Letter from ALIPAC
Posted by Socrates in communism, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, jewed culture, Marxism, patriotards, Socrates, Stormfront at 10:07 am | 
Marxist: “On the Left, everyone is equal!”
Conservative: “What a coincidence: they’re equal on the Right, too.”
16 November, 2009 at 10:24 am
In all the “tea party” telecasts on the news that I saw, I think I saw ONLY ONE BLACK PERSON, and he was some kind of song-leader, or something.
I hope that Mr. Gheen has thought very carefully about how one black person is worth so many White people! He is, perhaps, afraid that the press will find some Stormfronters, and portray the tea parties as being “racist.” Oh, my God! White people standing up for White America!
But just what does Mr. Gheen stand on? Christianity? Would not Christianity encourage the brown Christs to come here, and us to accept them, because as we do it to them, we do it to Christ?
Does he stand on love of country? The country is the way it is (or the way it was) because of White Europeans.
I thought about going to the tea party in my town, but their dopey style of patriotism turned me off.
Mr. Gheen has just confirmed that my intuitions were correct.
16 November, 2009 at 11:16 am
Surprise, surprise! Conservatives aren’t your friends. What did you expect? Most of these patriotard types would just as quick shoot you for being a racist than shoot a wetback trying to cross the border. Remember with conservatives race is always an afterthought.
Conservative’s order of importance:
#1 Jewsus and getting into heaven.
#2 Protecting their financial assets and growing their portfolios at all costs, including selling out their own countrymen for maximum profit.
#3 Defending our “allies” and making sure Israel is safe.
#4 Waving the flag and making sure the USA can kick anyone’s ass on the block. Strong “defense”. God bless America!
#5 Maintaining the status quo and making sure there is enough stability to continue making money. (don’t rock the boat)
Race is somewhere way down the list or not on the list at all…
16 November, 2009 at 12:43 pm
Gheen stands on Nationalism, Patriotism, and American values which falls short of WN but is still stearing the ship in the right direction at least. William does know all about the ills of this country “The J’s” but he absolutely MUST maintain a racial tolerance factor or much of the support ALIPAC is getting may diminish.
16 November, 2009 at 12:51 pm
tbow009, why are you making excuses for that reactionary asshole William Gheen? He’s no fucking good, didn’t you read his dumb letter? To hell with nationalism, patriotism and “American values”, us Whites need to stand together no matter what our ethnic or national origins are.
16 November, 2009 at 1:35 pm
Sorry Tim, But until Whites can get together and build some kind of organization that is jew-proof, Gheen and the likes are our best bet to stear this damn ship in the right direction. And you will be hard pressed to get support from enough women in anything more hard core than ALIPAC or NUMBERUSA etc…We must work in subtleties and beat the jews at their own game. Thier bullshit package looks all nice n happy with the propaganda they use to spread it..racial mixing and racial harmony, multiculturalism, etc etc…People are just starting to wake up to something funny going on. They can tell theres propaganda in ads and advertising, in TV shows, government and media…But you cant go to them and scream in their ear “JEWS!”…they just woke up and you have to coax them a little “Something is wrong here my brothers and sisters. We need to fix it before it gets any worse. Lets work together for the things that are best for US for a change”….If you scream “JEWS!” it will shock the hell out of them…And Frankly, with William’s approach we can seperate SOME American blacks and hispanics from jewish control as well, so we have a far larger and stronger backing….Think of America as a large ship where whites are more than half the passengers and even some of the crew. The Jews are a small amount of passengers but a large number of them or Crew and are in control. We must wrest control of the ship from them first in order to make change. Any mutiny type actions while they (the crew) have control (of the weapons) will just lead to whites fighting whites and to jews being able to clamp down even harder…
First and foremost is getting white people back in power…Even if it means accepting other ethnicities as part of a temp alliance.
16 November, 2009 at 2:27 pm
“Jewsus and getting into Heaven.” Funny stuff. They’re probably all queuing up to buy that new book by Sara Palin, poster girl of the patriotard movement.
16 November, 2009 at 2:44 pm
Gheen is just another Irish blowhard…
16 November, 2009 at 7:35 pm
Conservatives just follow the leftward path set by the ruling left-wing jews but Conservatives can cheer for war as long as it’s for Israel. That’s why Conservatives are useless: they are almost like the left now.
At least outside the Republicans at grassroots level you’ll find some Conservative brains who still oppose what the Republicans are embracing. Not so with the left-wing fanatics: ‘everybody’s equal’ being the cry from Democrat politicians to pressure groups to schoolchildren and any idiot who has been exposed to the jew media.
“Jewsus and getting into Heaven.” Funny stuff.”
Not so much, been posted dozens of times, but I see what you’re trying to do. Who said something about all these discussions being turned into ‘religion’?
“They’re probably all queuing up to buy that new book by Sara Palin, poster girl of the patriotard movement.”
Not even half as popular as media hero, Democrat party and black community poster boy Barack Obama. Isn’t that right Jahn I mean McGreen?
“tbow009, why are you making excuses for that reactionary asshole William Gheen? He’s no fucking good, didn’t you read his dumb letter? To hell with nationalism, patriotism and “American values”, us Whites need to stand together no matter what our ethnic or national origins are.”
Us Whites aint marxists, so to hell with kike words like ‘reactionary’ and your marxist hatred of nationalism (which is also hated by left-wingers and jews).
16 November, 2009 at 8:13 pm
Marxist: “On the Left, everyone is equal!”
Conservative: “What a coincidence: they’re equal on the Right, too.”
This is really a good thing, thanks to the Republican and Tories becoming gradually more left-wing the result is many more people are seeing for the first time that there is no real difference between the major parties. This is something been said and heard more often by mainstream Joe Public types. Slowly coming round.
16 November, 2009 at 8:41 pm
Old Dutch says:
“Gheen is just another Irish blowhard…”
I know another Irish blowhard. He often posts on this forum under several fake Irish names, always defending his Conservative, Christard friends.
16 November, 2009 at 8:56 pm
I’ve yet to see any proof that this wily, “hey, we’ll sneak one by ’em” strategy has ever worked, if this is what tbow009 is implying. You grossly underestimate Jewish power if you believe they will fall for some two-bit sleight of hand like that.
Gheen’s letter seems to be dripping with sincere antipathy towards White nationalists. “Americans for legal immigration?” Give me a break. Like having throngs of Chicanos and Negros over here legally is going to change the hellish fate that has been set in motion demographically in this country.
There’s only one way you’re going to pry that power from their hands and it isn’t through some immigration version of a Ron Paul love fest.
Though I do see a benefit to this. Once Whites involved in this boondoggle see that the results are utter failure, they will hopefully realize a White ethnostate is the only true answer, not some doomed propositional nation of multi-racialism.
16 November, 2009 at 8:59 pm
tbow009 says:
“But until Whites can get together and build some kind of organization that is jew-proof, Gheen and the likes are our best bet to stear this damn ship in the right direction.”
Now, I’m sure your heart is in the right place tbow009, but I’m afraid you are looking at things from a romantic, idealistic, standpoint. It seems you are under the illusion that there is going to be a mass uprising by the people and all you need to do is build an organization. I don’t know how long you’ve been around, but I’ve been involved with this “movement” since the 1980s and I can assure you that isn’t going to happen. All organizations are thoroughly infiltrated by ZOG operatives and you get involved with them at great risk to your future, privacy, and employment. As far as “stearing this damn ship in the right direction” which I take to mean getting the American people (masses) to change course, it is another pipe dream. The masses are only sheep to be herded, and as long as ZOG is holding the bullhorn, they will do as they are told. Putting your faith in the masses to come to their senses and change the status quo is about as useless as waiting on Jewsus to return for his second coming.
As far as these illegal alien protesters and “tea baggers” go, they are a day late and a dollar short. This country is already overrun by untold millions of legal and illegal mud people, which even if the border were shut completely tomorrow would still be here. The time is far past the protest, join a political party, and vote stage in this country.
16 November, 2009 at 11:16 pm
Just what sort of name is “Gheen” anyway?
Irish? Noooooo! No way. Looks more Hindustani to me. Well, there’s something just not right about it.
On checking, I find that his pictures don’t look Irish either. Or European, anywhere north of Gibraltar. Face too dark, not quite right either. And there’s something about the eyes…. kind of Asiatic.
It’s hard to find any biogragraphical info on him. Strange!
But here’s some pictures. You be the judge.
Here’s also an amazing (and revealing) letter written to Stormfront (assuming it’s authentic): [excerpted]
Our website says clearly … for those who “share our non-violent and non-racist, multi-ethnic and bipartisan support for secure borders and immigration enforcement.”
THAT CLEARLY EXCLUDES YOU, Mr. Duke, and you as well, Stormfront. Many of our event organizers and attendees are black and Hispanic. They are welcome, but you are not.
I spent eight years of my life working in civil rights campaigns and working to elect minorities to public office and I am not going to have my good name forced into association with the likes of you.
I swear before the nation I will do all in my power to file lawsuits against you for damages and redirect as much of my time from fighting against illegal immigration groups and direct my attentions to fighting you.
Take our materials down NOW! Otherwise, you can place the name William Gheen and ALIPAC firmly on your worst enemies list for the rest of your lives.
Wiliam Gheen
16 November, 2009 at 11:20 pm
It appears that these Tea Parties are just another false front to divert public anger away from the real issues and re-direct it down harmless avenues. Another Amren.
16 November, 2009 at 11:30 pm
Where are all the good ol’ Irish racists, like me? Irish guys who hate the jew, want to stomp on the throats of the nigs, spics, the rest of the muds and especially their enablers, the most bald-faced of liars, the jews. Where are you? So many of the Irish are an embarrassment to … the real Irish it’s unreal. I know all whites, all white nationalities have their traitors and tools among them, but the most irritating to me are the Irish, Italian and German fools kissing hymie’s ass for some dubloons or a pat on the head. These three groups should be leading the way with torches and pitchforks. Pitchforks with yid heads on the end of them.
17 November, 2009 at 1:02 am
17 November, 2009 at 9:04 am
Just a guess, but Gheen could be of Lebanese extraction.
17 November, 2009 at 9:11 am
17 November, 2009 at 5:15 pm
Agreed, the name Gheen sounds Arabic or Lebonese. The Patriotard/Teabagger Bowel-Movement is infested with Semites, Mestizoes and good ol’ boy White guys married to Oriental women………..Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
17 November, 2009 at 6:46 pm
I note the family history link SPECULATES that is “probably” a version of Geoghegan (which is pretty far off, I’d say). So nothing is sure about that name. Very strange.
In addition to the strange, un-Irish looking name, we have the un-Irish looking photos (which are notably rare; and the professional ones he uses are only black & white, posed, and from a distance). There is something fishy about this person.
But aside from all of that, we have the outright statements in his letter which absolutely close the case on this guy. He’s not a WN. (And he’s made it crystal-clear he wouldn’t want to be.)
17 November, 2009 at 9:25 pm
Well, that asshole doesn’t look Irish. That’s for sure. He looks more like a Sephardic Jew than an Irishman.
17 November, 2009 at 9:27 pm
Okay, here’s a much better picture of him(on the left).
17 November, 2009 at 9:29 pm
17 November, 2009 at 9:29 pm
On the right:
17 November, 2009 at 9:48 pm
Well, the one on the LEFT could be Irish, but the one on the RIGHT, no way. His complexion is too dark. And the big nose and the blubbery lips give him away. Not Aryan.
Interesting that he’s wearing sunglasses (although the other guy, the Aryan, doesn’t need them), since his slightly Asiatic eyes tend to be a giveaway.
17 November, 2009 at 10:27 pm
Guess who that prick is standing to the left of Gheen in the farm4.static.flikr.com photo? Hint: He’s a self-promoting patriotard who’s married to a Jewess.
17 November, 2009 at 10:52 pm
That’s not Alex Jones, although he does look a little bit like him.