23 September, 2010

Israel Floats Idea of Swapping Settlement Freeze for US Spy

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jewish spies, jewish traitors, Socrates, Zionism at 2:21 pm | Permanent Link

Typical Jew mentality: ‘we’ll temporarily stop building on land that we stole, if you release one of our many traitors from prison.’


  • 6 Responses to “Israel Floats Idea of Swapping Settlement Freeze for US Spy”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Zionist swine have absolutely no intentions of conceding anything to the Arabs and the Arabs know it. Ol’ Banjo Lips Sotero may think he’s a slick-talking nigger, but the Palestinians have been led down this dead-end road many times before. They know Sotero is just playing Big Jew’s game. The only solution would be to make all of Palestine an International Zone run by the League of Nations. But the Jews would never go for that, since their plan is to make Jewrusalem the capital of their future international Jew superstate.

    2. Jürgen Says:


      Well put, Tim. Yes, it’s lovely to see the polytrickster jew
      running out of his tricks. No one believes in an extended
      “Peace Process” or “Two-State solution” anymore, as well
      as any other shell game these Zionists can whip up.


    3. Hoody Doody Says:

      Tim, that is a bulls-eye post!

      Captain McGogonacle if spelled correctly of the U.S.S. Liberty protested at the East gate of the Whore House when Clitoooon was leaving office.

      The Captain of the U.S.S. Liberty held a sign up that read do not release him, those are not the exact words, but you can do your own research for that. Point is he was there to stop the release of an enemy alien and it worked.

    4. Lee Luttrell Says:

      This will have a SERIOUS impact on the intelligence community. This Jew outed alot of undercover people. The outing of Valerie Plame is nothing compared to what this guy did.

    5. Hoody Doody Says:

      He and his handlers damaged and hurt agents in the Field, not to mention US and selling data to the Chicoms.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      Johnathan Pollard, like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg before him, was probably just a small-fry, small-time Jew spy who was sacrificed so that the bigger Jew spies could scurry away.