23 February, 2011

Returning Fire

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 12:14 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“And you know, this invasion of our living space by non-White minorities isn’t something that just happened, like global warming. It has been engineered by those whose aim is to wipe out our people, to destroy our race. Our enemies are so close to their goal now and so certain that they will achieve it that they are boasting openly that within the next few decades they will have the White race in America reduced to minority status…”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to 03-25-2000.

  • 33 Responses to “Returning Fire”

    1. CW-2 Says:

      Dr Pierce says it all, any commentary on our part is almost superfluous. Comparing our present governments with those of centuries ago, would any medieval European king with a fatherly concern for his people let negroes and muds into his lands. Of course not, but members of congress / parliament are falling over themselves in their rush to destroy us. Well, I hope the day comes when their pathetic asses are hauled out of their offices and their heads end up on pikes.

    2. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Y2K, that sounds like ancient history , and 10+ years of the global war on terror with no end in sight, and the lil shitty cuntry waiting to do another USS Liberty strike against Irans vessels in the Mediterranean.
      Surrealistic then? Hell I just couldn’t believe what my eyes beheld the other day at the local county sheriffs office, staffed with mostly women and negresses, Moscow in the heyday of Stalin couldn’t compare with the drabness of this country, its utter lifelessness.
      This country is terminal, the Zombies just line up like robots to head for their 4th tour of duty in Afghanistan, while the dumb bitch governor calls about the State being open for business. I used to find it amusing when they said “if the worlds going to end , go to Holland where thing happesns 50 years later, In Amerikwa “nuthing ever happens” its just one re-run after the next.

    3. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Sadly Dr. Pierce, I think ,still had lingering hopes that Xianity would proove a worthwile ally, and he indeed as well as many of us still had some social connection to that worthless jew creed, we still think within the Xian parameters, of good and evil
      Nietzche was right, one should die at the right time, for the heir.

    4. Virgil Says:

      http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/French_SS_recruitment_poster.jpg Something will give!

    5. Karen Says:

      Prof. Oliver also had hope that he could reach the so-called christian circles during his time with the Birch hoax as he later called it. He quickly realized that this christian organization became more of the problem than the solution. Useful dupes and a waste of money and time.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well, there is one thing we can do RIGHT NOW to fight back against Jewish media tyranny. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which takes your tax dollars (without your permission) and uses them to fund liberal Jew propaganda like Sesame Street and NPR , is in danger of losing its public funding. Your Senator won’t do shit to stop the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, nor will he do a damn thing to stop funding for Israel, but he might be willing to pull the taxpayers’ plug on PBS and NPR. Why not tell him to do just that.

    7. Nom de Guerre Says:

      pull the plug on um. What I hate worse than commercial judaism, is the shitz that pretend to represent culture. Ohhhh How I hate that bastard jew Newman ” a great nation deserves great art” brought to you by the Harvey and Sarah Finkelstine foundation.

      Good idea Tim, let the kike fukkers eat sesame seeds

    8. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The only culture jews represent is slime molds in petri dishes

    9. Nom de Guerre Says:

      xianity is a pretty much been shorn of its power, Savitri Devi said that back in the 60’s that a religion long dead didn’t stink anymore, but xianity still had the stench of corruption. Yeah some smelly things can be bad, but only when they are trying to recruit new members. I don’t even worry about the Masonic orders, they look like a death warmed over cult.

    10. Nom de Guerre Says:

      “eat, meet and retreat” . Pretty well sums up the vigour of most modern variants of Xianity. Hell I haven’t seen a Jehova Witness, Mormon or any other door to door soul savers around here for about a decade.. All you see in the streets here, are dumpster divers, stray dogs, and an occasional mexican ice cream peddaler.. The local Baptist temple finally closed shop a block from here and sold out to the Mexicans. Another street over there is a Korean congregation in a former Church of Christ, and down a mile or so south the Vietnames errected a jeboo temple that looks like a Buddhist monastary. Yeah nobody wants to sell Haysus to olde Geezers.

    11. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Took out big Bird and Ernie with mah BB gun

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      It’s a shame that kiddies don’t have anything decent to watch these days. Either it’s the “Pokemon” type crap on commercial TV, where the cartoons are nothing but 30 minute long commercials for toys, or Sesame Street, which is all about Jewish race-mixing in a Jewish urban ghetto environment. There used to be really good TV shows for kids way back when, like Rocky and Bullwinkle and Captain Kangaroo. They weren’t trying to sell kids any toys or left-wing “let’s all love the niggers and homos” bullshit. They respected the intelligence and curiosity of children.

    13. CW-2 Says:

      Christians have turned their back on the White race, they think they don’t need us anymore. Who do they think will come to their aid when the mudslims start cutting their throats. We won’t be able to, our hands will be fully occupied protecting our own people.

    14. Nom de Guerre Says:

      You mentioned Cutting throats by Mudslims, The Npr jews were interviewing one of the “rebels” in Libya, and he was telling them about the Quadaffi supporters they had hostage, and how the young mudslim bucks wanted to kill them, but the older mudslims still felt they had to keep them alive to barter with, just in case uncle shmuel cia and mossad would throw the revolutionaries to the dawgs.

    15. Nom de Guerre Says:

      “All Jew angles considered” Quadaffi isn’t going to be taken out as easily as mudbarack.. Ronnie Raygun, murdered 45 Libyans , one of them Quadaffis adopted daughter, so he knows the exit strategy Zog has planned for him doesn’t include the Vacation packet to Jamaica. Go ahead and spin that wheel again Moamar!

    16. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Zogs shitting its britches now, hoping that if the Libyan production about 2% of Worlds total goes off line or gets blown up, that Iran or Saudi Arabia will make up the diff. Ain’t that just like our ZOG, nobody trust those rattlesnakes, except stoopid white Kwanservative bible thumpers.

    17. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Make sure those nukes have antifreeze in them, since alot of the Kwansoomers, might want to use the nook option on Canada and Russia.

    18. The Red Skull Says:

      The article really does show the brilliance of Dr P. for summing up the situation right now,even though it was written over 10 years ago.Praying-actually might help,but “voting” sure as hell won’t.Its looking more and more like they intend to crash the economy–So they can offer us their jacked-up “solutions” Global Currency,International Criminal Courts,Invasive Searches,NWO Bullshit,and so on and so on.

      I have the urge to copy and spread this article like confetti everywhere on the Whites of America.We have a right to spread our viewpoint.Being a Racially Aware White(R.A.W.) in AmeriKwa today,is like being a Christian in the Early Roman Empire,–in that we are a small,somewhat persecuted and “officially despised” “minority” by the Gov’t/Empire because we hold true to our Contrary beliefs,but also the Gov’t/Empire views us as a “threat” to their “power” because we hold the seed of their demise,and they know it. —Thats why they are so anxious to reduce Whites to a minority status here and in Europe.

      Any Race that VOUNTARILY lets itself be reduced to “minority status” in a country it founded,is on its way to Extinction.–It doesn’t matter what the method for becoming a minority was.

      They are not feeding us to the Lions,but the Jews would like to.The main problems are that much (if not all) of our “leadership” has sold us out and the mainstream media is an active ENEMY,not even impartial.The third component of our dilemma is the individualistic outlook of our People,and that we have been successfully “de-racinated” by over 60 years over Jewish, Multi-Culti,Marxist Propaganda.

      Until conditions change,preferably by catastophe,and force our people into various Group-dependant scenarios,where we re-learn some facts about racial survival,we will continue to undergo the Slow-Motion Genocide of Whites that is taking place NOW.The “engineered” Genocide as Dr.P. observed.Its No Fucking Accident your being REPLACED! ……….White Man(and Woman)!

      14 WORDS!

    19. CW-2 Says:

      Exactly, Red Skull. The traitorous elites have decided that White people, the true aristocrats of the planet, are ‘high maintenance’ and ‘surplus to requirements’. If that weren’t serious enough we are being taxed to finance our own replacement.

    20. CW-2 Says:

      Exactly, Red Skull. The traitorous elites have decided that White people, the true aristocrats of the planet, are ‘high maintenance’ and ‘surplus to requirements’. If that weren’t serious enough we are being taxed to finance our own replacement.

    21. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Don’t have to go very far to verify that Whites are and have been targeted by Hymie and Co. for extinction. Imagine if you will a beautiful coral reef in the South Pacific, we all know that the reef itself although it looks like rock, feels like rock is really the secretions of millions perhaps billions of small mollusks, these is not what you see though. Watch the idiot Rick Steves travelogues on Pbs. it looks like White civilization is doing well and every thing is hunkey dorey, wining and dining. Well ole Ricky boy is about as valid as Lawrence Welk re-runs in depicting reality.. The reef may go on existing for millinium, long after the critters that made it are dead,. And believe me Whites are dying out, simply because of miscegenation and low birth rates

    22. Nom de Guerre Says:

      I get a pretty good idea of White extinction here, just by driving past local schools, most are better than 99 % non-White, Mestizos prevailing

    23. The Red Skull Says:


      Exellent point CW—Not only are we suffering from all of the above persecutions,and not only are we suffering a slow-motion,deliberately engineeered GENOCIDE,but on TOP of THAT–We are actually FINANCING our own destruction through the unfair taxes the FED/ZOG takes!!

      This is the delicious icing on the EXTERMINATION CAKE,that our destroyers have been feeding us.AHHHH,the sheer glee they must feel as they rub their vile,satanic hands together,in anticipation of our(present mental and financial) Slavery and Eventual Demise.—-We must deny them that Pleasure.

      It puts a new spin on the old “let them eat cake” saying.White folks think that cakes delicious,but its killing us with every bite we take.


      Herr Guerre,you must live in an area where the “joys of Diversity” must be in full force.Whats -a -matter?Don’t like living as a Minority in a Country your ancestors built.You’ll notice most “Liberals” are white collar workers,who live in mostly White enclaves,or mixed areas that are Considered “safe”. Its mostly blue collar people who are the “hard-core” race -realists because we have to compete and deal with the muds all the time.Everyday these scum are in our face.Alot of times taking jobs Whites USED to fill at better wages.Their fucking us through Insourcing millions of Turd-World Scum,and Outsourcing the Manufacturing-Base that made the USA Great.This is the Jewish Double-fuck i like to call “Jewnomics”.

      I can tell you one area of the Job market thats expanding faster than they can fill the positions…….and thats jobs with Bi-lingual speakers.They need a lot of folks to help the beaners “assimilate”-


      Great comments People!Raising Awareness and Striking a Blow For The White Man(and Woman)——VNN!!!SIEG HIEL!!!

    24. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Red Skull says:I can tell you one area of the Job market thats expanding faster than they can fill the positions…….and thats jobs with Bi-lingual speakers.They need a lot of folks to help the beaners “assimilate”-

      Noticed 2X today filling out Government forms, one at a Social Security Office for a replacement Card, and one form for the State, the question was asked on the form in a completely seperate block : ” Are you Hispanic or Latino?”

    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      I too have noticed that jerk Rick Steves and his travelogue on PBS. Every place he goes is always sunny and filled with happy tourists and locals. No cases of the runs, no hurricanes, earthquakes or monsoons, no little Gypsy kids picking your pockets, no Arab cut-throats lurking in some alley, no cops or soldiers barking orders at you in a foreign language you don’t understand with a machine gun pointed at your head……………

      I’d like to see ol’ Whitebread Rick visit Harlem, Oakland or Watts on a really hot Friday or Saturday night in the middle of August. Then we’ll see how goddamn cheerful he is.

    26. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The only weepy part of Ricks picks are when he visits a jewish cemetary to pay hommage to the chosen. Rick always pulls the jews line for Democracy too, when he visited an Orthodox Church in Helsinki, which had a state of the Russian Tsar Alexander the Second who was assasinated by jew bolsheviks, he said ” Alexander was popular among the Finns, but the Russians didn’t like him, “They” assassinated him.” With his pussy like smirk.

    27. Nom de Guerre Says:

      I don’t think the locals like Rick, the ugly american, they see beyond the better than thou puritanical smirk, who believes the American way. I prefer the nutty little faggot? Englishman who goes off to faraway places like outer mongolia, eats marmots and drinks it up some fermented mares milk, or the other nut who attempts to dive off the bridge in Mostar, Croatia but chikkens out .

      For some reason Rick doesn’t like the Dutch and they don’t like him, guess because they don’t fawn over Capitalism, and the American way. All n all Ricks probably got to do alot of kosher ass kissin’ to stay on Pbs

    28. Nom de Guerre Says:

      I don’t think Rick will ever do a travelogue of any Amerikwan big Shitty, oh he might visit the set of SESAME STREET.

    29. Tim McGreen Says:

      I do like that other guy on PBS named Michael Wood, the British guy who goes looking for lost temple cities in Mongolia and follows the route that Alexander took to invade Persia, etc. His next assignment should be to go off in search of Barry Soetero’s birth certificate.


    30. Tim McGreen Says:

      Too bad the Jews won’t allow me to provide a link to that photo as I thought it was kind of funny. Well how about this one instead?


    31. Tim McGreen Says:

      Or this one?


    32. CW-2 Says:

      Yes, we need a top notch team of eminent archeologists equiped with the latest geophysical instruments to go in search of Barry’s lost birth certificate. Far be it for us laymen to suggest where they should start their search, but rather than start in the steamy jungles and lost temples of Java perhaps a more fruitful place to look would be the Kenyan national archive in Nairobi. These intrepid investigators would merely have to walk past the sleeping negro guard, manfully brush aside 40 years worth of dust and cobwebs, open a few cabinets, to reveal on yellowed paper the inscription; Barak Obongo, born in Kenya.

    33. The Red Skull Says:

      Thats a great observation CW-2.The Communist Monkey is an ILLEGAL ALIEN!Even the sell-out Congress went out of their way to “Rubber-Stamp” him a “citizen”!Not only the Infamous “birth certificate”,but where is the College dissertation,Harvard financial records,–ie:how does a poor communist half-breed nigger whose mommy is a hard core commie get into the most expensive school in AmeriKwa?Also how did Barry get into Pakistan when there was a travel ban for Americans and WHY was he there to begin with?Several witnesses have stated that he was born in Kenya,even his own Grandmammy.

      Theres less info on this joke of an “alleged” president than the invisible man.Somehow the JewPress has managed to cover up and negate all this by some JewWiz of Oz Lever Pulling for the Kwans.This shows that Our “democracy” we hoot and toot our horn about to the rest of the world is a complete FARCE,or play,purely for the benefit of the Lemmings.


      When you combine the vision and warnings of Dr.Pierce,with George Orwells “1984”,Huxleys “Brave New World”,The Report from Iron Mountain,the UN,The Gulags of the Soviet Jewion,and our own Evil and Corrupt Gov’t and you have a near Complete picture of the Future.