13 March, 2010

Jews: Won’t Stay Home

Posted by Socrates in A. Wyatt Mann, Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates at 5:51 pm | Permanent Link


  • 35 Responses to “Jews: Won’t Stay Home”

    1. Johnny Says:

      They say there are only 12 million kikes in this country…. considering the half Jews and the seemingly endless parade of kikes in every nook and corner of this country I’d say it’s at least twice that.

    2. J.J Says:

      If there are half a million of the vermin in LA how many are there in Jew York?

    3. Sgt. Skull Says:

      Well, there’s more kikes in the US than there is in Israel. Further, the preferred destination for Jews wishing to emigrate from Israel is……..Germany. So much for a Jewish homeland to flee persecution from wicked gentiles.

      Jews have their homeland but have now screwed it up so bad that it would collapse without US and German monetary aid.

    4. jeb Says:

      Hitler predicted in Mein kampf that a Jew homeland would be used as a safe haven for scoundrels on the run internationally. He was right. Because Hitler had no idea what the Jew country would be named, he called it New Palestine in Mein Kampf.

      His book has suffered more plagiarism than any book ever. Jews steal from Hitler’s ideas — intellectual theft — and then use what they learn as if it was their idea in the first palce.

    5. Klassikality Says:

      These Kikes are complete pussies. They cant take the heat in Izrahell, so they come to good ol USA and support Izzy from afar. A lot of them dont want to serve in the IDF, so they live in USA or wherever else they have their dual citizenship.
      Didnt that scum Netanyahu say something like: “Israel is in the toughest neighbohood in the world” or something like that. The yids stole the land from the Palestinians, yet so many cant handle the consequences that come with living in that vile rat hole founded on brutal terrorism. So, they move to NY, LA, Chicago, etc.
      Naturally they are hard line Israel firsters who cheered for the US when it went to Afghanistan and Iraq, and are also pushing hard for war with Iran.

    6. Sage Says:

      One of President Truman’s comments – We created Israel, but all the Jews are still here.

      Why should Jews leavewhen their pattern is to host foreign societies for Jewish benefit. A homeland means that some fellow Jews will be doing demeaning peasant farming or low class menial labor.

    7. Noshirt Says:

      I’ve always wondered about that. I know that with nonjews they will gang together and attack. But when they are somewhere everybody else is a jew too… they probably treat each other like shit and make a big sneering game out it just like they do when they are attacking non jews. Their “worldview” is sadomaschistic which is why the gay lifestyle fits their religion so very well.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      Jews have their homeland but have now screwed it up so bad that it would collapse without US and German monetary aid.


    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Jews never intended Palestine to be a “Jewish homeland”. In addition to being a haven for Jewish outlaws and fugitives, its main purpose is to serve as the Capital for the future Jew World Order. Only about 25-30% of Jewry lives in Zionist Occupied Palestine and almost all of them have “dual citizenship” with some White country. So whenever there’s a major election in that White country, the Jews fly in from Occupied Palestine to make sure the election goes their way. Evil, scheming, scurrying parasites.

      PS…Kudos to the great A. Wyatt Mann!

    10. nom de guerre Says:

      iTZADEAL IS THE TRUE LAND OF bILK N’pHONEY, the jews want nothing but a stage prop, to carry on the phoney persecution scam thats gotten them to the heights of power. The only way to break jew power is socialism, thats why you see one faction of the jews bashing on the Govt. run health car bill, last night I caugh a special airing of Coral Ridge ministries against the upcoming Health care plan, and I’ll be damned, every proponent they had speaking against it were Yids!

    11. Luek Says:

      Anyone that would actually choose to live in the “asshole of California: Los Angeles” has got to be somewhat retarded. They better know how to speak Spainish.

    12. nom de guerre Says:

      Damn, they all look like Art students

    13. jeb Says:

      Mr. Tim Green, Hitler has been around a few more blocks than you have. I’m going with Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf. He stated clearly in Volume 1 Chapter 11, that Jews would use their homeland of what he called New Palestine as a safe haven for international scoundrels on the run. And he was right. Israel is back-up. Jews are perfectly content to be every-where all the time.

      If anybody wants to gain knowledge of international Jewry, read the chapter mentioned above in Mein Kampf.

    14. Truthteller Says:

      The jews in Los Angeles are in for a shock on April 17, 2010 as the National Socialist Movement is coming to town!

      Sieg Heil o/

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      “……………A homeland means that some fellow Jews will be doing demeaning peasant farming or low class menial labor.”

      No, not necessarily. The Jews in Zionist Occupied Palestine will always keep some Palestinians or non-White foreigners around to use as menial labor. However, it is true that the White-looking Jews in the Zionist Entity are further up the socio-economic ladder than the more Semitic-looking, near-eastern Jews are.
      Jeb, I don’t know what your problem is, but I think we are all basically saying the same thing about what the real purpose of the Zionist Entity is. And you’re not the only one who has read Mein Kampf, either. I assume that you have read other books too at some point?

    16. Blackshirt Says:

      Tim, I think “jeb” is one of those guys who is still living in the 1930s, perhaps he can quote from many parts of Mein Kampf, but how much of that is relevant to 2010? I find more inspiration in what Tom Metzger says or what Bob Mathews or Joe Tomassi said. Unfortunately the Nazi fetishists worship Hitler and the Third Reich over everything else and they think that Mein Kampf is a sort of bible. I personally don’t give a shit if someone can quote from Mein Kampf paragraph 13 Chapter 57, who cares?

      Everyone knows the Jews are scum, I see them every day in the here and now. I don’t need Hitler’s description of them in 1910 Vienna to stir my hatred.

    17. Blackshirt Says:

      That isn’t a recent A Wyatt Mann cartoon and I think he hasn’t been doing much artwork in the past few years according to Metzger. The point being that perhaps there are even more Jews in California than when he did this cartoon? Then again, California is going broke and Whites are fleeing from the state in growing numbers, so maybe the kikes are abandoning it too… after all, they need a healthy host to survive. I doubt they will have much use for the new Mestizo nation that will come with Atzlan.

    18. Tim McGreen Says:

      The population of LA County is around 10 million, so I imagine the Jew population must be around 2 million by now, many of whom no doubt live in tony neighborhoods like Beverly Hills, Brentwood, West Hollywood and Bel Air. So, if there are 18 million Jews in the world, that means about 12% of them live in LA County. And I’m sure they don’t mind having all those Mestizoes around, either. After all, someone needs to come in to the yard with a leaf-blower and clean up the Jews’ messes in their $10 million mansions.

    19. BF Says:

      Y’all shouldn’t be criticizing each other.

      I’m not a national socialist, but Hitler was on point when it came to international Jewry.

      Here is what Hitler said in Mein Kampf:

      For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

      I wouldn’t put too much stock in what Metzger says. He’s all over the road on all issues. Over the years, Metzger has constantly contadicted himself. When you’re running in all directions all the time, it’s hard to remember what you said the week before. And he throws a fit when people disagree with his opinions. I regret suggesting that he fly Quantrill’s guerilla flag on his website. I don’t think Captain Quantrill and Captain (Bloody Bill) Anderson would think much of him.

    20. FD Says:

      I wouldn’t put too much stock in what Metzger says. He’s all over the road on all issues. Over the years, Metzger has constantly contadicted himself. When you’re running in all directions all the time, it’s hard to remember what you said the week before. I regret suggesting that he fly Quantrill’s guerilla flag on his website. I don’t think Captain Quantrill and Captain (Bloody Bill) Anderson would think much of him.

      Mein Kampf:

      For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

    21. Jeb Says:

      I apologize to Tim McGreen. I misread your words in reference to the Jew state. That’s what happens when pressed for time. Most everybody said what Hitler wrote about the fraud of Israel. I thought Blackshirt was a little nasty, but so was I. For the record, I’m not a national socialist, but I have nothing against it. Most People do the best they can in their time.

    22. Jeb Blunt Says:

      I apologize to Tim McGreen. I was pressed for time and misread your words in reference to the Jew state. Most everybody including Hitler said the samething about the fraud of Israel. I thought Blackshirt was a little nasty with his words, but so was I.

    23. nom de guerre Says:

      You know why the jews get away with it? Because 99.9999 % of the Goyim have their heads up their asses, they live in a world of make believe, where with a push of buttom on a remote control takes them to la-la land, or they can push down on the accelerator and scoot their fat ass farther in 1 hour than most people a century ago went in a whole lifetime….. bbbbbut things are gonna change

    24. Tim McGreen Says:

      Metzger never mentioned that he was flying the Quantrill’s Raiders’ flag. He always said it was the Jolly Roger. And I always reminded him that pirate crews were often full of non-Whites and half-breeds. Metzger’s far from perfect and he does make lots of errors, but I think he’s honest and I always learn something new when I listen to his broadcasts.

    25. FD Says:

      Metzger can be real cheesy at times. He edits text that doesn’t need to be edited if he doesn’t like what was written. He’s done it to me and many others including Arthur Kemp. And many times he throws a fit and lashes out like a brat when people disagree with his opinions. After Dr. Pierce was gone, I noticed Metzger became emboldened and criticized Pierce on different issues. But he didn’t do it when Dr. Pierce was around. I know Pierce called Metzger a dirty bolshevik. TM doesn’t cut people any slack, so I don’t cut him any slack.

      TM is a sectional racist. He raises hell about slavery in the South, but when I remind him that the North marshaled into service ultra modern Negro armies for the purpose of killing White people and then installed Negro occupation troops and negro puppet governemnts all over the South he avoids all conversation, especially if it involves the Northern reconstruction amendments which unleashed Negroes unrestrained on the people of the states. He tried to blames the South for the spread of Negroes out West until I reminded him that Negro Federal troops flooded the west after the war. They were called Buffalo soldiers. The North and South have no leg to stand on when it comes to spreading blame.

    26. Blackshirt Says:

      FD, you obviously have it in for Metzger over several things. Are you one of the pro-Southern guys he says harasses him about the Civil War all the time? I grew up in the South and I had sympathy for the Confederacy for most of my life until I learned more about the racial realities of that conflict- like Southern planters wanting to spread slavery out west and Lincoln’s plan to ship the niggers back to Africa after the war. Being a separatist, I can never condone or support a society that has Whites and blacks living together in the same area. The Confederacy was built on having blacks as slaves within the same society as Whites, which is wrong and should never have been the case in the first place.

      But getting back to Metzger, you claim he is “He’s all over the road on all issues” with his views. I disagree with you on that- he is consistently pro- leaderless resistance, anti corporate, anti right-wing conservative, and unapologetically White racist. Yes, he can be flaky about certain small ideological tidbits, and he isn’t on the same intellectual level as Dr. Pierce, but he is very consistent with his core themes.

    27. FD Says:

      I simply state facts about my observations of Metzger. I have always known him to contradict himself on many issues.

      It was the North who spread Negroes out west after the war with their obese Negro armies.

      Lincoln’s plan to remove Negroes was political lip service. When the mobs sacked Richmond, Lincoln was ushered into the city under heavy guard of a Negro union cavalry. The Northern egalitarian dictatorship has a long tradition of using Negro armies against White people. Like I said, when it comes to Negroes, The North has not a leg to stand on. When union Negro armies were slaughtered at Fort pillow, Brice’s Crossroads and Fort Wagner, Northern newspapers screamed of a massacre as thought Southern people should stand-down in the face of a lawless invasion.

      Metzger assumes he can rough-shod over people who disagree with his opinions. I hope you don’t suffer from Metzger worship, Blackshirt.

      As you can see below, the good people of the North refused to take part in Lincoln’s mad invasion:

      The Federal War, Gary Gallagher, 1998, Cambridge , Mass. : Harvard University Press:

      “The Emancipation Proclamation caused a desertion crisis in the United States Army. At least 200,000 Northern soldiers deserted; another 120,000 evaded conscription; and another 90,000 Northern men fled to Canada to evade the draft, while thousands more hid in the mountains of central Pennsylvania ‘where they lay beyond the easy reach of enrolling officers.'”

    28. mark Says:

      squabbling over the north and south. i don’t engage in winless arguments. the south went too far one way and the north went too far the other way. the results of the war was consolidated despotism at home and a central governemnt that illustrates aggression abroad.

      to say that one side was more right than the other is hipocrisy.

      i do have one complaint. the federals destroyed white separation in the south in the 1960s. i didn’t like that too much. we fought against it, but we needed help that never came.

    29. Tim McGreen Says:

      The world would have been a better place if the South had won the Civil War. Using guerilla warfare would have worked, instead of the conventional tactics that Confederate generals learned at West Point. The South just didn’t have the industrial capacity to fight a long-term conventional conflict. It’s good to learn there were so many White Union soldiers who didn’t want any part of Lincoln’s War of Negro Emancipation.

    30. Z.O.G. Says:

      FD Says:
      15 March, 2010 at 9:12 pm

      I wouldn’t put too much stock in what Metzger says. He’s all over the road on all issues. Over the years, Metzger has constantly contadicted himself. When you’re running in all directions all the time, it’s hard to remember what you said the week before.

      Yep. This is the reason Tim McGreen and Blackshirt love him so much.

    31. Ein Says:

      Regarding Jews “who won’t stay home” (even when they now have a homeland to stay in!), I’ve seen and heard a lot of comments about the Iranians (and Armenians) in Los Angeles, known as a very wealthy, agressive, and pushy population. Clannish too. It’s always assumed that being from Iran they’re Moslems. Well, maybe some, but a great many are actually Persian Jews (including those with Armenian names too). It seems that most of the Jewish comunity there picked up and left after the Islamic revolution. And, no, they didn’t go to Israel. California looked better. They’ve come to dominate Beverly Hills to such a degree that one-third of Bev. Hills High School is comprised of Persian Jews!

      Still, many naive Americans who gripe about them continue to believe they are Moslems.

    32. Tim McGreen Says:

      Beverly Hills High School….Tori Spelling, Monica Lewinsky and Lenny Kravitz all graduated from there, and probably Alicia Siverstone, that Jewish guy from Saved by the Bell and Pauly Shore, too.

      I’m afraid that SoCal will have to be disinfected with a few H-bombs before it can be made safe for White habitation again.

    33. Trent Kyben Says:

      Anyone who believes the claim that the jews are 2% of the US population is a moron. At best. The jews always lie about their numbers, which even the filthy vermin admitted to me back in college. The actual jewish population in the US and worldwide is 3 to 5 times what these hypocritical, sadistic, scatological greedy monsters admit.

    34. Henry Says:

      Thanks, Trent. I absolutely agree. It seems every time you turn around, there’s another Jew! Or someone (that you would never have guessed) turns out to be a Jew. Or someone who’s passing as a Methodist, or Mormon, or Catholic, or Episcopalian, turns out to be a “former Jew” (if there’s such a thing!) — or half a Jew. They’re everywhere!

      This is ESPECIALLY true everywhere in public life. Everywhere in America (everywhere that counts, that is), influential positions in public life are absolutely DOMINATED by Jews. Only two percent? C’mon! No way.

      And if they’re not a Jew, they’re married to a Jew. No way would they get into public life otherwise. (Look at Connie Chung, Michelle Malkin, Cokie Roberts, etc.)

      It’s impossible that Jews could really have such small numbers as they claim.

    35. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Trent Kyben Says:

      21 March, 2010 at 12:16 am

      Anyone who believes the claim that the jews are 2% of the US population is a moron. At best. The jews always lie about their numbers, which even the filthy vermin admitted to me back in college. The actual jewish population in the US and worldwide is 3 to 5 times what these hypocritical, sadistic, scatological greedy monsters admit.”

      So what if the Jews’ real numbers are 3 to 5 times higher than what the official numbers are? That would still mean they are no more than 1.25% of the entire world’s population, if even that much!!!