23 September, 2010

Terrorism: Is It a “Muslim Problem”?

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Iran, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 4:50 pm | Permanent Link

It’s a “Jewish problem,” since Muslims are reacting to Zionism, whether it be Israeli or American:


  • 6 Responses to “Terrorism: Is It a “Muslim Problem”?”

    1. Virgil Says:

      Neither jews nor muslims belong in the west. They are both traditional and mortal ennemies of our race. They should all be deported; all the synagogues and mosques should be obliterated; all copies of the talmud, torah and koran shold be burned!

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Virgil is right on; If it’s Semitic, it’s outta here.

    3. Tina Carter Says:

      As long as we have democracy, it’s not gonna happen. Roman got involved in the Jewish problem — (at the time Jews were making trouble with Egyptian & Persian). Jews destroyed Egyptian using corrupt Roman politician, and making sure lowlife leaders got elected.

      Here quotation from Horses’ mouth

      “One has to keep in mind that, before Caligula, “in the past, every emperor had shown considerable sympathy for Jewish rights.” (Avi-Yonah 136) This shows that anti-Jewish sentiments were not at all endemic within Roman society. On the contrary, it seems that despite the Jews’ continuous demands for special privileges, the various Roman Emperors remained exceedingly tolerant of the “chosen” tribe in Palestine, despite the Jews’ intransigent insistence on their “special status.” One cannot be surprised to learn that an Emperor of Caligula’s caliber, a megalomaniac egocentric and a fiercely proud Pagan, turned the table by finally demanding that the Jews be on equal terms with the rest of the Empire.”

      It should be noted that Jews were given “special status” during Roman empire at the time when our forefather rule the world wit impunity. Yet somehow Jews were able to get so much power that they used Roman empire to destroy Egyptian empire, and got them involved into another destructive war with Persian, and then try to kill Arabs who were unwilling to give up their land (that’s over 3,500 years ago)

      For example Jews made sure that Caligula become leader — Caligula revived the treason trials of his predecessor, Tiberius, opened a brothel in the palace, raped whomever he wished, reported on the woman’s performance to her husband, committed incest, killed for greed, and thought he should be treated as a god.

      This is why they like democracy — love them or hate them. Arabs, Turks, Chinese, Persian have long memories. They know how Roman empire was destroyed, and why democracy is an instrument of Jews.

      I have some respect for Caligula because he try to get rid of the Jews in the end — wasn’t very successful nonetheless, at least he tried.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      Kudos to the Emperor Hadrian, who kicked the Jews out of Jerusalem after the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135, rebuilding the city and renaming it Aelia Capitolina, a magnificent Roman city dedicated to Jupiter. And kudos also to the mighty Emperors Marcus Aurelius, Diocletian and Julian the Apostate. Where are their kind today?

    5. Walter Says:

      I agree with Virgil. Jews and Muslims SUCK. It’s funny too I here the usual complaining about evil white people but isn’t it amazing they live here. FYI to all Jews and so-called minorities, you can leave anytime.

    6. O*R*I*O*N Says:

      Neither jews nor muslims belong in the west. They are both traditional and mortal ennemies of our race. They should all be deported; all the synagogues and mosques should be obliterated; all copies of the talmud, torah and koran shold be burned!

      I agree 100% with Virgil here.

      Let me add a few thoughts.

      Terrorism is not the problem per se.

      However, synthetic and provoked terrorism is often used by MSM and ZOG as a distraction from the actual process:

      Namely, the gradual demographic shift from independent ethno-states to client, multi-cult citizen-states through mass mud-immigration.

      Here is the poison narrative they force-feed the goyim:

      * Terrorism is the work of extremists who distort and misrepresent Islam.

      * Islam is somehow a “religion of peace”.

      * Only western racist intolerance of Islam forces the victimized, alienated and innocent diaspora muslims into the hands of the extremists.

      As long as the western indigenous peoples keep their limited attention lasered onto the extreme terrorists, then their own gradual demographic replacement by moderate, “happy muslims” + an assortment of other mud types will continue ever so smoothly.

      The key is to make the dumbed down westerner perceive gradual genocide as an attractive alternative to torn limbs flying through the cityscapes.

      Millions of lemmings are too stupid to see this.

      Suicidal abrahamists in Al-C.I.A.-da pose no existential threat to the West.
      . . . Your next door happy, integrated, moderate mudslime breeder (or ditto assorted mud) does.