21 July, 2011

Canadian School Board: Only Whites Can Be Racists

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, black behavior, black crime, blacks, Canada, jewed culture, jewed media, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish racism, political correctness, race, race and crime, racial differences, racism accusations, Socrates, Western culture, White inventions, White-culture-as-superior at 4:47 pm | Permanent Link

Up is down, day is night, lies are truths: even though Jews invented racism, even though Blacks commit more ‘hate crimes’ against Whites than vice-versa, White people are humanity’s only racists. (By the way, newbies, the Canadian school board document mentions the “superiority of the white race.” Funny it should mention that, because if Whites aren’t superior, who the hell is?).


  • 12 Responses to “Canadian School Board: Only Whites Can Be Racists”

    1. mrcrouton Says:

      If you live in racially pure nations, there can be no racism. How can you be racist towards someone who you don’t interact with them?

      So let’s end racism by working for a nation of our own. A nation of whites and whites only.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Mrcrouton, there’s nothing wrong with being a racist or with racism. Racism is a normal, natural and necessary evolutionary defense mechanism. Racists are found among all the races. The Jews hate the Arabs (and everyone else), the Japs hate the Chinks, the Chinks hate the gooks, the gooks hate the niggers and the niggers hate the spics. Can’t you see the beauty in all of that?

      I’m a White racist and I’m damn proud of it.

    3. Howdy Doody Says:


    4. Miller Says:

      Saying only Whites can be racist is a tacit admission of our self-evident superiority.

      The White Man’s Burden, as it were.

      Our true superiority as Whites will be in our destroying our enemies while they are led to think that they are destroying us.

      In some ways Hate Crime laws are already having the “unintended effect”
      of putting away more niggers for longer while even encouraging them to think they are a protected class.

      The genius of White Men is to win a race war by triangulating enemies.

    5. R CROSS Says:

      The police in England,class white English caucasians as a “non valid victim group”

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      I hope you gentlemen will take the time to contact the Toronto District School Board and let them know what you think of their anti-White hate propaganda. And to think White Canuck taxpayers are putting up with this kind of shit. Canada is a real douche of a country.

    7. walter Says:

      One of the biggest obstacles is people are terrified of being labeled a racist. People need to realize Jews are paranoid and are going to hate you regardless if your racist or not. History proves this.
      Another is we are comfortable. Joe six-pac and soccor mom live better than the king of England did 500 years ago.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      walter Says:

      22 July, 2011 at 8:13 am

      One of the biggest obstacles is people are terrified of being labeled a racist. People need to realize Jews are paranoid and are going to hate you regardless if your racist or not. History proves this.
      Another is we are comfortable. Joe six-pac and soccor mom live better than the king of England did 500 years ago.

      1 0

      Un quote

      Exactly Walt

      joo’s do hate US no matter what we say or believe, but most of us were brain washed to one level or another at one time, because as you know they control All Media for over a half century completely.

      Per the internet they even put enough pressure on the http://www.ussliberty.org website to get them to post a DISCLAIMER.

      Canadian’s are biggest idiots IMO of all the English speaking nations.


    9. Howdy Doody Says:


      Threatened for the First Time ?????

      Is this satire

    10. Hans Schneider Says:

      when watching the 11:30pm news on Toronto TV all you see is black and brown faces being arrested or sought by police. Thus it is simple to become racist.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Hans, I’m surprised the ultra liberals in Canadian TV Jewsrooms show the marauding anthropoids on screen. How insensitive of them to perpetuate negative stereotypes of the minority community like that! In most US news broadcasts the anchor just says that police are looking for the suspect, or that a suspect is under arrest. No description is given…..Unless the suspect is White, that is. In that case, a huge close-up of the guy’s mug-shot is placed on the screen, complete with his age, address and occupation.

      Another trick the Jewsmedia uses is if a Negro gang-banger or other type of Black criminal is shot dead by the cops, they always put a nice photo of the colored boy on screen, like his Nat Turner HS yearbook picture, dressed in cap and gown with a gold-toothed grin, or a picture of him at the prom with his White girlfriend. You know, to make him look like an innocent victim of White police brutality. Or how about the always popular news story where the Negro defendant is found guilty by an all-White jury? Of course, no White juror could ever render a fair verdict in the trial of a darkie, true?

      Ugh, me think Jews bad medicine, kimosabe.

    12. Robert Cardillo Says:

      Ha-ha!!! Spot on Tim!!! Your insights and sense of humour always make my day.