Movie Review
Posted by Archives in movie reviews, movies, N.B. Forrest at 2:59 am | 
Abandon Ship! (1957)
by N.B. Forrest.
I saw this movie (based on a true story) for the second time last night, and was reminded just what a gem it is. It starred handsome Tyrone Power (the last White man ever to sport the name “Tyrone”, incidentally). He played Alec Holmes, executive officer of the ocean liner Crescent Star – and played him surprisingly well, considering that Power’s usual relationship to the craft of believable acting was like that of Golda Meir’s to really hot pussy. The ship strikes an old mine right at the beginning of the movie and heads for Davy Jones’ Locker, leaving Holmes and a number of other survivors in the generously-besharked South Atlantic drink. They pile into and cling to the captain’s small shore boat with soaked cat desperation. The captain himself is mortally wounded; he hands over command to Holmes, then gives up the ghost. So there they are: 1500 miles from the African coast, in an untenably crammed boat, with only one gallon of drinkable water and a few crackers for 27 mouths – and with the demoralizing knowledge that the mine blast destroyed the radio before an S.O.S. could be broadcast. Holmes immediately realizes that they’re in a position that makes the survival of the entire group impossible. His terrible dilemma: take the easy-on-the-conscience route and “nobly” wait for the slow death of all, or save some by taking the hard course dictated by cold logic.
After much anguish on the part of the kind & decent Holmes – and the brave example of self-sacrifice by tough, badly-wounded crewman Frank Kelly (very well played by Lloyd Nolan) – he chooses the latter. He orders the other seriously hurt to be jettisoned (including both parents of a young boy, in a heart-rending scene). Then it’s the turn of those who are merely too old – or in the case of an 18 year old kid, too small & weak – to pull their weight. Naturally, as the tension & fear mount, there are plenty in the boat who are vehemently opposed to Holmes’ decision, making it necessary to persuade them to comply with his orders with the aid of a smokepole. There’s an attempted mutiny by one, resulting in Holmes being stabbed in the chest.
Following a tremendous storm that they survive by the skin of their teeth thanks only to Holmes’ ruthless choices, many in the boat who had opposed him thank him effusively and tell him he did the right thing. Then, in accordance with his no-exceptions rule, the weakened Holmes hurls himself into the ocean like Kelly did, only to be fished back out by the newly grateful.
Then the rescue ship appears on the horizon – and watch ’em fart in their haste to switch back to their former position. When one of the crewmen offers to help him up the rope ladder, Holmes grimly replies: “I can make it myself”.
This fine movie highlights the absolute loneliness of command and, above all, the superiority of cold, hard, survival-of-the-fittest action to morally-comfy-but-suicidal squeamishness when confronted with a life-or-death crisis – just like the one Big Kike has us in this very minute.
Lots of top-notch performances in this one. Watch, enjoy and learn…
1 October, 2009 at 11:20 pm
You have a flare for writing, a dead give away that you are a little effeminate pussy.
I think you are a weak little man both figuratively and literally; I think you’ve read more books than you’ve run wind sprints or done push-ups; I think you enjoy feeling like a man posting here and pretending to be something you are not, a man.
I grow weary of such company and do not understand why anyone would wish to associate here.
‘Adam,’ you would shit in your pants if forced to confront me in battle. ;-)
I’ve gotten one good idea from this cesspool however, ‘Operation Cisco.’ Mission: Extirpate ZOG.
1 October, 2009 at 11:53 pm
My, she shure do talk purty tho.
I think you are a weak little man both figuratively and literally;
I’d say I’m about the size you like, sweetie. I go about 8 inches by 6 around, very thickly built, and “hard as nails”, too. Just like you want it.
‘Adam,’ you would shit in your pants if forced to confront me in battle. ;-)
Ah, now you are dreaming of me wanting to “confront you in battle”, huh? LOL. No thanks, dearie! Even tho I don’t doubt you can really drain a nutsack, I’m not into swordfighting. Good luck on your quest tho.
Mississippi Queen, If you know what I mean
Mississippi Queen, She taught me everything
Way down around Vicksburg, Around Louisiana way
Lived a cajun lady, Aboard the Mississippi Queen
You know she was a dancer
She moved better on wine
While the rest of them dudes were’a gettin’ their kicks,
Boy I beg your pardon, I was getting mine
2 October, 2009 at 1:07 am
Adam, Mountain was one one of the best bands of the early 70s, even though they did kind of rip off Cream’s sound. And nice work exposing Hillbilly Jim’s latent homosexual tendencies.
Jim, you’re pathetic. An unlettered, uncouth, redneck slob loser. Even a $2 Tijuana hooker would reject you. My advice to you is to just give up and move back in with your mom.
2 October, 2009 at 1:20 am
Why don’t all of you STFU.
Comment on the topic, debate it, whatever, but cut out this name-calling, all of you sound like a bunch of kids talking ‘smack’.
2 October, 2009 at 2:09 am
Instead of complaining that the discussion is drifting off-topic, why not add something of relevance yourself?
2 October, 2009 at 3:07 am
“…and tried like a heroin addict to get her to come back; it was a saga that entailed protection orders and a lot of heart ache. I never got over it. I doubt she did either.”
Yeah, I bet she didn’t get over you. She probably has nightmares about you stalking her to this day. Poor girl, and then she went and married a jew! Anyway, you are a real fruitcake spilling all this personal garbage here. I think a therapist is in order, and perhaps a permanent residency in a mental hospital. Can you say coo coo, Jim?
2 October, 2009 at 3:23 am
No, let’s hear what kind of tall tales this delusional fat slob will come up with next. Maybe he’ll tell us about the time he saved his entire platoon from being taken prisoner by the North Koreans, or how he formed The Beatles, or maybe he’ll tell us what it felt like to walk on the lunar surface. How about that manage a trois with Angie Dickinson and Ann Margaret, Jim? Remember how Elvis, JFK and Sinatra all wanted you dead for that? Or the time you, Paul Newman and Steve McQueen all raced each other at Le Mans? Good times, Jim, good times.
2 October, 2009 at 3:24 am
Wait, let’s hear what kind of tall tales this delusional fat slob will come up with next. Maybe he’ll tell us about the time he saved his entire platoon from being taken prisoner by the North Koreans, or how he formed The Beatles, or maybe he’ll tell us what it felt like to walk on the lunar surface. How about that manage a trois with Angie Dickinson and Ann Margaret, Jim? Remember how Elvis, JFK and Sinatra all wanted you dead for that? Or the time you, Paul Newman and Steve McQueen all raced each other at Le Mans? Good times, Jim, good times.
2 October, 2009 at 3:30 am
I think my favorite Jim Giles story is the one where he and Abe Lincoln get in Jim’s time machine and go back to the year 1 million BC so they can hunt dinosaurs. And then Jim falls in love with this cave-girl who looks like Raquel Welch, see, and….Oh, sorry, Jim, you go ahead and tell the story………
2 October, 2009 at 8:18 am
I don’t recall having ever lost a debate on the Internet and certainly never to an anonymous dishonorable piece of shit and coward and I don’t intend to let this enlightening exchange die. Let us continue to focus on me and my honor and courage, my towering NON-ANONYMOUS stature vis-à-vis the ANONYMOUS pieces of human shit who pose here as white men, white nationalists, tough guys, etc.
Let’s begin with the “semi-[fictitious] autobiography” (You misspelled fictitious, girly man.) allegation; let’s hear it ‘Tim McGreen,’ you Piece of Shit. Tell the world what I have misrepresented in my account and expose yet another phony fraud. And ‘Adam,’ this is not only Jim ‘I’m not a homo’ Giles, this is also Jim ‘I’m not a dishonorable coward’ Giles. I’ve posted a permanent link to this thread in my forum as a prime example of the White Non-Movement, the Anonymous White Non-Movement here.
The charge is that I am both a liar and homosexual. Let’s focus on my honesty and sexuality because there is a pattern I’ve detected in the white movement of having girly wordy effeminate male types leading the discussion, e.g., Richie Barrett and Kevin Alfred Strom; I’ve said unkind words against these girly men (Bill White and Hal Turner) and I’ve uttered unkind words against Dr. Duck and I have a lot of former friends out there who never much liked me either; they were all wordy little men; so as I’ve said the list is long of those who don’t like Jim ‘I’m not a homo’ Giles, Jim ‘I’m not a liar’ Giles, Jim ‘I’m not a Dishonorable Coward’ Giles, Jim ‘I’ll beat your fucking brains out, if you step one foot on my property’ Giles.
Please excuse my irritation with you fucking anonymous cowards last evening; I was simply frustrated that this exchange is not one on one and in person.
While there may be a few here who are honorable your anonymous association with the likes of my critics here has got to feel a bit uncomfortable; if I were you I would be squirming a bit to disassociate.
2 October, 2009 at 8:39 am
Timmy McMud, unlike the homosexual charge the “semi-fictitious autobiography” charge can be established as factual or erroneous. Let’s hear it. You said it; now back it up.
And Adamme, (in French you add an e to designate feminine) as I reflect more on the tone and style of your writing especially the comments about your penis and your focus on penis (which takes the discussion down to a level of depravity that is on the lower rungs of debate) I’m more convinced that you are a Kevin Strom, Richie Barrett type male if not in fact Richie or Kevin himself; but there are so many of you and so very few of me, you could be someone else.
Can either one of you gentlemen tell us anything about yourself that wouldn’t compromise your anonymity?
2 October, 2009 at 8:58 am
Yeah, I bet she didn’t get over you. She probably has nightmares about you stalking her to this day. Poor girl, and then she went and married a jew! Anyway, you are a real fruitcake spilling all this personal garbage here. I think a therapist is in order, and perhaps a permanent residency in a mental hospital. Can you say coo coo, Jim?
Who gave you permission to address me? How did any of you in your wildest dreams ever conclude that you are remotely on my level? You are to a man, fucking cowards.
My real name is Jim Giles; what’s yours? Until we know, until you are man enough to state the simply little fact but the all telling fact about your honor and courage,
Squeal like a pig boy!
You anonymous cowards, that’s you down on the ground and you can choose a whole host of examples as to who is standing up, e.g., your congressman, your local police, your local preachers, your local teachers; the list is long but make no mistake you are on your knees, squealing and getting fucked.
Wordy, girly men to a man, squealing.
2 October, 2009 at 9:33 am
This is the problem with white males; most of you are genuinely cowards and pussies; let the volume rise and physical risk threaten you and you are off to join the band, the debate club, the glee club, the soccer team, the baseball team, the basketball team avoiding the football field in your high school youth. You are ‘bitched’ from high school and you never recover from it. You go on to be a financially successful insurance salesman, teacher, professor, doctor, lawyer or anonymous ‘white nationalist but you ain’t a man.
That’s my experience in judging how the majority of white males act today; only a small percentage were ever men to begin; today the problem is intensified 100x over with all the tattoos and white boys trying to act like niggers.
Anonymous pussy cowards.
2 October, 2009 at 9:57 am
In addition to the “semi-fictitious autobiography” charge, in regard to the homosexual charge, how did you establish this as factual?
Whether 16 or 61 you are to a man Anonymous Pussy Cowards and until banned I’m going to cram that fact down your fucking throat.
No one here is my equal. No one. Cockle Doodle Doo!
2 October, 2009 at 10:45 am
‘Adam ‘Phallus’ Adam, May you be known by the words you utter and focus on.
Non-Anonymous, Honor and Courage!
2 October, 2009 at 11:54 am
“Let us continue to focus on me and my honor and courage, my towering NON-ANONYMOUS stature…”
OMG, you are full of yourself aren’t you, Mississippi butt boy? Pure mental illness.
“No one here is my equal. No one.”
Who cares, except you?
2 October, 2009 at 12:33 pm
‘Blackshirt,’ Repeat after me:
I am nothing but a Piece of Shit.
I am in point of fact a Fucking Pussy Coward.
Jim Giles is my better as he is using his real legal name while I am down on my knees squealing like a pig in the shadows of anonymity.
2 October, 2009 at 12:38 pm
Who cares, except you?
You care or you wouldn’t reply; white men have a lot to be ashamed of; as I said most are genuinely cowards and pussies; it’s the best explanation of why our country has been given to the Jews and niggers.
Most whites have found g-d and geezas and lost their manhood in the process.
2 October, 2009 at 1:19 pm
Giles: I’m sure you’re a wonderful fellow, but the topic here isn’t you and your “brass balls.” It’s about a movie. Let’s stay on topic – and that goes for everyone else, too.
In fact, I’m showing restraint by not following Alex’s rule of deleting name-calling posts.
2 October, 2009 at 2:03 pm
Gen. Forrest, since you’ve pretty much told us the plot of the entire movie, I think I’ll take American History X out again and watch that instead.
There, now that I’ve swung back on-topic again, I think I’ve earned the right to indulge in one last attack on the fat stupid loser that calls itself Jim Giles. I guess the turd is going through Manopause. Haw haw. Get it, Jim? Man-o-pause……………….Oh, and good luck with your gay beekeepers club, you fat old perv.
There, I’m done.
2 October, 2009 at 2:48 pm
Socrates Says:
2 October, 2009 at 1:19 pm
Giles: I’m sure you’re a wonderful fellow, but the topic here isn’t you and your “brass balls.” It’s about a movie. Let’s stay on topic – and that goes for everyone else, too.
In fact, I’m showing restraint by not following Alex’s rule of deleting name-calling posts.
If Alex told you to delete name-calling posts, then why the hell don’t you? I’m not impressed with your moderating skills notwithstanding your magnanimous tone; unlike anyone I know here I use my real name; I assume Socrates ain’t yours; but look back up in the thread and see who started the ad hominem attacks; my comments were on topic more or less and I had attacked no one until I was attacked; but the point remains if you are going to be a moderator then get to moderating; if not, don’t wade in against me while allowing the anonymous pussy cowards here to attack me.
2 October, 2009 at 3:22 pm
Ya know, Giles, in every crowd there’s a guy who actually looks for a fight. It seems that you’re him. Ok.
Comments closed.