19 September, 2009

Economy: What a Relief, the Latest JewCycle is Over

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, economics, economy, Federal Reserve system, jewed culture, jewed finance, Jewish arrogance, Jewish banking, Jewish Tyranny, money, Socrates at 2:43 pm | Permanent Link

The American Economy, getting dressed after being assaulted: “Wait a second – your banking and lending rules seem familiar. Haven’t you raped me before?”

Jewish Central Banking, climbing out the window: “Uhhh, I don’t know. All of you White economies look alike to me. See you soon!”


  • 18 Responses to “Economy: What a Relief, the Latest JewCycle is Over”

    1. Lutjens Says:

      This is the same sheenie that threatened another economic crisis if Ron Paul got his way and had the Fed audited. Sucker’s recovery in progress, stay tuned…

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Typical Jew double-talk. Bernanke says the Recession is “over” but then he says that the “recovery” will be too weak to produce many jobs. With such widespread unemployment, how do you expect to keep this consumer-oriented economy afloat, JEW? I guess they didn’t think of that when they were busy planning to export all of our industrial and manufacturing jobs to slave-labor countries.

      I’ve had enough of this Capitalism bullshit. A few years of modest prosperity and growth for some followed by 5-10 years of high unemployment and widespread economic turmoil. If you still support Capitalism, then you are a supporter of Jewry.

    3. Sage Says:

      This is a good website for learning about money. Jewish money lending is discussed in the Magna Carta. So, the notion that Jews have a lot of control in the banking world is founded in History. The European states limited Jews to certain professions, with Banking being one of them. Part of the vitriol that Jews bring upon themselves, is their holding themselves apart from the dominant culture, while also benifiting from that culture. Controlling wealth add another layer of vitriol. You cannot completely understand the Jewsih mind, and especially the European Ashkenazi mind, without understanding the history of banking.

    4. Sage Says:

      The website is http://www.webofdebt.com. Also, the book:History of Money and Banking in the United States by Murray N. Rothbard is on topic.

      Jews that promote stable money and the ability of citizens save their wealth without it being debased through inflation and deflation, don’t meet the definition of a self serving Jew. These types of Jews are worth listening to. The Jews that promote multiculturalism, and cultural relativism do so to draw attention away from themselves. Jews do this as a self preservation instinct because they have always been host in foreign lands. Jews that adhere to the founding fathers philosophy do exist allthough they seem to be rare. Jews that sow dissension, or gain control through nefarious behavior are rife throughout history. Jewish bankers who promote inflation and deflation to make debt peons of the citizenry are particularly odious characters. The best way to overcome private banking is to use the American banking scheme as outlined by Benjamin Franklin as discussed in webofdebt.

      America has always been kind to Jews, but they have repaid the dominant Anglo Protestant culture with counter culturalism. They have repaid the bedrock Judeo Christian principles of our founding wtih progressive liberalism. Ironically the Judeo principles of our founding is in the Jewish tradition, yet American Jews have undermined it by using a twisted logic born of mental pathology. Print media and Movies are dominated by Jews, but fortunately the internet is a democratizing force and diluting their message of dissent. American Jewry is outmarrying and their religion is being suborned to American influence. Perhaps America is the Jewish promise land, but Jews won’t last forever in America, they will eventually be absorbed.

    5. Ein Says:

      “American Jewry is outmarrying and their religion is being suborned to American influence. Perhaps America is the Jewish promise land, but Jews won’t last forever in America, they will eventually be absorbed.”

      I think you mean “subordinated”. But no, they won’t be absorbed or subordinated to us; we will be subordinated to them.

      They have survived all challenges and threats for 5,000 years. Do you think they are going to vanish now? How naive!

      Where I live there are many Jews. It is quite common to see wide baby strollers built to hold 2 or 3 babies at once. I have read that they are taking fertility drugs to get multiple births. They are not planning to go away anytime soon.

    6. Curt O'brian Says:

      Agreed. They are not going anywhere. They are almost there right now. They control the media and popular culture to the hilt. They have this entire continental size country about to fight a war with Iran for 7.4 million people in a tiny little country that the Jews can escape to without worrying about extradition. What a deal. Even the mafia doesn’t have that to my knowledge.

      Have you seen the Hollywood Movies and TV shows for this year? All the late night comedy shows have fully accepted normalization with gays in daily life. All the shows accept the idea of Germans as being forever the hated whipping boys of the society. All the shows have accepted laughing at whites alone and no other groups of skin color. All the newscasts both local and national have the same exact agenda. What more beachhead is there for these guys to target?

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Jews even got to you, O’Bryanne. Instead of using terms like homosexual or queer, they’ve got you referring to the sexually disoriented using the PC term “gay”. Well now, isn’t that special?

    8. Ein Says:

      “Agreed. They are not going anywhere. They are almost there right now. They control the media and popular culture to the hilt. They have this entire continental size country about to fight a war with Iran for [the sake of] 7.4 million people in a tiny little country…”

      In North America, and Europe as well — in the whole white world — they are closer to their goal of total domination than at any time before in history. Nowhere and never before have they had such great wealth and power. They control the world’s economy! Our whole culture has become judaized. Our governments are controlled by them. Out politicians grovel to them. In many countries it is now illegal even to question their authority or doubt their myths.

      Even the “Christian” churches are now under their control and serve Jewry’s interests, to the detriment of Christians.

      Having achieved so much, why would they give all that up now, at this point? Why would they consent (or want) to be absorbed or “suborned” by anyone else? That’s nonsense! If anything, it will be the other way around. We are the ones being phased out, not they.

      Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to come out of his fog and wake up!

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      The only problem with your argument, ein, is that you portray the Jews as being much more numerous than they actually are. If the Jews were as large in number as you claim or imply they are, then who could take issue with such a large group exerting their wealth and control over the rest of us? But in reality, the Jews are no more than 18 million in number, or less than one-quarter of one percent of the world’s entire population. Such a tiny minority has NO RIGHT to exert such control over anyone, especially over the White nations they inhabit as OUR GUESTS.

      Now as for the tens of millions of Gentiles who think like Jews, that’s a little different……………………

    10. Hoff Says:

      Five minutes video with transcribt about what the jews do, why the jews do it and how the jews do it. Best ever!!!


      Click Hoff at top at page to goto Main.

    11. Adam Says:

      Ein Says:

      “Agreed. They are not going anywhere. They are almost there right now. They control the media and popular culture to the hilt. They have this entire continental size country about to fight a war with Iran for [the sake of] 7.4 million people in a tiny little country…”

      In North America, and Europe as well — in the whole white world — they are closer to their goal of total domination than at any time before in history. Nowhere and never before have they had such great wealth and power. They control the world’s economy! Our whole culture has become judaized. Our governments are controlled by them. Out politicians grovel to them. In many countries it is now illegal even to question their authority or doubt their myths.

      Even the “Christian” churches are now under their control and serve Jewry’s interests, to the detriment of Christians.

      Having achieved so much, why would they give all that up now, at this point? Why would they consent (or want) to be absorbed or “suborned” by anyone else? That’s nonsense! If anything, it will be the other way around. We are the ones being phased out, not they.

      Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to come out of his fog and wake up!

      Well said, ein.

      From an evolutionary perspective, you could say that the Jews are the new, improved white people. They already have the kind of genetic modifications that our Jewish wannabes envy, and all the trappings that come with it: their own Jews-only state, a racial religion, and a racial solidarity that seems to be made of iron. They are networked at the genetic level in a way that whites can only dream of.

      The forces of natural selection haven’t really gone away. It’s just that the Jews – an offshoot or branch of the white race, according to some taxonomies – are better adapted to survive in the environment of the global technological system. That system is the new nature, and it is selecting for Jews, not whites.

      Just as a termite colony could never have built the house that it thrives on devouring, Jews could never have built Western technological civilization by themselves, but it nourishes them and helps them multiply. Collapse may be in its near future, but equally probable, it seems to me, is a grinding forward, a long emergency lasting perhaps a century or so, as devolution of man into an insect-like subhumanity proceeds apace.

    12. Curt O'brian Says:

      The lastest films are interesting out of Hollywood. The supposed icon of 1960’s Americans – James Bond- is now serving double duty as the star of the Jewish propaganda film Definance. Now with ingorious bastards an entire theater of germans is burned alive and it’s an accomplishment the audience is supposed to embrace. Two leading men are both playing sympathetic gays Penn in Milk nd Damon in the upcoming story of liberance’s young gay lover.

      This is a forwardness that was never there, no way, in the 1960s or 1970’s or 1980s. I remember will Kiss of the Spider Woman came out and it was considered incredible out there and no one went to see it.

      The culture is changing so fast it’s a little like global warming. It’s obvious there is something going on. The glaciers are retreating a half a mile a year.

    13. Curt O'brian Says:

      Prop 8 was against Gay marriage. Right?

    14. Ein Says:

      /Just as a termite colony could never have built the house that it thrives on devouring, Jews could never have built Western technological civilization by themselves, but it nourishes them and helps them multiply.”

      That puts it so well! Yes, they’re better at devouring than building. And they need an industrious, constructive population to exploit. They get much richer in white countries than they do in sluggish backwaters like Tunisia or Guatemala or Peru. Why? Because whites produce more wealth. Thus there’s more wealth to skim. They don’t seem to be considering that little fact in filling up the white countries with non-whites. I think they’re just so consumed with hatred for whites that they don’t care. They’d rather get even first and worry about the consequences later. It’s like cutting off the branch you’re stitting on. But they hate the tree so much, they don’t care.

      Btw, I never meant to imply that Jews are numerous. They don’t have to be! All they have to do is capture the heart and brain of a country (or better yet, an empire) and they’re in control. Bingo! That is to say, the capital of government, finance, and information (ie.propaganda). And that’s why they like big empires such as the American, British, Russian, rather than little entities like Serbia or Paraguay which require a lit more effort to control, since there are so many of them. That’s why they push the EU. If they can control Brussels, they don’t need to have an apparatus in every local capital. When they capture control of a London, a Moscow, or a NewYork/Washington/Hollywood complex, then they’re controlling hundreds of millions of people from one convenient center. That way, only a relatively few Jews are needed to run the whole show.

      But, speaking of numbers though, I do think there are a lot more hidden Jews and semi-Jews around than are accounted for in official statistics. Their number is still only a tiny percentage of the world’s total, but they must be still a lot more than we are led to believe. I suspect the official numbers only refer to Jews actively practicing the cult of Judaism. But how many religious Jews are there? Very few. I think there are a lot more who are non-religious and who pass under the wire undetected. And also how many Jews are there nowadays who are actually members of other religions? They’re still Jews in their hearts and minds, but they’re not counted as Jews.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      Curt, I know you got all choked up the first time you saw your favorite movie “The Crying Game”, didn’t you? You big fancy old queen.

    16. Firearms Proficiency Says:

      Sage: American Jewry is outmarrying and their religion is being suborned to American influence. Perhaps America is the Jewish promise land, but Jews won’t last forever in America, they will eventually be absorbed.


      Not really true. Just as the jews constantly play down their true numbers in the US and elsewhere, they also lie about their ‘intermarriage” numbers. Jews marry jews in their FIRST marriage to make sure they have jewish kids to carry on the tribal scams. Then when they get divorced, as most jews do, they go ahead and marry a non-jew. Maybe they’ll have a kid, maybe they won’t.

      As far as the economy goes, the latest jewcycle is still in full swing, and we haven’t seen nothin’ yet.

    17. Truthteller Says:

      The perps are known Herbert and Marion Sandler sold toxic sub prime loans to Wahovia Bank making a nice 2 Billion on the deal. These two jews live well now in San Francisco on the wreakage they wrought.

      Bernie Madoff, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Misner, AIG, and on and on and on – JEWS!

      White Man – It is the jew who is screwing you!

      Wake Up!

    18. Ein Says:

      Still, countless baffled white people will blink their eyes and ask: “But so what? That’s about money! What does their religion have to do with it?”

      They think Jews are just a quirky variety of Methodists or Presbyterians.