth were achieved through hard work, self discipline, and strong principles. Of course, nearly all of our capitalists before the Second World War were fervent anti-communists, because they never did much care for the idea of sharing their wealth; they didn’t care for the beehive principle of communism. But they also were not egalitarians. In fact, hardly anyone was, capitalist or not.”

      “The big capitalists are not really seeking the destruction of our race or our civilization — but they’re perfectly willing to see it happen, if it will lead to greater profits for them in the short run. In that sense they’re better than the communists and the Clintonistas. But that’s not really saying much for them.”

      I differ slightly with Dr. Pierce here in that I feel that the big Capitalist’s quest for larger profits using egalitarianism makes them WORSE than Communists, because there is no ideological drive behind them using egalitarianism. I can respect ideological drive and misguided thinking if it is the result of believing in an ideology, but pushing egalitarianism out of pure greed is beyond evil in my eyes.

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      Breaking news in the big Capitalist insanity department:

      Microsoft apologizes for changing race in photo


    3. 2050 Says:

      What makes the communist worse than the capitalist is that the communist actively desires the destruction of the West. He schemes and wormtounges constantly for the death of our ways and our race.
      the jew moved into capitalist orgs. and into behind the scenes positions in politics and manipulated the rules and the people to force these anti-white policies into place and took over many companies. In fact you’ll find most ‘white capitalists’ today are most likely jews.
      I do understand the haves and have nots thing. Without it the jew/communist would have no way to drive this wedge. It does piss me off to see the lavish lifestyle of so many, when I myself struggle to provide my family with even the basic necessities.

      I hope, that in a WN world, there’d be no jew-created capitalism.
      Maybe freedom in enterprise would rule the day.

    4. Adam Says:

      From the article:

      Here we had big capitalists dealing with an ideological dissident in exactly the same way the big communists used to deal with one: first make him publicly confess his guilt, and then either a bullet in the back of the head or compulsory psychiatric treatment.

      The aim in both cases, of course, is to convince the public that it’s a bad, bad thing to contradict the party line. Only crazy people do that. If you don’t want everyone to think you’re crazy you’d better keep your toes right on the party line. That’s the way good people behave. That’s the way sane people behave.

      Unfortunately, it’s not just communists and capitalists who enforce group norms of behavior. It’s invariably a characteristic of human groups generally. Dr. Pierce’s own Cosmotheist writings contain quite a bit of emphasis on it too, holding it forth as a desirable feature of the white nation he was trying to build. For example:

      If a man teaches others that the mixing of stocks is permissible or that all men are of equal value or that human life has no purpose, then the Community shall make him an outlaw and drive him out.
      And, whether a man teaches falsehood or not, if his behavior or his manner of life is such as to lead others astray or to weaken the order of the Community, then he may not remain in the Community. For it is a proper function of society to safeguard the Community against indiscipline as much as against falsehood.

      It’s a fact of human existence that a cohesive group will nearly always defeat an individual, whatever the contest. Therefore, couched in evolutionary terms, groups have an interest in enforcing their own cohesion. Dr. MacDonald details these mechanisms under the heading of social identity theory, and the important thing to notice is that they are typical of any group. Any kind of group function requires the ability to distinguish between ingroup and outgroup, and punishment of individual behavior that betrays group goals. Without this, groups lose cohesion and dissolve. (Indeed, possibly a fatal flaw of the white race is its chronic inability to distinguish between ingroup and outgroup. Having mistakenly included the Jews as “ingroup” may have been an error which will lead to its dissolution.)

    5. Marwinsing Says:

      By conventional bourgeoisie capitalist standards that makes me a classic loser. Got no car, no money, no squeezer, no picket-fence house in the ‘burbs, no ambition, no nothing. Life is great.

    6. Blackshirt Says:

      Marwinsing, look at it this way- you have been given a gift. “Freedom is just another word for nothin’ left to lose”. You have nothing holding you down…

    7. Zoroastro Says:

      Any kind of group function requires the ability to distinguish between in-group and out-group, and punishment of individual behavior that betrays group goals. Without this, groups lose cohesion and dissolve. (Indeed, possibly a fatal flaw of the white race is its chronic inability to distinguish between in-group and out-group. Having mistakenly included the Jews as “in-group” may have been an error which will lead to its dissolution.)

      So much for the stubborn rugged individualism of our race. Ultimately the group is everything, the individual doesn’t matter. Good points you’ve made especially as to the infiltration of the alien (sub)race bringing us to the brink of …

    8. Angryyoungman Says:

      Socialism works in a homogeneous nation.

      In a multicultural nation no economic or political system can work. Any system will just prolong an inevitable collapse and break-up.

    9. Adam Says:

      Zoroastro Says:

      So much for the stubborn rugged individualism of our race. Ultimately the group is everything, the individual doesn’t matter. Good points you’ve made especially as to the infiltration of the alien (sub)race bringing us to the brink of …

      Thanks. But I don’t mean to say that individualism is without value, or that some groups don’t allow a certain amount of it under some circumstances. I see individualism, as with all human behavior, as being a mixed function of both environment and racial genetics. In my view, individualism is far more likely to be allowed in white societies of relatively low technological sophistication than it is either among non-white races, where it seems to be virtually unknown, or in technologically advanced white societies. Examples of the former would be the America of Thomas Jefferson’s day, or Athens of Socrates’ time. Currently however, individualism is in steep decline. The face of the 20th century was the face of the lemming, the mass man, not the individual, a trend that continues. This eclipse of individualism was a predictable result of the technological system’s expansion, because highly technological societies are compelled to become totalitarian; and this is so because it is the essential nature of scientific technique to require total control of input in order to guarantee output. This control provides scientific technique with the characteristic reliability that is the basis of its utility for us, and why Western man now relies on scientific technique instead of older, non-scientific techniques like voodoo, prayer, or black magic. But unfortunately for us, as technological society grows, it progressively destroys freedom, and individualism right along with it.

    10. Marwinsing Says:

      @ Blackshirt: damn right SAHLOET! (lifts his glass of fine red Stellenbosch “Tassies” as toast to TRUTH…

      LOL! You hit the nail on the head SON!