Isntreal Leader: Overturn UK War-Crimes Law, or I’ll Visit
Posted by Socrates in Britain, England, Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli war crimes, Jewish chosenness, Socrates, war crimes, Zionism at 1:48 pm | 
The Jews won’t tolerate laws that punish their war crimes. In fact, the very idea that a Jew could commit a war crime is an insult to God (oops, G_d):
7 February, 2010 at 2:06 pm
A very good article with an interesting perspective on mainstream Christianity in Europe. The Catholic church and Christianity in general seems hellbent on commiting jew-assisted suicide.
7 February, 2010 at 2:08 pm
Apologies, this post was meant for Tom Sunic’s article.
10 February, 2010 at 10:13 pm
Me to the Jewess ‘leader’: F*ck you, you sanctimonious, super-arrogant, hyper-hypocritical, Zionist swine!
Ah, now I feel much better…
Speaking of Zionists, here’s a very good web blog I recently found:
Anti-Zionist League (AZL)
“The Anti-Zionist League is made up of ALL true patriots willing to say “NEVER AGAIN” to 9-11’s true terrorists, and to the theft and terrorism that has been a part of Zionism from its inception.”
10 February, 2010 at 11:05 pm
“Speaking exclusively to the JC, Ms Livni said: “I will do this not for me, not for provocation, but for the right of every Israeli to travel freely.”
Speaking for all good and righteous White men, I say: How about the right of every holocaust revisionist historian to travel freely to the White country of his choice without fear of being arrested for ‘violating’ Dark Age-style, so-called holocaust denial laws? Hmmm, you filthy, UBER-HYPOCRITE?!
“I am not going to be restricted by extremists because I fought terror.”
Extremists: n. a) anyone who opposes a Jew, or Jews, their far-Left, anti-White agenda, the illegal Zionist state, etc. or b) holds them accountable for their criminal behavior.
11 February, 2010 at 1:52 am
“Extremists: n. a) anyone who opposes a Jew, or Jews, their far-Left, anti-White agenda.”
Jews are leftists when you’re in charge and they’re on the attack.
They become rightists when they have become the ones in charge and no longer need to attack.
11 February, 2010 at 4:03 am
Jews are above the law. Laws are for goyim and animals.
11 February, 2010 at 8:14 am
“When you deal with Jews all rules go out the window.” – A. Linder
“He who fights with the Jew fights with the Devil.” – J. Goebbels
11 February, 2010 at 11:11 pm
{Jews are leftists when you’re in charge and they’re on the attack.
They become rightists when they have become the ones in charge and no longer need to attack.}
Very well said, Henry! When the Jews are not in charge, they are out in the streets “fighting for change/freedom/justice”. But when they are in control, anyone who challenges THEM is called an “extremist” and a “terrorist”. OD was right when he characterized the Jews as assholes.