Libya: Muammar Gaddafi Killed
Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', democracy, democrazy, jewed culture, jewed economics, jewed finance, jewed foreign policy, jewed media, Libya, Socrates, tikkun olam, Western culture, Zionism at 7:15 pm | 
Gaddafi’s death is a loud warning to other Middle Eastern leaders who are reluctant to embrace Zionism or Jewmocracy [1].
[1] “Jewmocracy” = a democracy in which Jews control the media, the money and the politicians, e.g., all of the White countries
20 October, 2011 at 9:00 pm
Can anyone out there shed some light on the killing of Gaddafi. Why now after 42 years in power? Was he another pigeon like Mubarek? Or was he really anti zionist? Who are these Libyan “rebels”? Why are they wearing uniforms and helmets that look like their supplied by the US? Has the zionist machine gotten to the point where they can assassinate anyone including world leaders without anyone raising an eyebrow? If he was responsible for the bombing of pan am 103 then why wasn’t he captured back in 88? What are the odds of a US war with Iran? When will it start? This is really a sad and horrifying world we live in. I am convinced that Israel is blackmailing world leaders to obey it’s orders under the threat of using it’s nuclear arsenal. I realize the majority of american citizens are brainwashed, and their so called “leaders” bought but what about the more sophisticated european cultures? Why is everyone taking sides with the most evil, anti humanitarian and terrorist state of Israel?? If there is a war with Iran…I think the end will not be far off. God help us all. Is there really a God? How could it let this happen to all the innocents out there? I am confused, depressed, sad and angry and more all at once. Let justice come soon. Let the suffering end.
20 October, 2011 at 9:27 pm
Yes the jews have a god, yahweh. Most likely yahweh instructs them to do in gentile leaders so they can suck their cocks or tits . Sounds disgusting right? Well the perfect scam was to perpetrate the jeboo myth on Whites, and the mudslim version, both are jewish creations. So the jews in both cases are venerated as Yahvehs chosen. Every jew whether religious or atheist, xian , mudslim. Under both of these jewish religions the followers(laity) are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, in other jewish rule over the whole world, their heel s\on necks of the goy leaders. From all this prayer directed by the jews they create a powerful tool for destroying goy opposition to their parasitic activities, actually its called the Stockholm syndrome where the victim begins to identify with his captor. The goys having long ago demonized their own believes are completely defenseless to oppose them.
20 October, 2011 at 9:35 pm
Iran will not be attacked, for no other reason than it might hit back with enough fury to turn the lights out all over the world, but then they are just as much under the thumb of the jews, unless they get rid of the mudslim leader the ayatollah, and abolish mudslimism. Iraq not Iran was the first to fall because it had a secular head of government, the jews want to encourage mudslim fanatacism among the masses of the middle east to use as a battering ram against Europe.. One thing you aren’t hearing alot about is Turkeys foray into Iraq after 24 Turkish soldiers were killed by “Kurdish” rebels.
20 October, 2011 at 9:49 pm
I’m saddened by the unfair justice meted out to Colonel Gaddafi, but on the other hand I think he went the way of a hero, instead of being drug in chains like Milosevic to the Hague to rot, or like Sadaam Hussein having to go through a kangaroo trial.
The jeboo cult has about run its course, and it will be dumped, when that happens the tables will turn on the jews.
20 October, 2011 at 11:18 pm
Iran will never be free of Jew/Semitic tyranny until it gets rid of its Mudslum religion and brings back the Aryan religion of Zoroastrianism, god damn it. After all, Iran means Land of the Aryan, although they don’t much look like Aryans.
Nom, I would point out that the J*ws no longer believe in YHWH; He is just another out-of-work Semitic tribal deity, like his former adversary and Yale roomate Ba’al. You see, the J*ws now regard themselves as G*d. Therefore, to criticize the J*ws is tantamount to blaspheming against G*d himself. Or so the Sheenies in their swinish arrogance would have you believe.
20 October, 2011 at 11:22 pm
The Jew press won’t come out and admit it, but Khaddaffi was executed, or should I say MURDERED. No doubt there were some CIA agents standing just off camera when it happened, silently nodding their approval. But that’s nothing new. They did the same thing to Che Guevara.
20 October, 2011 at 11:23 pm
And to Salvador Allende. And to Ngo Din Diem, too.
21 October, 2011 at 12:14 am
Robert Stinnett, Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, on the Power Hour – 1/4
9/11 Truth: Gore Vidal recommends ‘The New Pearl Harbor’
21 October, 2011 at 1:13 am
Vidal states that we are barberious pre Roman in warring against other Nation, and some say itz to secure oil etc. Vidal then states that we could have spent that money on alternative energies etc.
Geo Thermal, closing our border’s, the public common’s unsafe today, with open borders and 95 year old White women in a chair having their diaper check at the Airport. Constant fear and Lie’s Vidal has that much very correct.
Vidal never mentions jooo, nor even hints as much and Vidal Never would mention White survial. The Left mostly IMO hated him though.
Itz the joo’s at our colleges for 50 years of lie’s now, of implanting fear b.s. and White self hate that is one of several reason’s we have arrived here today.
Media has been firmly in the hands of joo’s since FDR arrived, and that is why he arrived with the joo’s contrived 1929 hyjacking of US.
Robert Stinnett, Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, on the Power Hour – 1/4
21 October, 2011 at 1:17 am
They did the same thing to Che Guevara.
1 0
Have you been in a wheel chair for years or is your left wing Marxist campus office getting stuffy tonight ?
21 October, 2011 at 1:44 am
In the name of our holy crusade, america’s military must now take out the president of israel!
Democrazy worldwide!
Vae victis!
21 October, 2011 at 3:06 am
” I would point out that the J*ws no longer believe in YHWH; He is just another out-of-work Semitic tribal deity, like his former adversary and Yale roomate Ba’al. You see, the J*ws now regard themselves as G*d. Therefore, to criticize the J*ws is tantamount to blaspheming against G*d himself”
This is true Tim. The jews regard themselves as real gods on earth, all this other religion shit like christ-insanity pislam etc is just for gentile consumption.
21 October, 2011 at 3:06 am
” I would point out that the J*ws no longer believe in YHWH; He is just another out-of-work Semitic tribal deity, like his former adversary and Yale roomate Ba’al. You see, the J*ws now regard themselves as G*d. Therefore, to criticize the J*ws is tantamount to blaspheming against G*d himself”
This is true Tim. The jews regard themselves as real gods on earth, all this other religion shit like christ-insanity pislam etc is just for gentile consumption.
21 October, 2011 at 4:33 am
With Khaddafi gone,
ZOG will want a nice, obedient puppet regime
AL QAEDA will want their Shariah state
LIBYAN PEOPLE will simply want a normal life
This will all probably turn into a decade-long civil war
to control yet another oil-rich country
21 October, 2011 at 7:54 am
Our African-born, Marxist, Muslim Mulatto bisexual President is obviously trying to curry favor with his Jew masters by having thousands of Libyans killed and overthrowing their stable, lawful government. What’s next? Look for Obongo to order a major airstrike on Iran followed by a ground invasion a week or two before election day 2012. The more innocent Muslim civilians Obongo is responsible for killing the more likely the Jews will permit him to stay in office and enjoy the trappings of power…but only its trappings.
21 October, 2011 at 8:26 am
“MUDSLUM” thanks for adding that word to my vocabulary, Tim.
If I had my wish I’d like to send Bongo to the Congo, along with his flea infested sheboon and 3/4 roons, than organize a group of cannibals to capture them, and under the instructions of some KKK slowly BBQ them and then feast on them. Oh yeah it would be nice to see the Bitch Hillary and bulbous nose Slick get the same treatment. Bet they’d holler nigger then.
21 October, 2011 at 8:32 am
Look for Obongo to order a major airstrike on Iran followed by a ground invasion a week or two before election day .
Wouldn’t be something of miracle if the commanders ordered to carry out the strikes would instead turn their guns on bongo and the whole jew establishment, Some sort of drone aircraft would spot bongo taking a dump a blow him to smithereens.
21 October, 2011 at 10:06 am
In the turner diaries, the decision to allow the Generals to retire to Santa Catalina island without reprisals , seems to me too lenient.
21 October, 2011 at 10:34 am
Doody, Marxism and the Left Wing are mutually exclusive; They are NOT the same thing, contrary to what the brainless Reactionary Right says. You, ahem, wouldn’t be one of those types by any chance, would ya?
21 October, 2011 at 10:43 am
Now That The CIA’s Proxy Army Has Murdered Gadhafi, What Next For Libya?
By Paul Craig Roberts
Created 10/20/11
Off Topic
Now that the CIA’s proxy army has murdered Gadhafi, [1]what next for Libya?
If Washington’s plans succeed, Libya will become another American puppet state. Most of the cities, towns, and infrastructure have been destroyed by air strikes by the air forces of the US and Washington’s NATO puppets. US and European firms will now get juicy contracts, financed by US taxpayers, to rebuild Libya. The new real estate will be carefully allocated to lubricate a new ruling class picked by Washington. This will put Libya firmly under Washington’s thumb.
With Libya conquered, AFRICOM [2]will start on the other African countries where China has energy and mineral investments. Obama has already sent US troops to Central Africa under the guise of defeating the Lord’s Resistance Army, a small insurgency against the ruling dictator-for-life. The Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, welcomed the prospect of yet another war by declaring that sending US troops into Central Africa “furthers US national security interests and foreign policy.” Republican Senator James Inhofe added a gallon of moral verbiage about saving “Ugandan children,” [3] a concern the senator did not have for Libya’s children or Palestine’s, Iraq’s, Afghanistan’s and Pakistan’s.
Washington has revived the Great Power Game and is vying with China. Whereas China brings Africa investment and gifts of infrastructure, Washington sends troops, bombs and military bases. Sooner or later Washington’s aggressiveness toward China and Russia is going to explode in our faces.
Where is the money going to come from to finance Washington’s African Empire? Not from Libya’s oil. Big chunks of that have been promised to the French and British for providing cover for Washington’s latest war of naked aggression. Not from tax revenues from a collapsing US economy where unemployment, if measured correctly, is 23 percent.
With Washington’s annual budget deficit as huge as it is, the money can only come from the printing press.
Washington has already run the printing press enough to raise the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) to 3.9% for the year (as of the end of September), the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers (CPI-W) to 4.4% for the year, and the producer price index (PPI) to 6.9% for the year.
As statistician John Williams ( has shown, the official inflation measures are rigged in order to hold down cost of living adjustments to Social Security recipients, thus saving money for Washington’s wars. When measured correctly, the current rate of inflation in the US is 11.5%.
What interest rate can savers get without taking massive risks on Greek bonds? US banks pay less than one-half of one percent on FDIC insured savings deposits. Short-term US government bond funds pay essentially zero.
Thus, according to official US government statistics American savers are losing between 3.9% and 4.4% of their capital yearly. According to John Williams’ estimate of the real rate of inflation, US savers are losing 11.5% of their accumulated savings.
As retired Americans receive no interest on their savings, they are having to spend down their capital. The ability of even the most prudent retirees to survive the negative rate of interest they are receiving and the erosion by inflation of any pensions that they receive will come to an end once their accumulated assets are exhausted.
Except for Washington’s favored mega-rich, the one percent that has captured all of the income gains of recent years, the rest of America has been assigned to the trash can. Nothing whatsoever has been done for them since the financial crisis hit in December 2007. Bush and Obama, Republican and Democrat, have focused on saving the 1 percent while giving the finger to the 99 percent.
Finally, some Americans, though not enough, have caught on to the flag-waving rah-rah “patriotism” that has consigned them to the trash bin of history. They are not going down without a fight and are in the streets. Occupy Wall Street has spread. What will be the fate of this movement?
Will the snow and ice of cold weather end the protests, or send them into public buildings? How long will the local authorities, subservient to Washington as they are, tolerate the obvious signal that the population lacks any confidence whatsoever in the government?
If the protests last, especially if they grow and don’t decline, the authorities will infiltrate the protestors with police provocateurs who will fire on the police. This will be the excuse to shoot down the protestors and to arrest the survivors as “terrorists” or “domestic extremists” and to send them to the $385 million dollar camps [4]built under US government contract by Cheney’s Halliburton.
The Amerikan Police State will have taken its next step into the Amerikan Concentration Camp State.
Meanwhile, lost in their oblivion, conservatives will continue to bemoan the ruination of the country by homosexual marriage, [5]abortion, and “the liberal media.” Liberal organizations committed to civil liberty, such as the ACLU, will continue to rank a woman’s right to an abortion with defense of the US Constitution. Amnesty International will assist Washington in demonizing its next target for military attack while turning a blind eye to the war crimes of President Obama.
When we consider what Israel has got away with, being as it is under Washington’s bought protection–the war crimes, the murders of children, the eviction in total disregard of international law of Palestinians from their ancestral homes, the bulldozing of their houses and uprooting of their olive groves in order to move in fanatical “settlers,” the murderous invasions of Lebanon and Gaza, the wholesale slaughter of civilians–we can only conclude that Washington, Israel’s enabler, can get away with far more.
In the few opening years of the 21st century, Washington has destroyed the US Constitution, the separation of powers, international law, the accountability of government, and has sacrificed every moral principle to achieving hegemony over the world. This ambitious agenda is being attempted while simultaneously Washington removed all regulation over Wall Street, the home of massive greed, permitting Wall Street’s short-term horizon to wreck the US economy, thus destroying the economic basis for Washington’s assault on the world.
Will the US collapse in economic chaos before it rules the world?
21 October, 2011 at 10:56 am
Gaddafi caught like “rat” in a drain, humiliated and – Reuters
Sydney … By Tim Gaynor and Taha Zargoun SIRTE, Libya (Reuters) – Muammar Gaddafi made his final dash for freedom shortly before dawn prayers. Libya’s leader, a few dozen loyal bodyguards and the head of his now non-existent army Abu Bakr Younis Jabr, …… View related stories »
Journalism today, sophisticated sauve writer’s we are living in a truly dumbed down media writers.
21 October, 2011 at 1:39 pm
How do we know that it was Gadaffi that was killed and not some double. We cannot believe anything the government or the news media tells us as many things have been proven to be lies and fabrications since before Pearl Harbor. Methinks that there are very strong chances that Gadaffi moved weeks ago to some safe place like Saudi Arabia. He was their bum boy for over 40 years and he was useful to blame on all sorts of terrorism from Lockerbie to the Berlin disco bombing. If they go knocking off all their useful dictators there will be fewer volunteers to do Zionist bidding. It must be in the interest of a potential pro Zionist dictator to want to do the job and knowing that he is going to be blown away when his expiry date has come up will lessen his desire to do so. Better to know that he will be rewarded with a nice retirement.
21 October, 2011 at 9:09 pm
22 October, 2011 at 1:41 am
Where is the money going to come from to finance Washington’s African Empire? Not from Libya’s oil. Big chunks of that have been promised to the French and British for providing cover for Washington’s latest war of naked aggression. Not from tax revenues from a collapsing US economy where unemployment, if measured correctly, is 23 percent.
Paul Craig Roberts
He does not mention what is JMO, taht this war is part of knocking off every nation regime the eternal enemy alien’s want knocked off, and rewarding their Chicom buddies’ who they have sold, and given every bit of back stabbed infomation/secret’s to as to continue to pad their nest in China for yet another escape route ?
When the Mongol’s blew their first Atom firecracker, it was not the USSR that gave them that info, you get my drift ?
Let the Red’s cherrie’s come forward.
VNN, a welcom home to enemy aliens/trolls gallore for YT to see them in all their gory gore LOL !
22 October, 2011 at 1:48 am
The Mongols blew their first atomic firecracker in 1964 7 or 8 months after their headache problem ceased with the complete ventilation of their problem having his head ventilated in Dallas on Nov. 22, believe it.
Truman appeased the Chicom’s 1951 and LBJ the lunatic put our men in harms way by lie’s in 1965 in a hot war while he CHANGED our ex Nation for the worse With out the informed consent of the very White men that were sent to lose their lives in Viet Nam JMO.
22 October, 2011 at 1:55 am
Oct. 1964, also likely to have helped elect LBJ too. Thanks to our good buddie’s.
Quote from Utube poster.
strangerindanger 1 month ago 27
Greatest waste of greatest potential of mankind. So many wonderful places to drop one. Mekka, Jerusalem, Vatican, Teheran, Pyongyang, Havana, Bogota, Kabul, Damascus, list goes on. Nukes really could? help making our world a better place.
soberek 4 weeks ago 11
22 October, 2011 at 4:03 pm
Muammar Gaddafi was shipping niggers into Europe, and then trying to extort money from European countries to stop it. He also brought niggers into Libya, and the rebels slaughtered many of them and sent many packing back to sub saharan Africa where they belong.
And hear I’m reading that white nationalists like him?
Seems like many are not informed on the issue.
Gaddafi was a nigger lover that pushed niggers as a political weapon.
So good riddance.
22 October, 2011 at 4:23 pm
Do you really believe Bongo made the decision all on his own, to withdraw the troops from Iraq? Get real. By the way where are all his neo-con advisers that used to cuddle up to him, practicly had them inside his britches, and then Timmy the rat face Geithner haven’t seen much of that pipsqueek kike for ages. You don’t think for moment that israel is going to let its golem off the hook do you, not for jew dork minute! Something suspicious is up.
22 October, 2011 at 6:27 pm
Thanks for the link to that kewl blog, Nom. I enjoyed reading it.
Here’s a possible scenario: Iran, Red China, Russia, North Korea and Pakistan on one side; India, Israel, South Korea and the USA on the other. Big H Bomb war kill million peoples. All die bad. No survivor but Col. McGreen. He call Omega Man and he kill all Jew monsters and mud sharks too with the big machine guns.
22 October, 2011 at 10:02 pm
On the latest edition of kill the best of the gentiles, Muhammar Gaddafi gets ruthlessly cut down by rebels acting as proxies for the hate state of izzy.
Maybe kill the best of the gentiles should become a reality TV show where each week the person who most displeases the sheenies will find himself/herself being subjected to NATO bombing raids and/or being hunted by zio-mercenaries.
About the only things the jews know how to do is kill unarmed women and children then claim they have the toughest, bravest soldiers on the planet. To make the yeshiva boys do any real fighting against real men would be met with shrill cries of anti-semitism.
23 October, 2011 at 9:35 am
Was Gadaffi just another actor in a cast of thousands of bad guys the jews wanna make an example of? How can we know that ANY of this is real. We should believe the sheenies running the TV stations are going to tell us ANYTHING that is true or real? I think not. Gadaffi has likely been retired or simply cast in another role and relocated to another movie set for the next episode of the ever perilous world for the self chosenites of Isntreal.
23 October, 2011 at 10:38 pm
mrcrouton Says:
22 October, 2011 at 4:03 pm
Muammar Gaddafi was shipping niggers into Europe, and then trying to extort money from European countries to stop it. He also brought niggers into Libya, and the rebels slaughtered many of them and sent many packing back to sub saharan Africa where they belong.
And hear I’m reading that white nationalists like him?
Seems like many are not informed on the issue.
Gaddafi was a nigger lover that pushed niggers as a political weapon.
So good riddance.
Correction, you Zionist pig. No WN has said anything about liking Gaddafi. It’s a matter of principle how he was hunted down by NATO Zionist pigs and murdered without a trial. Zionists have no principles, but only revenge. As far as the Lockerbie incident, it is quite clear the Zionists put a hush on any outcome and any proof that Gaddafi or Libya had anything to do with it, and if Libya had anything to do with the incident we would have already known about it by now and with substantial proof, which you Zionist pigs have failed to show.
This could only come to one conclusion — the State of Israel and its criminal jewish bosses were the ones to shoot down the aircraft killing hundreds of innocent people and tried to put the blame on Libya in order to start a war.
24 October, 2011 at 12:26 am
Coup d’Etat Says:
23 October, 2011 at 10:38 pm
Thank you for that post
Six Sub’s built and paid for by Germany with nuke tipped missle’s.
I hope Russia. is able to take care of them and their Mongols pals in Peking who have gotten all that they wanted since 1948.
24 October, 2011 at 12:34 am
Howdy Doody Says:
22 October, 2011 at 1:55 am
Oct. 1964, also likely to have helped elect LBJ too. Thanks to our good buddie’s.
Quote from Utube poster.
strangerindanger 1 month ago 27
Greatest waste of greatest potential of mankind. So many wonderful places to drop one. Mekka, Jerusalem, Vatican, Teheran, Pyongyang, Havana, Bogota, Kabul, Damascus, list goes on. Nukes really could? help making our world a better place.
soberek 4 weeks ago 11
That quote was not by me, and I don’t agree with it.
24 October, 2011 at 6:23 am
Khadaffi was cool. I liked his style. He reminded me of Il Duce.
24 October, 2011 at 6:31 am
Howdy, look! There’s a commie hiding under your bed. Better get him before he runs back to the Kremlin!
24 October, 2011 at 3:28 pm
The colonel rest his soul, apparently wasn’t all that jew wise, making friends with the kike president Sarkosy and the other marrano kike of Italy.
Sounds like the jews still don’t feel secure enough and Iran is next
24 October, 2011 at 3:37 pm
The losers are the ones who those who supported Gaddafi during the conflict:
Russia- Tatneft, Gazprom, GazpromNeft and LUKoil, have been left licking their wounds. And, remains to be seen the role Russia would play in the future.
China had invested billions of dollars in Libya. The gamble backfired and now it’s an agonizing waiting time for them.
Israel – decidedly close to Iran, Libya’s new fundamentalist regime, gives little doubt regarding its views of the Jewish state Oh vey the lil shitty is losing one enemy and gaining two. Get real