11 August, 2011

White House Says: Monitor Online Extremism

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism-as-Jewish, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish racism, judaism, Marxism, Orthodox Judaism and halachic law, Socrates at 5:42 pm | Permanent Link

I agree with that idea, because Judaism can be found all over the internet. (So can Judaism’s off-shoots, such as communism). Say “no” to bigotry!


  • 12 Responses to “White House Says: Monitor Online Extremism”

    1. JeeBoo Says:

      Any chance they’ll monitor wilding you’fs use of text messaging? Of course not. Instead they’re busy listing IP addresses of white people who say bad things about blax and jooz.

      How about doing something to stop these chimp out flash mobs?

    2. George Lenz Says:

      A bad democratic idea.

      A free republic is not afraid of what its residents say, and does not monitor speech of its residents.

    3. John Says:

      Judaism = Hatred of White people

    4. morris wise Says:

      London looters were endowed by Mother Nature to be well qualified for their task. They moved at lightning speed and had legs that were powerful enough to kick in the thickest window. Their fists broke the jaws of anyone that stood in the way. They are natural born looters and kings of the urban jungle.

    5. bjt Says:

      Yes morris wise well endowed.
      But a well placed 7.62/54 in there subhuman heads would
      have stoped the whole riot.
      And would have cost less.

    6. Dave Says:

      Of course they’ll monitor and record IP addresses of white people who dare say mean things (the truth) about blax and jooz, (hwoyt speech), yet they’ll do absolutely nothing to stop text messaging kneegrows planning another wilding. Meanwhile the majority of sheep, ignore these double standards.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Dave, White people are just too god damn law-abiding. And The System knows it. The Blacks don’t give a shit what the law is, they do whatever they please. And if they get caught, so what? The Man will have to take care of them in jail. Whites obey all traffic signs, pay their taxes on time, insure their homes, cars and speedboats, vote only for their Party’s candidates in every election, register their firearms and support their local police. It’s fuckin’ sickening. We’ve become victims of our own success, too soft, too tolerant, too civilized and too comfortable for our own good….But I think it’s safe to say the worm is turning.

      Turn, worm, turn, I say!

    8. festerbestertester Says:

      I happened to be in a Wal-Mart one day and came upon a CD about the speeches of Malcolm X. I purchased the CD and listened for a few moments to his speech on Jews. X said in so many words ‘you cannot say anything about them, but they can say anything they want too about you!’ This speech was in the 1960’s.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      There are more than a few Blacks who aren’t total idiots. They know there’s a difference between Jews and Whites, and refer to them as two separate groups, whereas your typical Chinaman doesn’t know the difference.

    10. morris wise Says:

      Growing up with the Jew and Negro has taught me many generalities about them. They are both basically non-violent people, but the Negro due to his innate ability to deliver a jaw breaking blow often uses it when disrespected. But the Jew due to his lack of innate fighting abilities is more reserved. If the opposite was true and the Jew was gifted with the jaw breaker, he would not hesitate to use it when disrespected. The Negro if not gifted with the jaw breaker would be as harmless as a Jewish pussycat.

    11. Robert Cardillo Says:

      What is it with this Morris Wise? You silly cunt. No one wants to listen to you and your insipid ramblings. You sound like you have a case of Kaffir-Penis envy. No matter what these wogs do, all you do is glorify them. No go back to fantasizing about your wog boyfriend, you wanker.

    12. Sgt. Skull Says:

      It’s nice to know that “our” government considers any white person who opposes the hostile left wing takeover of the country as a domestic extremist. Funny how radical spics preaching genocide of the white race and the reconquest of the Southwest USA and niggers attacking whites with impunity is now as American as apple pie. Well, the apple pie has now been replaced with watermelon and burritos in honor of our beloved shit skin population.

      DHS has become a plaything of the kikeocracy and assorted left wing extremists and I don’t expect that to change much even with an israhell toadying Republicunt president.