25 February, 2011

Non-White Invaders Getting Creative – and Why Not, Given the Lack of Penalties?

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Europe, illegal immigration, immigration, Socrates at 2:38 pm | Permanent Link

Muds will do anything to sneak into the White countries: tunnel under, climb over, even ship themselves as freight like these guys did. They know that, if caught, the penalties for sneaking in will be very mild – deportation, or a fine. Perhaps mandatory 10-year prison sentences would cool their enthusiasm for illegal entry:


  • 11 Responses to “Non-White Invaders Getting Creative – and Why Not, Given the Lack of Penalties?”

    1. Nom de Guerre Says:


      Here is another reason the jews want to get rid of Colonel Gadaffie, Libyas role in detering mud sewage from invading Europe.

      Instead of giving Gadaffi a medal, we errect a statue of King Kong in DC.

    2. Nom de Guerre Says:

      You want to see some crocodile tears? Lets feed the whole god damn US Kahngress, and EU Parliament to the crocodiles, along with goodly number of niggers

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      You want to see some crocodile tears? Lets feed the whole god damn US Kahngress, and EU Parliament to the crocodiles, along with goodly number of niggers

      I like your idea, but I was thinking of using a blow-torch and a chainsaw instead. It’s more personal that way. Besides, crocs can only digest so much carrion at one time.

    4. Sgt. Skull Says:

      “Perhaps mandatory 10-year prison sentences would cool their enthusiasm for illegal entry:”

      No, perhaps a bullet in their f*cking skulls would give the mestizo muds second thoughts about entering illegally.

    5. John Says:

      I agree with Sgt. Skull. The muds would rather spend 10 years in a white prison than be sent back to their shit countries.

    6. mrcrouton Says:

      I think mandatory sterilization of all Africans in Europe, legal or illegal is a good start. Then on to the semites dotheads and chinks.

      Europe is for European people. All others leave or else.

      America should adopt those principals as well as Australia and New Zealand.

    7. Virgil Says:

      Payback will be a joy!

    8. The Red Skull Says:

      How about this:

      10 Year Forced hard labor in a “resort” of our choice (1st attempt)–so we get the most out of ’em.

      20 Years Forced Hard labor in a “resort” of our choice(2nd attempt)-this time they don’t make it out thru “unfortunate circumstances” for attempt #3.That way “the liberals” and bleeding hearts can’t cry and change countless shitty diapers(mostly theirs),because we don’t shoot invaders outright(like we should).

      However–We CAN do that if there was a law that said anybody caught sneeking into the US can be shot as a Hostile Invader without trial and subect to summary execution on the spot—i can guarantee that WILL stop the invasion we are suffering from now(thanx Jews!)

      However—Good Luck With That!–as Sponge BoB would say–getting through our Sell-Out-Jew-Ass-Kissing-Kosher-Kongress any law like that!

      However—THAT WILL BE THE LAW in the NEW ARYAN HOMELAND that we will build after the collapse of this rotten and corrupt and jew-run POS Golem that is THEIR TOOL,THEREBY IT HAS BECOME THE TOOL OF SATAN HIMSELF.

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      Red Skull

      Evanjellycull’s are insane and back this Non White Genocidal invasion, as to all the other cultis including those J.W.’s

      Hollywood should be lucky they are jooo duped fools, but they are guilty of subversion support for destroying the Bill of Rights and they are ignorant arrogant POS. So is it any wonder most of them work in the government ?

    10. Miller Says:

      We need to imprison illegals in labor camps and work them to death.

    11. morris wise Says:

      The US can invade Mexico and chase all the Mexicans into Central America. There is lots of oil South of the border, it will make the US less energy dependent and lower our fuel costs. Lets say si si and take the oil for free.