4 November, 2009

The Feminization of America

Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, Socrates, William Pierce at 10:24 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“I always have been very fond of women — perhaps too much sometimes. I always have enjoyed their company greatly. I have really worshipped feminine beauty. I have admired and respected women when they have served their purpose in the life of our people, as much as I have admired and respected men who have served their purpose.

Having said this I must tell you now that I believe that a great part of the present pathology of our society can be ascribed properly to its feminization over the past century or two, to its loss of its former masculine spirit and masculine character.”


  • 44 Responses to “The Feminization of America”

    1. Maynard Says:

      I know this is off topic but do you or Alex know anything about Mike Rivero of What Really Happened.com? He posts many articles which are anti-Israel but he does not appear to be a racist or White Nationalist.

    2. Gerald e. Morris Says:

      Dr. Pierce observes the results of some VERY DELIBERATE planning by the masonic lodges which began and still ruin this country. Yes, the jews and their masonic toads from the very malconception of the jewnited States have sought to effeminize their subjects, knowing that women are natural, born slaves, and that a cuntrifyied cuntree is an enslaved cuntree, ergo Amerikwa as we now suffer within it’s bowells.

      One thing we can do for ourselves and Noble Race is learn to live OUTSIDE THE JEW MONEY SYSTEM ALTOGETHER! Note how americuntz have been artificially endowed with jewbucks by the parasitic economy, which sweats what little genuine production there still is in the cuntree from men, usually imprisoned and/or under heavy police coercion via the kosher kourts cystem, then grants even the larger crumbs from the kosher feed trough to the americunt.

      The only solution is violent revolution. To acheive this, we need a revolutionary organization, with a hierarchy completely free from the jew-masonic pigg0cracy. The proper position of women in this hierarchy….PRONE!

      Sieg Heil!

      Gerald E. P. Morris

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      It’s hard for me to respect a lot of White women these days when I see them being so goddamn polite to Negro males and voting for pandering scum like Bill Clinton and Barry Sotero. And then all that yakking they do on their cell phones when they’re supposed to be driving. Also, women get less and less interesting to be around as they age. And they often let themselves go, too. Maybe it’s because of all their domestic responsibilites as wives and mothers. But I can certainly understand why so many husbands can’t wait to get the fuck away from their wives for a few hours and go to a titty bar.

    4. CW-2 Says:

      A great piece of writing by the good doctor. An interesting blend of reflection and humor. Only when White men sew their balls back on and revive the latent warrior spirit will life improve. That means making muds, blacks and jew FEAR us.

    5. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      Just as we know there is no equality between the races, there is also no equality between genders…

      What inventions have women come up with outside the realm of womens’ beauty products and tampons?

      Can you name some successful women leaders in business or as heads of state?

      Where are the all the women in the WN/Anti-Zog/Jews did 9/11 movement?

    6. New America Says:

      in reply to Andrea Dworkin:

      you wrote, in part:

      Where are the all the women in the WN/Anti-Zog/Jews did 9/11 movement?

      in reply:
      Excellent question, and one that wins First Prize.

      April Gaede is in Kalispell, and Brisesis is somewhere.

      Briseis wins The Prize for addressing the counterpoint to your question, where she addressed the issue, however momentarily, on why what we call the contemporary practice of White Nationalism attracts so many – her perfect phrase –

      Incompetent Males

      Briseis said more about what White Nationalism has become – particularly following the absence of Pierce – than thousands of essays by men who missed what was is all too obvious to her.

      Attend ANY meeting of self-identified “White Nationalists.”

      Are they, with perhaps one or two exceptions, nationally, people you would want to be in a room with at all, much less in a functioning organization?


      And why is that?

      Two perfect words:

      Incompetent Males

      Every time I have addressed this issue, using this phrase, over the last year or so, only one person on any site has replied at length.

      That site is here, and that person is Hoosier.

      That is IT.

      The closest anyone else has come to dealing with it is Peter Shank’s most astute observation, that the Jews have worked diligently to destroy the Warrior Caste, either on the battlefield, where the best of our future were manipulated by the Jews into slaughtering each other, or in the womb, or, failing that, in the mass indoctrination system we call public education, or, perhaps most effective of all, in the mass media, where White Men have been portrayed as cartoon-like heroes (rarely), or obese, thick-headed, incompetent fools (usually, particularly, with children’s television shows – an excellent place to start, it would seem).

      The Institutional Churches are so anti-Male as to defy belief, with homosexuals and lesbians in leadership positions, where they will stay, and favor more of their kind, to the quite deliberate exclusion of Men.

      How did this happen to us?

      In the perfect words of Tom Metger”

      “Whose fault is this? It’s our fault, because WE LET THIS HAPPEN TO US.”

      The Solution starts with us, and start where we are.

      More to follow on this most important topic, which might be rephrased as “Incompetent Males versus The New Grrrllll Order.”

      Incidentally, Jack London provides inspiration writing for us, particularly his North stories.

      my new sig:
      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place an entire Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    7. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      Incompetent Males

      No. We can’t do anything, we’re systematically disenfranchised and betrayed. The system crushes any resistance before it materializes. If you stand up for yourself, the Feds will come for you and your family and ruin your life. We live in a closed, hostile system. That, not “incompetent males”, is why we cannot win.

    8. Ein Says:

      “Are they, with perhaps one or two exceptions, nationally, people you would want to be in a room with at all, much less in a functioning organization?”

      You’re right. But no “functioning organization” could function if they’re in it, precisely because they’re so disfunctional. And why? Because all that these overgrown, petulant children want to do is bicker and quarrel and squabble with each other! They’re like 4th graders when the teacher walks out of the room for a mninute — they’re all going at it. They’re much more interested in attacking each other than addressing the issues that confront us. They’re also incapable of being serious.

      We saw that recently with Mississippi Jim — that quarelsome nut from Pearl, Miss. — who finally had to be thrown out of here because all he wanted to do was insult everybody and pick fights. Granted, he was an extreme case, but can you imagine a whole roomful of loonies like that? Even half as looney as that! Just a few of them would disrupt the whole room! They would make any discussion impossible and nothing could be accomplished

      Perhaps Krystian read NA’s comment differently than I did, but I didn’t take it to mean ALL men. Absolutely not. No, just a certain type of men. And unfortunately, there’s a lot of that type who are drawn to movements like this. This seems to hold a certain attraction for them. Unless they’re controlled, they’re going to paralyze any meeting or movement they get involved in. And when they’re there, it won’t be a “functioning organization.”

    9. Lutjens Says:

      “Mike Rivero runs the Whatreallyhappened radio show on GCN six days a week. He also speaks with Radio Host Alex Jones monthly on the Alex Jones Show about political affairs.”

      See who Mikey plays with…. nuff said.

    10. Lutjens Says:

      I would have to say Angela Merkel is a bust. Patricia Russo (former Alcatel-Lucent CEO) was a complete bust. Maggie Thatcher relied too much on Ronnie and Bush Sr – just a windbag really, not much else. Maybe that Jew broad, Golda Meir… na.

    11. TKO Says:

      Luckily for us, we don’t have any organizations for these defective types to disrupt.

      Seriously and without the sarcasm, Without any kind of strong, quality organization(s), There is little for White women to follow.

      As much as the odds are stacked against us, we better find some way to real-life organize. It sure would help to have some dynamic leadership, instead of just the common worker- bees, like me, lol.

    12. Adam Says:

      A very objective article by Dr. Pierce, and right on the money, too.

      From the article:

      It would be an error, I believe, to attribute this shift in balance solely to the machinations of feminists, homosexuals, or even Jews. They are responsible for the condition of our society today primarily in the sense that the pus in a ripe boil is to be blamed for the boil. The feminists, homosexuals and Jews characterize our society in large part today — they are symptoms of the pathology afflicting our society — but we must look deeper for the cause of our decay.


      [T]he change can be attributed most fundamentally to the growing materialism in our society, to the replacement of spiritual values by economic values.

      As Hitler is reported to have said in October, 1941:

      The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble. All that’s left is to prove that in nature there is no frontier between the organic and the inorganic. When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.

      God dies a little with each new scientific discovery; and not only God, but everything that proceeds from him too: faith, honor, love, loyalty, courage, self-denial, chastity, and the other virtues. The material manifestation of science is the technological system, and its expansion necessarily involves the death of man’s spiritual life. Under its influence, everything is reduced to a matter of technique. By making use of proper technique, the greatest Aryan warrior of old could be easily defeated in battle today by even the tiniest girl — with her finger on the trigger of an M-16. So much for the martial virtues, shot to ribbons by automatic weapons fire! The same thing happens throughout society, too. Want to possess the fame of an artist such as Constable without having any talent? It’s easy. Merely employ the proper technique to secure it — promotion by museums, the chattering class, academics. Pay a few people off, get the bandwagon rolling, and voila! You’re a great artist, down in the history books, right there with Constable. Or are you, perhaps, a common nigger street hustler, devoid of any real accomplishments or abilities, who wants to be known as a great man? No problem. Just follow the proper technique. Simply buy a Presidency, or find someone to buy it for you. Toss in a Nobel Prize for good measure, and you have it right there, instant “great man”.

      In a world where material technique is everything, virtues of the soul must count for nothing.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      {Where are the all the women in the WN/Anti-Zog/Jews did 9/11 movement?}

      Well, Cathy Ainsworth was a pro-White heroine who was murdered by ZOG agents in Mississippi in 1967. One Cathy Ainsworth is easily worth ten thousand Hillary Clintons, Angela Merkels or Nancy Pelosis.

    14. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      wimmen should be kept bare-foot & preggers in the kitchen and regularly “slapped around” by the boss alpha-white-male-in-charge so that they “know their place”… just like uppity nogz!

      here’s a bloke who had the “right idea” !

      “cop this shit” from loud-mouthed femi-cunt kike-a-like “spokes-person” Phil-i’m-a-cunt-Cleary!….always “mouthing off” here in 0zz when these jewed-out bitches get their “just desserts”!

      another candidate for “a third eye” courtesy of a hunk of 285-grn semi-jacketed-hollow-point lead apprxmtly 0.45″ in diameter!

    15. Blackshirt Says:

      “wimmen should be kept bare-foot & preggers in the kitchen and regularly “slapped around” by the boss alpha-white-male-in-charge so that they “know their place”… just like uppity nogz!”

      Boy, if I were a White chick I’d jump at a chance to be treated like that! No wonder there are hardly any women on our side…

    16. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      Boy, if I were a White chick I’d jump at a chance to be treated like that! No wonder there are hardly any women on our side…

      I’ll get right to the point: Do you like what White Western women have become?

      And, if they aren’t slapped around by Aryan men, they are by the nogs or spics they bed with instead.

    17. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      I despise modern White women, the very few who are racialists not included. Here in the city and suburbs, if they aren’t mudsharks, then they’re loud, self-satisfied, sanctimonious-commie, obnoxious, narcissistic cunts.

      “Les femmes sont rien que des machines pour la production de infants.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

    18. Karen Says:

      It certainly will not be the so-called blokes that will rise up again, it will have to be the noble GERMAN MEN once again. The blokes gave up their honour centuries ago. As far as American Aryan men, well there really is no comment needed for them.

    19. Blackshirt Says:

      “I’ll get right to the point: Do you like what White Western women have become?”

      The answer is no. But how is “slapping around” our women a answer to our problem? Do you want women to fear and resent you, or to love you and want to stand with you? A woman isn’t going to truly love you and have your back if she resents you.

      “And, if they aren’t slapped around by Aryan men, they are by the nogs or spics they bed with instead.”

      True to a certain extent, although most niggers treat white women they can get their hands on like gold in the beginning.

      The problem with most of you women haters here is that you see White women as livestock to be kicked around and used mentally and physically for your own enjoyment. Not only is that very Jewish in a Orthodox Jewish, old testament way, but it is extremely disrespectful of loyal, White racist women.

      The proof is in the pudding. Keep up the misogynist attitudes and you will continue to drive what good women who are out there away from our “movement”. You’re sealing your own fate with this one. As White men we NEED our women to continue the bloodline and to support us in our fight. By lumping ALL White women into the same group and piling scorn upon them you are ensuring your own destruction.

    20. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      Do you want women to fear and resent you, or to love you and want to stand with you? A woman isn’t going to truly love you and have your back if she resents you.

      a) I’m not really the sort to beat women.

      b) I don’t think most modern White women are capable of love in the Classical sense.

      The proof is in the pudding. Keep up the misogynist attitudes and you will continue to drive what good women who are out there away from our “movement”. You’re sealing your own fate with this one. As White men we NEED our women to continue the bloodline and to support us in our fight. By lumping ALL White women into the same group and piling scorn upon them you are ensuring your own destruction.

      I’ve said in the past, when the woman comes along who demonstrates virtue that is the day I will be a respectful gentlemen with regards to women.

      Blackshirt, you have a romantic view of the situation. Most Whites these days I could hardly call my kin, they are in general Judaized and/or Negrified. There is no common cause for us to rally around because these people are, spiritually, dead or alien to anyone who lives outside the Liberal paradigm. The best that can be said is that they are genetically similar, but if they are niggers or hymies inside I could care less what their genotype/phenotype is.

      Call it “misogyny” if you must, I really don’t care, because 99% of women these days deserve scorn, and so do 99% of men. They’re too fucking selfish and conceited to care about “continuing the race” and that’s not going to change regardless of what I do or do not say re: women.

      Most people who read this thread would find us to be repugnant and evil, regardless of their sex, merely for our beliefs. Remember, Herr Blackshirt, we are misfits and scum in the eyes of most people. Even you scare-quote “movement” because you know there isn’t any fucking thing of the sort.

    21. New America Says:

      Ein wins first prize.

      I’ll quickly deal with Ein’s critical comment at its summary:

      Ein wrote:

      Perhaps Krystian read NA’s comment differently than I did, but I didn’t take it to mean ALL men. Absolutely not. No, just a certain type of men. And unfortunately, there’s a lot of that type who are drawn to movements like this. This seems to hold a certain attraction for them. Unless they’re controlled, they’re going to paralyze any meeting or movement they get involved in. And when they’re there, it won’t be a “functioning organization.”

      in reply:
      To quote Briseis:

      Incompetent Males

      THAT is the overarching issue we face.

      Linder had it right when said (very slight paraphrase):

      It’s the damnest thing I have ever seen. Here we have the best Idea, the best Ideals, and the damndest bunch of clowns and defectives out there I have ever seen.

      Incompetent Males

      Ein, again:

      No, just a certain type of men. And unfortunately, there’s a lot of that type who are drawn to movements like this. This seems to hold a certain attraction for them.

      in reply:

      I don’t care what is done, some idiot – it doesn’t require COINTELPRO type thinking, just allowing the idiots into the same damn room – you know, the ones who are on a first name basis with the law enforcement community for the wrong reasons, the ones who adopt the uniform of an SS officer while living lives that, bluntly, would have them getting “visits” from the SS – once, and only once.

      Look at what Linder tried to accomplish at Knoxville.

      See the picture of the guy in the red Nazi swastika t-shirt?

      What message is, literally, tailor-made to place us in the worst light; as Peter shank so astutely stated:

      The Goal is to equate White People with Hitler.


      From there, :dynamic silencing” will shift into high gear.

      Remember, no one in their right mind wants anything whatsoever to do with “Incompetent Males.”

      I’d call them Losers, but that’s a slur on people who have not succeeded, but would like to, if only they could figure out how.

      “Incompetent” is a gracious term that gives them the benefit of the doubt, hoping that they will become “Competent.”

      And what does “competent” mean, in this regard?

      One, it’s a long way from Aryan, but it means hitting the bottom of the “C” on the grading system; merely being clean, decent, and halfway properly spoken.

      Such people come to the boards, and see the out-of-control comments from people who have been spending too much time away from – wait for it – COMPETENT people, because COMPETENT people have their hands full, too full to deal with INCOMPETENT, all but willfully self-destructive damn idiots.

      Again, Ein:

      Unless they’re controlled, they’re going to paralyze any meeting or movement they get involved in. And when they’re there, it won’t be a “functioning organization.”

      in reply:

      And THAT, Dear Readers, is why I frame all arguments in terms of Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Framework, for it offers the greatest of opportunities, for all of us, and a Freudian Mirror where we can see ourselves, all too clearly.

      Look on the boards – us, any nominally WNist board – and see Boys who are fearful of the challenges they must meet, and transform into opportunities, to become Men.

      Look on the boards, and see people who talk of using the force of arms against the greatest military power in the history of the world, the pathetic fantasies of pathetic losers.

      Incompetent Males

      Briseis set the bar real low, and even then, it seems insurmountable to all too many on the WNist boards, who persist in Childish mockery of anyone who offers a better idea.

      This list is much larger than you might think, and I include the late Dr. Samuel Francis, a good man who had the intellectual honesty to real Race is the foremost social organizing issue, but no Men to watch his six, and help him to help us to Do Better.

      What To Do About It is a topic I will address, at least in part, directly.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place an entire Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    22. New America Says:

      Second Prize goes to – ironically – Blackshirt:

      Blackshirt wrote:

      The problem with most of you women haters here is that you see White women as livestock to be kicked around and used mentally and physically for your own enjoyment. Not only is that very Jewish in a Orthodox Jewish, old testament way, but it is extremely disrespectful of loyal, White racist women.

      in reply:
      It also acts as a very powerful demotivator for the quality of woman we seek to attract, both personally and in terms of an organization.

      Women Want Men, REAL Men, and the gelding of our “Male” Posterity – and us, to a greater degree than we would feel comfortable admitting – assures us that our Women will become bitter, angry, and cold to us.

      A passive sign of this is watching Oprah, and following the wishes of Oprah.

      That is the passive-aggressive model of response.

      The active-aggressive model would be, oh, hanging with the niggers, dressing and – how to state this delicately – “performing” for their approval.

      Blackshirt wrote:

      The proof is in the pudding. Keep up the misogynist attitudes and you will continue to drive what good women who are out there away from our “movement”. You’re sealing your own fate with this one. As White men we NEED our women to continue the bloodline and to support us in our fight. By lumping ALL White women into the same group and piling scorn upon them you are ensuring your own destruction.

      in reply:

      A more detailed analysis, and commentary on the range of some possible solutions, will follow.

      If we lead – by our personal example – they will follow, and we can build on that.

      But THAT takes (1) Responsibility, and (2) A Game Plan for Doing Better, both personally, and as the Head of the Household.

      “Incompetent Males” are not up to either of those.

      The best of us who are can become the Living Foundation of a New Nation – a Northwest Republic.

      The rest of us can at least try to be a little less Incompetent as Males.

      Note, by the way, that Briseis used the term “Incompetent Males,” and NOT the term “Incompetent Men.”

      You see, if we were competent, we would BE Men, the manifestations of the Spiritual Masculine, and not “Males,” a mere term of biology, with no Spiritual Component to it whatsoever.

      And, as always, remember the classic formulation of Terrible Tommy Metzger:

      “Who do I blame for all of this happening to us?

      I blame us, because WE LET IT HAPPEN TO US.”

      I’ve had time to consider Terrible Tommy’s formulation, and I think he is far too generous to far too many of us.

      Far too many of us were passive co-conspirators against our Race.

      Our Women Noticed, and decided what was good enough for us, was good enough for THEM.

      We cheer on the NBA, and the NFL, and they cheer on Oprah.

      What DO they have in common, other than what seems to be well-earned, and well-deserved, contempt for White Men?

      Two sides of the same coin, after all, at least for the first generation.

      The SECOND generation, raised on color television from damn near birth, took on what could have become the New Normal, and MADE IT the New Normal.

      The contempt followed, and also became part and parcel of the New Normal.

      DO we, in practice, and the New Normal, serve the Jews?

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place an entire Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    23. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      “BlackShirt”: You’re sealing your own fate with this one. As White men we NEED our women to continue the bloodline and to support us in our fight

      most white women these days are too contaminated by yooish propaganda to be of any use except as “breeding stock” for white children……while it is possible that some could “do the right thing” by forcibly resisting ZOG (being of the mind-set that Pierce described in “The Turner Diaries”…..‘liberal’, but only in a mindless, automatic sort of way!), the most likely fate for all but the most demonstrably WN ones will be compulsory internment in “breeding camps”……once they have produced four or five white babies each, then, they will, by & large, no longer be needed and “surplus to requirements”…..that’s all most of them will be good for post-Victory Day!

    24. Socrates Says:

      Maynard Says: “Socrates: I know this is off topic but do you or Alex know anything about Mike Rivero of What Really Happened.com? He posts many articles which are anti-Israel but he does not appear to be a racist or White Nationalist.”

      No. I doubt Alex does, either, but if he wants to comment…

    25. Karen Says:

      If you read Rivero carefully, he shows great signs of being a Marxist. Either last year or the year before on his radio show he professed to be jew. Sephardic I believe. He is not a White man.

    26. New America Says:

      I notice it has been more than twenty-four hours since my last comment on this thread.

      It’s not me.

      It’s The Topic.

      Let’s do a quick review of the phrase Briseis used that simply forced the Warhammer 40K crowd further back into their mother’s basements than they were before:

      Incompetent Males

      It really says it all, doesn’t it.

      I suspect the best many self-defined “White Nationalists” can hope to be is not unlike George Soldini.

      Soldini, from what little I know, was a classic Charlie Brown.

      Every time he went to kick the football, Lucy pulled it away, and he upended on his back, a little, balding, helpless fat boy with poor taste in clothes – the Outer very much reflecting the Inner.

      Linder’s Best Insight spoke volumes, and I have long wondered why.

      Remember Linder’s words (very slightly paraphrased) on the representation of White Nationalism:

      It’s the damndest thing I have ever seen. Here we have the best Idea, the best Ideals, and the damndest bunch of clowns and defectives out there claiming to be representing us I have ever seen.

      You really can not argue with that.

      It’s like the death of Pierce turned some power switch off, and everything literally fell apart, leaving us with a small handful or really first-rate people, and the people you would not want to be in a room with fighting over, what, who gets to be Reichsfurhrer of Inner Nowhere, Mississippi?

      There are several issues we need to address, personally and collectively.

      One, at the greatest macro level, Harold Covington is so damn right we are afraid to look in the mirror he holds before us.

      What stops us from individually trying to better ourselves into being, a at higher level of social and economic development than our Ancestors could have imagind, what our Ancestors were, at a lower level of social and economic development?

      What stops us from being better, much damn better?


      Two, Covington was right when he observed we will NOT be allowed to organize an effectively political counterforce to the status quo.

      The recent events concerning Nick Griffin – your personal critiques of Griffin personally are trivially irrelevant, so save them – proved that we will not be allowed to be represented by formally Racial Activists in the status quo. When the Republican leadership stopped everything to stop David Duke, all involved showed their true colors.

      Three, Harold Covington noted the painfully obvious truth, that “The System is set up to stop precisely what it is we are trying to do”

      So much for playing fair, within the rules of the playground, just like Charlie Brown – fat, bald, helpless, goddamn LOSER Charlie Brown.

      Four, Civilization BEGAN With The Patriarchy.

      Until the advent of the Patriarch, Culture ruled, and Culture ran in circles – literally, lunar cycles. One of the old Fertility Religions/Mother Cults of the Mideast – I forget which one – celebrated the beginning of Spring by cutting the masculine parts off of the best young male in the tribe, and having him “bleed out” to death, in the hope of a better spring crop. This became manifest in the Cult of Cybele, where, on the Great Day, men would deliberately – I repeat, DELIBERATELY – geld themselves, and run through the streets holding their genitalia over their head, until a robe was thrown to them, and they went into the house where the robe was joined, and joined the cult.


      The contemporary counterpart is, of course, self-emasculation in the name of political correctness.

      More to follow.

      Why can’t we find followers?

      Why can’t we develop Leaders?

      Look at the last section, and think of George Soldini.

      More to follow directly.

      Comments welcome.

      This ties directly into my new sig, by the way:

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place an entire Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    27. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.”

      You can do that where you are right now. You don’t have to move to Seattle or Portland to make a stand. Besides, I don’t see anyone in the Pacific NW rising up against the System. If anything, White people are leaving that area in droves because of the awful economy and real estate market. Haven’t you seen all the For Sale signs on front lawns in Seattle and Spokane?


    28. CW-2 Says:

      NA: There is a giant ‘monument’ to Cybele in the center of Madrid. Makes you think!

    29. Tim McGreen Says:

      What’s the problem with the goddess Cybele? Our pre-Christian Aryan ancestors worshipped her as the Earth mother-goddess. Unfortunately she has since been reincarnated as the mute super-Jewess known as “The Virgin Mary”. But it is strange that a Cybele statue should be found prominently displayed in Catholic Spain, of all places.

    30. New America Says:

      in reply to CW-2:

      you wrote:
      <blockquote cite=""NA: There is a giant ‘monument’ to Cybele in the center of Madrid. Makes you think!</blockquote cite=""

      in reply:
      Spain had, and has, a larger Jewish contingent, and hid in open sight during the Expulsion of 1492, doing so by infiltrating the Roman Catholic Church.

      So, as always, look for the mixed message – the words, easily manipulated, and used to control us, and the actions – the deeds – which show their true values.

      An open monument to Cybele could easily be proclaimed an open monument to the Virgin Mother – the Outer Party would see the Virgin Mother, the Inner Party would see behind the facade to Cybele, who gelds men as the price of Institutional prosperity.

      And that, Dear Readers, is what Marxist-Feminism – Judeo-Feminism, if you will – did to the Roman Catholic Church, and is trying to do to Western Civilization.

      Think of what the Roman Catholic Church demands of its priesthood – young men must swear off women at the age of eighteen.

      "Self-geld you self, and cut off your Masculinity for Holy Mother The Church."

      No wonder the priesthood wears dresses!

      No wonder a meeting of the Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church resembles some sort of damn fashion show!

      And you wonder why Ratzinger calls the Jews "Our Elder Brothers."

      I suspect the Jews call Ratzinger's Church "Our Little Sisters."

      I suspect the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy believes what Ratzinger said.

      I KNOW the Jews meant what they said.

      I also know who is winning.

      For now.

      More to follow.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place an entire Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    31. New America Says:

      in reply to CW-2:

      you wrote:
      NA: There is a giant ‘monument’ to Cybele in the center of Madrid. Makes you think!

      in reply:
      Remember, the symbols are at least as important as the words, and the Jews – many of whom “converted” to Roman Catholicism after the 1492 Edict of Expulsion – rose in the ranks of the Roman Catholic Church to transform the Roman Catholic Church into the Judeo-Roman Catholic Church it has become.

      Statutes were very expensive, and they were, and are, very important as symbols of Culture.

      Cybele, in a position of prominence in the center of a nominal stronghold of the Roman Catholic Church, tells one and all who is really running the show behind the scenes. Why do you suppose an Egyptian obelisk occupies so prominent a position in the Vatican?

      That having been said, it is important to see a statute of Cybele as a message – that Judaism, a Feminine Racial philosophy CHOSEN by the Hive Mind of the Asiatics, controls the Roman Catholic Church.

      Vatican II proves that.

      The Femininzation of Christianity into the perversion that is JUDEO-Christianity continues apace.

      Look like the New Grrrlll Order – like it’s founder, Marxist-Feminism – just keeps racking them up.

      Few comments, indeed, in response to what I thought was one of the best comments made on a WN show.

      Looks like Brieis spoke too much of the cold, hard truth for too many of us.

      I guess the Incompetent Males just ran at the sight of the Freudian Mirror she held up.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place an entire Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    32. Dagon Says:

      Cybele, the Venus of Willendorf (sp?), the Mother Goddess of Catal Hayuk, Kali, all are variations on a theme. While the Roman (and thus Aryan) belief in Magna Mater – the Great Mother – was lifted directly from the cult of Cybele in Asia Minor, the fact that the Goddess represented pantheistic rebirth in a non-human-centered world view, testifies to how Aryan belief in her was. Remember, it was the Semites who have always had a special fondness for a man-centered belief system, not ancient Europeans. The essentially cyclic, non-dualistic, and pantheistic nature of Cybelline worship could never have appealed to Semites but did appeal to our Aryan forbears as it dove-tailed with their more nature-centered and happily polytheistic pre-Christian point of view.

      Okay, so Cybele was co-opted by the Christians later on and remade as the “Virgin Mary” – that doesn’t make the ‘earth mother’ archetype that Cybele represented most pervasively in the ancient world, non-Aryan.

      That’s alot like saying that the automobile is Japanese and non-Western simply because Japan perfected building the car for export over US producers in the ’80s. Despite it all we still know it was White Westerners who have the rightful historical claim for having invented the technology in the first place.

    33. Nordlander Says:

      Women always go along with the present orthodoxy. If a country is controlled by Catholicism, they are more Catholic than the men. If it is controlled by communism, they are more communist than the men. If it is controlled by Nationalism, they are more nationalist than the men. And so on. Now socialism is in control, and it suits women’s safety-above-sacrifice-for-progress instincts well.

      Women’s instinct is to raise their children, and for that they need safety. That is why they don’t join Nationalism – no profit in that for their baby-raising. This is just the way things are.

      It is hard to see all the good White Nationalism men who have been divorced by their wives. I would like those who talk about how “men drive the women out of the WN movement” to shut up and actually learn something that is clear to anyone with some experience: it is the women who cause the men to leave WNism, not vice versa. The men always welcome the women. The women divorce the men and take the children, demoralizing the men greatly, or threaten to divorce them unless they “stop that racist stuff.”

      When did White Nationalism ever lose a married couple because the man left and threatened to divorce the woman?

    34. Irma Grese Says:

      Blackshirt Says: The problem with most of you women haters here is that you see White women as livestock to be kicked around and used mentally and physically for your own enjoyment. Not only is that very Jewish in a Orthodox Jewish, old testament way, but it is extremely disrespectful of loyal, White racist women.

      AMEN. Thank you, Blackshirt! Right now you and New America are the two smartest people in the room.

      Krystian Kowalczyk Says: Call it “misogyny” if you must, I really don’t care

      well no you wouldn’t, would you?

      Most people who read this thread would find us to be repugnant and evil, regardless of their sex, merely for our beliefs. Remember, Herr Blackshirt, we are misfits and scum in the eyes of most people. Even you scare-quote “movement” because you know there isn’t any fucking thing of the sort.

      Sure, and if you and your kind have their way, there never will be. Good luck taking down ZOG after first alienating half your own race. As I said the last time this came up: White Nationalism will NEVER be able to throw off the jew yoke until White men AND White women can come together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and work towards that end. Ugly misogynist HATRED is a tool that the JEW uses to divide us against one another! DON’T FALL FOR IT OR OUR RACE IS DOOMED. But hey whatever, you and the rest of the closet cases prancing about won’t listen anyway, so carry on.

    35. Tim McGreen Says:

      The problem is that for every White female like Irma Grese there are 10,000 empty-headed Heidi Montag types. Repsect is something that must be earned, not simply conferred on someone just because that person has a vagina.

    36. New America Says:

      in reply to Dogon:

      Thank you for the background on Cybele, and the commentary.

      I might address your remarks in the context of what calls itself White Nationalism with one idea:

      A cult that required you cut off your masculine parts yourself, as the price of admission, was more successful at recruiting than we are.

      On that note…

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place an entire Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    37. Blackshirt Says:

      “The problem is that for every White female like Irma Grese there are 10,000 empty-headed Heidi Montag types. Repsect is something that must be earned, not simply conferred on someone just because that person has a vagina.”

      Tim, I don’t think Irma is saying to respect ALL women, and certainly not the “10,000 empty-headed Heidi Montag types”. What I believe she is saying as well as what I’m saying is that those women who do come to us of their own accord want to be treated as human beings and not like a slave to be knocked up and quiet in the corner, speaking only when spoken to and dutifully obeying their man’s every command. I mean, what is so unfair about that? You are right that respect must be earned, but surely you can grant the few women in our cause enough dignity to not lump them in with the brain-dead multitude of the masses.

    38. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      Sure, and if you and your kind have their way, there never will be. Good luck taking down ZOG after first alienating half your own race. As I said the last time this came up: White Nationalism will NEVER be able to throw off the jew yoke until White men AND White women can come together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and work towards that end. Ugly misogynist HATRED is a tool that the JEW uses to divide us against one another! DON’T FALL FOR IT OR OUR RACE IS DOOMED. But hey whatever, you and the rest of the closet cases prancing about won’t listen anyway, so carry on. – Irma Grese

      Are you schizophrenic or something? In the last thread you agreed, now you attack, wtf? Please, for your own benefit and to avoid future misunderstandings, re-read what I said. Did you miss the “so do 99% of men” part? Or the “racialist women excluded” part?

      You must understand the Jew had already divided us, and men got the short end of the stick here. Anyway, as for the “closet” thing, that’s a little juvenile for a woman of your intellectual caliber, innit? What, you want to meet up or something so I can prove to you firsthand I’m no queer? LOL.

    39. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      The problem with most of you women haters here is that you see White women as livestock to be kicked around and used mentally and physically for your own enjoyment. Not only is that very Jewish in a Orthodox Jewish, old testament way, but it is extremely disrespectful of loyal, White racist women. – Blackshirt

      Err, no. That’s not what I said at all.

    40. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      Hey, So-Crates! What happened to my response to Irma Darling? It is terribly disheartening, you know, to type a response and have the fucker disappear into thin air.

    41. New America Says:

      Nordlander made some excellent observations; I would like to elaborate on a few that are most cogent, indeed.

      Nordlander Says:
      Women always go along with the present orthodoxy. If a country is controlled by Catholicism, they are more Catholic than the men. If it is controlled by communism, they are more communist than the men. If it is controlled by Nationalism, they are more nationalist than the men. And so on. Now socialism is in control, and it suits women’s safety-above-sacrifice-for-progress instincts well.

      in reply:
      I suspect another way to look at this is that women pretty much accept the organizational model for the State, as their work focuses on the Foundation of the Nation, Families.

      They do not care who or what philosophy is in power, as long as it works well for having and raising children.

      The only women I have seen who have attempted to discuss the philosophies that govern States are those who wish to replace the founding philosophies, and transform the nature of the State; Marxist-Feminists, for example, who use the words of “family” to lay the foundation to replace the organic family unit, and destroy it, replacing it with the State.

      The Israeli’s tried this with the early kibbutzim, and it failed, spectacularly. The women always arranged so their “duties to the State” were subordinate to their duties to the Race. They always arranged to work near where their children were.

      Of course, the goyim must accept this: when we send our Children, our Posterity, our Racial Future, to the public school system, we are sacrificing the future of the Race, to the service of the State.

      A State controlled by our Racial Enemies.

      you wrote:
      Women’s instinct is to raise their children, and for that they need safety. That is why they don’t join Nationalism – no profit in that for their baby-raising. This is just the way things are.

      in reply:
      Good point, and all the more reason there is no reason for women to support “White Nationalism” as it is currently structured, and defined.

      In part, this is because the White Nationalist theoreticians ASSUME the State, which always act to control the Nation, and subordiante orgtanic Nationa(al) development to State purposes.

      Now, look at the way the Scandinavian nations have organized the State, at least historically, to serve the Nation.

      National Socialism as an economic model works, but only if one Race, with one set of Values, develops it organically, with the political system designed to support the Nation – the organic collective manifestation of the Race.


      Isn’t THAT what Harold Covington is talking about?

      you wrote:
      It is hard to see all the good White Nationalism men who have been divorced by their wives. I would like those who talk about how “men drive the women out of the WN movement” to shut up and actually learn something that is clear to anyone with some experience: it is the women who cause the men to leave WNism, not vice versa. The men always welcome the women. The women divorce the men and take the children, demoralizing the men greatly, or threaten to divorce them unless they “stop that racist stuff.”

      in reply:
      This is true, and it is because, in good part, that acceptance of White Nationalism as a principle of social organization has few positive outlets, and even these are seen by the wife as (10 competition for the time needed to meet one’s duties as Husband and Father, and (2) identification as a WNist, even in theory, is a quick path to underemployment, today, and unemployment, tomorrow.

      No wife wants her husband to risk his Duty to the Family – the foundation of the organic Nation – for the sake of a future WNist State, in and of itself.

      Thus, our focus should be on how much better OUR System IS for families, the Living Foundation of the organic Nation.

      Again, Harold Covington has addressed this issue better than anyone, before or now. Again, another Freudian Mirror is held before us.

      you wrote:
      When did White Nationalism ever lose a married couple because the man left and threatened to divorce the woman?

      in reply:
      THIS QUESTION deserves full marks.

      The painfully honest answer is…


      This ties in with our Racially unhealthy gratuitous attacks on Christianity, as women go to Church SOLELY for the social functions it provides, including networking with other mothers for an organization that can help them raise their Children.

      Their Children, Our Children, and OUR Posterity.

      When we have Something Better to offer, let me know.

      I might add, we do, but the Incompetent Males among us are afraid of it, as they are of the work of Men.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place an entire Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    42. New America Says:


      Another one trapped in the spam filter, and I tried to cut back on nested blockquotes – just to make it easier.


    43. Irma Grese Says:

      LOL the same thing just happened to me, Kowalczyk!

    44. Tim McGreen Says:

      I know what you mean, Blackshirt, but it is so damn discouraging to encounter one superficial Heidi Montag/ Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan type airheaded White girl after another. And then you have the older, domesticated broads, the bovines who just want to talk about Oprah, their Honor Roll Student kids and their remodeled kitichens. The White women who are racially and politically aware are usually the “Big Crazy Mama” or Bizzare-O type girls that one wants nothing to do with. Where are the Cathy Ainsworths in the White Struggle? Was she just an aberration?