7 April, 2012

Heinz Bartesch Writes RIC Anchor About the Case of His Father, Martin Bartesch

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates at 2:18 am | Permanent Link

If the lies about the Holocaust were typed onto strips of paper and laid end-to-end, they would circle the earth 376,000 times – and those are only the lies told by the Jews since “Holocaust mania” began in 1967 [1].


[1] “strangely,” 1967 was the same year that the Jews attacked a U.S. ship (the Liberty) and stole lots of Arab land

  • 14 Responses to “Heinz Bartesch Writes RIC Anchor About the Case of His Father, Martin Bartesch”

    1. torrence Says:

      Excellent letter written by Martin Bartesch’s son. Read it. Real history and truth jumps out from it.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’ve noticed that the “human lampshade” and “human soap bar” props have been quietly withdrawn as Holohoax sacred relics, as if they never existed at all. I’ve also noticed that those props were withdrawn at the exact same time that the USSR collapsed. Like I once told the liberal Jew Alan Colmes the Holocaust is a Soviet-Zionist hoax.

      But the Jews know that most people won’t analyze the facts about the ‘Hoax, they’ll just passively and uncritically accept the Jews’ tale that six million innocents were somehow murdered by Hitler and leave it at that.

      It’s a phenomenon similar to that other Jewish fairy tale, the one about Jesus Christ. There’s no evidence at all that Jesus, the Virgin Mary or Christ’s apostles ever existed, much less that Jesus was some kind of “god”. Yet hundreds of millions of Christians just casually accept the myth, since “everyone else” believes in it too. The Jews know all about human psychology and how to manipulate it to their advantage.

    3. Arkan Says:

      Right, Tim. But you know what else – it’s that they’ll be pushing their holocaust lies on us for a very long time to come because they KNOW THAT IT WORKS, and best on the Germans, Austrians, and most of all the Swiss, moreso–believe it–than the Italians because that’s where the money’s at. It makes me wonder why the Japanese haven’t been hounded yet?!
      But, seriously, I got to thinking recently that blaming the Jews for selling our people on their lies is, sure enough, certainly “something” to get pissed off about but in truth, knowing these things of the Jews is nothing shocking – if you know them well enough.

      I mean, the Jews, it’s who they are and what they do, right?. Accusing Jews of libel, culture destruction and spreading lies is alot like going to the zoo and accusing chimps of eating bananas and scratching their furry monkey asses. If you really think about it, the only problem with the JEW is the opposite side of the equation, it’s us Whites. Our people, are, generally TOO fucking stupid to understand the nature of the beast. We probably deserve everything the Jews have in store for us because we’re a race that’s more apt to sell itself short and out with, generally speaking, not so much as one fuckin’ iota of racio-ancestral social, cultural, or ideological understanding.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well! I was wondering where everybody was for the past few days…I guess they were all enjoying their Vernal Equinox Festival, more commonly referred to as Easter, named after the Persian goddess Ishtar. The Pope knows it’s all jive. There was no resurrection or anything, that’s just a myth which symbolizes the return of Spring.

      Arkan, I think it’s a situation where some Whites are just too dumb to realize what’s going on…..they are members of the Drone/Worker Bee class whose lives consist of Kenney Chesney, Dancing with the Stars and NASCAR. Fine, I guess Nature made them that way for a purpose. We can’t all be Bertrand Russell.

      But I would say that many Whites are indeed aware of what’s going on, they’re just too self-absorbed, indifferent or cowardly to do anything about it. All those decades of Jew mind-control using mass-culture pinko trash like M*A*S*H and Sesame Street have taken their toll.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      ……..they’re just too self-absorbed, indifferent or cowardly to do anything about it. All those decades of Jew mind-control using mass-culture pinko trash like M*A*S*H and Sesame Street have taken their toll.

      I have this peculiar habit of making my sentences rhyme, like a rabbit. I don’t know why I do it, but I sure wish I could get through it. Maybe I should do a better job, instead of writing like a slob?

    6. Antagonistes Says:

      The soap and lampshade tales appeared in the book, “Exodus” by Leon Uris.

      Uris also had the Nazis using the finest-shaped Jewish skulls as paperweights.

    7. Tìm McGreen Says:


      Sri Sriggen Das is a boop-a-doopin buddha bippie,
      A cantalouopin’ cewpid cwippie!

    8. Arkan Says:

      Tim, whatcha smokin?

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      Sri Sriggen Das is a boop-a-doopin buddha bippie,
      A cantalouopin’ cewpid cwippie!

      Arkan, the scoundrel who used my name is not me! That low, cunning villain has perpetrated this outrage before. I assure you, gentlemen, that this blackguard may use my moniker but he does not represent my thoughts. Nor can he, for he is not me.

      Boop-a-doopin buddha bippie indeed. Cur! Insolent whelp! I shall give you a good thrashing, sirrah.

    10. Antagonistes Says:

      Exodus Haiku

      Leon Uris, he
      Urined on us, and
      Exodus is excremus.

    11. Arkan Says:

      Tim, sounds like Mark Potok has got a hard on for you.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      Potok looks like a real grimy Jew. And why is his head so long, narrow and mis-shsapen?


    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Mis-shapen”……Mark Potok has a long, narrow and mis-shapen head. Jews are strange looking creatures, only partially human (at best) in appearance.

    14. Thom McQueen Says:

      Tim and Antag–I like your poens.

      But lay off Sri Sreggin.

      The man has cured me.

      Your baby Jesus could not cure me. Your philosp;y could not cure me. Other White dudes could not cure me.

      Das-dude cured me.