29 October, 2009

Newest Federally-Protected Classes: Queers and Chicks

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' laws, AmeriKwa, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Obama, Socrates, women at 12:20 pm | Permanent Link

Obama signs thought-crime bill into law, giving fags and women more legal protection than you have, White guy:


  • 57 Responses to “Newest Federally-Protected Classes: Queers and Chicks”

    1. Biff Baxter Says:

      I hate white people that they voted for this bill. I have lost all hope in my own race. I would like to see 90% of them perish because they are some incredibly sorry bastards. Even animals have more sense than these dumbfucks.

    2. -JC Says:

      The older I get the less patience I have with people and organizations. At times, I wonder if Whites are worth preserving but I recognize that it is my impatience with the need to large numbers, and all that accompanies large numbers, that allow the finest to emerge. It is worth repeating that it was only apparently 2 or 3% who supported the American Revolution and likely less than that percentage understood the corporations that chartered the colonies, the Bank of England, etc.

      I believe a good cure for what ails us is reading Ed Steele’s book, Defensive Racism, as it is quite reasonable, that you would not mind anyone knowing that you’re reading and you could lend to anyone, offers somethings constructive to do, and leaves a little hope that the light at the end of the tunnel is a brighter day rather than an oncoming train.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      JC, I haven’t attacked you yet, so please don’t give me a pretext for doing so.

      Truly, there are more flakes, phonies, cowards, conmen, weirdos, whack-jobs and sell-outs in the so-called White Struggle than in any other movement.

    4. -jc Says:


      Let me see if I can work-up a quiver.

      pre·text (noun)
      Etymology: Latin praetextus, from praetexere to assign as a pretext, screen, extend in front, from prae- + texere to weave — more at technical
      Date: 1513

      : a purpose or motive alleged or an appearance assumed in order to cloak the real intention or state of affairs

    5. Ein Says:

      “Truly, there are more flakes, phonies, cowards, conmen, weirdos, whack-jobs and sell-outs in the so-called White Struggle than in any other movement.”

      Absolutely! And those are only naming a few.

    6. Ein Says:

      Anyone remember Tennessee Tex, or whatever-was–his name? The beligerant one from Pearl, Mississippi. The one who wanted everyone’s names and Social Security numbers!

      Not sure just where he would fit into those above categories. Perhaps he came under another heading.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Ein, you must be referring to Jimmy Giles, the big, fat lonely guy who wore his heart on his sleeve and was looking for some hard men. I think ol’ Jimmy is in a class by himself.

      I used the word “pretext” in the same sense as “a pretext to invade Iraq”, in other words an excuse or false justification to do something. But why would I need a pretext to criticize 2050? Truth be told, none is needed, as he is starting to provoke me.